English IV Proverbs Writing Assignment: “What a man does ...

English IV Proverbs Writing Assignment: “What a man does not know is greater than he.”

Proverbs (pronounced prah-verbs) are brief popular sayings (such as “Too many cooks spoil the broth”) that give advice about how people should live or that express a belief that is generally thought to be true. Proverbs often use metaphor and other figurative language to make their point.

There are other terms that describe specific types of proverbs. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct or behavior may also be known as a maxim. If a proverb uses particularly good or “writerly” phrasing, it may be known as an aphorism.

Proverbs are often borrowed from similar languages and cultures, and sometimes come down to present-day English through more than one language. Both the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament to Christians) and medieval Latin have played a significant role in spreading proverbs across Europe, although almost every culture has examples of its own.

In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, proverbs play a key role in the Igbo (in the book, Ibo) communities he describes. Proverbs were highly prized in Igbo society and were used by respected leaders and speakers as the main method of communication, or as Achebe puts it, “the palm oil with which words are eaten.” Some examples of proverbs in his books include “The most horrible sight in the world cannot put out the eye,” “When a handshake goes below the elbow, then know it has turned into something else,” and “The death that will kill a man begins as an appetite.”

Besides using actual books, there are online resources for proverbs:

“Achebe’s Proverbs” can be found at

Famous Spanish proverbs can be found at

Famous European proverbs can be found at

Famous Chinese proverbs can be found at

The Book of Proverbs from the Hebrew Bible can be found at


Select three proverbs from any traditions or cultures that cause a strong emotional reaction in you (positive or negative). It may be easier to use all three proverbs from one particular culture or tradition, but you may “mix and match” how you see fit. This is YOUR paper. Using your superior writing and analysis abilities, write an essay (complete with the introduction- including a thesis, body, and conclusion) that explores and answers the question, “How can these proverbs apply to your life today?” In other words, “What can you learn about yourself and your behavior from the advice given in these three proverbs?” You will need to incorporate the proverb into your writing, cite the source from which you obtained the proverb, explain what the proverb means, and describe how it can provide valuable advice to you today. You may wish to include a specific story or anecdote for each proverb to demonstrate how it could have applied to your life OR how it did apply to your life already.

Although this is a formal essay requiring the use of correct grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and organization, you are permitted to use first-person pronouns “I/me/myself/my” in this essay since the essay is primarily about you and your personal reaction to the proverbs you selected. Please understand that typically in academic essays, you are not to use first-person pronouns.

This assignment is due in one week, lucky Wednesday, February 29, 2012.

Name: _________________

English IV/Period 4

February 22, 2012

Proverbs Paper Cover Sheet


□ I understand that I may ask Ms. Bailey or Mr. Antzis for help with my paper during my lunch period or before/after school in room 362.

□ I have attached this completed cover sheet to the top of my paper before turning it in.

□ I have typed my paper in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced lines.

□ I have proofread my paper for all grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors.

□ I have carefully reviewed my explanation and analyses in my paper. My sentences are complete, logical, and clear.

□ I have incorporated all quotations clearly into my writing. All my paragraphs start and end with my own words.

□ I have properly cited my sources for any information, paraphrases, and direct quotations.

□ I have turned my paper in on time, by the beginning of fourth period on Wednesday, February 29, 2012. I understand that if my paper is turned in after that time, it will be considered late and is subject to being reduced by at least one letter grade for every day the paper is late.

□ I understand that if I am absent on Wednesday, I must have the paper dropped off by a classmate or email it to Ms. Bailey at ljbailey1@cps.edu in Word format. If I do not have Word, I may paste the text into an email and send it to her in order for my paper not to be considered late.

□ I understand that this is a major assignment worth a 300-point classwork grade (30% of my overall grade).

□ I understand that this assignment is to be completed outside of class. I may ask Ms. Bailey or Mr. Antzis for an appointment if I require additional assistance or explanation.

□ I understand that I am being graded on (1) the quality of the proverbs I selected, (2) the depth and clarity of my explanation and analysis of the proverbs, (3) the care and detail with which my description discusses how the advice in these proverbs can apply to my life, (4) the effort I demonstrate in completing the assignment, and (5) the timeliness with which I complete the paper.

By signing below, I certify that I understand and agree to follow all the above points in the checklist.


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Print Name: _____________________________


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