5 Culture & CLIL History - Oxford University Press

5 Culture & CLIL History

Roman Britain

? Start thinking

1 How many Roman emperors can you name? 2 Do you know any famous Roman buildings

outside Italy? 3 What do you know about life in Roman times?

Comprehension check

1 Watch the video clip and choose the correct

answers. 1 When did the Romans invade Britain?

a 1,000 years ago b 2,000 years ago c 3,000 years ago d 4,000 years ago 2 What can you see in Bath? a Hadrian's Wall b the Vindolanda Tablets c Roman Baths d a small village 3 When did the Romans leave Britain? a after about 400 years b after about 40 years c after about 440 years d after about 100 years

2 Watch again and match the people, places and

objects (1?7) to their descriptions (a?g). 1 Britannia 2 Hadrian 3 Hadrian's Wall 4 Vindolanda 5 the Vindolanda Tablets 6 Aquae Sulis 7 the Roman Baths

a the Roman name for Bath b letters that Roman soldiers sent c the Roman name for Britain d a Roman emperor e a tourist attraction in Bath f a popular walking trail today g a place where Roman soldiers lived

3 Complete the sentences with the words from

the box.





north England

1 The

were the most powerful people

in Britain before the Romans.

2 Hadrian's Wall is in the north of


3 The Romans

building the wall in

AD 122.

4 It

six years to finish the wall.

5 The Romans were afraid of the people who


of the wall.

6 It's possible to

the Vindolanda

Tablets today.

4 Watch again and choose the correct answers.

1 What did the Romans build in Britannia? a roads b buildings c cities d all of these things

2 How long was Hadrian's Wall? a 100 km b 117 km c 6 km d 122 km

3 Who discovered the Vindolanda Tablets? a Hadrian b Roman soldiers c archaeologists d the Scots

4 What did the Romans find when they went to Bath? a cold springs b very old letters c a big city d hot natural springs

5 What is the Pump Room used for today? a It's a swimming pool. b It's a restaurant and tea room. c It's a museum. d It's a library.

10 English Plus Elementary Culture & CLIL VIDEO ? Unit 5



5 Tick all the uses the Romans had for

public baths.

drinking mineral water bathing watching live entertainment shopping meeting friends finding out the latest news

Extension 8 In pairs. Look at photos A and B and answer the



Language check

6 Complete the sentences with the Past simple

form of the verbs from the box.







not use


1 The Romans

Britain about 2,000

years ago.

2 Hadrian's Wall

six years to finish.

3 The Romans

the wall to protect


4 Archaeologists

interesting objects

near Hadrian's Wall.

5 The village

hot natural springs.

6 The baths

very popular.

7 The Romans

the mineral water

from the spring.

8 After the Romans left, people


public baths for years.

Talk about it

7 In pairs. Look at the list of things in Ex.5 that

the Romans did when they met up at the Roman Baths. Compare them to your free-time activities. Answer the questions.

What kind of places do you go to with your friends? What do you and your friends do when you go out together?

A I usually go to the shopping centre to meet my friends...

B Me too. We usually have lunch and talk...


Photo A 1 Describe the photo. Where is it? 2 Why did the Romans build it? 3 What can you see or do there if you visit it

today? 4 Which monuments are famous in your country?

Why? Photo B 1 Describe the photo. Where is it? 2 Why did the Romans build it? What did they

like doing there? 3 Why do you think tourists like to visit it today?

What can you see or do there today? 4 Which old buildings are famous in your

country? Why?


English Plus Elementary Culture & CLIL VIDEO ? Unit 5 11


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