Animal Welfare Review – Dairy



Today’s consumer wants assurance that the labels on their packages ensure the quality of the product they are purchasing. The information below will guide you through the Validus requirements established to protect the integrity of Validus certified products. These requirements have been established in part through use of the USDA Process Verified system for quality.

Clients do not have to meet the following requirements if they do not wish to label end products. Certification of your livestock to the Animal Welfare Review Program Guidelines still allows you to use the Validus certification mark and related USDA Process Verified mark in marketing materials such as brochures, posters, flyers, point of sale materials, farm gate signs, etc. If at any time after reviewing this material you wish to not certify your processing facilities, contact Validus and we will adjust your specific audit program to livestock only.

What does a client have to do to use the Validus Certification Mark and the USDA Processed Verified Mark on end product?

The livestock and processing facilities of a client seeking Validus certification must meet the standards established by the Dairy Animal Welfare Review Program. The information below outlines the requirements ONLY as it relates to processing facility audits. Validus requirements are:

1. Clients provide a documented procedure(s) which demonstrates product is identified and traced from farm site to processing site to end-product labeling, protecting “certified” product integrity.

2. Clients provide a documented procedure(s) which demonstrates:

a. product is received from only Validus Dairy Animal Welfare Review certified operations or;

b. product coming from different sites that are not Validus Dairy Animal Welfare Review certified are kept separate from certified product.

3. Clients provide a documented procedure(s) to demonstrate identification, separation and release of product that does not meet the Validus certified product requirements for use of the certification mark.

4. Clients use promotional materials and labels that include the Validus certification mark only as approved for use by Validus. (Refer to Validus Certified Marks Use Guidelines).

The following checklists provide the specific Validus Requirements as related to the four main areas listed in the introduction. Where possible an example/suggestion has been provided.

Identification and Traceability of Product

Documented procedure(s) will be evaluated for evidence of the following:

|Validus Requirement |Examples & Suggestions |

| | |

|Describe the process for identification and |Farm X uses lot numbers, batches, etc. and keeps records of this |

|traceability used at facility. |information from beginning to end to trace our product. |

| | |

|Describe the process and records kept to uniquely |Note: this process is most likely the same as your recall identification |

|identify the end-product that is labeled with the |process. |

|Validus Certification Marks. | |

| |  |

|Describe the process used to monitor identification |List each method used to identify product: |

|and traceability of product throughout the various |Each batch has a number and date OR Farm X labels batches with date as |

|stages of product development. |they arrive and all pasteurized certified product is put in blue cases |

| |and non-pasteurized certified product is put in white cases. |

| |  |

|Describe the records kept by the facility that prove |Farm X keeps a batch record that traces product from start to finish. |

|requirements regarding identification and traceability|Each step in the process is recorded. |

|have been met. | |

| | |

|Identify who is responsible for release of final |The plant manager approves all product shipped from Farm X. This is |

|product to market and where it is recorded. |recorded on each shipping release order. |

Receiving of Milk

Documented procedure(s) will be evaluated for evidence of the following:

|Validus Requirement |Examples & Suggestions |

| | |

|Identify the source of product stream whether |Farm X only accepts milk from our company-owned farm(s) OR Farm X purchases |

|internally produced or purchased from external |milk from… |

|sources. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Describe how milk received is ensured to be from |Farm X only accepts milk from AWRD certified operations OR Farm X has |

|animals certified by the Validus Animal Welfare Review|separate receiving facilities, equipment, timing and clean out procedures |

|Program or describe how milk is kept separate if both |and records that allow for total separation (Explain your farm’s process for|

|types of milk (certified and non-certified) are |how this works). |

|received. | |

| | |

|Identify the approval process and responsibility for |i.e. If a truck comes in that doesn’t meet contract hauler requirements, or |

|approval of received product. |a farm’s certification has lapsed so product isn’t certified, how do |

| |employees know the difference of product that can be used vs. product that |

| |can’t be used under label? |

| | |

|Describe the records kept by the facility that prove |i.e. employee training records, receiving inspection records, etc. |

|requirements regarding receiving have been met. | |

| | |

| | |

|Identify the use of any suppliers (off-site certified |Farm X does not use any outside suppliers OR Farm X has a contract or does |

|farms, contract haulers, etc.) that are used and how |training with the farm manager or contract hauler outlining our |

|you communicate your requirements for certification, |requirements. Documentation of training or the original contract is kept on|

|loading, transport, etc. |record at the main office. |

| | |

| | |

|If suppliers are used: | |

| |  |

|Explain how supplier selection is completed to ensure |Farm X selects suppliers based on competitive bid and industry |

|the plant’s receiving requirements can be met. |recommendations. This information is kept on record at the main office. |

| | |

|Explain how the processing facility evaluates the |Suppliers are evaluated by on-going receiving inspection. Issues with |

|suppliers to ensure continued adherence to your |suppliers are recorded in the receiving records and are brought to the |

|requirements. |attention of the plant manager. |

| | |

|Explain if on-site inspections of the suppliers will |Farm X does not conduct on-site inspection of its suppliers OR Farm X has a |

|be conducted and if so, outline the notification |contract with each supplier that contains a clause stating that they are |

|process to the suppliers that this will occur. |subject to on-site review at any time. |

Promotional Materials & Labels

Procedure(s) will be evaluated for evidence of the following:

|Validus Requirement |Examples & Suggestions |

| | |

|Plant management and marketing department understand |Farm X Trains and/or provides hard-copy materials of Validus requirements to|

|that promotional material or label requests must be |our employees. |

|submitted to Validus and receive written approval | |

|prior to use on any printed materials or labels on | |

|end-product. | |

| | |

|The Validus auditor will conduct an on-site inspection| |

|of materials using the Validus Certification Marks. | |

|(This includes all printed marketing materials and end| |

|product). | |

Control of Non-Conforming Product

Validus defines non-conforming product as product that can not be traced back to an operation with a current certification.

Documented procedure(s) will be evaluated for evidence of the following:

|Validus Requirement |Examples & Suggestions |

| | |

|Identification of non-conforming product. |Farm X can identify all non-conforming product by batch/lot number or lack |

| |of batch/lot number, etc. |

| | |

|Explanation of the controls used to ensure separation |Farm X trains employees on how to identify non-conforming product and |

|of non-conforming product. |ensures this process is carried out through daily routine plant inspections.|

| | |

|Description of who is responsible for separation |Farm X has identified the Plant Manager to manage all non-conforming product|

|process and final release of non-conforming product. |separation and release. |

| | |

|Demonstrate how plant will release product that is |Farm X packages and ships non-conforming product under our own label that |

|non-conforming without use of the Validus approved |does not include the Validus approved program certification logo. |

|program certification end-product label. | |

| | |

|Describe the records kept proving requirements |Farm X records all non-conforming product in the “Non-Conforming Log Book”. |

|regarding non-conforming product have been met for all|This book includes who found the issue, the date found, the quantity |

|items above as well as providing a record of |included, Plant Manager inspection and release noting labeling requirements |

|identified non-conforming product actions taken. |and actions taken to prevent Non-Conforming Product from occurring again. |

For more information or questions call (515) 278-8002.


Client Requirements


Validus Certification Mark Use

on End Products


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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