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Nero the Madman of RomeWritten and illustrated by Garrett McCartney and Emily RitchieNeroNero was a very mad man we will take you through this man’s crazy life. From the time he is born to the death. This article will take you on the ride of Nero’s crazy life.Nero’s Early LifeMeet Nero, the Madman of Rome. Nero was a very interesting man, he was an emperor of Rome. His early life was really interesting. When he was born, 37 AD, his first name was Lucius Domitius Anenobarborous. He was from a noble family, his tutor Seneca was a great philosopher. He was a nephew of the emperor. He was the son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina. A year before his father died, he lost his inheritance, and then his father died a year later. After his father died, his mother married her uncle, Claudius. She then persuaded her uncle to make him his successor. He took the throne at 17 years of age. He was a musician, He played the lyre.Nero’s Early ReignNero’s life as emperor was very rocky. His reign was from 54-68 AD. He spent money lavishly, and he behaved inappropriately. He married Octavia, the daughter of Claudius in 50 AD. His mother was very controlling over his life. Claudia Acte was just a common household slave, but he fell madly in love with her. He wanted to divorce Octavia. His mother advocated for Octavia. He made his mother partly happy, he didn’t divorce her, but he continued to openly be with Claudia. As time went on Nero got more frustrated by his mother he banned her from the family palace. He thought it would solve some problems but sadly not, finally in 59 AD he had her executed. After his mother’s death people saw how hard his mother tried to control him. He spent even more lavishly and irresponsibly Nero’s Later Reign In 62 AD, he divorced Octavia and had her murdered. He then married Poppae. As his reign went on, he performed on private stages and theatres. Nero performed in a theatre, then a couple of days later an earthquake destroyed the theatre. The Roman people saw this as a bad omen. From this point out he went down in popularity with the Roman people. His later reign he began to lose popularity. The Great Roman FireIn 62 AD, The Great Roman Fire started to burn. It lasted 10 days, and burned and destroyed 75% of the city. While the fire was burning, Nero sang on stage and played the lyre. The Romans weren’t sure who started the fire, but they had their suspicions that it was Nero. Nero blamed the Christians, they faced terrible punishments. They faced being torn apart by raged dogs, and or being crucified. After the fire, Nero increased taxes, and took money from the temple. In 68 AD, one by one, the governors revolted. Nero tried to escape to the Middle-East, but failed. Upon his return all of his guards, slaves, and everyone in the palace has left. He soon found out he was sentenced to Death. He wanted to die gloriously, so he committed suicide.. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. "Nero." Nero. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014 "Top 10 Famous People in Ancient Rome." AncientHistoryLists. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. “Famous Romans." Famous Romans.N.p., n.d. 10 Nov. 2014 ................

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