
Name ___________________________________________________________________ Date________

CH 4

As we complete each chapter of the book we will review the accompanying state standards that will reappear on your study guide for Midterms. These worksheets will then create a completed study guide for you to use.

Directions: Answer the questions and indentify the terms below

USI.1 Explain the political and economic factors that contributed to the American Revolution.

1. What was the impact on the colonies of the French and Indian War? (How does it change British Policies?)

2. What factors contributed to colonist sense of individualism? How did these ideas lead to the Revolution?

USI.2 Explain the historical and intellectual influences on the American Revolution and the formation and framework of the American government.

1. How did ancient Greece and Rome impact the formation of America?

2. What ideas did the founding fathers take from Locke and Montesquieu?

USI.3 Explain the influence and ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson.

1. What were the main ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

2. How did John Locke influence the DOI?

3. What was the lasting influence of the DOI?

USI.4 Analyze how Americans resisted British policies before 1775 and analyze the reasons for the American victory and the British defeat during the Revolutionary war.

1. Explain the following acts, and how American responded to it.

A. Sugar Act

B. Quartering Act

C. Stamp Act

D. Townshend Act

E. Tea Act

F. Intolerable Act

2. What were the reasons for the Americans victory over the British?

USI.5 Explain the role of Massachusetts in the revolution, including important events that took place in Massachusetts and important leaders from Massachusetts.

1. Explain the following events/people, and what role they played in the revolution.

A. the Boston Massacre

B. the Boston Tea Party

C. the Battles of Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill

D. Sam Adams, John Adams, and John Hancock

Map: 1. Draw the Colonies border from the Proclamation of 1763 and the border after the Treaty of Paris 1783

3. Label the 13 original colonies

4. Locate the battles from the chart below on the map


Revolution Battles: locate them on map above, provide state, winner, & importance

| |State |Winner |Importance |

|Battle of Lexington | | | |

|Battle of Bunker Hill | | | |

|Battle of Trenton | | | |

|Battle of Saratoga | | | |

|Battle of King’s Mt. | | | |

|Battle of Yorktown | | | |

Famous People: detail their importance to the war

George Washington ___________________________Charles Cornwallis _____________________________

William Howe _______________________________Thomas Paine _________________________________

Thomas Jefferson _____________________________John Locke ___________________________________

Impact of the War:

How did the American Revolution impact the creation of our new government?__________________________


How did the American Revolution improve/not improve the lives of women and African Americans? ________



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