
Around the WorldMaths-MoneyCalculate how much currency you would get for ?100 to use as spending money in your given country.You could use Google to help you find out the conversion rate.Can you do the same with other values?ArtWhat kind of art can you find that symbolises your country? Are there any famous artists or famous pieces of art?DanceResearch and learn a traditional dance from the country you are researching.If you’re feeling confident get someone to film you and send to us!NumeracyFind out the average temperature for your country throughout the year. Compare that with ours. What are the temperature differences for each month?WritingWrite a postcard to someone back home as if you are on holiday in your country. What have you seen, ate, done? What is the weather like?Social StudiesCan you find and label your country on the map template?Maths-MoneyCan you find out how much return flights would cost from Edinburgh (or nearest airport) to your given country? Try to find the cheapest deal and then the best flights if money was no object e.g. direct flights with no stops.ArtPick a piece of art from your given country and recreate it.What media have you used? (Pencil, oil pastel, paint)Modern LanguagesFind out and write down some of the basic greetings in that country e.g.Hello, Goodbye, How are you? My name is, I am…etc. Challenge yourself to find out as many as you can and have a conversation with them.NumeracyIf the Area (you will need to Google this) of your country is (…….) what is ? of this number?Can you find 1/4?And if so can you find ??Can you create a word problem with the population number of your country?Can you add together our population and the population of your given country?WritingWrite a review of your country as if it were a holiday or a hotel review.How many stars would you give it out of 5?What were the good/bad points?Would you visit again?What was the best bit?What would you change?Would you recommend it?Social StudiesCan you research and draw the flag for your country?What is the history behind the flag?Has it changed?What does it symbolise?Maths-MoneyFind one of the top rated hotels in your given country and calculate the cost for a week for two people.Then add on another extra day OR another extra person.How does this cost compare with a budget hotel?ArtCan you find out the name of a famous artist from your country?What style did they paint in?Did they paint people or landscapes?Is their work similar to anything you have seen before?RMEAre there any festivals or holidays that are celebrated solely in your country?e.g. Día de Muertos. Arguably Mexico's most famous festival.NumeracyFind the populations of any five cities within your pare the highest and lowest populations you found.Challenge: can you put all five populations in a graph?WritingCan you create fact cards for your country?You could turn these into fact cards or a fact poster to present to someone. You could add drawings, extra facts, maybe a quiz at the end?Social StudiesFamous FoodWhat are some of the food that are associated with that country?Could you try to recreate a dish? Draw it or write the recipe out?Challenge yourself to do all three!ReadingNon Fiction books/websitesRead for information on your given country and take notes under headings.Challenge: use your notes to make something e.g. poster.ArtUsing the country, can you use the colours from their flags to create a new flag or an abstract piece of art- you could use chalk and do this outside?TechnologyUse your technological skills to research your country and then create a presentation to present all the facts you have learned about that country. ReadingCreate questions on your given country.WritingCreate a word search about your country. Make it tricky!Social StudiesWhat items would I need to take with me to this country?List them or use the suitcase template to draw them and label them.What reasons have you got for taking them? e.g. weather.ReadingUse your research to come up with two facts and two opinions about your given country. Can someone in your house identify which are which?RMEWhat religions are followed in your country?Can you find out some aspects of these religions?TechnologyYoutubeFind and learn the countries national anthem or a popular song associated with that country.NumeracyLearn to count to 20 in that country’s language.WritingCan you write an imaginative story about the country you have been researching?Think about the adventures you would have been going on, who would you meet, what would happen etc?Social StudiesDavid Attenborough- out one of his geography lessons. ................

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