APUSH – American Intellectuals – (Important Philosophers ...

APUSH – American Intellectuals – (Important Philosophers, Historians, Economists & Thinkers that influenced American History (both famous and infamous)

Divide these up and provide a detailed description of these people including their significance in US history. Remember, your teammates are counting on you to do quality work. No plagiarism!!!!!

1. Samuel Adams

2. Horatio Alger

3. François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

4. Charles Beard

5. Andrew Carnegie

6. Henry Clay

7. Eugene Debs

8. John Dewey

9. WEB DuBois

10. Jonathan Edwards

11. Albert Einstein

12. Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. Milton Friedman

14. Henry Ford

15. Thomas Jefferson

16. Steve Jobs

17. Alexander Hamilton

18. Patrick Henry

19. John Jay

20. George Kennan

21. John Maynard Keynes

22. Martin Luther King

23. John Lewis

24. John Locke

25. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

26. Richard Henry Lee

27. Alfred Thayer Mahan

28. Thurgood Marshall

29. Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu

30. Gouverneur Morris

31. John Muir

32. James Otis

33. Thomas Paine

34. John Rawls

35. Robert Rhett

36. John Rockefeller

37. Jean Jacques Rousseau

38. Edmund Ruffin

39. Adam Smith

40. Frederick Winslow Taylor

41. Henry David Thoreau

42. Frederick Jackson Turner

43. Malcolm X

44. Clement Vallandigham

45. Daniel Webster



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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