Poetry Mini Assignment

English 10 / Ms. Feener / Due October 31st / Essay marked out of 25 + Poetry Section marked out of 20

Instructions: Choose one famous poet and write a 1.5 page write-up about their life and their contributions to poetry. Then, select three of their poems and analyze each based on the following information:

Essay Section:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction – Introduce the poet (Poet’s given name, name they go by (if different), birth date, birthplace) you will be discussing and why you chose them. Make some comments on their work and explain why they are a poet worth knowing.

Paragraph 2 – Basic Information – what poems, books, etc. the poet is best known for, their genre of poetry, date of death if applicable and how they died. Poet’s background – When did they begin writing, where did they go to school, did they marry, have children? Did they write anything other than poetry? Are there any other interesting facts about them?

Paragraph 3 – Accomplishments – What is the poet’s most recently published/produced work? What are the titles of some of their best work? Have they received any awards?

Paragraph 4 – The poet’s poetry – This is your final say on the poet. Offer some reflections. What stands out most about this poet’s poetry/lyrics? Does the poet use figurative language effectively? Imagery? Is the language itself (word choice) effective? Is the message of the poem, or the topics the poet chooses, interesting? Be sure to explain your thoughts in as much detail as necessary.

Paragraph 5 – Conclusion – Wrap up your essay. What final thoughts or reflections do you want to leave your reader with about this poet? How can you motivate them to read this poet’s poetry?

Poetry Section:

Include the text for 3 poems by this poet and underneath each, answer the following questions:

1. What is happening in the poem? What is going on, what people / places / things is the poem about?

2. What imagery is used? Think sights, sounds, smell, touch.

3. Are there any metaphors or similes? If so, what are they?

4. What style/type of poem is this? How do you know?

5. Is there a rhyme scheme? What is it?

6. What poetic devices are used? Name at least 3 and gives examples of where they are used.

7. What is your opinion of the poem – did you like it or not? Explain your reasoning.

***All write ups must be in your own words, not plagiarized***


| |1 |2 |3 |

|Ideas |Ideas are weakly supported; details|Thoughtful ideas are supported by |Insightful ideas are supported by |

| |do not develop the topic. |appropriate evidence and/or |carefully chosen evidence and/or |

| | |details. |details. |

|Organization |Assignment does not follow the flow|Assignment somewhat has flow and |Assignment is organized and flows |

| |of the material |organization |in the proper direction |

|Conventions |Writing is vague, redundant, and/or|Choices contribute to a considered |Skilfully composed. Structures are |

| |unclear. Limited language choices. |composition, writing is specific |effective and polished. A fluent |

| | |and effective. Overall competent. |and confident composition. |

|Language Use |Lack of correct sentence |Writing demonstrates control of |Writing demonstrates confident |

| |construction, usage, grammar and |correct sentence structure, grammar|control of sentence construction, |

| |mechanics. Writing is unclear and |and mechanics. Minor errors are |grammar and mechanics. Relative |

| |many mistakes are made. |acceptable and understandable. |absence of error is impressive. |

|Completion |Missing many, if not all, elements |Most elements are accounted for and|All parts of the assignment are |

| |to the assignment. |complete. |complete and correctly assembled. |

***All write ups must be in your own words, not plagiarized***


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