Category - Cleveland State University

Dark and Romantic Comedy Trailer Codebook

By Serena Hendricks

May 25, 2010

Coding Instructions:

***One Excel Workbook for one and only movie trailer***

***Please make a new excel file/workbook for each trailer **

1. Complete the worksheet labeled Intro

2. Watch the entire trailer before you start coding. The trailers will be in a given Word file named List of Trailers.

3. Have fun coding the rest of the worksheets!

Note: Do not code any items using content in the music/lyrics unless the music is from the movie plot.

**Thank you for time and cooperation**

Intro Worksheet

1) Coder Name: Please type your name

2) Code ID: Please indicate your coder ID (from the list below)

1= Serena

2= Kim

3= Matt

4= Andrew

3) Movie Trailer ID: Please indicate the movie trailer ID of movie trailer being coded (from the list below)

|Type of Genre |Movie Trailer ID |Movie Title |

| |1 |Sex and The City |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|1 | | |

| |2 |Music and Lyrics |

| |3 |The Break-up |

| |4 |Hitch |

| |5 |50 First Dates |

| |6 |How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days |

| |7 |My Big Fat Greek Wedding |

| |8 |America’s Sweetheart |

| |9 |What Women Want |

| |10 |Runaway Bride |

| |11 |Burn After Reading |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|2 | | |

| |12 |Death at a Funeral |

| |13 |Little Miss Sunshine |

| |14 |The Ringer |

| |15 |The Stepford Wives |

| |16 |Bad Santa |

| |17 |Death to Smoochy |

| |18 |The Royal Tenenbaums |

| |19 |Nurse Betty |

| |20 |Being John Malkovich |

4) Type of genre: Please indicate what genre is the trailer (from the list above)

1= Romantic Comedy

2= Dark Comedy

Worksheet F

1) Actors: Please indicate the number of times that the actor(s) name is just spoken, just written on screen, their face and/or body is shown or any combination of the three in one given shot for each shot throughout the trailer. If their faces and/or bodies are shown more then 30 times then please write the word Stop and you may stop counting “just face and/or body”. However, continue counting the other variables.

If “written”: what was the size, LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL? If something was written one or more times, indicate the number of times it was LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL (examples on next page)

2) Directors/Writers/Producers/Studios: Please the number of times that the Directors/Writers/Producers/Studios name(s) are just spoken, just written or both in one given shot.

If “written”: what was the size, LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL? If something was written one or more times, indicate the number of times it was LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL (examples on next page)

3) Genre: Please indicate the number of times is the name of the genre, spoken, written or both?

If “written”: what was the size, LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL? If something was written one or more times, indicate the number of times it was LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL (examples on next page)

4) Awards: Please indicate the number of times that there was mention of the actor’s, director’s, writer’s, producer’s or overall movie’s current or previous award wins or nominations. (Either for this movie or other movies)

If “written”: what was the size, LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL? If something was written one or more times, indicate the number of times it was LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL (examples on next page)

5) Previous Work: Please indicate the number of times that there was mention of the actor’s, director’s, writer’s, or producer’s current or previous work accreditations. (Not including awards)

If “written”: what was the size, LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL? If something was written one or more times, indicate the number of times it was LARGE, MEDIUM, or SMALL (examples on next page)

6) Story: Please indicate if there a presence of (1) an Omniscient/voice of God narrator (e.g., Donald Leroy LaFontaine), (2) do the character(s) narrate(s) in dialogue or (3) as a voiceover, (4) on-screen words to help tell the story of the movie, or are there all three or nothing at all. Code: 0= No, 1=Yes





[pic] Actors name written & Actors face/body are shown


[pic] Just actors name

Worksheet C


For each one of these categories, please indicate if it appears, the action is shown or is talked about in the trailer or not. Also, indicate whether there is any humor intended (by the filmmaker) as related to the category. Code: 0=No, 1= Yes

|Category |Description |

|1. Sexual Double Entendre |Any figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either |

| |of two ways. Often the first meaning is straightforward, while the second meaning is|

| |less so but Must be in a sexual way. |

|2. Homosexuality |The trailer deals with homosexual (i.e., between men/men and women/women or |

| |bi-sexuality) sexual activity or preference. |

|3. Sexual Deviancy |The trailer deal with sexual arousal to objects or situations that are not part of |

| |normative stimulation but are deemed illegal (i.e. sex with animals, sex with |

| |children, etc.) |

|4. Sexual Fetish |The trailer deals with sexual arousal brought on by any object, situation or body |

| |part not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature deemed legal (i.e. feet, |

| |sex with unreal character such as Santa Clause) |

|5. Terminal Illness |The trailer deals with an active and malignant disease that cannot be cured or |

| |adequately treated and that is reasonably expected to result in the death of the |

| |patient (i.e. cancer, AID,etc.) |

|6. Mental illness |The trailer deals with psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an |

| |individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as |

| |part of normal development or culture. (i.e. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Bi-polar|

| |Disorder, Depression, or general “crazy”) |

|7. Physical Handicap |The trailer deals with impairments, activity limitations, and participation |

| |restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity |

| |limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or |

| |action (i.e. Dwarfism, Paraplegics, Quadriplegics etc.) |

|8. Mental Developmental Disability |The trailer deals with life-long, disabilities attributable to mental health (i.e. |

| |mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, etc.) |

|9. Suicide |The trailer deals with the intentional killing of one's self |

|10. Death |The trailer deals with termination of the biological functions that define a living |

| |organism and/or the activities that follow (i.e. Funerals, Burying a body, etc.) |

|11. Stalking |The trailer deals excessive/obsessive unwanted attention by individuals (and |

| |sometimes groups of people) to others |

|12. Murder |The trailer deals with the killing of another human being |

|13. Politics |The trailer deals with process by which groups of people make legal decisions |

|14. Religion |The trailer deals with religious faith/habits/groups |

|15. Workplace |The trailer deals with the workplace environment (e.g. office, factory). |

|16. Habits |The trailer deals with human habits such as smoking and drinking, or doing any legal|

| |or illegal drugs. |

|17. Criticizing Society |The trailer deals with the criticizing of manner or condition in which the members |

| |of a community live together for their mutual benefit |

|18. Violence |Any expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action |

| |against one's will on pain of being hurt (i.e. Hitting, stabbing, punching, |

| |slipping, etc.) |

|19. Yelling |Any crying out or speak with a strong, loud, clear sound at or about someone; |

| |shouting or screaming |

|20. Profanity |Any word, expression or gesture which is socially constructed or interpreted as |

| |insulting, rudeness, vulgarism, desecrating, or showing disrespect. (i.e. Damn, |

| |Shit, or giving someone the middle finger) |

|21. Crime |The trailer deals with any deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms – |

| |cultural standards prescribing how humans ought to behave normally |

|22. Terrorism/War |The trailer deals with issues/aspects related to terrorism and/ or war |

|23. Car Crashes/Chase |Any Car Crashes/Chases |

|24. Police/FBI/Law Enforcement |The trailer deals with any type of law enforcement agencies |

|25. Falling/Tripping |Any forms of falling or tripping |

|26. Injury |Any damage or harm caused to the structure or function of the body caused by an |

| |outside agent or force, which may be physical or chemical, and either by accident or|

| |intentional |

|27. Sports |The trailer deals with sports (e.g. a specific game, a specific athlete) |

|28. Ethnicity/race/Nationality |Ethnicity, race or nationality appear as themes in the video (i.e., it is not |

| |enough, for instance, that an Asian actor takes part in a video – his ethnicity |

| |needs to be ‘marked’ and dealt with) |

|29. Dating |This trailer deals with courtship, and may include any social activity undertaken |

| |by, typically, two people with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as |

| |their partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. (i.e. going out with, get |

| |someone’s contact information for courting purpose, single, etc.) |

|30. Sex (Heterosexual) |The trailer deals with heterosexual (i.e., between men and women) sexual activity. |

| |(i.e. “sleeping with”, making out, fondling/groping, etc. |

|31. Pregnancy/Giving Birth |The trailer deals with the carrying of one or more offspring, inside a female or the|

| |act giving to that offspring. |

|32. Divorce |The trailer deals with the legal termination of a marriage also (legal) separation |

|33. Marriage |The trailer deals with anything about a social union or legal contract between |

| |individuals including that act of a wedding ceremony (i.e. wife, husband, fiancé, |

| |wedding dress, maid of horror, etc.) |

|34. Arrogance |The trailer deals with the display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing |

| |pride. |

|35. Vanity |The trailer deals with the excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, |

| |abilities, achievements, etc |

|36. Greed |The trailer deals with the excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or |

| |possessions |

|37. Gender Roles |The trailer deals with the set of perceived behavioral norms associated particularly|

| |with males or females, in a given social group or system |

|38. Scatological |The trailer deals with scatological issues (related to excrement and excretory |

| |functions), such as urine, farting etc. |

|39. Hygiene/Grooming |The trailer deals with the set of practices associated with the preservation of |

| |cleanliness and or odor |

|40. Weight/Dieting |The trailer deals with the mass of a persons body and/or the practice regulating |

| |weight(i.e. fat, skinny, the Akins diet) |

|41. Fashion |The trailer deals with dress/clothes, styles or the fashion industry (i.e. |

| |runway/catwalks, or how someone is dressed) |

|42. Media |The trailer deals with the content of media such as computers, mobile phones or |

| |television (e.g., in parodies on a specific show or a computer game) or with media |

| |technologies (e.g., robots, mobile phones, celebrities) |

|43. Plastic Surgery |The trailer deals with the medical specialty concerned with the correction, |

| |restoration, change of form and function in on/in a body |

|44. Fantasy |The trailer deals with the idea of unrealistic thing/places events can and/or don’t |

| |exist/happen |

|45. Animals |The trailer deals with animals and their behavior |

|46. Dance |The trailer deals with dance/dancing and/or dancers |

|47. Music |The trailer deals with music (e.g. the music industry, a specific musician) Not |

| |including non-plot related music |

|48. Other (Please Specify on coding form) | |

***ONLY if the above categories are humorous do the following

For each one of the categories, please indicate all humor mechanism it may fall under.

0=No, 1= Yes

|Mechanisms |Description |

|Mech 1: Disparagement |Humor that relies on a sense of superiority—the disparagement (putdown) of an |

| |individual or a group |

|Mech 2: Incongruity |Humor that relies on incongruity---- the unexpected juxtaposition (linking) of two |

| |or more things that don’t usually go together (if Incongruity humour then code if it|

| |is Verbal, Visual, Opposites, Roles) |

| | |

| |Verbal- the unexpected juxtaposition (linking) of things that are sounds or spoken |

| |in the trailer.(i.e. dry humour, puns, talking about something that doesn’t usually |

| |go together) (Example: A baby speaking with a mans voice) |

| |Visual- the unexpected juxtaposition (linking) of things that are shown in the |

| |trailer. (i.e. actions that don’t go together, pictures etc.) (Example: Driving on a|

| |lake when it is frozen) |

| |Opposites- the unexpected juxtaposition (linking) of things that are contrary or |

| |radically different in some respect common to both, as in nature, qualities, |

| |direction, result, or significance ( i.e. Bad with Good, Big with Small etc.) |

| |(Example: A big man with a tiny dog, a hot girl with ugly guy) |

| |Roles-: the unexpected juxtaposition (linking) of two or more socially expected |

| |behavior patterns, usually determined by an individual's status in a particular |

| |society, that don’t usually go together. (i.e. Gender roles, Culture/Race |

| |stereotypes etc.) (Example: A tough guy smelling rose and smiling) |

| |Other- if not a Role or an Opposite code Other but still indicate if it is verbal or|

| |visual. Also, please describe the humour case in the space. |

|Mech 3: Arousal |Humor that relies on generalized arousal--reactions to extreme or shocking things. |

| |(if Arousal humour then code if it is verbal, visual, or both) |

| | |

| |Verbal- an extreme or shocking humorous thing that is a sound or spoken in the |

| |trailer. (i.e. profanity, yelling, fart sound, jokes, etc.) |

| |Visual- an extreme or shocking humorous thing that shown in the trailer. (physical |

| |humour, nudity, pictures etc.) |

|Mech 4: Social |Humor that relies on familiarity and social currency--a sense of connection among |

| |people, often through shared knowledge or experience. |

Worksheet A

Please indicate the number of times that the action occurs, that word (in any conjugation) is spoken or written on the screen, the object appears, and/or person appears. This includes the number in one particular shot and each different (cut) shot. In any type of shot (i.e. Close, Long, Medium etc.)

|Action/Object/Person |Description |

|1) Hugging/Cuddling |An action that involves closing or holding the arms around any thing, animal or any part |

| |of another person. Includes hugging one’s self and imitating a hug |

|2) Kissing |An action that involves touching of one's lips to any thing, animal or any part of |

| |another person. Includes kissing one’s self, blowing a kiss and imitating a kiss |

|3) Flower(s) (any) |Instructions: |

| |If there are 1 to 5 single steamed flowers, not in bouquet fashion, in a shot, please |

| |tally each flower as 1. |

| |If there is a bouquet of flowers, please tally each bouquet as 1. |

| |If there are more than 5 bouquets of flowers/5 single flowers in a shot or the shot |

| |involves flower foliage/an area full of flowers, then add 5 to your tally. |

| |For example: if there is a room with 3 people each holding a bouquet of flowers while |

| |standing in a field full of flowers the tally would be: |

| |3 for the three bouquets + 5 for field full of flowers totaling = 8 for that one shot |

|4) Wedding Dress |A gown worn by the bride at a wedding, generally white, with a veil. |

|5) Bridesmaid dress |A gown worn by the bridesmaids at a wedding, |

|6) Fondling/Groping |Touching any thing, animal or person in a intense sexual way (i.e. punching someone butt)|

| |Includes fondling/groping one’s self and imitating fondling/groping |

|7) Body(Dead/Wounded) |A body/part of a body that is intended to be dead (by the filmmaker) and/or a body that |

| |is wounded and not moving on its own. |

|8) Coffin(s) |A funerary box used in the display and containment of deceased remains – either for |

| |burial or cremation. |

|9) Hearse |A funeral vehicle, a conveyance for the casket from e.g. a church to a cemetery, a |

| |similar burial site, or a crematorium |

|10) Tripping/Falling |Any forms of falling or tripping |

|11) Strangling |An action that involves compressing the neck with an object or one’s body that may lead |

| |to unconsciousness or death. Includes strangling one’s self and imitating strangling |

|12) Stabbing |An action that involves the penetration of a sharp or pointed object at close range. |

| |Includes stabbing one’s self and imitating stabbing |

|13) Slapping |An action that involves a broad stroke made with the open hand, as opposed to a punch |

| |that is made with a closed fist. Can be made across the face or any other body part, and |

| |can use either the palm of the hand or the back of the hand. Includes slapping one’s self|

| |(i.e. knee when laughing or own face) and imitating slapping |

|14) Hitting |An action that involves striking someone or something to cause physical harm by punching,|

| |kicking or hitting with an object. Including hitting one’s self, imitating hitting, and |

| |throwing something at someone or something else. |

|15) Shooting |An action that involves of firing rifles, shotguns or other projectile weapons such as |

| |bows or crossbows, pellet guns, etc. |

|16) Weapon(s) |Any tool used to apply force for the purpose of hunting, attack, self-defense, or defense|

| |in combat. |

|17) Physical handicap person(s) |A person with impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An |

| |impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a |

| |difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action (i.e. Paraplegics, |

| |Quadriplegics etc.) |

|18) Dwarf(s) |A person with the medical disorder that causes an adult to be under 4 feet in height |

|19) Drugs(s) |Any form of legal or illegal drugs. Includes tallying the name of the drug |

|20) Drinking (alcohol) |An action that involves consumption of alcoholic beverages. Includes tallying the name |

| |of the alcohol |

|21) Smoking |An action that involves where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke|

| |tasted or inhaled. Includes anything being smoked |

|22) Fantasy Character(s) (i.e. Santa, |Unrealistic person/thing that doesn’t exist or an actor representing unrealistic |

|aliens) |person/thing that doesn’t exist |

24A) Please indicate the number of times that people are lying in bed together either under or over the sheets, also the number of times people are laying under some sort of cover or blanket, etc. together. Include each different (cut) shot in count also any type of shot (i.e. Close, Long, Medium etc.)



25A) Please indicate the number of times there is any look of longing, flirting or wanting by each person in any type of shot (i.e. Close, Long, Medium etc.)



26A) Please indicate the number of times any look of confusion or shock by each person in any type of shot (i.e. Close, Long, Medium etc.)




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