Marco Island Charter Middle School

Animal Farm Assignment Sheet 1:Video Clip on Background and Context of Animal FarmListen to the video clip to fill in the blanks below.Animal Farm is the tale of animals rebelling against their human owner.It’s an allegory for the _________________ Revolution.What is an allegory? It’s a story that is an extended ___________________________. While the story has a simple surface meaning, it is often about a real political or _________________ event.George Orwell was a pen name for Eric Arthur Blair.Orwell was concerned about social _______________________, and the mistreatment of the lower classes.He talks about how political __________________ corrupts good people.A totalitarian government controls _________________________________: the economy, the media and the _____________________ and values of the people.Animal Farm Chapter 1: Information and notetaking.Notes by Teacher on vocabulary.Vocabulary help:Allegory—a story which represents a real event in history.Totalitarianism-Absolute conrol over individuals’ lives.Enmity—hatredProsperity--wealthTyranny-control over without any freedomToil-workFertile-rich for growingConsumes—uses and eatsComrades—friends, partnersVice-bad behaviors or flaws of manSetting: Old Manor Farm in EnglandMr. Jones, the man who owns and runs Manor farm—often drinksCharacter: Old Major, the white boar (pig) -- Highly- respected, 12 years oldConnection to Soviet Union/Russia—use of the word comrades--friendsOld Major calls a meeting of all the animals-spread his wisdom before he dies in the near future.Says our lives are miserable with the amount of work they do and how they are slaughtered when no longer useful and goes on.The characters who show up at the meeting are the following.Dogs-Bluebell, Jessie and PincherPigsHensPigeons-birdsSheep and CowsClover-horseBoxer-horse—white stripe on his nose-not very intelligent, but a very good workerBenjamin-donkey-oldest animal/bad tempered/never laughedMuriel-goatMolly-white mare-horse—wears red ribbonsCatMoses-Raven—not present at the meetingComplete the following when listening:Old Major criticizes humans. Give three reasons why he dislikes humans. Why does he consider them an enemy. What do they do to the animals and how do they treat them. 1.2.3. Old Major tells the animals when they control themselves, these are the rules they should follow to govern themselves by. How does he say they should behave.Give 5 rules that he creates so they won’t behave or live like man.1. No animal should live in a house. 2-3 sentences, summarize Old Major’s dream before he goes into his song, “Beasts of England”.Dream:Song: What line in the song “Beasts of England” stands out to you-why?Old Major reminds them about who should be their friend or enemy by the saying below.Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy. Whatever is goes on four legs or wings is a friend. ................

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