For Immediate Release


Named ASID Distinguished Speaker for Second Consecutive year, and best of Houzz 2016 Photographer Dennis Anderson shows how light is the magic ingredient, how to make it and how to use it on a photo shoot.

San Rafael, Calif., May 11, 2009 — Photographer, publisher, and lecturer Dennis Anderson for the second consecutive year has been named a Distinguished Speaker for the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Anderson promotes ASMP standards to design professionals in his seminars about architectural photography. Using handouts he provides at his own expense, Anderson encourages attendees to follow ASMP guidelines for working with professional photographers.

“I think this is critical information to get out to the design community,” says Anderson, “And as far as I know, nobody else is doing this. It’s a great way to give something back to my industry.”

Named one of the 10 great hospitality photographers by Hospitality Design Magazine, the charming and erudite Anderson decodes for the mystifying world of professional photography for design professionals. In his seminar accredited by ASID, attendees learn about the power of lighting and point of view to enhance their portfolios, as well as practical advice about usage fees and hiring photographers. Anderson’s personable lecture style, valuable lighting demonstration, and exciting slides of architectural and interior photography from around the world make these lectures not only informative but also memorable events.

The seminars grew out of Anderson’s earlier lectures that he presented to civic groups and social clubs to promote his latest book, Hidden Treasures of San Francisco Bay. People not only liked his slide shows, but also complimented the veteran photographer on his warm baritone voice and presentation skills. “When I realized that many of my clients didn’t understand the broad range of subtle choices they had for their portfolio images, I decided to use my experience as a lecturer to teach people the language of photography so that they could get the kind of pictures they wanted when they hired a photographer,” said Anderson.

Although ASID Distinguished Speakers are selected through a rigorous screening process, it was the individual accolades from ASID members that brought Anderson to the attention of the selection committee: “This was the best CEU course I’ve ever been to,” said Jeannie Wix, former president of the California Central and Nevada ASID Chapter. According to Beth Kuzbek, Business Development Manager of Eldercare Interiors in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the seminar’s information was instrumental in getting real-world results: “We believe the ideas that Dennis Anderson shared with our marketing and interior design team and his excellent photography lead the way for us to win four ASID Design Awards in 2006.”

About Dennis Anderson

Traveling professionally all over the world shooting feature assignments for resorts, restaurants, and designers, Anderson is an internationally known commercial and residential photographer. A protégé of legendary photographer Imogene Cunningham, he began his career as a fine art photographer, and his work is in the permanent collections of the New York and San Francisco Museums of Modern Art.

Anderson was featured on the popular television program Bay Area Backroads on KRON Channel 4 and has been the principal photographer for most of ASID lecturer Randall Whitehead's books about lighting design. Anderson's photos have appeared in numerous books and magazines, including Architectural Digest, Rolling Stone, Professional Lighting, Hospitality Design, Vogue Living, Resorts and Great Hotels, Interiors, Designers West, and California Home & Design. His associations through his camera with the rich and famous include Mary Martin, Grace Slick, Wolfgang Puck, Michael Tilson Thomas, Pat Kuleto, Chip Conley, Steven Wynn, and the Lamborghini Family.

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Media contact: Dennis Anderson, (415) 971- 0722

E-mail: Dennis@


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