Famous Sayings - Schuler's Restaurant & Pub

Famous Sayings

From the pens of celebrated men, inscribed on the beams of "The Centennial Room" in Schuler's Restaurant, a favorite

and prominent dining spot for the entire Midwest.

A great step towards independence is a good-humored stomach. -Seneca

Faith is a higher faculty than reason. -Charles Trubac

Let every man strive to add a good name to his other capital. -W.H. Taft

Envy no man that knows more than myself, but pity men that know less. -Franklin Pierce

I have never met or heard of anyone who could out-smart honesty. - Abe Lincoln

Take time to play - it is the secret of perpetual youth. -Bernie Wolf

Young men have passion of regarding their elders as senile. -Henry Adams

A man cannot leave a better legacy to the world than a well-educated family. - H.S. Truman

Fame is the thirst of youth. - Byron

You may delay, but time will not. - Ben Franklin

If honor be your clothing, it will last a lifetime. -Grover Cleveland

It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. - Gene Kilbourn

One man with courage makes a majority. -Andrew Jackson

Ability is a poor man's wealth. - Wren

To whom is in fear, everything rustles. - Sophocles

Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. -Larry Feiler

I steer my bark with hope ahead and fear astern. -Thomas Jefferson

Justice, sire, is the great interest of man on earth. -Daniel Webster

I love everything that's old; friends, time, books and wine. - Goldsmith

Give me a bowl of wine; in this I bury all unkindness. - Earl Heenan

There is no greater immortality than to occupy a place you cannot fill. -Napoleon

Facts are stubborn things. - Rene Le Sage

The cowards never started and the weak died on the way. - Kit Carson

The difference between good and great is just a little extra effort. -Biggie Munn

The vagabond, when rich, is called a tourist. - Paul Richard

Eat they bread with joy and drink thy wine with a merry heart. - Hans Schuler/Ben Johnson

Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt. - Zachary Taylor

The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men. - Fowler

To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back. - Haliburton

Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. - Mark Twain

All bow to virtue, and then walk away. - De Finod

In vino veritas (In wine there is truth). -Ed Harden

Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

Intellect is invisible to the man who has none. - Schopenhauer

Music is the universal language of mankind. - Longfellow

Not by years but by dispositions is wisdom acquired. -Platus

Wine to the poet is like a winged steed; He who drinks water gains but little speed. -C. Stark

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It's not how much, but how well. - W.J. Schuler

He is only rich who owns the day. - Emerson

A light heart lives longer. - Shakespeare

Debate is the death of conversation -Emile Ludwig

115 S. Eagle Street ? Marshall, Michigan 49068 ? (269) 781-0600 ?


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