Almost Famous

Almost Famous

Day One Viewing (first 40 minutes)

1. The opening credits are used to illustrate the film’s connection to ___________ and also the fact that the main character is a young ____________, as evidenced by the use of a __________ to identify the actors.

2. The first scene takes place in _________, California in the year _________, during __________.

3. In what ways is the mother different? Consider the following elements:

a. Soy Patties

b. Kissing

c. Rock Music

d. Celebrating Christmas

e. The way she treats her two children

4. How does William find out about his skipping two grades?

5. How does Mrs. Miller validate her belief that she was right to do this to her son?

6. How does Anita Miller break-up with her mother?

7. What does Anita say to her brother before she leaves with Daryl?

8. What does she leave him?

9. How does Cameron Crowe (director) transition from 1969 to 1973 (hint: Tommy).

10. Who is Lester Bangs and why is William outside the radio station?

11. How does Lester show himself to be eccentric at the radio station?

12. How much will William make for writing an article about Black Sabbath?

13. Lester says that rock is an “industry of ________”.

14. What job does William not want in the future?

15. Outside the stadium, what funny things happen to William?

16. What are the groupies called?

17. How does William ingratiate himself with Stillwater to get into the stadium?

18. What does Jeff Bebe (Jason Lee and lead singer) call rock critics?

19. During his interview, Bebe tells William that rock and roll is great because of the….?

20. Why do the “cool” people call William Ope?

21. What are your first impressions of Penny Lane? What are her long term goals?

22. What happens at the Riot House (The Hyat Hotel)?

23. At the end of Act I, William gets a job offer from __________________________ to write an article about _________________ for $_________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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