A Venn Diagram

A Venn Diagram

Communism vs. Fascism

Draw two circles and overlap them. On one side, write Communism. On the other, write Fascism. On the overlapped area, label The Same. Write the sentence and place it in the appropriate area.

1. Seeks a classless society.

2. Government controls all human activities.

3. No individual rights.

4. Wears uniforms usually of a certain color.

5. Glorifies the military and war.

6. Has a secret police.

7. Condemns socialism and supports private property.

8. Attempts to control religion.

9. Seeks to eliminate religion.

10. Has a special salute.

11. Views women as inferior despite its public rhetoric.

12. Its ideology is most important or paramount.

13. Defends private property

14. No private ownership of land or property.

15. Dictatorial one party rule.

16. Devotion to the state is most important or paramount.

17. Each class in society has a place and function.

18. Total control of the press.

19. Seeks an international revolution.

20. Has a socialist economy.

21. Ultra-nationalism: country and/or race.

22. The state must struggle to survive even if it means war.

23. Authoritarian leader knows all and is “worshipped”.

24. Does not follow a predefined ideology.

25. Appeals to the middleclass and industrialists.

26. No unions or strikes.

27. Use of propaganda to control the thoughts and actions of society.

28. Use of youth groups.

29. Use of ancient myth of racial superiority incorporated into society.

30. Use of mass rallies and parades to foster support.


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