
Chapters 1-5 Study Guide Name: _______________________________________ #:___________ Period: _______Chapters I-II: Who owns manor farm? What problem does he have? Who is Old Major? Why does he assemble the animals? According to Old Major, the Rebellion is necessary and justified. What are several examples he gives of Jones’s mistreatment of the animals? In his speech, Major divides the world into friends and enemies. How does he define each group? What things does Old Major specifically identify as things that the animals should not do after the rebellion? The pigs formulate the teachings of Old Major into a system of thought. What is it called? How do Mollie (the mare) and Moses (the raven) react to the idea of rebellion? Explain. What broke up the meeting? What happened as a result of this action? What new name do the animals give to Manor Farm after the Rebellion? What two leaders emerge after the rebellion? What is done with the Jones Farmhouse? What have the pigs been doing during the months that pass after the rebellion? Who formulates the “Seven Commandments”? What are they? How well did the Commandments match Old Major’s dream? What is ironic about the working conditions after the rebellion? Chapters III-IV:Is the society of Animal Farm a classless one? What is significant about the quarrels between Napoleon and Snowball? What new maxim does Snowball create to summarize the principals of Animalism? Why does he feel the need to develop What does Napoleon do with Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies? Why would that be significant?What is the motto Boxer adopts for himself? How do the pigs view Boxer? The pigs try to teach the other animals to do what? How well does it go over? Did Pilkington and Frederick offer to help Jones regain Animal Farm at first? How did they react to their own animals singing “Beasts of England? Describe the Battle of Cowshed, recapping all of the major events. Where does Mollie go during the battle to prove her cowardice? What event occurs during the battle that changes how Boxer views rebellion? How does Napoleon show ruthlessness to this event? What human rituals did the animals use to celebrate their victory? Chapter V:What happened to Mollie? According to Snowball, what improvements will the windmill bring to Animal Farm? List at least two ways in which Napoleon shows opposition to Snowball and the windmill project. What does Napoleon do to Snowball’s plans for the windmill? What does Napoleon do to get rid of Snowball? The animals are disturbed when Snowball is expelled and Napoleon takes charge. How is their opposition silenced by the dogs and by Squealer? Characters & Their Historical Counterparts CharacterDescription of CharacterHistorical CounterpartFarmer JonesOld MajorSnowballNapoleonMollieBoxerSquealerMosesCloverBenjaminMr. PilkingtonMr. WhymperJessie and BluebellLiterary Devices & Examples DeviceDefinitionExample(s) & Pg #sAllegoryFableSatireAnthropomorphismSymbolismIronyP-Q-C-Q AssignmentsThroughout the course of the novel, you will be writing six PQCQ assignments. Each section (Chapters 1-5; Chapters 6-9) will require THREE PQCQ entries.You must have three DIFFERENT PQCQs.This means you CANNOT have 2 of the same PQCQ in one section. Example: For Chapters 1-5, you could answer a Prediction, a Quote, and a Question, or a Question, Connection, and Quote, as long as you don’t have Quote, Quote, and a Connection. You need ONE – TWO paragraphs per entryYou need AT LEAST two examples from the text to support your entry. P – Predictions – Make predictions about what you think might happen based on certain events. Q – Questions – What is something you had a hard time understanding? What made it confusing? C – Connect - Connect the text to your real life. Have you seen something or heard something similar? Does the text remind you of something? Q – Quote – Is there a particular quote that stood out to you? What does it mean? What might it mean to the story? Below, write the date you completed each journal, and which entry type you chose. All THREE entries are due: NOVEMBER 14th, 2014. Example: November 9th, 2014 1. Prediction________________________________ 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________ ................

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