Andrews U.S. History


Bellringer: Match the Estates.

The Revolution Brings Reform & ______________

The _________________ _______________ reforms France

-Aug. 1789- the peasants took away all the_______________ of the 1st & 2nd. Estates (& took over church ___________)

What were the sans-culottes?_________________________________________________________________________

Declaration of the Rights of _______________and____________________.

Statement of _________________________ideals adopted by the National Assembly

• Men are born & remain ____________ & _________________

• Preservation of the natural rights of men-________________,_____________, __________________ & resistance to _____________________

• Liberté, égalité, fraternité- became the slogan of the Revolution

• (_________________, ___________________, _____________________)

The Great Fear

___________________ spread

Mobs broke into _______________ houses; __________________their service papers & the houses

March on Versailles

Oct. 1789- Parisian _________________ rioted over the high cost of __________________.

• Marched on ________________________ & forced Louis XVI and his family to go to __________

• During their stay in Paris, the King and his family tried to ______________ (disguised as ____________), but they were __________________& brought back to Paris

Legislative Assembly

Created a limited constitutional _________________- stripped the king of his ________________ & Legislative Assembly had the power to create __________

• Despite this new govt., old problems still remained: 1._______________________2.________________

3 factions in the Legislative Assembly

Radicals (“the left”, “The _______________________”)

• Opposed the __________ & ___________________

Moderates (“the _________________”)- wanted some changes in government, but not as much as the radicals

Conservatives (“the right”, “_________________”)Wanted a _____________ monarchy & few changes in ___________

The Mountain & Girondins- Formed the __________________ Club


• Marat

– Sansculottes, advocate of _______________

• Danton

– _____________________

• Robespierre

– Dedicated ________________

The Death of the King

National Convention met in Paris (Sept. 1792)- ____________ the ______________ & declared France a _____________ (all males had the right to ___________)

Louis XVI put on trial for ________________, found guilty, & ________________by the ______________ (Jan. 21, 1793)

The Death of Marat

Jean-Paul Marat was a ______________ Jacobin journalist.

Charlotte Corday, a ____________________ sympathizer, gained entrance  to Marat's bath and ______________ him.

Marat immediately became a ___________________to the revolution

The Reign of Terror: July 1793-July 1794

Committee of _________________ _________________

• decided who was an ____________________of the republic

• _____________people in the morning & __________________ them in the afternoon

• ___________________&_____________________- leaders of the Committee

• Who was the most famous victim of the Reign of Terror?___________________________________

• How many were executed in Paris?___________________Overall?____________________

• How many victims were peasents & middle class?__________

• What happened to Danton & Robespierre?________________________________________________

• What ended the Reign of Terror?________________________________________________________



_____________ Day is a national holiday in France.

An ________________ government changed French society and tried through harsh means to _____________________ its critics within France.

A.Urban workers, peasants, bourgeoisie

B. Clergy

C. nobility

1st Estate

2nd Estate

3rd Estate


How much in taxes did the 1st & 2nd Estates pay?

Old Order/__________ _____________

How is the 3rd estate depicted in the cartoon?






Jean Paul Marat



An engraving of Robespierre guillotining the executioner after having guillotined everyone else in France


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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