NAME_______________________________________SOCIOLOGY STUDY GUIDE: UNIT 1 (CH. 1-2)Define sociology.Define sociological perspective.Define global perspective.4-5. Give two ways European society was changing in the 1700s-1800s to allow Sociology to become a science.6. Who is the father of sociology?7-11. Name at least five famous people from history that would be considered sociologists.12. Define sociological imagination.13. What female sociologist argued against slavery?14. What female sociologist founded Hull House in Chicago and worked to help orphans?15. What African-American sociologist argued for rights for African-Americans and helped found the NAACP?16-17. What are the two questions sociologists must answer?18-21. List the four research methods used in sociology.22. Define independent variable.23. Define dependent variable.24. Define hypothesis.25. Define placebo.26. What was the Hawthorne study?27. What is the Hawthorne effect?28. What was the Stanford Prison Study?29. What is the survey method of research?30. Define population.31. Define sample.32. Define random sample.33. Define open-end format.34. Define closed-end format.35-36. Name an advantage and a disadvantage when using surveys to do research.37-38. Name an advantage and a disadvantage when using secondary analysis to do research.39. Define inductive logical thought.40. Define deductive logical thought.41-44. List the parts of the code of ethics sociologists must keep in mind when doing research.45. Define paradigm.46. Define structural functionalism paradigm.47. Define symbolic interaction paradigm.48. Define social conflict paradigm.49. Who theorized that society is based on the social conflict paradigm?50. How were the abuses at Abu Ghraib similar to the Milgram Obedience study & Asch line test results? ................

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