The Civil War

The Civil War

Resources, Strategies, & Early Battles

Fort Sumter

Remember, the Confederates fired on the fort and…

The Civil War Begins!

North & South

|Blue/USA |Gray/CSA |

|United States of America or Union |Confederate States of America |

|President: Abraham Lincoln |President: Jefferson Davis |

|Capital: Washington, D.C. |Capital: Richmond, VA |

|Yanks--Yankees |Rebs--Rebels—“Johnny Rebs” |

|Bluecoats |Graycoats |

Lincoln vs. Davis

|Abraham Lincoln |Jefferson Davis |

|Born in Kentucky |Born in Kentucky |

|Self Educated |Served as Secretary of State |

|Congressmen from Illinois |Senator from Mississippi |

|Abolitionist |Slave Owner |

|First Presidential candidate from the Republican Party. |First and Only President of the Confederate States of America |

North vs. South Facts

|North |South |

|22 States |11 States |

|23 million people |10 million people (includes 4 million slaves) |

|Industrial Economy |Agricultural Economy (exports, not food) |

|Majority of transportation |Limited manufacturing and railroad lines. |

|Lincoln, a military novice. Asks Robert E. Lee to command |Davis, military experience. (Better military leaders) |

|Union troops and declines. | |

|Belief war is about preserving the Union and later in the war… slavery. |Belief war is about states rights, independence and preserving their way of |

| |life. |

|“The North’s major advantage would be its economy and the South’s main disadvantage was its economy” |

| |

Union Strategy

▪ Aggressive offensive to crush the rebellion.

o War of attrition: South has less manpower…

▪ Gen Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan

o Control river systems: Ohio and Mississippi

o Blockade and seizure of ports

▪ War goal: Preserve Union and later abolish slavery

▪ Capture Richmond, VA

▪ Don’t allow Confederacy to rest.

▪ Napoleonic tactics at first-- later “trench warfare”

Confederate Strategy

▪ Defend and delay until Union gives up.

▪ Quick victories to demoralize Union

▪ Alliance with Great Britain

▪ Capture Washington, DC

▪ Defend Richmond

▪ Sought decisive battle that would convince the Union it wasn’t worth it

▪ Use better military leadership to your advantage and outsmart Union generals.

Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

1. Lincoln sent 30,000 inexperienced soldiers to fight at Bull Run.

2. Northern troops were pushed back to D.C.

3. South won this battle but “lost the war” Why?

4. Failed to capture Washington, D.C.

5. Would never be that close to Wash., D.C. again.


The Civil War

African Americans & the War

Key Battles in the East


2 Strategy: Capture Richmond, Virginia

o Leaders: Several different leaders: Winfield Scott, George McClellan, John Pope, Ambrose Burnside, Joe Hooker, George Meade, Ulysses Grant

o Army: Army of the Potomac

▪ Confederate

o Strategy: Capture Washington, D.C.

o Leader: General Robert E. Lee

o Army: Army of Virginia

|Date |Battle |Victor |Result |

|July 1861 |Bull Run (Manassas) |South |Union retreats to Wash, DC. |

|June 1862 |7 Days |South |Lee stops McClellan from taking Richmond |

|August 1862 |Bull Run |South |Lee stops John Pope from taking Richmond |

|*Sept. 1862 |Antietam |Draw |McClellan stops Lee from taking Washington, D.C. Lincoln issues |

| | | |Emancipation Proclamation |

|*Turning Point Battle |

Key Battles in the West


o Strategy: Control river systems and split the Confederacy in half and isolate the 3 sections.

o Leader: General Ulysses Grant

o Army: Army of the West

▪ Confederate

o Strategy: Fight a defensive war and drive the Union out of the South

o Leaders: Several different generals

o Army: Army of Tennessee

|Date |Battle |Victor |Result |

|Feb. 1862 |Fort Donelson |Union |Controlled the Ohio River |

|March 1862 |Fort Henry |Union |Controlled Cumberland River |

|April 1862 |Shiloh |Union |Controlled Tennessee River |

|April 1862 |New Orleans |Union |Controlled mouth of Mississippi River |

|*July 1863 |Vicksburg |Union |Controlled Mississippi River (split Confederacy in half) |

|*Turning Point Battle |

Lincoln’s “Necessary” Actions

Lincoln suspended “civil liberties” or parts of the Constitution.

1. Writ of Habeas Corpus: Protects from unfair arrest and trial by jury.

2. Occupation of Baltimore: Controlled by military – “martial law”

3. Arrested over 15,000 civilians: Without “probable cause” – suspicious “Rebel” sympathizers.

4. Closed “rebel” newspapers: Violated 1st amendment rights of “free speech and press.”

5. Lincoln acts just like Andrew Jackson by telling the Chief Justice…

Emancipation Proclamation

▪ Abolitionists pressured Lincoln to free the slaves.

▪ After the Battle of Antietam, he announced that the slaves would be freed.

▪ Became effective on Jan. 1, 1863, in those states still in rebellion.

▪ Emancipation Proclamation did NOT end slavery in US

▪ Lincoln’s “first” step towards ending slavery.

▪ “Final step” 13th Amendment to the Constitution on Dec. 1865 would legally and constitutionally abolish slavery.

I. Freed all slaves in states in rebellion against the U.S.

II. Did not apply to slaves in border states fighting for U.S.

III. No affect on southern areas already under U.S. control.

IV. War was NOW fought to end slavery.

V. U.S. soldiers were “Freedom Fighters”


VII. Kept Great Britain from siding with the South and becoming an ally.

VIII. War was now a war to:

a. Abolish Slavery

b. Destroy the South

c. Preserve the Union

Black Troops

▪ Over 200,000 freed slaves fought for the US.

▪ Famous 54th Black Regiment of Massachusetts, which was organized by Frederick Douglass.

The Civil War

Life During the War

Andersonville Prison

+45,000 Union soldiers were POWs– 13,000 died

13th Amendment ~ Slavery Abolished

▪ Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

▪ The Congress shall have power to enforce by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Supporting the Civil War

|How the North/South raised armies: |

|North |South |

|Volunteers – 1861 |Volunteers – 1861 |

|Conscription – 1863 |Conscription – 1862 |

|20-45 years |18-35 years |

|Buy exemption from military - $300 |Hire a substitute |

|Caused riots |1864 - 17-50 years |

| |(Highly unpopular) |

|Bounty system – government paid a bounty of $1000 to volunteer |Recruited slaves. |

|Total service: 4 million & 186,000 Blacks |Total service: 1.5 million |

Finances for the War

Finances for the War

|North |South |

|Tariffs |Wealthy lent over $100 million |

|War Bonds |Foreign aid of $15 million |

|Income Taxes |Income Taxes |

|Paper Money “Greenbacks” |Paper Money |

Friends or Foes?

▪ Many officers from both sides knew each other and were good friends, or even family members.

▪ Picture shows George Armstrong Custer on the right and a Confederate soldier who was a prisoner.

▪ He and Custer were good friends before the war.


The Civil War

Turning Points of the War

Vicksburg ~ On July 4, 1863

I. 30,000 Confederate troops defending Vicksburg surrendered their arms.

II. Grant captured 260 cannons, 60,000 stand-of-arms, and more than 2 million rounds of ammunition.

III. Former slaves celebrated Independence Day for the first time.

IV. 4 days later, the Mississippi River was in the hands of the Union army

V. Effectively cutting the Confederacy in half.

VI. Grant captures Vicksburg, splits the CSA in half.

VII. USA controls the Mississippi River.

Key Battles in the East

|Date |Battle |Victor |Result |

|Dec. 1862 |Fredericksburg |South |Lee stops Burnside from taking Richmond. |

|Jan. 1863 |Chancellorville |South |Lee stops Joe Hooker from taking Richmond. |

|*July 1863 |Gettysburg |Union |George Meade stops Lee from moving into Washington DC |

|*Turning Point Battle |


▪ General Lee invades the North.

▪ The “High Tide of the Confederacy”. South’s last chance to capture Wash., D.C.

▪ The defeat of Lee at Gettysburg would be the last time Lee would invade the North and try to take Washington, D.C.

▪ Lee’s retreat at Gettysburg on July 3rd and Grant’s defeat of the South at Vicksburg on July 4th would lead to the eventual surrender of the South by 1865.

Gettysburg Address

i. On November 19, 1863, some 15,000 people gathered at Gettysburg to honor the Union soldiers who had died there just four months before.

ii. President Lincoln delivered a two - minute speech, which became known as the Gettysburg Address.

iii. He reminded people that the Civil War was being fought to preserve a country that upheld the principles of freedom, equality, and self-government.

iv. The Gettysburg Address has become one of the best-loved and most-quoted speeches in the English language.

v. It expresses grief at the terrible cost of war and the importance of preserving the Union.

Military Preparedness

I. Professional development of officers.

▪ West Point is formed in 1802.

▪ 55 of 60 largest battles, both sides were commanded by West Pointers.

▪ Artillery and Infantry schools opened.

▪ Professional staff begins in earnest

II. Greater independence for military leaders.

▪ Politicians focus on strategy and are less involved in operational and tactical decisions.

III. Mexican War

▪ Many leaders on both sides gain valuable experience.

▪ First great post - Industrial Revolution war.


I. Telegraph

▪ Davis uses to gather forces for Shiloh.

▪ Fredericksburg sees first extensive use on the battlefield.


Greatly changes logistics and strategic maneuver.

▪ North had good system; South had acceptable quantity, but no standardized track width.


I. Outdated muskets replaced with rifle

▪ greatly changes tactics.

▪ more accurate, faster loading, fire more rounds than muskets

▪ Minié ball (more destructive bullet)

Calvary used for reconnaissance

II. Artillery

▪ invention of shells, devices that exploded in the air.

▪ fired canisters, special shells filled with bullets.

▪ Grenades

▪ land mines are used

III. Ironclads

▪ replaces wooden ships

IV. Trench warfare replaces Napoleonic tactics

Union Change in Leadership

▪ After Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg, President Lincoln appointed General Grant as the Commanding General of all Union troops.

▪ Grant commanded the Army of the Potomac in the East and was instructed by Lincoln to force General Lee to surrender.

▪ Grant appointed his 2nd in command, General William T. Sherman, to head up the Army of the West.

▪ It is here that Lincoln, Grant and Sherman devise a new strategy of “total war” or bring the civilian population into the war, destroying the South and free the slaves.

Total War

▪ Tactic of war where the Union marched through the South and destroyed all resources the civilian population needed to survive.

▪ Goal: To make war as horrible and destructive as possible to force your enemy to surrender.

▪ Total war brings the civilian population into the war to demoralize the enemy and force them to surrender.

▪ It is “in your face warfare” or you (South) started this war and until you surrender, we will destroy you.

War Hero or War Criminal?

I. Grant’s right hand general.

II. Fought with Grant in the West.

III. Most noted for this saying:

“War is hell and the worse you

make it the sooner it will be over.”

IV. Put in charge of the Army of the West after Lincoln appoints Grant as head of all Union troops.

V. Responsible for the March to the Sea and using “total war” in destroying the South.

Key Battles in the West

|Date |Battle |Victor |Result |

|Sept. 1864 |Atlanta |Union |Sherman’s March to the Sea to destroy the South and free the slaves. |

|Dec. 1864 |Columbia |Union |Union destroyed Georgia and South Carolina. Turned to the north to |

| | | |meet up with Grant. |

|March 1865 |Raleigh |Union |Sherman destroys North Carolina and continues north to meet up with |

| | | |Grant. |

|*April 1865 |Appomattox |Union |Lee surrenders to Grant, which ends the war. |

|*Turning Point Battle – War Ends |

Key Battles in the East

|Date |Battle |Victor |Result |

|Sept. 1864 |Wilderness |Union |Grant pursues Lee to Richmond. |

|April 1865 |Richmond |Union |Grant takes Richmond and moves to surround Lee. |

|*April 1865 |Appomattox |Union |Lee surrenders to Grant, which ends the war. |

|*Turning Point Battle – War Ends |


The Civil War

The War’s End & Impact

The Final Surrender

Lincoln’s Assassination

i. Abraham Lincoln did not live to see the official end of the war.

ii. Throughout the winter of 1864–1865, a group of Southern conspirators in Washington, D.C., had plotted to kidnap Lincoln and exchange him for Confederate prisoners of war.

iii. After several unsuccessful attempts, their leader, John Wilkes Booth, assigned members of his group to assassinate top Union officials.

iv. On April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln while he was watching a play at Ford’s Theater.

v. Davis and his cabinet had just arrived in Charlotte when he heard the news. Davis responded, "I certainly have no special regard for Mr. Lincoln; but there are a great many men of whose end I would much rather have heard than this. I fear it will be disastrous for our people and I regret it deeply.“

vi. Booth was shot to death after he had fled from the theater and was found hiding in a tobacco barn.

vii. Lincoln’s funeral train took 14 days to travel from Washington, D.C., to his hometown of Springfield, Illinois.

Lincoln’s Death

▪ “Our country owed all her troubles to him, and God simply made me the instrument of his punishment” – John Wilkes Booth

▪ Born (May 10 1838-April 26, 1865) was an American actor who is most famous for being the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.

▪ A professional and extremely popular stage actor of his day.

▪ Booth was a Confederate sympathizer who was dissatisfied by the outcome of the American Civil War.

President Andrew Johnson

▪ Remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War.

▪ Lincoln chose him as his VP to help with the South’s


▪ Was a democrat, southern and unpopular with Congress

▪ Was the wrong man at the wrong time to be president….

Civil War Deaths

Impact on Future Conflicts

1. Expanding battlefield due to new technology.

2. Defense is favored.

a. fortification.

3. Beginnings of trend toward dispersal and increased “individual” combat.

4. Shift to Total War

a. Whole government had to be removed for success.

b. Civil and military “targets”

i. Sherman’s March to the Sea.


April 7, 1865

To: General U.S. Grant:

General: I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender.

Commanding General of CSA,

R. E. Lee


Let’s March to the Sea & destroy everything!!




New York Draft Riots

+Conscription was extremely unpopular.

+Lincoln ordered the military to put down a riot in NYC where protesting citizens were killed.


Oh yeah…what are you going to do about it, huh!!!





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