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Ch 4: Integumentary System Name (written in INK)


1. Complete the following table relating to body membranes. Enter your responses in the blanks.

Membrane Tissue Type Common locations Functions


|Mucous | | | |

|Serous | | | |

|Cutaneous | | | |

|Synovial | | | |


2. Four simplified diagrams are shown in Figure 4—1. Select different colors for the membranes listed below, and use them to color the coding circles and the corresponding structures.

⃝ Cutaneous membrane ⃝ Parietal pleura (serosa) ⃝ Synovial membrane

⃝ Mucosae ⃝ Visceral pericardium (serosa) ⃝ Visceral peritoneum (serosa)

⃝ Visceral pleura (serosa) ⃝ Parietal pericardium (serosa) ⃝ Parietal peritoneum (serosa)





Figure 4-1

3. Figure 4-2 depicts a longitudinal section of the skin. Label the skin structures and areas indicated by leader lines and brackets on the figure. Select different colors for the structures below and color the coding circles and the corresponding structures on the figure.


⃝ Arrector pili muscle

⃝ Adipose tissue

⃝ Hair follicle

⃝ Nerve fibers

⃝ Sweat (sudoriferous) gland

⃝ Sebaceous gland






5. Label the diagram of the skin.


Blood vessel

Nerve fiber

Deep pressure receptor

6. Complete the following statements in the blanks provided.

1. In the cold, blood vessels will move away from the body surface and get smaller. This is called

2. In heat, blood vessels move closer to body surface and get larger, called

3. Radiation from the skin surface and evaporation of sweat are two ways in which the skin helps to get rid of body

(Continued next page)

4. Fat in the tissue layer beneath the dermis, called the ______ layer helps to insulate the body.

5. The waterproofing protein found in dead epidermal structures such as the stratum corneum, hair, and nails is called

6. A modified cholesterol in the skin is converted to vitamin by sunlight.

7. A yellow to brown pigment produced by melanocytes, found in the stratum basale is . This pigment covers the cell nucleus to protect the DNA.

8. A localized concentration of melanin is a

9. A deadly cancer of the pigment-producing cells that metastasizes rapidly is

10. Apply the to examine pigmented spots to recognize melanoma:

A. Asymmetry – The two sides of a pigmented spot do not match

B. Border irregularity – The borders are not smooth, have indentations

C. Color – The pigmented spot contains areas of different colors

D. Diameter – The lesion is larger than 6 millimeters

11. Dehydration of the skin and wrinkling is due to loss of the protein called

12. A decubitus ulcer (bedsore) results when skin cells are deprived of

13. The bluish cast of the skin due to inadequate oxygenation of the blood is

14. Reddened skin, caused by an increase in blood flow, is termed

15. An abnormal yellow color of the skin, usually a result of a liver disorder in which excess bile pigments circulate in the blood, is called

16. The term for pale skin resulting from blood quickly leaving an area is

17. A bruise, or bleeding when blood vessels are broken but the skin surface is not, is a

18. Inflammation of the skin (allergic reaction) caused by chemicals touching skin is

19. An orange-yellow pigment deposited in the stratum corneum when a person eats large amounts of orange, yellow, and red foods, such as carrots is

20. The oily mixture of lipids, cholesterol, and cell fragments secreted by sebaceous glands is called

21. Friction causes thickening of the stratum corneum, called a

22. The externally observable part of a hair emerging from the skin is the

23. The dermis provides mechanical strength to the skin due to (2 answers)

24. A first degree burn damages the

25. A second degree burn damages the epidermis and some dermis and forms

26. A full-thickness burn, damages epidermis and dermis, may require skin grafts, life-threatening due to loss of body fluids and infection

7. Using key choices, choose all responses that apply to the following descriptions. Enter the appropriate letter(s) in the answer blanks.

A. Stratum corneum D. Stratum lucidum G. Epidermis as a whole

B. Stratum basale E. Papillary layer H. Dermis as a whole

C. Stratum granulosum F. Reticular layer

1. Epidermal layer of translucent cells containing keratin

2. Epidermal layer composed of dead cells (two layers)

3. Dermal layer responsible for fingerprints (superior layer of dermis)

4. Vascular (blood vessels) region, gives skin reddish color when hemoglobin binds with oxygen

5. Epidermal layer involved in rapid cell division (mitosis); most inferior epidermal layer

6. Epidermal layer composed of scale-like cells full of keratin that constantly flake off

7. Site of elastin (flexibility) and collagen fibers (binds water)

8. Epidermal layer containing melanocytes, site of melanin formation

9. Major skin area from which the hair and nails arise

10. Major skin layer that is avascular, gets oxygen and nutrients via diffusion from region below

11. The epidermal layer that is also is also called the stratum germinativum

8. Figure 4-3 is a diagram of a cross-sectional view of a hair in its follicle. Complete this figure by identifying the two portions of the follicle wall by placing the correct name of the sheath, coloring, and labeling the diagram.

⃝ Cortex ⃝ Cuticle ⃝ Medulla ⃝ Follicle


9. Complete the following statements about the finger nail.

1. Nails consist of three parts. The portion overhanging the end of the finger is the

2. The portion of the nail that is attached to the underlying skin is the

3. The portion embedded in the skin is the

4. The borders of the nail are overlapped by skin folds called

5. The thick proximal nail fold composed of stratum corneum, commonly called the cuticle, is the . This structure is responsible for sealing the edges of the nail fold to the nail, which prevents substances from entering the body.

6. The germinal cells of the nail matrix are responsible for nail . As the new cells are produced by the matrix they are pushed toward the distal end of the nail, become heavily keratinized, and die.

7. The thick, white crescent-shaped area of the nail matrix at the proximal nail is the

10. Label the Nail Parts:


11. Using key choices, complete the following statements. Insert the appropriate letter(s) in the answer blanks.

Key Choices

A. Arrector pili C. Hair E. Sebaceous glands G. Sudoriferous glands (eccrine)

B. Cutaneous receptors D. Hair follicle F. Sudoriferous glands (apocrine)

1. A blackhead is an accumulation of sebum that has oxidized and darkened. Sebum is produced by

2. Tiny muscles attached to hair follicles that pull hair upright during fright or cold (goosebumps) are

3. The sheath from which hair grows, composed of both epithelial and connective tissues is the

4. The structure found everywhere on the body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and lips and consists primarily of dead keratinized cells is

5. The specialized nerve endings in the skin that respond to temperature and touch are called

6. Due to increased hormones, the become more active at puberty. (two answers)

7. The structures that function in the elimination of excess body heat are the

8. Considered exocrine glands (three answers), excrete out of the body


1. While cooking, Mrs. Ibanez suffered a grease burn on the dorsum of her left hand. There is a small area of skin that is red and painful with blisters but is not blanched or blackened. (p. 124)

a. What degree of burn does she have?

b. Will the skin probably grow back or is she likely to have a scar?

2. A new mother brings her infant to the clinic, worried about a yellowish, scummy deposit that has built up on the baby’s scalp. The doctor informs her that the condition is called “cradle cap” (p. 120).

a. What is the medical name for this condition?

b. What causes this to occur?

3. Patients in hospital beds are rotated every 2 hours to prevent bedsores.

a. What is the medical term for a bedsore (p. 117)?

b. Exactly why is turning patients effective in preventing them? (Think about what CAUSES a bedsore.)

4. Count Dracula, the most famous vampire of legends, may have been based on a real person who lived in eastern Europe about 600 years ago. He killed at least 200,000 people in the region he ruled. Count Dracula may have suffered from porphyria. Often, the skin of patients with this disorder may burn or blister when exposed to the sun.

a. Explain how sunlight works with the skin to produce vitamin D. (p. 112-113)

b. Explain how healthy skin protects the cells of the stratum basale from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. (p. 116)

5. A man caught his finger in a machine at the factory, and the entire nail was torn from his right index finger. The parts destroyed included the body, root, bed, lunula, matrix, and cuticle of the nail.

a. Explain why this fingernail is NOT likely to grow back. (p. 123)

b. Explain why a normal nail bed appears pink but the lunula is white. (p. 124)

6. A six-year-old child suffered a ruptured appendix and was rushed to the OR.

a. What serous membrane is in danger of becoming infected? (p. 110-111)

b. During surgery, the surgeon will make an incision into the abdominal cavity. Into which layer of this membrane will the surgeon cut first?

7. A nurse tells a doctor that a patient is cyanotic.

a. What is cyanosis? (p. 119)

b. What does this skin color change indicate about the hemoglobin?

8. Both newborn infants and aged individuals have very little subcutaneous tissue.

a. How does this affect their sensitivity to cold? (p. 113)

b. What is another function of this adipose tissue?

9. The water in a swimming pool is hypotonic to our cells.

a. Why don’t we swell and lyse when we go for a swim? (stratum lucidum and stratum corneum, p. 115-116)

b. Explain why we have dandruff.

10. A 40-year-old man is complaining that his face is wrinkled and he has several dark pigmented moles that are growing rapidly and are as big as large coins. He admits he used to stay in the sun a lot when he was younger.

a. Explain for what each letter of the ABCD rule stands. (p. 127)

b. Explain why he should be concerned with a diagnosis of malignant melanoma.


Two types of sweat glands:

1. Far more numerous and found all over the body, function in elimination of excess body heat –

2. Found in the axillary and genital areas, secretion contains fatty acids and proteins that favor bacterial growth –

The epidermis has no blood vessels. Oxygen and nutrients reach the cells of the

(bottom layer of epidermis) by the passive

transport process of .

4. The more superficial cells of the epidermis become less viable and ultimately die. What two factors account for this natural demise of the epidermal cells?



“bumpy” layer of dermis:

network layer of dermis:

Pain receptors

Light touch receptor





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