Daily Life in

Daily Life in

Ancient Greece


The earliest Greek civilizations thrived nearly _________ years ago. Yet, their culture still impacts our lives today in the arts,_________________, ______________, ____________, ______________, and _________________.

Name three gifts the ancient Greeks gave to the world.




Greek City-States

What is another name for a city-state?__________________

Each city-state had its own ________________, _______________,

_______________, and ____________________. Ancient Greeks were very ____________ to their city-state.

Greek Men, Women, Girls, Boys, Slaves

(Match one to each statement after checking on each link: Men, Women, Girls, Boys, Slaves)

• They ran the government. ____________

• They couldn’t use their own name. ____________

• They were not allowed to watch the Olympics. ____________

• They stayed at home until they were married. ____________

• They went to school at age 6 or 7. ____________


Name six types of food ancient Greeks enjoyed eating:

1. __________________ 4. __________________

2. __________________ 5. __________________

3. __________________ 6. __________________

The ancient Greeks could buy clothes in the __________, the marketplace, but that was expensive. Most families made their own clothes that were often decorated to represent __________________________________.

The first _________, called a __________, was invented by the Greeks!


In Athens, the purpose of education was to produce __________________


In Sparta, the purpose of education was to produce __________________


Read the legend of the young Sparta boy.

What did he steal? __________________________________________.

When he noticed the soldiers approaching what did he do? _____________


What did he then do to avoid punishment? _________________________


Greek City-States: Read Through All 5 City-State Pages Then Fill in The Chart Below:

(Who is it? Please check one.)

|Description |Athens |Sparta |Corinth |Argos |Megara |

|We are the shining star of all the Greek city-states. | | | | | |

|We love money. | | | | | |

|We are held in disgrace by the other Greek city-states. | | | | | |

|We lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to win. | | | | | |

|We are a cultural and trade center. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our wonderful musicians and poets. | | | | | |

|We are fierce, superior soldiers. | | | | | |

|We are superbly educated in the arts and the sciences. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our textiles. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our bronze statues, pottery and vase | | | | | |

|painters. | | | | | |


After reading through the descriptions of each city-state, write down your top 3 Choices of which one you would like to be in. You should pick a city-state that best resembles your personality and what you like to do. Next to each choice -- put a reason or 2 why you think you fit in with that group.

City-State Name ____ _________REASONS

Choice #1: ________________

Choice #2: ________________

Choice #3: ________________





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