The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Thematic List/ Project ...

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Thematic List/ Project List/ Rubric

***Due date is Friday, December 6 (Test Grade)***

Major Themes:


-Star-crossed lovers

-Teenage behavior

-Feuding families

-Love as a cause of violence


Project List—You must choose one and only one project to complete!

Creative Writing

1. Write a poem from either Romeo or Juliet to the other, pretending that it is a lost fragment of the play. The poem should be at least 25 lines.

2. Rewrite the play in a shorter, more modern version. This may be done in the form of a short story, play, or television script. Pay attention to language styles, etc. How would you do things today, considering you are roughly the same age as Romeo and Juliet?

3. Create the front page of a newspaper that might have appeared the day after the couple’s death. Include headlines, news stories, pictures, etc. You need three cited quotes from characters in the play about the tragedy. Use poster board.

4. Rent and view the movie West Side Story and write a paper (5 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each) in which you point out two major similarities and two major differences between the musical and Romeo and Juliet. You need two cited quotes from Romeo and Juliet and well as two quotes from West Side Story. Movie quotes do not need citations, but you must refer to the character who said the quote in your introduction to the quote. Ex: Maria said, “I feel pretty.”

5. Write a paper (5 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each) on the present Royal Shakespeare Company. Be sure to cite ALL the information you learned from another source. This will require that you paraphrase (not plagiarize or just re-word) the articles you find and put a citation with the author’s name and page number every time you discuss facts from a different page of your source.

Drawing/Illustrating (NO PENCIL!!!!)

6. List 5 of your favorite lines from the play and illustrate each line with original art. Each illustration must be on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to bind the sheets of paper. Be sure to include citations with your quotes.

7. Make a collage describing the major themes (listed above) of the play. Along with images, you must include three cited quotes from the play in the collage. This should be done on poster paper. This should include one paragraph of description on the back where you describe how the quotes and pictures address the theme.

8. Draw an outline of Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, or one of the characters from the play. Fill the outline creating a mosaic (using unusual media) for an interesting picture. Along with images, you must include three cited quotes from the play. Include one paragraph of description on the back where you describe how the quotes and pictures address the theme

9. Construct a model of the Globe Theatre. Be creative—use Legos, toothpicks, modeling clay, etc. Be sure to use cited quotes from your Globe Theatre info sheet to explain why you made it look the way you did.

10. Make an illustrated timeline of the important events of Queen Elizabeth’s reign. You may include world events. Use poster board. Be sure to cite ALL the information you learned from another source. This will require that you paraphrase (not plagiarize or just re-word) the articles you find and put a citation with the author’s name and page number every time you discuss facts from a new page of your source.

11. Research and illustrate a minimum of four discoveries or inventions during the 16th century. Use poster paper or separate sheets of plain paper. Be sure to bind. You may include world events. Use poster board. Be sure to cite ALL the information you learned from another source. This will require that you paraphrase (not plagiarize or just re-word) the articles you find and put a citation with the author’s name and page number every time you discuss facts from a new page of your source.


12. Learn a famous monologue or soliloquy from the play and explain what it means. You must perform the selection in front of the class. This must be memorized. Consider wearing a costume or bringing a prop.

13. Choose a collection of a minimum of four songs based on the stories of ill-fated lovers. Create a chart that explains how the songs relate to Romeo and Juliet using a cited quote from the play to explain each song. If you are not sure if lyrics are appropriate, see me.

14. Write an original rap that retells the plot of Romeo and Juliet in modern words. Perform it in front of the class with an accompanying beat. It must be a minimum of 25 lines. It must be memorized. Have a list of the acts/scenes you mentioned for reference.

15. You may have a better idea for a project. Please talk to me about your idea. Remember it must be approved!


Class Period:___________________________

Shakespeare Project Rubric

You must turn this in with your project!

Project (include number and description):___________________________________________

0=Not at all 5=Somewhat 10=Average 15=Successful 20=Excellent

_________20 pts. Project is neat and attractive.

_________20 pts. Project is relatively free of errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

_________20 pts. Project demonstrates the student’s knowledge and understanding of topic.

_________20 pts. Project is original and creative.

_________20 pts. Project is completed with effort and follows stated guidelines.

_________Total (100 pts. possible)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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