|A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: October 27th, 2015 |

|St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church |

|Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor |

|Jose Estrada, Associate Pastor |

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|Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.” |

|Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location” |

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|Basic Needs |

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|“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” This is a very famous phrase for this Nation. It seems to me that the founding fathers were looking to ensure |

|that the basic needs of humans were protected in this new nation that was formed. We all know that we need food, water and shelter, but there are also |

|other needs that we as humans have. One of those needs is to belong. As human beings we need to belong to a group. In Genesis 2:18 the Lord God said, “It |

|is not good for the man to be alone,” therefore, it is one of our needs to belong. In these modern times, some people are filling their need to belong in |

|this so-called social media, Facebook, Tweeter etc. They make belonging to a group a little less personal, and it helps us hide things that we don’t like |

|about us. There are many support groups, clubs, etcetera, but there are still a few of us who understand that we belong to a group called the church, and |

|together we are the Body of Christ. The church not only helps us fill that need we have of belonging, but also helps us to deal with our need for worship. |

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|The late Dr. Richard C. Cabot, a Professor from Harvard University, wrote an article for the New York Times in 1914. He prescribed worship as a basic need |

|for a human being. He wrote, “WORSHIP is needed by men and women regularly like food or sleep." It relieves "spiritual fatigue," for souls get drained of |

|energy as do bodies, and when the spirit is tired there is "loss of power," in addition to "a lack of feeling for life." |

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|If you feel like your spiritual life is getting fatigued, maybe you are not worshiping as often as you should. Let’s make sure we are covering our basic |

|needs. Also, let us remember that in our community there are people that are lacking the most basic needs. Let us be excited to invite them to belong to |

|this wonderful family of St. Matthews, and also to worship with us. It is not just a good experience; it is a Basic Need. |

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|In His Service, |

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|Jose Estrada |

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|Spot 31 |

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|4:00-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth |

|5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner |

|6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15) |

|6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth |

|6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth |

|7:15-8:15 p.m. Choir |

|8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band |

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|Average Worship Attendance – 2014 & 2015 |

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|November |

|87 |

|Feb. |

|95 |

|May |

|95 |

|August |

|83 |

|November |

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|December |

|108 |

|March |

|94 |

|June |

|94 |

|September |

|80 |

|December |

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|January |

|99 |

|April |

|93 |

|July |

|77 |

|October |

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|Average Spot 31 - Attendance – 2014-2015 |

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|November |

|52 |

|Feb. |

|42 |

|May |

|51 |

|August |

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|November |

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|December |

|57 |

|March |

|46 |

|June |

|50 |

|September |

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|December |

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|January |

|48 |

|April |

|52 |

|July |

|53 |

|October |

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|The deadline to submit articles for the |

|November 10th, 2015, newsletter is |

|Sunday, November 8th. |

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|Please send articles to the church at stmatts@ and suzanne.pfeifer@. Thank you! |

|Coming Events: |[pic] BREAKFAST SERVED: |

| |Sunday November 1st |

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| |Join your family & friends for a fresh, hot breakfast served by the VIM Team on |

|Nov. 1st Time Changes – fall back an hour! |Sunday, November 1st, from 7:30 until 9:15am. Come and enjoy your favorites of |

| |French toast, biscuits ‘n gravy, pancakes & scrambled eggs before first service |

|Nov. 1st Youth fundraiser, Chili Competition, & Pumpkin Fest |or Sunday School.  See you at the breakfast table! |

| |Remember to turn back you clock 1 hour !!!!!!!! |

|Nov. 8th Church Council meeting @ 5:30 p.m. | |

| |The VIM Team |

|Nov 15th Charge Conference @ Korea UMC | |

|@ 5:00 p.m. | |

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|Nov. 19th UMW meeting at 6:30 p.m. | |

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| [pic] October Birthdays | [pic] November Birthdays |

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|1 Barbara McDowell 17 Dillion Horn |4 Andrea Laney 22 Sharon Polliard |

|1 Jan Polliard 20 Barbara Roderick |6 John McCammon 25 Gail Arnold |

|2 Elizabeth Garcia 31 Grace Duggan |6 Joseph Estrada 26 Hade Hernandez |

|7 Monica Ayala |10 B J Moore 29 Tom Flanagan |

|9 Pauline Grove |20 Andrea Ayala |

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|If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Suzanne | |

|918-605-2104. | |

| |[pic] Sarah’s Circle |


| |We have started a new book called, “Do You Have Alligator Arms? Embracing Life, |

|Please bring your Best Choice UPC labels to the church.  I still need 682 |Hope and God,” by James W. Moore.  Come and join us for study and refreshments |

|for this year. |every Tuesday morning at 9:30 in the parlor. |

|Thank you. |The UMW Reading Program books are available to check out.  We have |

| |several excellent ones this year. |

|Joyce Hargrove | |

| |Jeanine Keller |

[pic] [pic]

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|1Kings 12:13-14 “The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, he followed the advice of the young men and said, |

|“My Father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My Father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.” |

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|Kielee Ferrell needs our continued prayers as well as prayers for her family. |

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|Barbara McDowell says she is feeling much better. She appreciates your cards and prayers. |

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|Elinor Bartleson requests prayers for a friend’s son who is having surgery |

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|Please pray for a successful hip replacement for my dear friend and neighbor. |

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|Please continue to pray for Mercedes Ellis’ son. |

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|Deanna Rocha is asking for continued prayers for her friend’s family in their loss. |

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|Jan Polliard is asking for continued prayers for his friend’s wife who had surgery. |

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|The Burkhalters are asking for prayers for their cousin, and her daughter and family. |

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|Continued prayer for Sharon Gatzke to gain strength so she can come to church. |

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|Leona Robison is asking for continued prayers for her husband’s health issues and prayers for the Odens. |

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|Ann Marie is requesting continued prayer for the Disney Principal and a 4th grade teacher. Also prayers for a family friend Donna who needs our fervent |

|prayers. |

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|Jeanine Keller is asking for continued prayers for her nephew Greg and his family, as well as her daughter Lisa for health issues. |

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|Joanna Ellis would like us to pray for her family in their loss of a loved one. |

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|Tracy Duggan would like prayers for Grace who turns 13 this week. |

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|Please pray for Sharon Polliard’s friend Cherrish. |

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|Paul Youngbloods great nephew, June & Tom Vannoy and June’s cousin Gina, Laura, Irene, Tricia Tuepker, Alderman Family, Phillip Laney, Vivian Michaels, |

|Christy Arnold’s uncle, Brady family, Tama Been, Cynda McDaniels, Elinor’s friend Share, Tawnya’s mom, Sharon Gatzke, Ray Burgess, Aunt Laurene, George & |

|Share, Ms. Cherry, Wayne & Sheila, Becket Fox, Bonnie Dust, Betty Jean Dust, Gert McKenzie, Kendle Boyce’s friend Kirsten Plum and children, Chuck Wise’s |

|sister and mother, Brent Utterback’s stepdad, Pastor Laura Wolfe, Del & Sharon Gatzke & Del’s son, Hime’s son-in-law Guy, Nancy Hoffman’s mom, Ann |

|Marie’s brother Eric, Gordon & Judy Godfrey, Bud Loveless’ daughter Karen, Barbara Patterson and son. |

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|BEREAVEMENT –Deanna Peterson’s family, Jeff Saville & family, Chuck Wise & family, The Flanagan family, Joy Barkat & family in the loss of her mother. |

|Barbara Youngblood, Nancy Wilson and families in the loss of their mother Gladys Robertson. |

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|Yours in God’s love |

|Barbara Roderick |


UMW Calendar

All women at St. Matthew's are invited to any UMW events. Most meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30. Child care and rides are available upon request. 

October UMW

There will be no WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP in October so that you will be available to sign up for a shift or two at the PUMPKIN PATCH.  Thank you for being in mission at the Patch!

Women’s Fellowship Nov. 19

All women are invited to join us for some food and fellowship on Thursday, Nov. 19th at 6:30 pm.  Joyce Hargrove will share with us about some United Methodist Women ministries around the world.  The World Thank Offering will be taken to support these ministries.  Our hostess will be Vicky Hime.  Please call Ann Marie Boyce if you need a ride or a babysitter (918-812-4137).

We look forward to seeing you there!



It’s that time of the year for Tool Tyme at Cookson Hills Mission.   We go down and help them get ready for Christmas, and there are several other things to be done.  This is for men as well as women.  The dates are November 13-15, 2015. The deadline for applications is November 8, 2015.  We'll put some applications on the bulletin board in the hall by the office for your convenience.

You can go for all 3 days or just for Saturday. I hope many of you will consider this for Missions.

Thank you.

Joyce Hargrove

Let’s have FUN

On Sunday, November 1st, from 4:00-5:30, St. Matthew’s will be hosting a Pumpkin Fest and Chili Cook-off. Everyone is invited, including our neighbors, to join the festivities.

Besides hotdogs, chips, lemonade and candy, there’ll be activities for all ages. The biggest attraction will be the Jupiter Jump along with several other things to do, including face painting; duck pond; bean bag game; temporary tattoos and pumpkin painting. You’ll want to bring your own pumpkin for this, just in case they’re all gone from the Pumpkin Patch. If none of these appeal to you, there’ll be chucking a pumpkin to see how far you can send it.

Of special interest will be a Fire Truck, Police car, and an Ambulance with Dr. Mike’s “Spider” car. You’ll be able to see these “up close and personal” like you have never done before.

It promises to be an exciting time for young and old—so join us at St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church 12424 E. 31st St., Sunday, November 1st from 4:00-5:30. See you there!

Membership Question

I am trying to locate the following people who are members of the church, but I have no information on them, such as address, phone, etc. If you know these people, please let

June Vannoy know at 918-451-6147 or june.vannoy42 @. Thank you.

Jim & Kathy Williams-joined in 1997


Sixty Plus

Our 60+ group met at the home of Chuck Wise, the "Host with the Most" on October 10th with 21 people in attendance.  The big attraction, plus the great fellowship, is, as always, Chuck's delicious barbecue ribs - yum, yum. To add to it all our wonderful cooks brought their favorite dishes.  Needless to say, we all left sated and content, counting our blessings for the friendships that have developed through the 60+ group.


If any who are reading this and you have not ever joined us, please contact me, Barbara Roderick, 918/665-3247 - I can get you on board real quick and answer any questions you might have.  Information on our next gathering will be forthcoming.

 May all your days be "Blessed Beyond Belief."

Yours in God's love,



The pumpkin unloading was a blast, thanks to YOU!  The weather and the camaraderie were fabulous!  Our thanks to the United Methodist Women for the lunch served, and to the Fishermen for all the prep work getting the Patch ready.  Kudos to everyone that has signed up to work a shift or two at the Patch.  It takes a village.  We are here to serve the community and the world by supporting Dora Canales, our missionary in Peru. Thanks for all you do to support your church and its mission.

Chuck Wise & Ann Marie Boyce



If you haven’t signed up for a game table at the Pumpkin Fest on Sunday afternoon, it’s not too late.  You don’t need to do anything elaborate…….just a simple activity for the kids to do, and then give them a piece of candy.  Let’s have as many tables (a card table is fine) as we had cars last year!  Set-up time is 3:30; we’ll be done around 5:30 when it starts getting dark.  Thanks!

Ann Marie Boyce



Spanish Classes

These are the dates for the Spanish classes from now through March. If something comes up and we need to cancel, I will let you know in advance. If you have any questions, contact me at 918-500-4583 or pastoraanaestrada@

Thank you!

Pastor Ana

October 29, 2015

November 5, 2015

November 12, 2015

December 3, 2015

December 17, 2015

January 7, 2016

January 14, 2016

January 28, 2016

February 4, 2016

February 11, 2016

February 25, 2016

March 3, 2016

March 10, 2016

March 31, 2016

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend – effective for November the 1st!!!!!!!!!!




The Wednesday night Adult Study group will begin the book 30 Life Principles, by Charles Stanley, on October 28 from 6:15 to 7:15 PM.

Charles Stanley lays out 30 Life Principles that can help you become more like Christ every day. This is accomplished through the power of His Holy Spirit, and through your own diligence and discipline.

In this book, author Charles Stanley lays out 30 Life Principles that can help you in the process. You will learn: “God’s Word is an immovable anchor in times of storm,” “fight all your battles on your knees and you will win every time,” “God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him,” and much more. By practicing these 30 Life Principles, you will be cooperating fully with the Spirit of God, and your life will grow into the likeness of Christ.

The study will be led by John Worman. If you have any questions or would like him to order you a book, please contact John at 816-728-8053. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this small group.


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|(and Games) |

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|Every month on the |

|First Friday of the month. |

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|Bring a game you would like to play, or join another game… board games, card games, and many others. |

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|Fellowship for members of the church, families, neighbors, and anyone else that would like to join us.  (Please do invite your neighbors and friends.)  This |

|has been planned for the whole church and for anyone you would like to invite. |

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|This event is sponsored by the Fishermen, UMW, Wednesday night small groups and Youth. |

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|Bring a friend, and if you would like, bring a snack.  Drinks will be provided.  The sponsoring groups will be providing a few snacks, too. |

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|Hours of operation will be 6 pm to 10 pm, and everyone is free to come and go as they wish. |

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Chili Cook Off


Once again it is the season for our St. Matthew’s Chili Cook off. Enter for a chance to take home the coveted 1st place trophy. [pic] Not only is our Cook Off a lot of fun, it also raises money for our Youth Mission Trip. So read the instructions below and let the games begin.

When: Sunday November 1st from 4:00 – 5:00

please arrive by 3:30 for setup

Cost: $15.00 to enter your award winning recipe

and support the youth

Voting: $5.00 lets anyone taste all entries and vote for your favorite.

Entries will be judged by people’s choice. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies will be awarded.

Setup: Bring your chili in crockpot or broiler to keep it warm.

Everything else will be provided for you.

Youth will be available to man your station and serve samples for you.

Trophies: Voting will end around 5:00 and trophies will be


Got a friend who makes great chili?

Invite them to enter!!

This competition is not limited to St. Matt’s members. More is better.

Any chili left after trophies have been awarded will be served to the public at no cost while supplies last.

Past winners: Dr. Mike (2013) BoyScouts (2014)


These are dates for most of our Youth events. Please put these on your calendar. For each event details will follow. (Note. Youth who expect to attend Youth Mission Trip must attend and participate in all mission trip fundraisers.)


1. Chili Competition/Smash Pumpkins – 4:00pm to 7:00pm

2. (Mission Trip Fund Raiser)

15 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm


6 Shopping for Angel Tree After church until 3:00pm

13 Mission Trip Lunch Fundraiser – After church to 1:30pm

No Youth Game Night (Christmas break)


1-2 Youth Lock-in – for 6th to 12th grades – 8pm Friday to 7am Saturday

10 Mission Trip Lunch Fundraiser – After church to 1:30pm

No Youth Game Night


2 Enchiladas Orders – start getting orders for the fundraiser

14 Edible Auction Fundraiser – After church to 2pm

21 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm


5 Youth Fundraiser Enchilada Sale – 9am to 12pm

20 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30

No Youth Small Group (Easter)


16 Garage Sale – 8am to 4pm

17 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm


Dr. Dora Canales Nuñez is the missionary that we help support through the funds raised at the Pumpkin Patch.

Serving At: Wesleyan Theological Seminary

Location: Peru, Latin America and the Caribbean

Home Country: Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean

Dr. Dora Canales Nuñez is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving as president and professor at Wesleyan Theological Seminary in Lima, Peru. The Methodist community in Peru includes many indigenous Peruvians, including Quechua and Aymara speakers, and the seminary puts a strong focus on regional culture. Dr. Canales, a native of Chile and a lay member of Methodist Church of Chile, is working with the Peruvian church to shape a curriculum appropriate to the area and to Wesleyan theology. The seminary president was born in San Francisco de Limache, Chile, and was associated with the Evangelical Theological Community of Chile, an institution of higher education, from 1993 to 2010, first as a professor and for seven years as rector. She received a Bachelor of Theology degree from that school, a graduate degree in theology from the Higher Institute of Theological Studies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a Doctor of Theology degree from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Aware of God's presence from an early age, she received a call to religious service at age 19. "I am committed to loving and serving," she says, "to the use of the gifts and graces that God has placed in me in the midst of the weakness and neediest of my continent." Prepared for pastoral appointment, she says that the Lord had another destination in mind for her, that of seminary teaching. Her life's work centers on theological education dealing with women's issues, peace, and pastoral care for people with HIV/AIDS and disabilities, at-risk youth, and farmers. She says: "The experience I accumulated living, studying, and sharing with diverse people made me discover a special vocation—to form bridges of dialogue, to come closer to people, and to promote the sharing of gifts, wisdom, and experiences." Dr. Canales has two adult children, Constanza, and Matias, and two grandchildren, Martina and Amanda.


St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church

12424 E. 31st Street

Tulsa, OK 74146-2202


E-mail address: stmatts@ Website:


|Mission Outpost |2 | |Prayers |4 |

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|Birthdays |3 | | | |

|Breakfast |3 | |Ronald McDonald |3 |

|Church Rolls |2 | |*Sarah Circle |3 |

|Food Pantry |3 | |*UMW |5 |

|Pastor Message |1 | |Announcements |6-11 |



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