Well-known Archaeologists List - Auburn High School

Well-known Archaeologists List

• Mick Aston

• William Albright

• Churchill Babington

• Henry Balfour

• Flavio Biondo

• Lewis Binford

• Henri Breuil

• Dr Eric Ottleban Callen

• Dr. Scott Carroll

• Howard Carter

• Vere Gordon Childe

• Osbert Crawford

• Barry Cunliffe

• James Deetz

• Sir Arthur Evans

• Alfred Foucher

• Shinichi Fujimura

• William Flinders Petrie

• Pere Bosch-Gimpera

• Gustaf VI Adolf

• Phil Harding

Archaeologist Report

Full name: ___________________________

Life range: __(___________________)____

Nationality: __________________________

Explain where interest in archaeology came

From (CS): _________________________




Area(s) excavated (CS): _________________________________________





Famous Finds (bullet each):

Other interesting facts (CS): _______________________________________








Resources Cited:

Information texts &/or Websites:





Image Sources:



Name: __________________________ Section: A B C D E Date: _________________

Extra Credit Archaeologist Report Directions

Name: _________________________ Section: A B C D E Date: _____________

Project due date: _____________________

This research report is an opportunity for you to:

• learn and share information about a well-known archaeologist

• practice research & writing skills that you will need throughout your career as a student and

• earn extra credit points

You will need to choose the name of a well-known archaeologist from the list provided and use research materials (ie. Internet and/or an encyclopedia) to locate information for the following criteria:

• Full name of the archaeologist

• Life range (year born to year deceased)

• Nationality (name of the citizens in the country where born)

• Reason the person became interested in archaeology

• The area(s) in the world where your archaeologist worked

• Examples famous finds

• Two or three more interesting facts

• Image of archaeologist

• Image of famous find

• Keep track of sources where you take both information and images from

When you have located and taken notes for all of the above criteria, you will then place the information neatly in the correct location on the research report. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization etc.. should be used. Complete sentences should be used on the report where indicated. Your best penmanship, whether cursive or print, should be used. A few websites have been provided for your research efforts, but you should also try to locate others. Only school appropriate information should be used.

Archaeologist Report Rubric

Name: _______________________ Section: A B C D E

1. The original rubric was submitted with project.

2. A correct, clear image of the archaeologist is present & neatly placed.

3. A correct, clear image of an important find is present & neatly placed.

4. The full name is listed and spelled correctly.

5. The correct life range is listed.

6. The correct nationality is listed and spelled correctly.

7. The correct reason for the chosen career is explained in (CS).

8. The correct area(s) of exploration are given in (CS).

9. There are correct famous finds bulleted.

10. There are two or more interesting facts presented in (CS).

11. There are at least two correct informational sources cited (shouldn’t have

in them).

12. There are two correct image sources cited (shouldn’t have

in them).

13. Penmanship is neat and legible.

14. Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization are used.


(glue archaeologist’s image in box)

(glue image of one famous find in box)

*Use complete sentences where (CS) is indicated.

A few websites to use for research (use Google or other search engines as well):

• Zahi A. Hawass

• Donald Johansen

• Kathleen Kenyon

• Louis Leakey

• Richard Leakey

• Mark Lehner

• Carenza Lewis

• John Manley

• Nabonidus

• Boucher de Perthes

• Pitt Rivers (Augustus Lane-Fox)

• Colin Renfrew

• Julian Richards[?]

• Lieutenant General Pitt-Rivers

• Heinrich Schliemann

• Pope Shenouda

• Christian Jürgensen Thomsen

• Chris Tilley[?]

• D. Clark Wernecke

• Sir Mortimer Wheeler

• Leonard Woolley

Item 1: +_____/2

Item 2: +_____/5

Item 3: +_____/5

Item 4: +_____/2

Item 5: +_____/2

Item 6: +_____/2

Item 7: +_____/5

Item 8: +_____/5

Item 9: +_____/5

Item 10: +_____/5

Item 11: +_____/4

Item 12: +_____/4

Item 13: +_____/3

Item 14: +_____/5

Possible Points: Your Score: +______/______

*Refer to the Project Scale to see the number of extra credit points

your score earned.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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