Technical Education and Skills Development Authority - TESDA





| | |Page/s |


| | | |

|Section 2 |COMPETENCY STANDARDS |2- 59 |

| |Basic Competencies |2 - 15 |

| |Common Competencies |16 - 29 |

| |Core Competencies |29 - 53 |

| |Elective Competency |54 - 59 |

| | | |

|Section 3 |TRAINING STANDARDS |60 - 67 |

| |Curriculum Design |60 - 61 |

| |Basic |60 |

| |Common |61 |

| |Core |62 |

| |Elective |62 |

| |Training Delivery |63 |

| |Trainee Entry Requirements |64 |

| |List of Tools, Equipment and Materials |64-66 |

| |Training Facilities |67 |

| |Trainers’ Qualifications |67 |

| |Institutional Assessment |67 |

| | |68-69 |


| | | |


| | | |


| | | |





The ANIMAL PRODUCTION (POULTRY-CHICKEN) NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to maintain poultry housing, brood and grow chicks, perform pre-lay and lay activities and trim beak. These functions are required for individual who will work in a poultry (broiler and layers).

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agri-Fishery Sector as shown in Annex A.

The units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:


|500311105 |Participate in workplace communication |

|500311106 |Work in a team environment |

|500311107 |Practice career professionalism |

|500311108 |Practice occupational health and safety procedures |

| | |


|AFF321201 |Apply safety measures in farm operations |

|AFF321202 |Use farm tools and equipment |

|AFF321203 |Perform estimation and calculations |

|AFF321205 |Process farm wastes |

| | |


|AFF622101 |Maintain poultry house |

|AFF622102 |Brood and grow chicks |

|AFF622103 |Perform pre-lay and lay activities |

|AFF622104 |Trim beak |

| | |


|AFF622105 |Breed chicken |

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

|Poultry farmer |Broiler raiser |

|Poultry farm worker |Layer raiser |

|Poultry farm assistant |Poultry breeder |

|Poultry farm caretaker |Flock man |

|Poultry service crew | |


These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for ANIMAL PRODUCTION (POULTRY-CHICKEN) NC II.



UNIT CODE : 500311105

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Obtain and convey workplace information |Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources |

| |Effective questioning , active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey |

| |information |

| |Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas |

| |Appropriate non- verbal communication is used |

| |Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed |

| |Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used |

| |Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely |

|Participate in workplace meetings and |Team meetings are attended on time |

|discussions |Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption |

| |Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols |

| |Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner |

| |Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and maters concerning working conditions of |

| |employment are asked and responded to |

| |Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented |

|Complete relevant work related documents |Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly |

| |Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents |

| |Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations |

| |Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon |

| |Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines |



|Appropriate sources |Team members |

| |Suppliers |

| |Trade personnel |

| |Local government |

| |Industry bodies |

|Medium |Memorandum |

| |Circular |

| |Notice |

| |Information discussion |

| |Follow-up or verbal instructions |

| |Face to face communication |

|Storage |Manual filing system |

| |Computer-based filing system |

|Forms |Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports |

|Workplace interactions |Face to face |

| |Telephone |

| |Electronic and two way radio |

| |Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including gestures, |

| |signals, signs and diagrams |

|Protocols |Observing meeting |

| |Compliance with meeting decisions |

| |Obeying meeting instructions |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Prepared written communication following standard format of the organization |

| |Accessed information using communication equipment |

| |Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively |

| |Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Effective communication |

| |Different modes of communication |

| |Written communication |

| |Organizational policies |

| |Communication procedures and systems |

| |Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual’s work responsibilities |

|Required Skills |Follow simple spoken language |

| |Perform routine workplace duties following simple written notices |

| |Participate in workplace meetings and discussions |

| |Complete work related documents |

| |Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measures |

| |Basic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication |

| |Ability to relate to people of social range in the workplace |

| |Gather and provide information in response to workplace Requirements |

|Resource Implications |Fax machine |

| |Telephone |

| |Writing materials |

| |Internet |

|Methods of Assessment |Direct Observation |

| |Oral interview and written test |

|Context of Assessment |Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institution|


UNIT CODE : 500311106

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Describe team role and scope |The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information |

| |Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team |

| |discussions and appropriate external sources |

|Identify own role and responsibility |Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified |

|within team |Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized |

| |Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified |

|Work as a team member |Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team |

| |members who contribute to known team activities and objectives |

| |Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based |

| |on individual skills and competencies and workplace context |

| |Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures |

| |Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and |

| |objectives and individual competencies of the members. |



|Role and objective of team |Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or specific sector |

| |Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe demonstrated on the job, either individually or|

| |in a team environment |

|Sources of information |Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures |

| |Job procedures |

| |Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions |

| |Organizational or external personnel |

| |Client/supplier instructions |

| |Quality standards |

| |OHS and environmental standards |

|Workplace context |Work procedures and practices |

| |Conditions of work environments |

| |Legislation and industrial agreements |

| |Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling and disposal of chemicals |

| |Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines |


|Critical aspects of competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Operated in a team to complete workplace activity |

| |Worked effectively with others |

| |Conveyed information in written or oral form |

| |Selected and used appropriate workplace language |

| |Followed designated work plan for the job |

| |Reported outcomes |

|Required Knowledge and Attitude |Communication process |

| |Team structure |

| |Team roles |

| |Group planning and decision making |

|Required Skills |Communicate appropriately, consistent with the culture of the workplace |

|Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take |

| |place |

| |4.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Observation of the individual member in relation to the work activities of the group |

| |Observation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to |

| |the attainment of organizational goal |

| |5.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in |

| |teamwork |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting |

| |Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group |


UNIT CODE : 500311107

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.


|ELEMENT |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Integrate personal objectives with |Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the |

|organizational goals |profession |

| |Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based |

| |on performance evaluation |

| |Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties |

|Set and meet work priorities |2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and |

| |objectives. |

| |2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments |

| |2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per |

| |established procedures |

|Maintain professional growth and |3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements |

|development |3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement |

| |3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed |



|1. Evaluation |1.1 Performance Appraisal |

| |1.2 Psychological Profile |

| |Aptitude Tests |

|2. Resources |2.1 Human |

| |2.2 Financial |

| |2.3 Technology |

| |2.3.1 Hardware |

| |Software |

|3. Trainings and career opportunities |3.1 Participation in training programs |

| |3.1.1 Technical |

| |3.1.2 Supervisory |

| |3.1.3 Managerial |

| |3.1.4 Continuing Education |

| |3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops |

|4. Recognitions |4.1 Recommendations |

| |4.2 Citations |

| |4.3 Certificate of Appreciations |

| |4.4 Commendations |

| |4.5 Awards |

| |Tangible and Intangible Rewards |

|5. Licenses and/or certifications |5.1 National Certificates |

| |5.2 Certificate of Competency |

| |Support Level Licenses |

| |5.4 Professional Licenses |


|1. Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs) |

| |Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on |

| |performance evaluation |

| |Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the industries|

| |Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the |

| |qualification |

|2. Required Knowledge and Attitudes |2.1 Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) |

| |2.2 Company policies |

| |2.3 Company operations, procedures and standards |

| |2.4 Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity |

| |2.5 Personal hygiene practices |

|3. Required Skills |3.1 Appropriate practice of personal hygiene |

| |3.2 Intra and Interpersonal skills |

| |3.3 Communication skills |

|4. Resource Implications |The following resources MUST be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |4.2 Case studies/scenarios |

|5. Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |Simulation/Role-plays |

| |Observation |

| |Third Party Reports |

| |Exams and Tests |

|6. Context of Assessment |Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting |


|UNIT CODE |: |500311108 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational |

| | |requirements for occupational health and safety. |


|ELEMENT |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Identify hazards and risks |Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures |

| |are clarified and explained based on organization procedures |

| |Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to |

| |minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with|

| |organization procedures |

| |Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are |

| |recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures |

|Evaluate hazards and risks |Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage |

| |are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV) |

| |Effects of the hazards are determined |

| |OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated |

| |personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS |

| |legislation |

|Control hazards and risks |Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |

| |workplace are consistently followed |

| |Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in |

| |accordance with organization OHS policies |

| |Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization |

| |OHS procedures and practices |

| |Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance|

| |with established organization protocol |

|Maintain OHS awareness | Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established |

| |organization guidelines and procedures |

| |OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace |

| |requirements. |



|Safety regulations |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Clean Air Act |

| |Building code |

| |National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes |

| |Waste management statutes and rules |

| |Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards |

| |DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements |

| |ECC regulations |

|Hazards/Risks |May include but are not limited to: |

| |2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise, |

| |vibration, temperature, radiation |

| |2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, |

| |mites, molds, fungi, insects |

| |2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, |

| |gasses, vapors |

| |2.4 Ergonomics |

| |2.4.1 Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue,|

| |direct pressure, varying metabolic cycles |

| |2.4.2 Physiological factors – monotony, personal relationship, work out cycle |

|Contingency measures |May include but are not limited to: |

| |Evacuation |

| |Isolation |

| |Decontamination |

| |(Calling designed) emergency personnel |

|PPE |May include but are not limited to: |

| |4.1 Mask |

| |4.2 Gloves |

| |4.3 Goggles |

| |4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet |

| |4.5 Face mask/shield |

| |4.6 Ear muffs |

| |4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit |

| |4.8 Anti-static suits |


|Emergency-related drills and training |5.1 Fire drill |

| |5.2 Earthquake drill |

| |5.3 Basic life support/CPR |

| |5.4 First aid |

| |5.5 Spillage control |

| |5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic |

| |5.7 Disaster preparedness/management |

|OHS personal records | Medical/Health records |

| |Incident reports |

| |Accident reports |

| |OHS-related training completed |


|1. Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures |

| |Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance with |

| |company procedures |

| |Recognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies |

| |Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value- TLV. |

| |Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in |

| |workplace |

| |Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OHS procedures and practices |

| |Completed and updated OHS personal records in accordance with workplace requirements |

|2. Required Knowledge and |OHS procedures and practices and regulations |

|Attitude |PPE types and uses |

| |Personal hygiene practices |

| |Hazards/risks identification and control |

| |Threshold Limit Value -TLV |

| |OHS indicators |

| |Organization safety and health protocol |

| |Safety consciousness |

| |Health consciousness |

|3. Required | Practice of personal hygiene |

|Skills |Hazards/risks identification and control skills |

| |Interpersonal skills |

| |3.4 Communication skills |

|Resource Implications |The following resources must be provided: |

| |Workplace or assessment location |

| |OHS personal records |

| |4.3 PPE |

| |4.4 Health records |

|Methods of Assessment |Competency may be assessed through: |

| |Portfolio Assessment |

| |Interview |

| |5.3 Case Study/Situation |

|Context for Assessment |Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting |


|UNIT OF COMPETENCY : |Apply Safety Measures in farm operations |

|UNIT CODE : |AFF321201 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR : |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures |

| |effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place |

| |in performing safety measures. |


|ELEMENT |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Determine areas of concern for safety measures|Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations |

| |Place for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations |

| |Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations |

| |Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirements |

|Apply appropriate safety measures |Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures |

| |Outfits are worn according to farm requirements |

| |Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed |

| |Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safework requirement |

| |Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines |

|Safekeep/dispose tools, materials and outfit |Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas |

| |Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturers recommendation |

| |and farm requirements |

| |Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements |



|Work tasks |Work task may be selected from any of the subsectors: |

| |Aquaculture |

| |Animal Production |

| |Crop Production |

| |Post-harvest |

| |Agri-marketing |

| |Farm Equipment |

|Place |Animal pens, cages, barns |

| |Fish ponds, cages |

| |Stock room/storage areas/warehouse |

| |Field/farm/orchard |

|Time |Vaccination and medication period |

| |Fertilizer and pesticides application |

| |Feed mixing and feeding |

| |Harvesting and hauling |

| |Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting |

| |Dressing, butchering and castration |

|Tools, materials and outfits |Tools |

| |Wrenches |

| |Screw driver |

| |Pliers |

| |Materials |

| |Bottles |

| |Plastic |

| |Bags |

| |Syringe |

| |Outfit |

| |Masks |

| |Gloves |

| |Boots |

| |Overall coats |

| |Hat |

| |Eye goggles |

|Emergency procedures |Location of first aid kit |

| |Evacuation |

| |Agencies contract |

| |Farm emergency procedures |

|Waste materials |Animal manure |

| |Waste water |

| |Syringes |

| |Unused farm chemicals e.g. pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers |

| |Expired reagents |

| |Dead animals |

|Hazards |Chemical |

| |Electrical |

| |Falls |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Determined areas of concern for safety measures |

| |Applied appropriate safety measures according to industry requirements |

| |Prepared tools, materials and outfit needed |

| |Performed proper disposal of used materials |

| |Safekeep/cleaned tools, materials and outfit in designated facilities |

|Required Knowledge |Safety Practices |

| |Implementation of regulatory controls and policies relative to treatment of area and application of |

| |chemicals |

| |Proper disposal of waste materials |

| | |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |Compliance to health program of DOH and DENR |

| |Hazard identification |

| |Emergency procedures |

| | |

| |Tools & Equipment: Uses and Specification |

| |Masks, gloves, boots, overall coats for health protection |

| | |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular check-up and repair of tools, materials and outfit before and after use |

|Required Skills |Ability to recognize effective tools, materials and outfit |

| |Ready skills required to read labels, manuals and other basic safety information |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Farm location |

| |Tools, equipment and outfits appropriate in applying safety measures |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Third Party Report |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited |

| |supervision |

|UNIT OF COMPETENCY : |Use Farm Tools and Equipment |

|UNIT CODE : |AFF321202 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR : |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and |

| |equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and |

| |equipment. |


|ELEMENT |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Select and use farm tools |Identified appropriate farm tools according to requirement/use |

| |Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm |

| |procedures |

| |Appropriate tools and equipment are safely used according to job requirements and |

| |manufacturers conditions |

|Select and operate farm equipment |Identify appropriate farm equipment |

| |Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation |

| |Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line with manufacturers manual |

| |Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures |

| |Farm equipment used according to its function |

| |Followed safety procedures |

|Perform preventive maintenance |Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures |

| |Routine check-up and maintenance are performed |

| |Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures |



|Farm equipment |Engine |

| |Pumps |

| |Generators |

| |Sprayers |

|Farm tools |Sickle |

| |Cutters |

| |Weighing scales |

| |Hand tools |

| |Measuring tools |

| |Garden tools |

|Pre-operation check-up |Tires |

| |Brake fluid |

| |Fuel |

| |Water |

| |Oil |

| |Lubricants |

| |Battery |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Correctly identified appropriate farm tools and equipment |

| |Operated farm equipments according to manual specification |

| |Performed preventive maintenance |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Safety Practices |

| |Ideal good work habits to demonstrate to workers easy and safety standards during operation of farm |

| |equipment |

| | |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECG) |

| |Effective work supervision in the operations of farm equipment |

| | |

| |Tools & Equipment: Uses and Specification |

| |Knowledge in calibrating and use of equipment |

| |Safety keeping of equipments every after use |

| | |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipments |

| |Preventive maintenance skills |

| | |

| |Values |

| |Positive outlook towards work |

| |Possesses pre-emptive/anticipatory skills |

|Required Skills |Ability to recognized defective farm equipment |

| |Perform proper management practices of safety measures |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Service/operational manual of farm tools and equipment |

| |Tools and equipment |

| |Farm implements |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Direct observation |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Third Party Report |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited |

| |supervision |

|UNIT OF COMPETENCY : |Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation |

|UNIT CODE : |AFF321203 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR : |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace |

| |calculations. |


|ELEMENT |Italicized terms are elaborated in the |

| |Range of Variables |

|Perform estimation |Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications |

| |Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated |

| |The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated |

| |Accurate estimate for work completion are made |

| |Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person |

|Perform basic workplace calculation |Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements |

| |Correct method of calculation identified |

| |System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained |

| |Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of |

| |addition, division, multiplication and subtraction |

| |Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions |

| |Number computed in self checked and completed for alignment |



|Calculations |Quantity of feeds |

| |Amount of fertilizer |

| |Amount of medicines |

|Method of calculation |Addition |

| |Subtraction |

| |Multiplication |

| |Division |

| |Ratio and proportion |

|System of measurement |English |

| |Metric |

|Units of measurement |Area |

| |Volume |

| |Weight |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Performed estimation |

| |Performed basic workplace calculation |

| |Applied corrective measures as maybe necessary |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Mathematics |

| |Basic mathematical operations |

| |Percentage and ratios |

| |Unit Conversion |

| |Basic accounting principles and procedures |

| |Production cost |

| |Sales |

| |Accounts receivables/payables |

| |Systems, Processes and Operations |

| |Knowledge in different management practices and operational procedures |

| |Values |

| |Safety consciousness |

| |Time consciousness and management |

| |Cost consciousness |

| |Precision |

|Required Skills |Ability to perform basic calculation |

| |Communicate effectively |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Relevant tools and equipment for basic calculation |

| |Recommended data |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Written examination |

|Context of Assessment |Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited |

| |supervision |

|Unit of competency |: |Process FARM WASTES |

| | | |

|UNIT CODE |: |AFF321205 |

| | | |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR |: |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to process farm wastes. It |

| | |comprises functions such as collecting farm wastes, conducting waste identification and |

| | |segregation, treating and processing farm wastes and performing housekeeping duties. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement |

|Collect farm wastes |Tools and materials are prepared for collection of farm wastes. |

| |Wastes are collected following OSHS and waste collection requirements and plan. |

| |Dangerous and hazardous wastes are collected following the HAZMAT(hazardous material) protocol. |

| |Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are worn as prescribed by Occupational Safety |

| |and Health Standards (OSHS). |

|Identify and segregate wastes |Wastes are identified by categories according to industry standards and environmental |

| |legislation. |

| |Wastes are segregated according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation. |

| |Sorted waste is placed into labelled container to avoid littering and prevent |

| |cross-contamination. |

| |Information on waste is obtained by asking authority to ensure correct identification. |

|Treat and process farm wastes |Dangerous and hazardous wastes are handled according to organizational requirements and relevant|

| |legislation following OSHS procedures. |

| |Processing of farm wastes is done following environmental legislation and codes. |

| |Principles of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) are applied accordingly. |

| |Farm wastes are disposed of according to environmental legislation and codes. |

|Perform housekeeping |Appropriate warning signs and labels are displayed in conspicuous places around the workplace. |

| |Work area is cleaned according to 5S principles. |

| |Tools are checked, cleaned and stowed according to established industry procedures and following|

| |user’s manual. |

| |Materials are stored following industry standard procedures and manufacturer’s specifications. |

| |PPE is checked for damage prior to ensuring that clean and undamaged equipment is stored. |

| |Storage facility is checked to ensure no contamination in the area according to organizational |

| |requirements and legislation and codes. |

| |Record keeping is done according to industry requirements. |



|Tools and materials |Tools and materials include: |

| |Tools |

| |Spade |

| |Wheel borrow |

| |Broomstick |

| |Sprayer or pressurized pump |

| |Materials |

| |Sacks |

| |Containers |

| |Disinfectants |

| |Detergents |

| |First-aid kit |

| |Chemical spill kit |

| |Personal Protective Equipment |

| |Goggles |

| |Disposal gloves |

| |Face mask |

| |Rubber boots |

| |Overall |

|Agricultural wastes |May include: |

| |Plant materials |

| |Hay |

| |Weeds |

| |Twigs |

| |Twines |

| |Empty wooden crates |

| |Animal manure |

| |Feed refuse |

| |Spoiled feeds (Forage and feed supplements) |

| |Spent bedding materials |

| |Empty sacks |

| |Trash fish |

| |Fish meal |

| |Effluent |

|Dangerous and hazardous wastes |Pesticides |

| |Syringes |

| |Expired biologics |

| |Expired veterinary drugs |

| |Spoiled milk |

| |Diseased plant and plant parts |

| |Empty veterinary bottles/syringes |

|Categories |Re-usable |

| |Recyclable |

| |Solid |

| |Liquid |

|Processing of wastes |Composting |

| |Compacting |

| |Liquefying |

| |Shredding |

| |Carbonizing |

| |Charcoaling |

|Record |Record of farm wastes generated and disposed |

| |Record of incidence of infection and accidents |

| |Record of chemical spillage |

| |Record of destroyed carcasses |

| |Inventory of tools, materials and equipment |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Collected farm waste |

| |Identified and segregated farm waste |

| |Processed farm waste |

| |Performed housekeeping |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Tools and materials use in wastes management |

| |Categories of farm wastes |

| |Wastes collection and segregation procedures |

| |Farm-waste handling, storage and disposal procedures |

| |Dangerous and hazardous wastes, hazardous materials (hazmat) protocols |

| |Principles of 5S and 3R |

| |Communications |

| |Preparation of inventory reports and production records |

| |Report on untoward incidence in the area |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Profitability of the operation |

| |Volume of farm wastes |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |

| |Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS) |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |Appropriate legal regulatory body such as BAI, EMB and DOH,BFAD |

| |Occupational Safety and Health Standards |

| |RA 9003 |

| |RA 6969 |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manuals |

| |Safe keeping of equipment every after use |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies, materials and equipment needed in the maintenance of the poultry |

| |house and farm |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills for farm area |

| |Values |

| |Safety and health consciousness |

| |Resourcefulness |

| |Diligence |

| |Time consciousness |

| |Cost-consciousness |

| |Personal integrity in doing routine management practices |

| |Perseverance in executing routine works |

| |Ability to work with others harmoniously |

|Required Skills |Occupational health safety |

| |Skills in using tools and equipment |

| |Calculations |

| |Communicate effectively |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Farm area |

| |Different farm wastes |

| |Farm-waste processing area |

| |Tools, supplies and materials use in farm wastes collection, segregation and processing |

| |Housekeeping tools and supplies |

| |PPE |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Observation and questioning |

| |Third-Party Report |

| |Demonstration and oral questioning |

|Context of Assessment |Competency maybe assessed individually in the actual workplace or in accredited farms or institution |



|UNIT CODE : |AFF622101 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR : |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain poultry house and |

| |its facilities. It includes activities such as conducting preparation activities, maintaining|

| |poultry house and facilities, maintain farm area and perform work to completion. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Conduct preparation activities |Farm layout of poultry house and facilities are determined with reference to the housing |

| |plan. |

| |Poultry housing and facilities are checked according to enterprise procedures. |

| |Conditions of poultry housing and facilities are reported to the immediate authority and in |

| |compliance with Environmental Compliance Certificate. |

| |Tools, materials and equipment are prepared according to maintenance requirements and |

| |instructions of authority. |

|Maintain poultry house and facilities |Poultry housing and facilities are cleaned and disinfected in regular basis. |

| |Minor repairs and maintenance are done as per instruction of the authority and per work |

| |requirements. |

| |Major malfunctions and irregular conditions in the poultry house and facilities are reported |

| |immediately. |

| |Wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is practiced following OSHS |

| |procedures. |

| |Downtime (rest period) is practiced prior to succeeding loading for at least one week. |

| |Safety measures are practiced according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). |

|Maintain farm area |Maintenance of farm area and vicinities are done according to production management and |

| |enterprise procedures. |

| |Vermin and insects control is performed according to Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority |

| |guidelines and DENR regulations. |

| |Maintenance of farm vegetation are conducted to avoid common vermins and insects |

| |proliferation. |

|Perform completion activities |Records are kept and updated for reporting and inventory purposes following enterprise |

| |procedures. |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned and stored according to manuals and enterprise procedures. |

| |Housekeeping is practiced following 5S principles and enterprise procedures. |

| |Wastes are managed following 3Rs principles and DENR regulations. |



|Poultry house and facilities |Work area |

| |Storage room |

| |Brooding/growing area |

|Tools, materials and equipment |Equipment |

| |Electric fans (ventilation) |

| |Lighting equipment |

| |Feeders |

| |Waterers |

| |Knapsack sprayer |

| |Power sprayer |

| |Knapsack sprayer |

| |Electric generator |

| |Heater |

| |Tools |

| |Carpentry tools |

| |Wheel borrow |

| |Chick guard |

| |Shovel |

| |Spade |

| |Crow bar |

| |Electrical tools |

| |Materials |

| |Sponge |

| |Scrub |

| |Broomstick and broom |

| |Trash can |

| |Sacks |

| |Dust fan |

| |Pipes |

| |Pale and basin |

| |Disinfectants |

| |Detergent |

| |Bleaching agent |

| |Water hose |

| |Drum |

|Minor repairs and maintenance |Minor repairs |

| |Roof repair |

| |Pipe repair |

| |Floor slat repair |

| |Curtain fixing and or replacement |

| |Cage repair |

| |Net repair and maintenance |

| |Feeder repair |

| |Waterer repair |

| |Maintenance |

| |Foot bathing prior to entry to farm house |

| |Cloth changing prior to entry to farm house |

| |Shower before farm entry |

|Major malfunctions and irregular |Electrical problem |

|conditions |Ventilation problem |

| |Lighting system problem |

| |Generator malfunction |

| |Sludge flushing |

|Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |Masks |

| |Gloves |

| |Rubber boots |

| |Hats |

|Vermin and insects |Vermin |

| |Monitor lizards |

| |Rats |

| |Snakes |

| |Insects |

| |Mosquitoes |

| |Flies |

| |Cackroach |

| |Ants |

| |Tribolium beetle |

|Maintenance of farm area and vicinities|Disposal of wastes and farm by-products |

| |Disposal of necropsied and dead animals |

| |Weeding |

| |Minor repair of farm fences |

| |Foot bathing in farm gate |

| |Vehicle bathing in farm gate |

| |Maintenance of drainage canal |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Conducted preparation activities |

| |Carried out maintenance of poultry house and facilities |

| |Maintained farm area |

| |Performed completion activities |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Housing designs and housing equipment |

| |Maintenance procedures of poultry house and facilities |

| |Simple carpentry |

| |Maintenance procedures of farm sites |

| |Different vermin and insects and their control |

| |Practice of downtime |

| |Setting-up fence |

| |Knowledge on record-keeping |

| |Practice 3Rs and 5S |

| |Labelling and handling of chemicals |

| |Parts and functions of specific tools and farm implements use in raising poultry |

| |Program of work activities are implemented as scheduled |

| |Communication |

| |Prepare and submit required reports |

| |Documentation on chicken performance and raising |

| |Record keeping and filing |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Basic mathematical operations |

| |Inventory of supplies, tools and equipment |

| |Unit of measurement conversion |

| |Simple/basic calculation |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Proper use of farm tools, farm implements and equipment. |

| |Proper use of carpentry tools |

| |Wear appropriate PPE |

| |Proper waste disposal |

| |Practice of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures. |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) guidelines Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) |

| |DENR rules and regulations, zoning ordinances |

| |Animal Welfare Act – Minimum Standards on the Welfare of Poultry |

| |Appropriate legal regulatory body that supervises the animal industry such as BAI and Phil. Animal Health|

| |Center (PAHC). |

| |Environmental Compliance Certificate |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manuals |

| |Safe keeping of equipment |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies, materials and equipment needed in the maintenance of the poultry |

| |house and farm |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills for poultry house and farm area |

| |Values |

| |Safety and health consciousness |

| |Time consciousness and management |

| |Resourcefulness |

| |Cost consciousness |

| |Diligence |

| |Determined |

| |Observes hygiene |

| |Honesty in records |

| |Personal integrity in doing routine management practice |

| |Perseverance |

| |Ability to work with others harmoniously |

|Required Skills |Basic carpentry skills |

| |Oriented on farm and equipment layout |

| |Work safety |

| |Skills in using tools and equipment |

| |Basic mathematical computation |

| |Communicate effectively |

| |Basic record keeping |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Poultry houses and facilities |

| |Farm area |

| |Foot and vehicle baths |

| |Supplies, tools and equipment for maintenance of poultry house and farm area |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Written exam |

| |Practical demonstration |

| |Portfolio |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited |

| |farms/institutions |


|UNIT CODE : |AFF622102 |

|UNIT DESCRIPTOR : |This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to brood and grow chicks. It |

| |includes conducting of preparatory activities, placing of brooder in growing house, feeding |

| |of birds, providing of optimum environment for the birds, performing prophylactic and |

| |therapeutic measures and performing flock selections for broiler and layer. |


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables |

|Conduct preparatory activities |Wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) is applied according to OHS procedures. |

| |Poultry house was cleaned and disinfected according to company standard procedures. |

| |Materials, tools and equipment are prepared according to production requirements. |

| |Chick guard, curtains and portable heaters are installed and adjusted based on industry |

| |standards. |

| |Litter materials are cleaned and laid-out, regularly following farm plans and schedule. |

|Place chicks and pullets in brooder house |Broiler and layer stocks are obtained from reliable/recommended sources. |

| |A day-old chicks (DOC) and day-old pullets (DOP) are placed to respective brooding houses |

| |observing Good Animal Practices and Animal Welfare Act. |

| |Chicks with abnormalities are culled from the flock. |

|Perform feeding of birds |Feeders and waterers are prepared and cleaned regularly |

| |Poultry is fed according to company feeds and feeding guide. |

| |Nutrient supplementation is practiced as remedial measures according to instructions of |

| |immediate authority. |

| |Water is given according to industry standards and bird requirements. |

| |Feed left-over is properly secured and spoiled feed is disposed properly. |

|Provide optimum environment for the birds |Lighting program is provided based on industry standards. |

| |Ventilation is augmented during hot climatic conditions. |

| |Curtain management is done based on prevailing conditions. |

| |Bio-security measures are applied according to industry procedures. |

| |Vermin control is done following industry procedures. |

| |Disposal of wastes are performed following DENR regulations. |

|Perform preventive and treatment measures |Distress conditions of poultry are determined and reported to immediate authority or |

| |veterinarian. |

| |Preventive measures are administered according to veterinarian recommendations and |

| |instructions. |

| |Sick birds are isolated for treatment following instructions of veterinarian. |

| |Culling procedures are applied with reference to economic considerations and according to |

| |instructions of immediate authority. |

|Perform flock selection |Missexed are removed from flock following industry standards.. |

| |Flock selection is performed according to company requirements and productivity standards. |

| |Birds with poor physical conditions are culled out for according company requirements on a |

| |regular basis. |

| |Relevant records are updated on regular basis following enteriprise protocol. |



|Tools and equipment |Equipment |

| |Generator |

| |Brooder |

| |Electric lamps |

| |Weighing scale |

| |Feed bin |

| |Feed cart |

| |Industrial fan |

| |Knapsack sprayer |

| |Fire extinguisher |

| |Chicken crates/coops |

| |Vaccinator |

| |Debeaker |

| |Tools |

| |Pail and Basin |

| |Feed scoop |

| |Wheel barrow |

| |Ring guard |

| |Chick guard |

| |Scissors |

| |Measuring cups/spoons |

|Materials |Gas and gas tanks |

| |Biologics |

| |Veterinary drugs |

| |Vaccination set |

| |Cottons |

| |Alcohol |

| |Syringe |

| |Ice chest |

| |Feeds (pre-starter, starter and grower/finisher) |

|Chick guard |Aluminum sheets |

| |Plain GI sheets |

| |PVC roll |

| |Hard card boards |

| |Plywood |

|Litter materials |Old newspapers |

| |Saw dust |

| |Rice hulls |

| |Shredded rice straw |

|Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |Dust coats |

| |Mask |

| |Hand gloves |

| |Rubber boots |

| |Rain coats |

|Broiler and layer stocks |Broiler |

| |Indian river |

| |Arbor acres |

| |Ross |

| |Cobb |

| |Hubbard (alphabetically arranged) |

| |Layers: |

| |Babcock |

| |Dekalb |

| |H & N |

| |Hi-sex white |

| |Shaver |

| |Lohmann LSL |

| |ISA White |

| |Hy-line |

| |Novogen (alphabetically arranged) |

| |Strains for breeder |

|Abnormalities |Underweight chicks |

| |Steely and dirty down |

| |Blind or one-eyed chicks |

| |Twisted neck chicks |

| |Misaligned and twisted beaks |

| |Abnormal legs and toes |

| |Abnormal wings |

| |Severely unhealed navel |

| |Weak chicks |

| |Paralyzed chicks |

| |Chicks with red hocks |

|Feeders and waterers |Plastic feeders, 5-10 kg |

| |Feeding troughs (local materials) |

| |Bamboo |

| |PVC pipes |

| |Plastic jars, ¼, ½, 1 gallon |

|Feeds |May include: |

| |Broiler feed type |

| |Chicks booster – from 1 day to 2 weeks old |

| |Starter mash/crumble/pellets – 3-4 weeks old |

| |Finisher mash /crumble/pellets – 5 weeks old until market age |

| |Layer feed type |

| |Breeder feed type |

|Wastes |May include: |

| |Dead poultry, |

| |Biologics left-over |

| |Syringes |

| |Containers |

|Distress conditions |Distress conditions include: |

| |Heat |

| |Cold |

| |Draft |

| |Lack of appetite |

| |Abnormal bird activities |

|Economic considerations |Age |

| |Cost of operations (feeds and medications) |

| |Feed conversions efficiency |

| |Livability of birds |

| Relevant records |Health program records |

| |Vaccination program |

| |Blood titer |

| |Medication program |

| |Production performance |

| |Livability records |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Conducted preparatory activities |

| |Placed chicks and pullets in brooder house |

| |Performed feeding of birds |

| |Provided optimum environment for the birds |

| |Performed preventive and therapeutic measures |

| |Performed flock selection |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Different tools, materials and equipment and their functions for brooding and growing chicks |

| |Poultry strains for broiler, layer and breeder |

| |Procedures in brooding and growing chicks |

| |Feeding ration for chicks and pullets |

| |Abnormalities of chicks |

| |Optimum environment in growing chicks |

| |Bio-security measures |

| |Distress conditions |

| |Flock selection procedures |

| |Records on brooding and growing chicks |

| |Communication |

| |Record updating and keeping |

| |Report preparation |

| |Following instructions both verbal and written |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Computing for feed ration |

| |Number of broiler, layer and breeder |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Wearing of PPE |

| |Bio-security practices |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |DENR regulations |

| |OSHS |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manuals |

| |Safe keeping of equipment every after use |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies, materials and equipment needed in the brooding and growing chicks |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills in brooding and growing chicks |

| |Values |

| |Safety and health consciousness |

| |Time consciousness and management |

| |Resourcefulness |

| |Cost consciousness |

| |Diligence |

| |Determined |

| |Observes hygiene |

| |Honesty in records |

| |Personal integrity in doing routine management practice |

| |Perseverance |

| |Ability to work with others harmoniously |

|Required Skills |Oriented on farm and equipment layout |

| |Work safety |

| |Skills in using tools and equipment |

| |Basic mathematical computation |

| |Communicate effectively |

| |Basic record keeping |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Poultry houses |

| |Set of brooding equipment |

| |Medication and nutritional requirements |

| |Weighing scale and other tools and equipment |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Passing written exam |

| |Practical demonstration |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited |

| |farms/institutions. |

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Perform pre-lay and lay activities


UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform pre-lay and lay activities. It comprises of performing preparatory activities, transfer layers in laying house, employing lighting program, apply feeding program, perform harvesting and post-laying activities,


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement |

|Perform preparatory activities |Laying houses are cleaned and disinfected according to industry procedures. |

| |Tools, materials and equipment are prepared according to work requirements. |

|Transfer layers in laying house |Ready to lay-pulletsare selected for transfer to laying house. |

| |Pullets with abnormalities are culled from the flock. |

| |Ready-to-lay-pullets are transferred to laying house reference to Animal Welfare Act and Good|

| |Animal Practices. |

|Employ lighting program |Lighting program is followed according to prepared schedule. |

| |Lighting fixtures are installed according to required light intensity. |

| |Monitoring of sexual development are performed in accordance with breed standards |

|Apply feeding activities |Feeders and water trough are prepared and cleaned regularly |

| |Poultry species are fed according to industry standards |

| |Feeding to peak and challenge feeding are applied according to layer’s status. |

| |Feed left-over is properly secured and spoiled feed is disposed properly |

| |Monitoring of productivity is performed with refrence to bird’s status. |

|Perform health care |Deworming is done as recommended by veterinarian or authority. |

| |Booster vaccination program is done as recommended by veterinarian or authority. |

| |Applications of vaccines are done following veterinarian instructions. |

| |Vitamins and minerals supplementations are given based on assessment and recommendations of |

| |veterinarian or animal nutritionist . |

|Perform harvesting and post-laying activities |Eggs are collected on a regular basis using appropriate materials and standard c collecting |

| |procedures. |

| |Eggs are classified according to industry classification standards |

| |Eggs are packed and stored at appropriate room temperature. |

| |Unproductive layers are culled out according to standard industry procedures. |

| |Records are kept following enterprise standard. |



|Tools and equipment | Equipment |

| |Generator |

| |Electric lamps |

| |Egg sorting machine |

| |Lux meter |

| |Feeders (farm implements) |

| |Feed bin |

| |Feed cart |

| |Industrial fan |

| |Knapsack sprayer |

| |Feed cart |

| |Fabricated layer cages |

| |Feed scoop |

| |Ligth meter |

| |Curtains (ventilation and lighting management) |

| |Tools |

| |Scissors |

| |Wheel barrow |

| |Plastic drinking jars |

| | |

| |Materials |

| |Egg trays |

| |Light bulbs |

| |Syringes and needles |

| |Biologics |

| |Medicated sacks(for foot bath) |

| |Pail and Basins |

|Poultry strains of layers |Strains of layers include: |

| |Babcock |

| |Dekalb |

| |H & N |

| |Hi-sex white |

| |Kimber |

| |Starcross |

| |Lohmann LSL |

| |Bovan |

| |ISA White |

| |Hyline |

| |Novogen |

|Abnormalities |Crossed-beak |

| |Abnormal legs and toes |

| |Abnormal wings |

| |Emaciated |

|Feeding |Approximate feed consumption of egg-type chickens per bird |

| |Feed to weight ratio |

| |Feed for uniformity |

| |Feed to productivity |

|Applications of vaccines |Intra nasal |

| |Intra ocular |

| |Per os via drinking water |

| |Intra muscular |

| |Intra subcutaneous |

| |Prick or wing web method |

| |Fine spray |

| |Coarse spray |

|Appropriate materials |May include: |

| |Egg trays |

| |Plastic egg trays (30 pcs) |

| |Cartoon egg trays |

| |Egg cart |

| |Egg boxes |

|Industry classification standards |Layer eggs classification includes: |

| |XL and jumbo |

| |Large |

| |Medium |

| |Small |

| |Very small/peewee |

|Records |Production records |

| |Livability records |

| |Laying flock records (records of Hen house production) |

| |Egg production record |

| |Physical records |

| |Laying flock |

| |Inventory |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Performed preparatory activities |

| |Transferred ready-to-lay pullete in laying house |

| |Employed lighting program |

| |Applied feeding activities |

| |Performed health care |

| |Performed harvesting and post-laying activities |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Functions and uses of tools in pre-lay and lay activities |

| |Different poultry strains of layers |

| |Different abnormalities for culling |

| |Lighting program for layers |

| |Feeding for layers |

| |Deworming procedures |

| |Vaccination for layers |

| |Supplements for layers |

| |Egg harvesting procedures |

| |Grading of eggs |

| |Record keeping |

| |Disposal of wastes |

| |Communication |

| |Updating and keeping records and data |

| |Preparation of report to immediate authority |

| |Following verbal and written instructions |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Feed ration computation |

| |Computing data and records during pre-laying and laying operations |

| |Inventory of stocks and other supplies |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Wearing of PPE |

| |Following Occupational Safety and Hazard Standard (OSHS) |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |DENR legislations in wastes disposal |

| |OSHS |

| |GAHP |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manuals |

| |Safe keeping of equipment every after use |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies, materials and equipment needed in pre-laying and laying activities|

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills during pre-laying and laying activities |

| |Values |

| |Safety and health consciousness |

| |Time consciousness and management |

| |Resourcefulness |

| |Cost consciousness |

| |Diligence |

| |Determined |

| |Observes hygiene |

| |Honesty in records |

| |Personal integrity in doing routine management practice |

| |Perseverance |

| |Ability to work with others harmoniously |

|Required Skills |Oriented on farm and equipment layout |

| |Simple electrical work |

| |Work safety |

| |Skills in using tools and equipment |

| |Basic mathematical computation |

| |Communicate effectively |

| |Basic record keeping |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Poultry houses and nest set-up |

| |Set of pre-laying and laying tools, materials and equipment |

| |Medication and nutritional requirements |

| |Weighing scale and other tools and equipment for grading of eggs |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Passing written exam |

| |Practical demonstration |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited |

| |farms/institutions |



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to debeak and redebeak birds. It includes functions such as carry-out preparatory activities, debeak birds, redebeak birds and carry-out work to completion.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement |

|Carry-out preparatory activities |Materials, tools and equipment for the operation are prepared according to work requirements.|

| | |

| |Birds are conditioned for debeaking following Good Animal Practices and Animal Welfare Act.|

| |Safety measures are practiced following Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). |

|Trim beak |Beak are trimmed in appropriate age following standard industry procedures. |

| |Birds are restrained with net to facilitate calm capture. |

| |Task is performed observing safety practices and following Good Animal Husbandry Practices |

| |(GAHP) |

|Retrim beak |Beaks are retrimmed according to standard operating procedures. |

| |Birds are restrained with net to facilitate calm capture. |

| |Task is performed practicing OSHS and following GAHP |

|Carry-out work to completion |Proper disposal is practiced according to environmental rules and regulations. |

| |Tools, materials and equipment are stored according to industry protocol. |

| |Records are collected and updated for reporting purposes. (daily/weekly) |



|Tools, materials and equipment |Materials |

| |Medicines (analgesic, blood coagulants) |

| |Net for restraining |

| |Old tire |

| |Pail |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Debeaking machine |

| |Sprayer |

| |Heater |

|Conditioned |Giving blood coagulants |

| |Antipyretic |

| |Analgesic |

|Records |Data on numbers of properly trimmed birds |

| |Data on numbers of improperly retrimmed birds |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Carried-out preparatory activities |

| |Trimmed beak |

| |Retrimmed beak |

| |Carried-out work to completion |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Different tools, materials and equipment use in beak trimming |

| |Procedures in conditioning birds before trimming operation |

| |Beak trimming and retrimming procedures |

| |Proper wastes disposal |

| |Record keeping |

| |OSHS |

| |GAHP |

| |Communication |

| |Record updating and keeping |

| |Preparation of report |

| |Following verbal and written instructions |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Inventory of stocks and supplies |

| |Monitoring number of trimmed and retrimmed birds |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Wearing of PPE |

| |Following OSHS |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |OSHS |

| |GAHP |

| |DENR regulations on wastes disposal |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manuals |

| |Safe keeping of equipment every after use |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies, materials and equipment needed in trimming beaks of birds |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills during trimming and retrimming activities |

| |Values |

| |Resourcefulness |

| |Cost consciousness |

| |Ability to work with others harmoniously |

| |Safety and health conciousness |

| |Diligence |

| |Determined |

| |Observes hygiene |

| |Honesty in records |

| |Personal integrity in doing routine management practice |

| |Perseverance |

|Required Skills |Work safety |

| |Hygienic practice in doing the task |

| |Skills in using tools and equipment |

| |Basic mathematical computation |

| |Communicate effectively |

| |Basic record keeping |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Poultry house |

| |Medicines (analgesic, blood coagulants) |

| |Net for restraining |

| |Old tire |

| |Pail |

| |Debeaking machine |

| |Sprayer |

| |Heater |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Passing written exam |

| |Practical demonstration |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited |

| |farms/institutions |




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to breed chicken. This includes functions such as conduct preparatory breeding activities, carry-out breeding to in-lay activities, collect eggs and care for hatching eggs.


| |Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement |

|Conduct preparatory breeding activities |Poultry breeder are obtained from reliable source according to enterprise production |

| |requirement. |

| |Characteristics of rooster suited for breeding are determined following enterprise protocol. |

| |Breeder sheds are maintained according to established farm practices following GAHP. |

| |Nests are set-up in suitable place in reference to established breeding practices. |

| |Poultry breeder are transferred to appropriate breeder sheds following GAHP. |

| |Hygienic environment is maintained according to enterprise standard procedures and |

| |requirements. |

|Carry-out breeding to in- lay activities |Male (rooster) is left with the females (hens) to mate following enterprise breeding schedule|

| |and plan. |

| |Birds are trained to lay in nests with minimal number of eggs on floor following recognized |

| |industry standards. |

| |Temperature of the hen shed are kept constant and warm according to established enterprise |

| |procedures. |

| |Maintenance of breeder poultry are done in line with egg production objective. |

| |Any drafts are prevented from entering the building according to enterprise protocol. |

| |In-lay activities are conducted according to enterprise protocol and production plan. |

| |Safety practices are employed according to Occupational Safety and Hazard Standards. |

|Collect eggs |Fertile eggs are collected according to established enterprise protocol and requirement. |

| |Identification and grading of egg are carried out in accordance with production requirements |

| |and breeding objectives. |

| |Livestock is handled during egg collection is humanely handled. |

| |Eggs cleaning and sanitation are done following company requirements and required hygienic |

| |procedures. |

| |Hygienic environment maintained following enterprise procedures and requirement. |

| |Records of all collections are completed to accurately monitor production. |

|Care for hatching eggs |Hatching eggs are selected following standard enterprise protocol. |

| |Eggs are stored in accordance to industry standard procedures. |

| |Eggs that are neglected by hens are took for incubation purposes. |

| |Floor egg problems are minimized following enterprise procedures. |



|Poultry breeder |Rooster (Male) |

| |Hen (Female) |

|Characteristics of rooster |Big |

| |With good temperament |

| |Same breed of the other chickens. |

|Suitable place |Shed or dark areas |

| |At the center |

| |Shed divided into small sections (for 200 hens) to minimize fighting. |

|Maintenance of breeder poultry |Management of females from 5% production until peak egg production |

| |Management of Males Post Light Stimulation until peak egg production |

| |Provision of good food |

| |Maintain cleanliness |

| |separate a low-ranking hen from the rest of the flock, so that she may brood in peace. |

| |Broody hens are identified and handled following welfare requirements |

|In-lay activities |Reduction of feeds according to general guidelines and based on target performance character |

| |Monitor feed reduction |

| |Manage males (roosters) after peak production through to depletion |

|Collection |Egg collection frequency is relative to number of |

| |Egg collection to minimise egg soiling. |

| |Regular collection protects eggs from the heat of the day |

|Records |Location of collection |

| |Numbers of eggs |

|Egg cleaning and sanitation |Collection as soon after laying to avoid manure spreading on the egg |

| |Wiping with a dry cloth |

| |Fumigation by formaldehyde gas soon as possible after collection |

|Selection of hatching eggs |Eggs should be from healthy, matured and developed breeders |

| |Avoid too much of the humidity and moisture for this will cause critical damage to eggs |

| |Avoid really large or small eggs. Large eggs seem to hatch poorly and small eggs produce small chicks. |

| |Avoid eggs with cracked or thin shells. |

| |Choose clean eggs |

|Storage |Have a regular hatching schedule avoiding storage problems and reduction of hatches. |

| |Placing in fillers prior to storage. |

| |Store eggs in a cool-humid storage area. |

| |Store the eggs with the small end pointed downward. |

| |Alter egg position periodically if not incubating within 4-6 days. |

| |Do not store eggs more than 7 days before incubating. |

| |Storage equipment and area are maintained in hygienic state. |

| |Allow cool eggs to warm slowly to room temperature before placing in the incubator. |


|Critical Aspects of Competency |Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: |

| |Conducted preparatory breeding activities |

| |Carried-out breeding to in-lay activities |

| |Collected eggs |

| |Cared for hatching eggs |

|Required Knowledge and Attitudes |Knowledge, Theory, Practices and Systems Operations |

| |Poultry breeder |

| |Characteristics of rooster |

| |Maintaining breeder sheds |

| |Suitable nesting place |

| |Egg collection procedures |

| |Identification and grading of eggs |

| |Eggs cleaning and sanitation |

| |Records on poultry breeding |

| |Maintenance of breeder poultry |

| |In-lay activities |

| |Care and storage of hatching eggs |

| | |

| |Communication |

| |Record collection and keeping of poultry breeding data |

| |Following the schedules of breeding and regular hatching schedule |

| |Records of location of collection |

| |Mathematics and Mensuration |

| |Number of fertile eggs |

| |Number of soiled eggs |

| |Number of eggs for hatching |

| |Safety Practices |

| |Maintenance of hygienic environment |

| |Occupational Safety and Hazard Standards(OSHS) |

| |Codes and Regulations |

| |GAHP |

| |OSHS |

| |Materials, Tools & Equipment: Uses, Specifications and Maintenance |

| |Tools and Equipment |

| |Can understand and follow instructional manual |

| |Safe keeping of equipment every after use |

| |Maintain hygienic breeding sheds, nesting place and egg storage room |

| |Materials |

| |Where to source good quality supplies and materials needed in breeding operations of poultry. |

| |Maintenance |

| |Regular upkeep of equipment and facilities |

| |Preventive maintenance skills for breeding sheds and nesting areas |

| |Values |

| |Resourceful |

| |Honest |

| |Time conscious |

| |Diligent |

| |Patient |

| |Hard-working |

|Required Skills |Simple carpentry |

| |Record keeping |

| |Communication skills |

|Resource Implications |The following resources should be provided: |

| |Breeding sheds and nesting place |

| |Farm area |

| |Egg storage room and facilities |

| |Supplies, tools and materials to be used for poultry breeding operation. |

|Method of Assessment |Competency in this unit may be assessed through: |

| |Written exam |

| |Practical demonstration |

|Context of Assessment |6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited |

| |farms/institutions |


These guidelines are set to provide the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for ANIMAL PRODUCTION (POUTLRY-CHICKEN) NC II.



Nominal Training Duration: 18 hrs – Basic Competencies

48 hrs – Common Competencies

160 hrs – Core Competencies

40 hrs – Elective Competencies


226 hrs -Total

Course Description:

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of animal production technician in accordance with industry standards. It covers maintaining of poultry house, performing brooding and growing of birds, performing pre-lay and lay activities and beak trimming of birds,. It also includes competencies in workplace communication, teamwork, safety in the use of hand tools and equipment, and housekeeping


18 hours

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|1. Participate in workplace |1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information. |Group discussion |Demonstration |

|communication |1.2 Complete relevant work related documents. |Interaction |Observation |

| |1.3 Participate in workplace meeting and | |Interviews/ questioning |

| |discussion. | | |

|2. Work in a team environment |2.1 Describe and identify team role and |Discussion |Demonstration |

| |responsibility in a team. |Interaction |Observation |

| |2.2 Describe work as a team member. | |Interviews/ questioning |

|3. Practice career professionalism|3.1 Integrate personal objectives with |Discussion |Demonstration |

| |organizational goals. |Interaction |Observation |

| |3.2 Set and meet work priorities. | |Interviews/ questioning |

| |3.3 Maintain professional growth and | | |

| |development. | | |

|4. Practice occupational health |4.1 Evaluate hazard and risks |Discussion |Observation |

|and safety |4.2 Control hazards and risks |Plant tour |Interview |

| |4.3 Maintain occupational health and safety |Symposium | |

| |awareness | | |


48 hours

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Apply safety measures in farm |Apply appropriate safety measures while working |Self-paced/modular |Oral/Written Interviews |

|operations |in farm |Lecture/Discussion |Direct Observation |

| |Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit. |Interaction |Practical Demonstration |

| | |Practical Demonstration | |

| | |Visit/tour | |

|Use farm tools and equipment |Prepare and use farm tools |Self-paced/modular |Oral/Written Interviews |

| |Prepare and operate farm equipment |Lecture/Discussion |Direct Observation |

| |Perform preventive maintenance |Interaction |Practical Demonstration |

| |procedures/practices |Practical Demonstration | |

| | |Visit/tour | |

|Perform estimation and basic |Perform estimation |Self-paced/modular |Oral/Written examination |

|calculation |Perform basic workplace calculation |Lecture/Discussion |Practical exercise |

| | |Interaction | |

| | |Practical Exercise | |

|Process farm wastes |Collect farm wastes |Self-paced/modular |Oral/Written Interviews |

| |Identify and segregate wastes |Lecture/Discussion |Direct Observation |

| |Treat and process farm wastes |Interaction |Practical Demonstration |

| |Perform housekeeping |Practical Demonstration | |

| | |Visit/tour | |


160 hours

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Maintain poultry environment |Perform preparatory activities |Hands- on |Written examination |

| |Maintain poultry house and facilities |Lectures/ Discussion |Oral evaluation |

| |Maintain farm area |Videos/ Illustrations |Demonstration with questions |

| |Perform completion activities |Demonstration | |

|Brood and grow chicks |Perform preparatory activities |Hands- on |Written examination |

| |Place chicks and pullets in brooder house |Lectures/ Discussion |Oral evaluation |

| |Perform breeding of birds |Videos/ Illustrations |Demonstration with questions |

| |Provide optimum environment for the birds |Demonstration | |

| |Perform preventive and treatment measures | | |

| |Perform flock selection | | |

|Perform pre-lay and lay |Perform preparatory activities |Hands- on |Written examination |

|activities |Transfer layers in laying house |Lectures/ Discussion |Oral evaluation |

| |Employ lighting program |Videos/ Illustrations |Demonstration with questions |

| |Apply feeding activities |Demonstration | |

| |Perform health care | | |

| |Perform harvesting and post-laying activities | | |

|Trim beak |Carry-out preparatory activities |Hands- on |Written examination |

| |Trim beak |Lectures/ Discussion |Oral evaluation |

| |Retrim beak |Videos/ Illustrations |Demonstration with questions |

| |Carry-out work to completion |Demonstration | |


40 hours

|Unit of Competency |Learning Outcomes |Methodology |Assessment Approach |

|Breed chicken |Perform preparatory breeding activities |Hands- on |Written examination |

| |Carry-out breeding to in- lay activities |Lectures/ Discussion |Oral evaluation |

| |Collect eggs |Videos/ Illustrations |Demonstration with questions |

| |Care for hatching eggs |Demonstration | |


The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery should be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET.

o The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards;

o Learning is modular in its structure;

o Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies;

o Training is based on work that must be performed;

o Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum modules;

o Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standard;

o Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;

o Training allows for multiple entry and exit; and

o Training programs are registered with UTPRAS.

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities may be adopted when designing training programs:

o The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs would contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details can be referred to the Dual Training System (DTS) Implementing Rules and Regulations.

o Modular/self-paced learning is a competency-based training modality wherein the trainee is allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer facilitates the training delivery

o Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow learners.

o Supervised industry training or on-the-job training is an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulations.

o Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, or audio, video or computer technologies.

o Project-Based Instruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in which students plan, implement and evaluate projects that have real world applications.


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements:

• Able to read and write;

• Able to communicate, both orally and in writting; and

• Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer



Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees for Animal Production (Poultry) NC II


|3 |Electric lamps | 1 |Generator |10 |Plastic drinking jars- ¼, ½, 1 |

| | | | | |gallon cap. |

|3 |Pail |1 |Heater |10 |Chicks size feeders |

|3 |Feed scoop | | |1 |Welded wire |

|30 |Syringe and needles |1 |Weighing scale |1 |Plastic poultry wire |

|1 |Debeaker |1 |Wheel barrow |2 |PVC pipe |

|1 |Knapsack sprayer |1 |Feed bin |10 |Feeding troughs (local |

| | | | | |materials-bamboo or PVC pipe) |

|3 |Egg grader |1 |Feed cart |10 |Drinking trough |

|1 |Hover |1 |Infrared gas brooder |10 |Plastic waterers |

|3 |Chick guard |30 |Fabricated layer cages |10 |Sacks |

|1 |Curtains |1 |Power Sprayer | | |

| | | | |10 |Nests |

|1 |Portable heater | | | | |

|3 |Plastic feeders, 5-10 kgs | | |1 |Old tire |

|3 |Weighing scale (500 kg. cap.) | | |5 |Aluminum sheets |

|5 |Syringes (5 to 20ml cap.) | | |1 |Plain GI sheets |

|5 |Hammer | | |2 |Lawanit |

|5 |Shovel, wheel barrow | | |5 |Hard card boards |

|15 |Mineral boxes, | | |5 |Plywood |

|5 |Waterer | | | |Old newspaper |

|5 |Feeding trough | | | |Saw dust |

| | | | | |Rice hulls |

| | | | | |Feeds |

| | | | | |Chicks booster – from 1 day to 2|

| | | | | |weeks old |

| | | | | |Starter mash – 3-4 weeks old |

| | | | | |Finisher mash – 5 weeks old |

| | | | | |until market age |

| | | | | |Egg trays |

| | | | | |Plastic egg trays (30 pcs |

| | | | | |capacity) |

| | | | | |Cartoon egg trays |

| | | | | |Egg cart |

| | | | | |Egg boxes |

| | | | | |Veterinary drugs |

| | | | | |Dewormer |

| | | | | |Vaccines |

| | | | | |Supplements |

| | | | |25 set |PPE: |

| | | | | |Dust coats |

| | | | | |Mask |

| | | | | |Hand gloves |

| | | | | |Boots |

| | | | | |Rain coats |

| | | | | |Fire extinguisher |

| | | | | |Foot baths |

| | | |Models/actual objects | |Learning Materials |

| | | |Breed/strain/ hybrid: | |Production records |

| | | |Broiler strains: | |Rearing flock records |

| | |60 |Hydro G | |Laying flock records |

| | | |Pilch-de-kalb | |Financial records |

| | | |Lohman | |Inventory records |

| | | |Starbro | |Physical records: |

| | | |Arbor acre | |Brooding and growing records |

| | | |Avian Peterson | |Laying flock production records |

| | | |Cobb | |Financial records: |

| | | |Strains of layers: | |Value of production and disposal|

| | |30 |Babcock | |Other sources of income |

| | | |Dekalb | |Farm expenses |

| | | |H & N | | |

| | | |Hi-sex white | | |

| | | |Starcross | | |

| | | |Lohman LSL | | |

| | |30 |Egg layers classification (Based | | |

| | | |on Phil. Product Standard, | | |

| | | |classification of chicken eggs) | | |

| | | |Jumbo >70 g | | |

| | | |XL 65-70 g | | |

| | | |L 60-65 g | | |

| | | |M 55-60 g | | |

| | | |S 50-55 g | | |

| | | |Pullets 45-50 g | | |

| | | |Peewee 40-45 g | | |

| | | |no weight ................

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