Classic City Classic: Round 6

Classic City Classic: Round 6

1) On the left side of this paining, a milkmaid is depicted just beneath an eye, and a crucifix can be seen in the bottom right-hand corner. At the top of this painting, several different colored buildings stand in a row, one of which is an orthodox church and two of which are upside down. Also upside down is a violinist next to a black-shirted man with a scythe and a sprig is clutched in a hand in the bottom center. This 1911 oil on canvas is supposedly a collage of dreamlike images from the artist’s native Belarus. FTP, a green-faced man stares at a goat in what painting by Mark Chagall?

Answer: I and the Village

2) In the later part of this cycle, one of its products is oxidized into fumurate and also reduces FAD to FADH2. Malate is formed when water is added to the fumurate thereby activating the fumerase enzyme. Its starting materials are synthesized when a three carbon compound from a previous pathway undergoes a dehydrogenase reaction, producing acetyl-CoA. Occurring in the matrix of the mitochondria, FTP name this metabolic pathway in cellular respiration that can follow glycolysis.

Answer: citric-acid cycle or Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle or Szent-Györgyi-Krebs cycle

3) He served under Rutherford Hayes in the Civil War, and that man helped him become governor of Ohio in1892. Signer of the Dingley tariff, he won the presidential election with his “front porch” campaign and contributions from Mark Hanna. During his presidency he handled the US annexation of Hawaii. His first Vice President Garrett Hobart died of heart failure, but his second lived to become president after his assassination by Leon Czolgosz. For ten points, identify this president during the Spanish-American War.

Answer: William McKinley jr

4) One limitation to this equation is that it is assumed that the concentration of the components will remain at their formal charges thereby neglecting the dissociation and hydrolysis of acids and bases. This equation was originally invented in 1908 by one person to describe the use of carbonic acid as a solution and then by a second person, who used it to study acidosis of the blood. This equation states that states that pH is equal to the pKa plus the logarithm of the quotient of conjugate base concentration to acid concentration. FTP name this equation used to find the equilibrium pH in the acid/base reactions and used to estimate the pH of a buffer solution.

Answer: Henderson-Hasselba(l)ch equation.

5) The key figure in this event came into his position after the replacement of William Cotes Keeter. Aaron Perry served as chief counsel of a federal investigation concerning it following a leak of letters from Henry McComby. In it James Brooks, James Patterson, and even James Garfield were all implicated in buying stock at face value from George Train, whose efforts were mainly supported by Oakes Ames. FTP, what scandal involving the Union Pacific Railroad caused the resignation of Shuyler Colfax and discredited the Grant Administration?

Answer: Credit Mobilier

6) In one of this author’s novels, Aryeh is skeptical while Rivkeh welcomes the title character’s unusually precocious talent in drawing. That character, who is later called “A Little Chagall,” decides to paint Brooklyn Crucifixions I and II, despite his Jewish upbringing. The Kabala inspired this author’s The Book of Lights. His most famous work contrasts Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders, and their religion, Orthodox Judaism and Hasidic Judaism. FTP, name this American author of My Name is Asher Lev and The Chosen.

Answer: Chaim Potok

7) One dialogue by this statesman features himself debating with his friends Titus and Quintus over the nature of the titular entities, and another attempts to avoid political controversy by using the figure Scipio Africanus as advocate for the titular form of government. The author of the dialogues On Laws, On the Nature of the Gods, and On the Republic, an ex-post facto law known as the Leges Clodiae condemned him to exile for his role in denouncing and executing members of the Catiline conspiracy without a trial, though it was his rivalry with Mark Antony that led to his death. FTP, who is this Roman Orator?

Answer: Cicero

8) The superfluidity of helium-4 and the properties of masers and lasers are consequences of statistics of these particles. Although most of them are composite particles, elementary forms of them exist as well, such as photons, Z and W particles, and gluons. Together with fermions they constitute all of the composite and elementary particles that are known, but unlike fermions they have an integer spin. The Large Hadron Collider in Cern was built to test for the existence of their Higgs variety. FTP, name these force-carrying particles which were named after Satyendra Nath Bose.

Answer: boson(s)

9) This work ends with Sima Yan establishing the Jin Dynasty. The work features the great military commanders Cao Cao (Sao Sao), Sun Jian (Soon Yan), and Liu Bei (Lew Bay), and one scene in this work shows three brothers making a sacred oath in a peach garden to protect the Han Dyansty from the Rebellion of the Yellow Turbans. One of the four Chinese Classics, for ten points, name this novel by Luo Guanzhong that recounts the struggle between the Chinese kingdoms of Wei (Whey), Wu (Woo), and Shu (Shoe).

Answer: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

10) With a marriage to Kumardevi of Lichchhavi, this empire’s founder was able to quickly conquer Maghada and Prayaga, and his son Samudra conquered even more land by attacking the Malwas. A second leader with the same name as the founder defeated Satrap Rudrasimha III to take Gujurat. Another leader, Kumara, fended off an invasion of the Pushyamitras, but this empire eventually fell to the King Oprah of the White Huns. FTP, what Indian ‘theater-state’ empire lasting from c.300-550 CE was founded by Chandra?

Answer: Gupta Empire

11) One of this show's main characters found love on the internet with a robot named Malcom, and another character began his quest to find a girlfriend, first with a teacher who was a preying mantis, and later with a girl who was an Incan mummy. The series ended with the defeat of Nathan Fillon as evil priest Caleb, and the destruction of the Hellmouth. It featured characters such as the Ripper, Dawn, Tara, Xander, and Willow, and a two very memorable vampires, Angel and Spike. FTP, name this WB/UPN teen drama about an ordinary blond girl played by Sarah Michelle Geller, who has the extraordinary burden of being the Chosen One in the fight against evil.

Answer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (prompt on buffy)

12) This figure prophesized to the king that Israel would not be filled with rain for a few years until he says the word. A Tishbite, he fled east of the Jordan River after he gave his prophecy. A woman he met at Zarephath provided him with food during his escape and when her son died, he raised the boy back to life. Another notable prophecy of his features dogs eating the flesh of Jezebel, and he himself fed from ravens. At Kishon Valley he ordered the rain to come back after commanding the death of all the prophets of Baal. FTP, name this Old Testament prophet who never died but ascended to heaven on a chariot of fire.

Answer: Elijah

13) First developed in 1908, the important part of this device is a metal tube filled primarily with an inert gas that conducts small surges of electricity when a certain type of particle is present. There must be a large electric potential difference between the wire and the outside of the tube so that a burst of current is created when some gas is ionized. One end of the tube is often covered with mica, which allows the particles being searched for to enter. FTP name these devices that are often used signify the presence of radiation.

Answer: Geiger counter (or Geiger-Muller Tube)

14) In one of his poems he speaker declares “My rags of heart can like, wish, and adore, / But after one such love, can love no more” in one poem, and he cited many Biblical examples in his defense of self-homicide. The creator of Biathanatos and “The Broken Heart,” his anniversary poems were written upon the death of the daughter of his patron Sir Robert Drury, and were titled An Anatomy of the World and Of the Progress of the Soul. The title figure in one of his most famous poems represents “marriage bed and marriage temple,” because it is where the blood of the speaker and his lover has mingled. FTP, name the Metaphysical poet of “The Flea,” "A Valediction forbidding Mourning," and "Death Be Not Proud."

Answer: John Donne

15) This organization's founder led it for 38 years with the exception of one interruption by John McBride, and that founder authored Labor in Europe and America. Surprisingly, it often led conservatism in the United States, as it advocated suppression of black workers and it supported the Chinese Exclusion Act. It often clashed with the more radical IWW over issues of capitalism versus Socialism and had for the most part only represented skilled labor until 1955 when George Meaney oversaw its merger with the CIO. For ten points, identify this labor union founded and first led by Samuel Gompers.

Answer: American Federation of Labor

16) The epigraph of this work comes from “The Broken Tower” by Hart Crane. After one character erupts in rage and throws out the radio from the window, some characters seek refuge with their neighbor upstairs, Eunice. The protagonist of this play yells “Fire!” after one of her friends tries to sleep wit her despite calling her unfit to live with his mother. She earlier lost her home Belle Reve after driving her husband to suicide by accusing him of homosexuality, and thus moved from Mississippi to New Orleans. For 10 points, Stanley Kowalski rapes Blanche DuBois in what play by Tennessee Williams?

Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire

17) This work’s sequel, Lélio, uses a narrator to explain the events depicted by the program music, and opens and closes with the idée fixe from its better known prequel. Subtitled An Episode in the Life of an Artist, its sections include "A Ball" and "Scene in the Country." Its plot features a young artist falling deeply in love, a situation mirrored by the composer's own unrequited love for actress Harriet Smithson. Also containing the "Dream of the Witches Sabbath," and “March to the Scaffold” movements, FTP, identify this work by Hector Berlioz. 

Answer: Symphonie Fantastique (accept An Episode in the Life of an Artist before mention)

18) His love shares her name with the mother of Danae, and the story of his love for her is sometimes compared to the Mayan story of Ix Chel and Itzamna. This teacher of Musaeus went to Mount Pangaion in Thrace to worship Dionysus, and while there he was torn apart by Maenads. This came after he had rejected all gods in despair for having lost his love, who had first died by a snakebite, but whose fate was sealed when he turned around to look at her on their way out of Hades. FTP, identify this Greek musician who drowned out the sound of the Sirens with his lyre.

Answer: Orpheus

19) At one point in this novel, the narrator talks about his dream of “the Shrouded Traveler,” whom he believes is a symbol of death. In the work, after the protagonist severs his relationship with Remi Boncoeur, he leaves San Francisco and works on a cotton farm with his Mexican girlfriend Terry. The author’s acquaintances Neal Cassady, William Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg inspired some characters in this novel, such as Old Bull Lee and Carlo Marx. FTP, Dean Moriarty and Sal Paradise travel across the country in what Beat generation work by Jack Kerouac?

Answer: On the Road

20) One of their greatest victories came at the Battle of Monsigard while led by Odo of St. Amand. Other leaders include Bernard de Tremelay and Gérard de Ridefort, though the most famous is their founder Hugues de Payens. Their last significant headquarters fell after the siege of Arwad, where they had moved from Acre. Phillip the fair and Clement V orchestrated the Pastoralis Praeminentiae, which ordered the seizing of their assets, though they had already been in decline since the disastrous Battle of Hattin. FTP, what is this crusading order associated with The Da Vinci Code?

Answer: Knights Templar (or the Order of the Temple of Solomon, or the Templiers, or Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon)

Tiebreaker: This state's highest point is located on a volcanic plateau in its northwestern corner while the peaks of the Witchita Mountains are the highest by prominence and the Kiamichi Mountains are an extension of the neighboring Ouachitas. One city in this state is dominated by Mount Holmes and experienced severe racial riots in 1921 in the aftermath of an oil boom. Major rivers in this state include the Cimarron, Canadian, and Arkansas and this state also includes the city of Talehquah, which serves as capital of the Cherokee nation. FTP, identify this state with a namesake capital, known as the Sooner State.

ANSWER: Oklahoma


1) It was the first play on Broadway to be written by a black woman. FTPE:

A) Name this work centering on the exploits of Walter Lee, Travis and the rest of the Younger family, who hope to escape to the Chicago suburbs.

Answer: A Raisin in the Sun

B) This American playwright of The Sign in Sydney Brustein’s Window wrote A Raisin in the Sun.

Answer: Lorraine Hansberry

C) This character in A Raisin in the Sun dreams of becoming a doctor and is courted by George Murchison and Joseph Asagai.

Answer: Beneatha Younger (accept "Bennie")

2) In response to the beautiful creations Gugnir and Skidbladnir by the sons of Ivaldi, the dwarves Brokkr and Sintri set out to make gifts of greater worth. Identify the following about their creations, FTPE

A) Though he had been stung by a gadfly when constructing it, Brokkr succeeded in creating this mighty hammer of Thor’s that returns to its owner when thrown.

Answer: Mjolnir

B) Odin received this creation, a precious ring of infinite wealth that would produce eight copies of itself every ninth morning.

Answer: Draupnir

C) Sintri created the mighty boar Gullinbursti for this Vanir god, who used it to carry his chariot around the world, even over water.

Answer: Frey (or Frey)

3) An equation named for this scientist relates the equilibrium constant with the activation energy, thus modeling the rate of chemical reactions. FTPE,

A) Identify this scientist with a namesake lab in Stockholm University, who won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and who also formulated a definition of acids and bases.

Answer: Svante Arrhenius

B) Though Arrhenius was one of the earliest to define acids and bases, a more commonly used one is this definition, which is the least restrictive, and which is named after a scientist famous for his dot structures.

Answer: Gilbert Lewis

C) Only allowing protic acids and not accounting for hydroxides is this other definition of acids and bases, named for two scientists.

Answer: Bronsted-Lowry

4) It revoked much of Oliver Ellsworth’s Judiciary Act of 1789, instead establishing the principle of Judicial Review. For ten points:

A) Identify this 1803 court case revolving around the appointment of some “Midnight Judges” that refined the system of “Checks and Balances” for the Judicial Branch

Answer: Marbury v. Madison

B) The case was the first of real importance to this chief justice, a distant relative of Thomas Jefferson, who served from 1801 to 1835 and wrote an influential biography of George Washington.

Answer: John Marshall

C) Marshall wrote the opinion for this 1810 case involving Georgia’s controversial sale of the Yazoo Lands in exchange for bribes.

Answer: Fletcher v. Peck

5) It takes its title from a place in Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress and opens at Miss Pinkerton's Academy for Young Ladies. FTPE:

A) Identify this novel in which Becky Sharp manipulates her way into securing a comfortable life for her and her husband Rawdon Crawley.

Answer: Vanity Fair

B) This author who popularized the term "snob" in The Book of Snobs wrote Vanity Fair.

Answer: William Makepeace Thackeray

C) This other character in Thackeray's Vanity Fair is a foil to Becky Sharp and is devoted to George Osborne until his death. She eventually marries William Dobbin.

  Answer: Amelia Sedley

6) After the murder of August von Kotzebue he enacted the Carlsbad Decrees. FTPE

A) Identify this Austrian statesman who organized the Congress of Vienna, and who acted as the bulwark of monarchical power and reactionary thinking until the revolutions of 1848.

Answer: Clemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich

B) At the Congress of Vienna Metternich should have been frequently opposed by this British representative, who instead conceded most injustices in exchange for British territorial rights.

Answer: Robert Steward, Viscount Castlereagh

C) Most notably, the United Kingdom was allowed to keep control of this formerly Dutch colony located off the Palk Strait from India.

Answer: Sri Lanka, accept Ceylon

7) FTPE, identify the following jazz musicians.

A) This innovative cornet and trumpet player, nicknamed “Satchmo,” created the works Stardust, When the Saints Go Marching In, Hello Dolly, and Ain’t Misbehavin, but he is better known for his piece What a Wonderful World.

Answer: Louis Armstrong

B) This American jazz saxophonist, nicknamed “Yardbird”, created works like Billie’s Bounce, Ornithology, Anthropology, and Confirmation.

Answer: Charlie Parker

C) This American jazz pianist is regarded as the founder of bebop, and created works like Epistrophy, Round Midnight, and Straight, No Chaser.

Answer: Thelonious Monk

8) Many of his poems are addressed to a woman named Laura. FTPE:

A) Identify this poet, best known for his namesake type of sonnet, who wrote the Il Canzoniere.

Answer: Francesco Petrarcha

B) This English poet, best known for Areopagetica and Paradise Lost, is also one of the most proficient writers of the Petrarchan sonnet.

Answer: John Milton

C) This Roman poet whose works center around his on-again off-again lover Lesbia was one of Petrarch’s primary literary influences.

Answer: Gaius Valerius Catullus

9) Identify the following medieval thinkers, FTPE:

A) Known as Dr. Angelicus, this scholasticist student of Albertus Magnus outlined his Principle of Double Effect in his Summa Theologica.

Answer: Saint Thomas Aquinas

B) His Historia Calamitatam described the story of his love for Heloise, though he’s more famous for his work Sic et Non.

Answer: Peter Abelard

C) Known as Dr Subtilis, this Scottish author of Opera Philosophica defended the idea of Immaculate conception and described the doctrine of “univocity of being.”

Answer: John Duns Scotus

10) Some of his lesser known works include Omphale's Spinning Wheel and the Algerian Suite. FTPE

A) Identify this French composer of Samson and Delilah and Danse Macabre.

Answer: Camille Saint-Saens

B) This satire of both his earlier Danse-Macabre and works of other composers has movements like The Swan and Kangaroos.

Answer: Carnival of the Animals

C) This movement from the piece features Offenbach’s Can-Can, but played in a very slow manner to portray the nature of the titular animal.

Answer: Tortoises (accept Turtles)

11) Identify the following about a member of the electromagnetic spectrum, FTPE.

A) These types of rays have the smallest wavelengths but are more energetic than any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum, and comprise a certain interstellar burst of radiation.

Answer: gamma rays

B) Gamma rays are especially prone to this effect, the decrease in the wavelength of a photon when it collides with an electron.

Answer: Compton Effect/Scattering

C) As described by the Klein-Nishina formula, Compton scattering is prominent in gamma rays and x-rays, as opposed to this form of elastic scattering by free particles, which is prevalent in rays of a lower frequencies, such as in visible light.

Answer: Thomson Effect/Scattering

12) The titular figure of this novel is an unusual protagonist in Russian literature, as he is poor and uneducated. FTPE,

A.) Name this novel, which shows the characters Alyosha and Gopchik as it depicts the day of a certain prisoner in a Siberian camp.

Answer: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

B.) This recently deceased author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was arrested by the censors for correspondence with a friend and received a Nobel Prize for literature in 1970.

Answer: Alexander Solzenhytsin

C.) This other work by Solzenhytsin is set in Uzbekistan, and features one character that calls death "white," named Pavel Nikolayevich, in addition to the narrator Oleg Kostoglokov.

Answer: Cancer Ward

13) FTPE, identify the following famous psychological experiments.

A) A guard calling himself John Wayne was particularly brutal in this Zimbardo experiment modeling the relationship between inmates and guards at institutions such as Alcatraz.

Answer: Stanford Prison Experiment

B) Inspired by Eichmann’s trial in 1961, this experiment conducted at Yale University measured the willingness of subjects to violate their conscience by administering electric shocks when given orders.

Answer: Obedience to Authority or Milgram experiment (or anything with a combination of the previous)

C) The subjects of this experiment were told they were undergoing a ‘vision’ test modeling a series of lines. In many trials, the subject accepted the incorrect Answers of his peers.

Answer: Asch Conformity experiment (accept either)

14) His refusal of the tutelage of Rodin allowed him to create a unique style shown in works like Princess X and The Prodigal Son. FTPE:

A) Identify this Romanian sculptor of The Endless Column and The Kiss.

Answer: Constantin Brancusi

B) Brancusi is most famous for creating a series of sculptures of this, which was taxed by US customs as a manufactured bronze.

Answer: Bird in Space

C) This work by Brancusi consists of a woman's face with no neck or body, and its circular egg-shaped form causes it to always lay on its side as if portraying the titular state of mind.

Answer: the Sleeping Muse

15) Coming in mutual, self, and leakage varieties, FTPE Answer: the following about this parameter from physics.

A) What property, measured in Henrys, describes a circuit's resistance to changes in current?

Answer: Inductance

B) Inductance is measured in volt seconds per this unit of current, named for a French scientist.

Answer: Ampere

C) Both inductance and diamagnetism can be seen as the result of this law, which states that an induced current will always point in a direction opposing the change causing it.

Answer: Lenz's Law

16) Answer: the following about the Six Points Movement. FTPE

A) Six Points was an attempt by the Awami League of this country, at the time known as East Pakistan, to gain greater autonomy for the region and its Bengali speakers.

Answer: Bangladesh

B) Bangladesh later fought a short war for independence with Pakistan in 1971, which was largely victorious due to the intervention of Indian forces by this then-Prime Minister. Her son Rajiv succeeded her after she was assassinated.

Answer: Indira Gandhi

C) This city, the second largest in Bangladesh behind Dhaka, was the scene of heavy guerilla fighting in the War for Independence due to its hilly surrounding terrain.

Answer: Chittatong

17) Famous in their own right, FTP name these actors who guest-starred on the NBC sitcom 30 Rock.

A) Known as “America’s Sweetheart”, this Friends alum quickly became known for her distinctive hairstyle on the show, the “Rachel”, and for her divorce from Brad Pitt.

Answer: Jennifer Aniston

B) This silver-haired actor got his start in The Jerk and then portrayed the character Lucky Day in Three Amigos! Recently, he reprised the role of Jacques Clouseau in The Pink Panther 2.

Answer: Steve Martin

C) He made his film debut alongside Clint Eastwood in the movie Space Cowboys, but is probably better known for his Golden Globe-winning portrayal of Don Draper on the AMC drama Mad Men.

Answer: Jon Hamm

18) The voltage equation named for Goldman, Hodgkin, and Katz can be used to derive this equation, FTPE:

A) Identify this equation named after the formulater or the third law of thermodynamics and winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which calculates the electric potential of a cell.

Answer: Nernst equation

B) Nernst is also known for another electric potential equation extended from Fick's law, which is co-named with this founder of quantum dynamics, who has a namesake constant denoted h.

Answer: Max Planck

C) Planck's constant and wavelength can be used to find the quantum value for this, which is alternately defined as velocity times the mass.

Answer: Momentum

19) Department store merchant John Wanamaker served as his Postmaster General, and he was the first president to spend over a billion dollars. FTPE:

A) Identify this president who served in between Grover Cleveland’s two terms and had a grandfather that served in same post.

Answer: Benjamin Harrison

B) This act passed during Benjamin Harrison’s tenure was written by a namesake Ohio senator. It was enforced during the Pullman strike, but its vague and sometimes counterproductive nature led to its replacement by the Clayton Act.

Answer: Sherman Antitrust Act

C) One of the most significant foreign issues during Harrison's tenure occurred in this Chilean city, in which two soldiers with the USS Baltimore were killed in a fight with local inhabitants.

Answer: Valparaiso

20) FTPE identify the following about Earth's atmosphere.

A) This layer is the first layer of the atmosphere of the surface of the earth. In it resides over half the air in the atmosphere, and it is the place where weather occurs.

Answer: troposphere

B) Above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere lies this layer in which the temperature decreases with altitude. It is also known for burning up meteors. Also present in it is the D layer of the ionosphere and noctilucent clouds.

Answer: mesosphere

C) At the end of the exosphere lies this line, which defines the limit of Earth's atmosphere. It is named for a Hungarian scientist.

Answer: Karman line


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