Chapter 11 Study Guide

Chapter 11 Study Guide

__________________________________ Name / Period

Section 1-

1. The 4 candidates in the election of 1824 were: (Tell something about each one)

1. Andrew Jackson -war hero of 1812, old hickory, hero of the common man, Tennessee

2. John Quincy Adams- son of former president, Massachusetts

3. William Crawford – former Congressmen, Georgia

4. Henry Clay—Speaker of the House, Kentucky, war hawk

2. ANDREW JACKSON______________ had the most electoral and popular votes.

3. The one unique thing about the election was: the house of representatives decided the election & the candidate that had the plurality of both electoral and popular did not win—the Corrupt Bargain supposedly occurred during this election (Clay and Adams), there were 4 candidates

4. What is a favorite son? Which candidate(s) were considered one of these?

they are candidates that get the backing of their home state instead of the national party

Adams, Jackson and Clay were ALL favorite son’s.

5. Name 2 things that were new in the election of 1828:

1. mudslinging occurred

2. barbeques, slogans, buttons, rallies became more common

6. What were the different beliefs of the National Republicans and the Democrats?

National Republicans –support strong central government, federal banks, -made up of merchants and farmers

Democrats—favored state rights over central government—made up of frontiersmen, immigrants and laborers

7. Explain what the spoils system: - practice of giving government jobs to supporters of a candidate-

policy of Jackson.

8. Robert Hayne and Daniel Webster—were debating what issue?

issue of states rights –and the belief of Southern states in the principle of nullification

9. Fill in some of the famous quotes that came out during the tariff debate.




10. South Carolina threatened to __secede_ because they did not want to pay the tariff. The tariff that they were opposing was nicknamed the TARIFF OF ABOMINATIONS.

11. Explain the difference between the following two acts:

FORCE BILL-this gave the President power to use military force in enforce acts of Congress (Jackson)

NULLIFCATION ACT-passed by South Carolina, that said that they would not pay the tariffs of 1828 and 1832

11. Where was the location of the first Democratic nominating convention?—Baltimore, Maryland

Section 2-

12. Name the 5 Civilized Tribes:

1. Cherokee 2. Choctaw 3. Creek 4. Seminole 5. Chickasaw

13. What was the importance of the Cherokee’s? they fought against their removal in the courts-

took it to the Supreme Court—WORCESTER v. GEORGIA—Marshall ruled for them, but Jackson forced their removal anyway. Forced on Trail of Tears (4,000 died)-

14. Indian Removal Act – was law passed in 1830, that forced Indians to relocate- west of the Miss River--- to Indian territory (Oklahoma) -

15. Tell about the Cherokee alphabet:--invented by Sequoya—it is a syllabary of symbols that stand for sounds

16. Which tribe was attacked in Iowa attempting to return to their homeland in Illinois? Sauk and Fox

17. Why were the Seminole unique? they fought against their removal from Florida using guerrilla tactics in Florida swamps

18. Name the leaders of the following tribes:

Sauk and Fox---- Black Hawk Cherokee-John Ross Seminole----Osceola

Section 3—

19. Who was elected after Jackson? Martin Van Buren

20. What was the Panic of the 1837? was an economic depression made up of dropping land values, failing banks and overall economic unrest

21. Who was the president of the Bank? Nicholas Biddle

22. The two candidates in the election of 1832 were Andrew JACKSON_ and Henry CLAY_.

23. What was the first year the Whig Party won the presidency? 1840

24. Why did the Whig’s use the log cabin as an image to stand for their candidate?

it presented their candidate as a “man of the people” more like most of them

25. What happened to the winner of the 1840 presidential election?

he died shortly (31 days )after being sworn in, of pneumonia

26. Tell and explain the Whig candidates slogan. –Tippecanoe and Tyler Too

Tippecanoe was Harrison’s nickname due to the battle that he was in 1811

Tyler was his running mate


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