Commack Schools

Name _________________________Date __________________Task: Write a 4-paragraph essay addressing the following question: What makes an ordinary person extraordinary? Using details from Malala’s life and another source, explain how relationships, environment, a positive attitude, OR passion can help a person to become extraordinary.*The “other source” can be a person from your own life (someone you know personally), a famous person, a person in the news, another literary figure, etc…. Essay Format:Introduction Paragraph Attention Grabber (ex: an anecdote about being extraordinary/achieving greatness, a question about being extraordinary/achieving greatness , a broad statement about being extraordinary/achieving greatness, a famous quotation related to being extraordinary/achieving greatness – Choose one idea for a grabber)Develop the idea of your attention grabber (one or two sentences only)Connect the attention grabber Malala Yousafzai Connect the attention grabber to the other source you’ll be discussingTransition to the idea that many factors can lead a person to greatnessThesis statement (A one-sentence preview of what is to come in your body paragraphs; the POINT you will be proving in this essay – you already wrote this on page 6 of this packet)Body Paragraph #1 (Focus on Malala – What was her extraordinary action and which factor was responsible for it?) Topic sentence Text-based detail #1Text-based detail #2Text-based detail #3Closing sentenceBody Paragraph #2 (Focus on the other source – What makes him/her extraordinary and which factor was responsible for it?). If you are choosing someone you know personally, you may use first person pronouns such as “I” and “my” but that can only be used in THIS paragraphA. Topic sentence B.Supporting detail #1C.Supporting detail #2D.Supporting detail #3E.Closing sentenceConclusion ParagraphRe-state the main point from BP #1Re-state the main point from BP #2End the essay with a clincher (an interesting thought to present to the reader, a call to action – inspire the reader to want to do something, end with an inspirational quotation related to being extraordinary/achieving greatness, a thought-provoking question, etc…)Creating your thesis statementA thesis statement functions in two ways: It provides your reader with a preview of what is to come in the body of your essayIt clearly and concisely presents your reader with the point you will be proving in your essayYou must create the thesis statement BEFORE you start to write your essay because it guides your essay. Without knowing your thesis statement from the beginning of the writing process, your essay is likely to be disorganized and therefore confusing.Answer the following three questions and then construct your thesis statement at the end:What factor helped Malala to become extraordinary? Circle one:relationships environment positive attitude passion for a causeThe other person I will use in my essay is ________________________________What factor helped this other person to become extraordinary? Circle one:relationships environment positive attitude passion for a cause It’s time to construct your thesis statement. Create a one-sentence statement that gives your reader a preview of what’s to come in your body paragraphs and states concisely the point you will be proving in the essay. Do NOT say “In this essay I will be proving/discussing, etc…” Do NOT use “I” at all.Thesis statement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Planning Body Paragraph #1 – Focus on Malala In the first body paragraph of your essay you will be explaining how ONE of Malala’s actions was “extraordinary” and you will explain ONE factor that was responsible for that extraordinary action.Extraordinary ActionShe is extraordinary because……(Choose one extraordinary action from the planning page and re-write it on the lines below) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This action is considered “extraordinary” because…____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Influential FactorThe factor that was most responsible for this extraordinary action was …Circle ONE of the following factors:her relationships her environment her positive attitude her passion for the causeText-based support for Body Paragraph #1What quotes from the novel and/or videos we have watched (NY Times documentary or her 2014 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech) could you use in this paragraph to support how the factor you chose was responsible for propelling Malala to greatness. List three and make sure they are SPECIFIC.444518288000327152018288000406146060325007759708890016046453365500302323517526000116649510795000Planning Body Paragraph #2 – Focus on the other person you selected In the second body paragraph of your essay you will be explaining how ONE thing about this person is/was “extraordinary” and you will explain ONE factor that was responsible for that extraordinary status.The extraordinary person I will use in my essay will be:________________________________________This person is extraordinary because……(Choose one extraordinary thing they did or do and write it below) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is considered “extraordinary” because…____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Influential FactorThe factor that was most responsible for this person becoming extraordinary was …Circle ONE of the following factors:his/her relationships his/her environment his/her positive attitude his/her passion for the causeSupporting details for Body Paragraph #2What specific evidence will you use to support how the factor you chose was responsible for propelling this person to greatness? List three and make sure they are SPECIFIC.370522517780000-57150149225013239754404360003533775361378500448627483248500169545079438600208597515424150 ................

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