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I. Unit MapDay One (lesson plan provided): Introduction into the Middle Ages! Today is the first day of the unit on Middle Ages. ?We will start with doing a KWL chart as a class on what the students already know about the Middle Ages. ?To introduce this time period they will watch a BrainPop video that summarizes this time period. ?This will give them an overview of what we will be covering the next few weeks. We will review the fall of the Roman Empire and discuss that this is how the Middle Ages began. ?The class will discuss the differences between the two time periods. ?I will explain that tomorrow they will become Medieval citizens. ?Their exit slip will be a letter to themselves that they will receive at the end of the unit. ?In this exit slip they will talk about what they hope to learn from this unit and what they think it will be like to live during this time period. ?We will then seal it off with wax like they would letters during this time period. ?Day Two (lesson plan provided): Life as a Medieval citizen! Today will be completely devoted to culture during this time period. The class will have stations spread all throughout the classroom and will have instructions on what to do. When the students come in to the class we will jump right in! Each station will have a particular activity for the students to participate in within their groups. ?They will do things like: listen to music during this time, see how they wrote and spoke, watch dances that they did, create what they wore, and even see where they lived. ?Each group will spend 7 minutes at each station. ?After everyone has been to each station, we will come back together and do a group discussion and complete an exit slip.Day Three (lesson plan provided): ?CastlesToday we will focus on where all the medieval people lived; in the castles of the kingdom. ?I will revert back to the downfall of the Roman empire and what happened all across Europe. I will ask them why these castles were built. ?How were they protected? Who were they fending off? ?I will show them pictures of castles that were built during this time. ?They will receive a handout of all the parts of a castle listed. ?The activity that they will have for the rest of the class period is creating their own castles. ?Individually, with both the examples and the handout in mind, will create a castle that they think will be very sturdy. ?The students will label any part that they draw, add protection (both geographically and physically), and do a quick write up on why they did what they did. ?I will then ask for any volunteers to show off their work!Day Four (lesson plan provided): Church, the Government, and TechnologyToday we will discuss the powerful Church and its influence, the government, the economy, and technology. ?There will be a prezi with videos and fun links attached that will keep the class involved. ?There will also be guided notes provided for this section. ?I will ask the students what the government is like today in the United States. ?What is the significance of the church in society? Does it rule the country? What technology do you think that they had back then? Could we use it today? Did these ideals push any boundaries from society back then?Day Five (lesson provided): The Great CharlemagneToday we will focus on Charlemagne, his actions, and his legacy. I will start out asking the students what they think it would be like to be a warrior during this time period? What would they do if the Pope asked them to do something for them? Could this be relatable to today? Then we will continue with a prezi all about Charlemagne. ?There will be maps, information, and we will discuss his downfall. ?We will then watch a video about the Vikings, who take over after his downfall. ?Day Six: Feudalism FunToday we will be going over the idea of feudalism and how it took shape during the Middle Ages. ?Together we will define, as a class, feudalism and share out what we know about this term already. ?There will be a quick prezi about the different social classes and they will receive handouts with this different classes as well. In order for the students to grasp what walls each class must have to climb over (or none at all depending), we will play a board game. ?This game will show the students first hand the troubles. ?Their exit slip will discuss how this felt from their point of view. ?Day Seven: The CrusadesToday we will start class and do a quick review of the feudalism lessons that we learned yesterday and what they observed. ?Then we will jump right into the Crusades. We will watch various videos that talk about each crusade, why it started, where it happened, etc. ?Before we start the video, I will ask the students to fill out a graphic organizer about the two sides fighting the Crusades. ?They will need to write down what each side thinks and why they think that. ?After the videos, they will be assigned one of the two sides. ?I will announce that tomorrow there will be a mock trial between the two, legitimizing their ideals. ?For the remainder of the class period, they will get together on their sides and discuss the notes they took during the videos. ?For homework they will think further on good points to say during the debate. They also can research at home more points if necessary ?There will be a rubric handed out. ?Day Eight: The Crusaders CourtToday will be the day of the debate. ?The students will have a few minutes in the beginning of class to get together one last time and get their ideas together and make sure everyone has a talking point. ?For the rest of the class, the debate will go on. At the end, the homework will be a summary of the other team’s talking points. ?Day Nine: The Black Death Comes to ApexToday will be the discussion on the black death plague epidemic. ?I will ask students what they think an epidemic is. ?What other epidemics have occurred? What would it be like if all of a sudden everyone on your street started to get sick and die? Would you leave your home or try and figure out what was causing it? ?They will then watch a quick BrainPop video that illustrates not only what happened during this plague but also how it traveled geographically. ?We will then play a game that will make the statistics of the sick realistic and will show how the disease affected people geographically. ?Instructions will be explained before the start. ?Homework will be for each student to come up with two really important questions that they think should be on the test if they were in my position. ?This will force them to think about the important things that we have covered in this section. ?Day Ten: ReviewToday will be the review day before their test tomorrow. ?I will start out class by collecting each students’ two questions and begin to read them out loud. ?As a class, we will answer and discuss each question. ?I will recommend that the students take notes during this discussion-one of their peer’s question could appear on the test. ?We will then do a review that I have created on . ?I will read the question out loud and will call on any student to raise their hand, come up to the computer, and try and answer the question. ?Day Eleven: Middle Ages TestToday will be the day of the test. ?Each student will come in the class quietly and sit down. I will ask if anyone has any final questions and then will distribute the test. ?For the 14 students with the IEPs especially designed for test taking, accommodations will be previously made as usual. Homework will be to bring a composition notebook to class tomorrow. ?Day Twelve: Introduction into the RenaissanceToday we will begin our studies on the Renaissance. ?I will explain to the students that they notebook that they brought for class today will be something that they will keep up with all of this unit. In this journal they will put definitions, any notes, reflections, and can glue pictures of artwork or technology that is handed out that is of any interest to them. ?This will be turned in the day of their test for a participation grade and to show a portfolio of their interests during this section. ?We will then move on to defining the word Renaissance and discuss the idea of the “Renaissance Man”. ?I will ask the class if they can think of anyone today that could be a current day Renaissance Man and to explain why. I will show them maps, primary sources, and examples of Renaissance men known from this time period. ?We will have a gallery walk around the classroom of well-known artwork and technology from this time period. ?The students will pick their favorite one and for homework will do a little research on it and bring their findings to class tomorrow. ?Encourage them to use primary resources if possible. ?Day Thirteen: Life during the RenaissanceToday we will review what the students did for homework and talk about life during the Renaissance. ?The students will come up and present for thirty seconds what piece they chose yesterday, why, and two things that they found in their research. ?We will then move on to discuss what it was like to live during this time. ?We will go over the government, the economy, religion, and social structure that is happening during this time. With all of these new ideas in mind, the students will get into pairs. ?In these pairs, one person will demonstrate the Middle Ages and the other person the Renaissance. ?They will act out a short play that illustrates their time period. They should make sure to clearly show the differences between the time periods or any similarities that they could think of. ?They will get 15 minutes to plan in their pairs and for the rest of class we will present these mini plays. ?Each group must illustrate prior knowledge and this will count as a participation grade. ?I will also remind the students to keep up with their journals and to keep adding to them. ?Day Fourteen: Famous PeopleToday we will discuss the many artists, writers, scientists, etc who became famous during this time period. Between pictures, videos, and a small presentation we will go over what they were famous for, their significance, and their legacy (if any). ?I will reference primary sources. I will ask if any of these people can be compared to someone in today’s culture. ???When it is time to leave, I will ask the students to do a free write (in their journal) on this idea of fame. ?What would they want to be famous for? Would they want a long lasting legacy? What would it take for them to achieve this goal? Would their be any hardships or walls they must overcome? ?Day Fifteen: TechnologyToday we will discuss the technology that has evolved up to this point and go over their small project. I will ask the students what technology they see as necessary today. Why is this so necessary for you? What would it be like if you didn’t have it? ?We will look at pictures and documents that cover the technology that was present during this time period. ?They will then get their big break as a consumer journalist. I will show the students an example of a consumer report on a piece of technology that I think is very necessary in my life. They will then pick one piece of technology that we discussed today and in their journals ?write a consumer report for that item. ?This will be graded for creativity and content when they turn their journals in. ?Before they leave for class, I will hand them out an instruction sheet on their small project due on the day of the test. ?They have already started the project yet and they didn’t even know it! The piece of work that they found the two interesting facts for is their subject. ?They will need to research it further (preferably using primary sources) and create an online poster (Glogster) about this piece. ?For the students that I know don’t have access to a computer can have a different assignment-that is something that they can discuss with me at a different time. ?They will have the whole next day of class to work on this project in the computer lab. Day Sixteen: Computer LabToday we will be in the computer lab all day working on the researching and creating of the online posters. ?I will circulate the classroom and answer any questions. Homework for tonight will just be to study for the test in two days, bring in any questions they might have tomorrow, and to be working on their journals. I will remind them that their Glogsters and journals are due to me the day of the test as well. ?If anyone has any concerns about not getting it turned in on time can talk to me. ?Day Seventeen: Review and JeopardyToday I will answer any questions that the students might have. ?Then we will spend the rest of the class playing Jeopardy.Day Eighteen: Test DayToday is the day of the Renaissance test, journals due, and the Glogsters sent to my e-mail.ACTUAL LESSON PLANSDay One lesson plan:Introduction to the Middle AgesContext: This lesson will give a broad summary and introduction into the Middle Ages. ?Through videos, KWL charts, and group discussion they will start to experience not only what it was like during the Middle Ages but also some characteristics of the time period. ?Plan Number: 1 out of 18Objectives:SWBAT:Cognitive: 1. Understand all aspects of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance?????????????1.1. Analyze the Medieval music playing???????????????1.2. Generate a good idea of what the Middle Ages was like from the ???BrainPop videoAffective: ?5. Demonstrate previous knowledge from other units in the class?????????????5.1. Responding to questions about the Decline of the Roman Empire6.H.1 - Use historical thinking to understand the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions over time.Materials:computerprojectordocument cameraKWL ChartBrainPop video, “Middle Ages”paperpencils/paperaged paperwax to sealstringMedieval music on YouTubeTime: 50 minutesProcedures:1. Have the Medieval music playing in the classroom as the children walk in. ?Have a note on the board explaining to the students that they should sit down, quietly listen to the music, and write down the homework so we can stamp agendas quickly (2 minutes).2. Once attendance is taken and agendas are stamped we will start a classroom discussion. ?I will start off the discussion asking the students if they have ever had times where there were difficulties or walls that challenged them that they had to overcome? What were they? How did they handle it? Why was it such a challenge. ?I will then explain that the theme of this unit is walls and overcoming obstacles ( 5 minutes). 3. I will ask the students what they thought about the music. ?What did it remind them of? What do you they think that kind of music was used for? Any special occasions? I will then ask them to pull out their journals and copy the KWL chart down. ?I will explain that this is a chart that we will continue to add to throughout the unit (5 minutes) 4. We will have a quick classroom discussion on what the students know about the Middle Ages right now. ?We will also talk about what they are curious about or what they would like to find out (8 minutes). ?5. I will play the “Middle Ages” BrainPop video that will summarize the entire unit and give the students some more background on the subject. ?I will ask them just to jot a few notes down in the “L” section of the chart (6 minutes). ?6. After the video is complete, I will ask the students what were some of the most interesting things that they heard during the video. ?We will add these both to the class KWL chart up front and also the ones in their journals (5 minutes). ??7. I will ask the students to recall what they remember about the Roman Empire. ?What caused the downfall? Now with some knowledge of the Middle Ages and their previous knowledge on the Roman empire, how did life change for the people during this time period. ?I will lead them to the idea that kingdoms were formed, just like mentioned in the video (5 minutes). ?8. ?As an exit slip, I will have the students write a letter to themselves on aged paper. ?They will turn these exit slips into me and they will be returned back to them the day before the test so they can see how far they’ve come throughout the unit. ?In this letter, They will answer two questions: What do they hope to learn in this unit? What do they think that it would be like to live during this time period? (4 minutes)9. When they are done with their exit slip, they will bring it up to me and we will roll it up into a scroll, tie a piece of string around it, and seal it with the wax; the way that letters were written back in the Middle Ages (5 minutes). ?10. Students will be dismissed. ?Only homework will be to bring their creativity for tomorrow-they will be citizens of the Middle Ages tomorrow!!! (0 minutes). ?Evaluation: The students will be evaluated on their KWL charts later on in the unit and the exit slip will count as participation points. ?Their participation in class discussion will also be noted. ?Accommodations: Because this is not a test, none of my students with IEPs will have a problem with this lesson plan. Appendix of Materials Needed:YouTube video of Medieval music link: “Middle Ages” video: chart:KWL ChartKWhat do I know?WWhat do I want to find out?LWhat did I learn?Day Two lesson plan: A Day in the Life of Medieval TimesContext: Now that the students have somewhat of a background on the time period that is the Middle Ages, they will have first hand experience of understanding what life was like back then. They will be enriched with many different social and cultural aspects of this time period in their different stations. ?Through these activities they will learn what life was like inside the walls of the kingdoms throughout the Medieval Ages. ?Plan Number: 2 out of 18Objectives:SWBAT:Cognitive: 1. Understand all aspects of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance1.1 Recognize each social class that was present during this time periodAffective: 4. Express creatively with class assignments4.1. Speak in the language that was spoken4.2. Listening to songs from this time period4.3. Construct clothes worn during this time periodPerformance: 9. Present and perform material orally6.H.2 - Understand the political, economic and/or social significance of historical events, issues, individuals and cultural groups.Materials:worksheets for each stationpencils/pensconstruction papermarkers1 laptop with music link pulled up1 laptop with dance link pulled uppaperTime: 50 minutesProcedures: 1. Have directions at each station on what they are to do before the students come in. ?2. When the students come in, go over the vocabulary of the week, stamp the homework diaries, and do anymore maintenance work that needs to be done (5 min). ?3. Explain to the class that at each section there are directions to understand what life would be like during the Middle Ages (5 min). 4. Start the rotation at each station. ?Each station has 7 minutes. ?After 7 minutes, they change stations and complete the activity (35 min). 5. After all the stations have been completed, come together and talk out about all the fun things they have learned about life during this time period (5 min). 6. Have them do an exit slip about three things that they learned in class that day (2 min). Evaluation:Accommodations: Because this is not a test, none of my students with IEPs will have a problem with this lesson plan. Reflection:Appendix of Materials Needed:Out of The Middle Ages-Independent Learning Unit- Lorraine ConwayStation 1: Language/Writing: page 1- “What Saye Ye?Station 2: Manor Living: page 10-11- “Mind Your Manors”Station 3: Clothing: page 22-23- “How to Make a Hennin”page 30-31- “A Crusader’s Helmet” Station 4: Songs: Youtube video of Medieval songs- , Station 5: Dance: Youtube video of Medieval dance- , Three lesson plan:The Physical Walls of the CastlesContext: The students will learn not only about castles that were created during this time period but also what their purposes were, how they were protected, and specific characteristics. ?They will get to be creative and design their own castle to apply their knowledge. ?Plan Number: 3 of 18Objectives:SWBAT:Cognitive: 1. Understand all aspects of life during the Middle Ages and RenaissanceAffective: 4. Express creatively with class assignments4.1. Demonstrate your understanding of the protection and characteristics of castles during the Middle AgesPerforming: 7. Participate in all classroom activitiesCCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.6.G.1 - Understand geographic factors that influenced the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas) over time.6.G.2 - Apply the tools of a geographer to understand the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations, societies and regions.6.C.1 - Explain how the behaviors and practices of individuals and groups influenced societies, civilizations and regions.Materials:computerdocument cameraprojectorparts of a castle handoutpictures of famous castles from this time period in Europemarkerspaperpencils/pens Time: 50 minutesProcedures:The students will come in and a note on the board will read: quietly sit down, write down your homework, have your agendas ready to be stamped, and pull out your journals. ?Each table will have markers and paper in the middle. Pictures of castles will be spread out throughout the room. Do a quick warm up: what do we know about the castles/kingdoms so far? Meanwhile, I will pass out the handout with all the castle parts (5 minutes). I will start up a group discussion. ?What do you think caused the people during this time to build the castles? ?What were certain things they used to protect their castles? (5 minutes). I will show pictures of castles that were built during this time period. I will lecture on these points that we went over in their discussion. They will take notes in their journals. ?I will point out parts of protection on the castle in the pictures. ?They can participate and explain why this would be smart to have (7 minutes).We will then look at the handout on the castle parts. ?We will identify each on as a class and discuss the importance. ?We will reference the pictures previously shown and see if they can identify any parts of the castle that we just went over (5 minutes). ???Then we will transition to the activity. ?Each student will be able to design their own castle!! They can use the markers, the handout, and can reference the pictures around the room to design it. ?Each castle should include at least 6 of the parts that are on the handout and different ways (geographical and physical) that protects their castle. I will show one that I did as a reference for them. They must also write up 1 paragraph describing what way of protection and why. ?They will have the rest of the class period to work on it (25 minutes). ?Before I dismiss the class, I will tell them that whatever they don’t finish is for homework. ?We will spend the first five minutes of tomorrow’s class presenting their pictures, for whoever would like to (2 minutes). ?Evaluation: The students will be evaluated on their drawings. They will be graded on the mandatory 6 pieces, showing both geographical and physical forms of protection, and their write up. This will be part of their daily work grade. ?Accommodations: Because this is not a test, none of my students with IEPs will have a problem with this lesson plan. Reflection:Appendix of Materials:pictures of castles to show the classroom: castle 1: 2: 3: of a castle handout- pg 43 in The Middle Ages Day Four lesson plan:Church, the Government, and TechnologyContext: Today we will be more structurally focused on other side of the social and cultural aspect of the Middle Ages; we will cover the Church, the government, economy, and technology during this time. ?The students will also have the chance to compare all these sections to today in the United States or other countries we have studied so far this year. ?They will be able to see the figurative walls that were formed by the church and government. ?Plan Number: Day 4 of 18Objectives:SWBAT:Cognitive: 1. Understand all aspects of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance1.1 Interpret what the church, government, economy, technology, etc was in the Middle Ages??????? ??????2. Develop critical thinking skillsAffective: 6. Relate issues during both time periods to both the past and the present6.1. Responding to questions about the Middle Ages to how it relates to your present life ?Performance: 9. ?Present and perform material orally?????9.1. Demonstrating how you constructed your castle from yesterday6.H.2 - Understand the political, economic and/or social significance of historical events, issues, individuals and cultural groups.6.C.1 - Explain how the behaviors and practices of individuals and groups influenced societies, civilizations and regions.Materials:computerprojectordocument cameraPrezi presentationpens/pencils paperTime: 50 minutesProcedures:When the students come into the classroom there will be a note on the board that reads: when you come in, sit down, write down your homework, pass up your agendas, pull out your castles you finished for homework last night, and do the warm up: chose one: church, government, economy, politics, or technology and write about its impact in your life right now (6 min). ?I will then ask for 5 volunteers to come up to the document camera and show us their castles that they finished for homework last night. ?They will explain the protection and will point out two parts of the castle that they labeled (12 min). ?I will then start the Prezi. While I am talking the students should write down one important thing from each topic I cover into their journals (12 min). The class will have a discussion about what they wrote in their free write. ?Then will will ask questions like: What does the government look like today in the US? What about the church’s role? How do both of these differ from that of the Middle Ages? What do you think it would be like if things were still the same way? What about technology? What is a current day version of the technology mentioned in the Prezi? ?Did any of the ideals in the Middle Ages push boundaries from society back then (from previous rule)? Are there any ideals now that push the boundaries in society today? I will indicate to the class that this idea is something huge that we will talk about at the end of this unit and the next unit (15 min). When it is about time to leave class I will give an exit slip: write down three things that you learned today. Dismiss class (5 min). Evaluation: Because this is a very lecture heavy class the only evaluation that will be done will be the exit slip and the participation that is given throughout the classroom discussion. ?The exit slip will help me to see how much they got out of that much lecture and what I might need to go over again quickly tomorrow. ?Also, their notes they take during the Prezi will be looked at when they turn their journals in at the end of the unit. ?Accommodations: Because this is not a test, none of my students with IEPs will have a problem with this lesson plan. Reflection:Appendix of materials:Prezi link: ................

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