Summit Second Edition Level 1 - Pearson English

Summit 1, Second Edition

Unit-by-Unit CEF Correlations

Summit 1 and 2 are the high-intermediate and advanced levels of Top Notch: English for Today’s World.

Summit 1 uses highly original approaches to familiar topic areas as a springboard for graded instruction in both discrete and integrated training in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Grammar and vocabulary development grow naturally from the topics, situations, and communication goals.

Summit 1 covers B2 level of CEF.

Listening includes recorded dialogues, discussions, arguments, presentations, factual radio talks, and radio advertisements. Topics include both concrete events and abstract ideas. Listening strategies include listening for gist, for information, for evidence supporting information or opinion, and for analysis of attitude.

Reading texts include different formats, such as encyclopaedias, letters, advertisements, charts, maps, graphs, internet message boards, and factual and opinion articles from magazines and newspapers. Reading strategies include reading for gist, critical thinking, analysis for note making and for summarizing.

Speaking activities include pair, group, and class discussions, debates, presentations on experiences, attitudes, and opinions. Communication goals are defined in each unit.

Writing activities include instruction in note making, paragraph construction (including the use of topic sentences), use of linking devices to link paragraphs, layout of formal letters, error avoidance and correction. Writing tasks include descriptions, biographies, articles, letters to newspapers, summaries, and critiques of articles.

Top Notch and Summit Full Course Correlation with International Standards and Exams


|Lesson Goals |1 Suggest ways to enjoy life more | | | |

| |2 Describe people’s personalities | | | |

| |3 Compare perspectives on life | | | |

| |4 Share a life-changing experience | | | |

|Grammar |Gerund and infinitive after forget, stop, remember |5 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can identify supporting details in a discussion between two |3 |B2 |Finding evidence |

| |visitors in a foreign country. | | | |

| |I can read an advice article about life balance and relate it to | | | |

| |personal experience. |4 | | |

| |I can read an opinion article on optimism and pessimism and | | | |

| |identify supporting details. | | | |

| |I can analyze paragraph structure. |8 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |12 | | |

|Speaking |I can speculate about a world map. |2 |B2 | |

| |I can discuss and personalize article ideas. |4 | | |

| |I can grade described personalities. |8 | | |

| |I can discuss perspectives. |9 | |Structure discussion |

| |I can give an oral summary. |10 | | |

|Listening |I can follow two speakers discuss personality and infer point of |6 |B2 |Inferring opinion |

| |view. | | | |

| |I can listen to three speakers for gist and inference. |10 | | |

| |I can understand three speakers talking about reactions to news | | | |

| |events. |13 | | |

|Writing |I can make notes for suggestions. |5 |B2 | |

| |I can make notes about an experience and use them to write a |11 | |Use in group work |

| |paragraph. | | | |

| |I can write a description of a personality type from model. |12 | |Paragraph structure; self check |

|Unit 2 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Describe the music you listen to | | | |

| |2 Explain the role of music in your life | | | |

| |3 Describe a creative person | | | |

| |4 Discuss the benefits of music | | | |

|Grammar |The present perfect and the present perfect continuous |16 |B2 |Text completion |

| |Noun clauses | | | |

| | |18 | |Question words |

|Reading |I can read and comment on reviews on a music website. |14 |B2 | |

| |I can understand a conversation comparing musical tastes. | | | |

| |I can understand a short biography of Beethoven and activate |15 | | |

| |language from the text. | | | |

| | |20 | | |

|Speaking |I can discuss music reviews. |14 |B2 |Sharing opinions |

| |I can compare musical tastes. |15 | |Comparing |

| |I can describe different types of music. |16 | |Describing music |

| |I can describe creative people. |21 | |Describing people |

| |I can discuss the benefits of music from notes. |23 | |Opinion and evidence |

|Listening |I can understand a talk about music therapy and listen for |22 |B2 |Gist; notes; discuss |

| |supporting details. | | | |

| |I can understand two people talking about musical preferences. | | | |

| | |25 | |Explaining meaning |

|Writing |I can write a brief biography of a creative person. |21 |B2 |Using model and adjectives |

| |I can describe my own personality. | | |Planning; error correction |

| | |24 | | |

|Unit 3 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Talk about your financial goals | | | |

| |2 Express buyer’s remorse | | | |

| |3 Describe your spending habits | | | |

| |4 Discuss reasons for charitable giving | | | |

|Grammar |Future plans and finished future actions |28 |B2 | |

| |The past unreal conditional: inverted form |31 | | |

|Reading |I can read an advice article on financial management. |26 |B2 | |

| |I can understand two speakers discuss money matters. | | | |

| |I can read interviews about short-term and long-term financial |27 | | |

| |goals and make personal comparisons. | | |Dictionary support |

| |I can complete a self-test about spending habits. |28 | | |

| |I can understand a text about a philanthropist and express and | | | |

| |support my opinions. | | | |

| | |33 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |34 | | |

|Speaking |I can evaluate and discuss advice. |26 |B2 | |

| |I can describe my financial habits. |27 | |Framing your ideas |

| |I can describe my financial goals. |29 | |Using prepared notes |

| |I can express remorse about a purchase. |31 | |Using prepared notes |

| |I can summarize and describe my spending habits. |33 | | |

| |I can express and give reasons for my opinions about giving to | | | |

| |charity. |35 | |Using prepared notes |

| | | | |Public presentation |

|Listening |I can understand a conversation in which a speaker regrets a |27 |B2 |Inferring reasons for regret |

| |purchase and infer the reasons. | | | |

| |I can understand a speaker describing financial habits. | | | |

| | |32 | |Gist; details; conclusions |

|Writing |I can summarize and describe my spending habits. |33 |B2 | |

| |I can use time order words to describe my financial goals. | | | |

| | |36 | |Planning and sequencing paragraphs; |

| | | | |self check |

|Unit 4 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Discuss appropriate dress | | | |

| |2 Comment on fashion and style | | | |

| |3 Evaluate ways to change one’s appearance | | | |

| |4 Discuss appearance and self-esteem | | | |

|Grammar |Quantifiers with singular, plural, and non-count nouns. |40 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can follow a conversation about choosing clothes for an event and|39 |B2 | |

| |activate language from the text. | | | |

| |I can understand a text about dressing for work and examine | | | |

| |cultural expectations. |40 | | |

| |I can read an article about body image and identify supporting | | | |

| |details. |46 | |Finding supporting details |

|Speaking |I can comment on body adornment, clothing, and fashions in |38 |B2 |Describing pictures; expressing |

| |different cultures and historical periods. | | |preferences |

| |I can talk about my own experience of choosing clothes. | | | |

| |I can discuss appropriate clothing. |39 | |Describing experiences |

| |I can comment on fashions and styles. | | | |

| |I can discuss and evaluate ways to change one’s appearance. |41 | |Structure ideas |

| |I can discuss appearance and self-esteem. |43 | |Using vocabulary |

| | |45 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |47 | | |

|Listening |I can infer information from statements about work clothes. |41 |B2 | |

| |I can understand a conversation about fashion and style and listen | | | |

| |to activate vocabulary. |42 | |Using adjectives |

| |I can understand a talk on a radio program about changes in styles.| | | |

| |I can understand conversations about taste in fashion. | | | |

| | |44 | |Summarizing; inferring information |

| | | | | |

| | |49 | | |

|Writing |I can write an article comparing and contrasting fashion tastes. |48 |B2 |Similarities paragraph; Contrast |

| |I can comment on a popular saying about fashion and beauty. | | |paragraph |

| | |49 | |Expressing opinion; giving concrete |

| | | | |example |

|Unit 5 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Politely ask someone not to do something | | | |

| |2 Complain about public conduct | | | |

| |3 Discuss social responsibility | | | |

| |4 Identify urban problems | | | |

|Grammar |Possessives with gerunds |52 |B2 | |

| |Paired conjunctions |54 | | |

|Reading |I can follow a discussion about city life. |51 |B2 | |

| |I can read postings about annoying behaviors. |54 | |Evaluating and discussing |

| |I can read an interview about Megacities, confirming content and | | |Meaning of idioms from context |

| |inferring information. |58 | | |

|Speaking |I can use pictures and a graph to comment on changes in rural / |50 |B2 |Expressing ideas; speculating on |

| |urban populations. | | |reasons |

| |I can frame and express my ideas about life in cities, suburbs, and| | |Expressing ideas; giving reasons |

| |the country. |51 | | |

| |I can role-play asking someone not to do something. | | | |

| |I can use notes to discuss annoying behavior. |53 | |Using prepared notes |

| |I can use critical thinking to comment on a story. | | | |

| |I can respond to a quiz about social responsibility and give my |55 | |Describing personal experiences |

| |opinions. | | | |

| | |57 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |57 | | |

|Listening |I can understand a story about organ donation and listen for |56 |B2 | |

| |details. | | | |

| |I can understand and summarize a narration of a series of events. |56 | |Summarizing |

| |I can understand a conversation about cities. | | | |

| | |61 | | |

|Writing |I can make notes about annoying behavior. |55 |B2 | |

| |I can use notes to write a letter to a local newspaper about local | | | |

| |problems. |60 | |Layout; salutation; closing paragraph |

| | | | |structure |

|Unit 6 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Exchange opinions about the treatment of animals | | | |

| |2 Discuss the benefits of certain pets | | | |

| |3 Compare animal characters | | | |

| |4 Debate the value of animal conservation | | | |

|Grammar |Passive modals |64 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can read a chart explaining Chinese Zodiac animals and |62 |B2 |Discussing application |

| |personality traits. | | | |

| |I can understand a conversation about animals in zoos. |63 | |Finding evidence |

| |I can read postings about the treatment of animals and evaluate | | | |

| |ideas. |64 | |Evaluating and discussing |

| |I can read an article expressing an opinion about natural species | | |Deducing meaning from context |

| |and understand meaning from context. |70 | | |

|Speaking |I can exchange opinions about the ways animals are used or treated.|65 |B2 | |

| |I can discuss using pets for companionship. | | | |

| |I can role-play a discussion about the benefits of pets. |67 | |Making notes |

| |I can describe the characteristics of animals. | | | |

| |I can debate the pros and cons of animal conservation. |67 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |69 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |71 | | |

|Listening |I can understand short conversations about suitable pets. |66 |B2 |Making notes in chart |

| |I can follow the reading of a fable and draw conclusions about | | | |

| |character traits. |68 | |Comparing character traits |

| |I can follow the reading of a fable and draw conclusions about the | | |Analyzing elements |

| |moral of the story. |69 | | |

| |I can understand a talk on animal-assisted therapy. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |73 | | |

|Writing |I can write notes of my opinions about the treatment and use of |72 |B2 |Preparing for discussion |

| |animals. | | | |

| |I can structure a persuasive paragraph by planning arguments and |72 | |Structure; supporting argument |

| |possible opposing arguments. | | | |

|Unit 7 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Give shopping advice | | | |

| |2 Discuss your reactions to ads | | | |

| |3 Persuade someone to buy a product | | | |

| |4 Describe consumer shopping habits | | | |

|Grammar |Passive forms of gerunds and infinitives |78 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can identify and discuss types of advertisements. |74 |B2 | |

| |I can understand a conversation between people viewing a catalogue.| | | |

| |I can read four interviews about advertisements and understand |75 | | |

| |meaning from context. | | | |

| |I can read about advertising techniques and infer information. |78 | |Context understanding |

| |I can read an article about compulsive shopping and relate it to | | | |

| |personal experience. | | | |

| |I can complete a self-quiz about shopping habits. |80 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |82 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |83 | | |

|Speaking |I can discuss advertisements for products. |75 |B2 | |

| |I can role-play a conversation giving shopping advice. |77 | | |

| |I can discuss my reaction to advertisements. | | | |

| |I can describe and discuss my shopping habits. |79 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |83 | | |

|Listening |I can follow a dialogue about shopping and listen to activate |76 |B2 |Matching expressions to meanings |

| |vocabulary. | | |Inferring opinions |

| |I can listen to radio advertisements and support reasoning with |81 | | |

| |details. |85 | | |

| |I can understand a conversation about prices. | | | |

|Writing |I can complete a pricelist. |77 |B2 |Comparing prices |

| |I can describe shopping habits and give advice. |83 | | |

| |I can summarize an article. | | | |

| | |84 | | |

|Unit 8 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Describe family trends | | | |

| |2 Discuss parent / teen issues | | | |

| |3 Compare generations | | | |

| |4 Describe care for the elderly | | | |

|Grammar |Repeated and double comparatives |88 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can follow a conversation about relationships. |87 |B2 | |

| |I can read an article about falling birth rates and identify cause | | | |

| |and effect. |88 | | |

| |I can read about care for the elderly in China, confirming content | | | |

| |and summarizing. |94 | |Summarizing |

|Speaking |I can use cartoons to talk about families. |86 |B2 | |

| |I can recall and report a personal experience. |87 | | |

| |I can discuss generation differences. | | | |

| |I can describe and draw conclusions about care for the elderly. |93 | | |

| | |95 | | |

|Listening |I can follow three speakers talking about family trends. |89 |B2 | |

| |I can follow a conversation about parent and teen behaviors. | | | |

| |I can follow comments on generation gaps, listening for details and|91 | |Reporting comments |

| |summarizing. | | | |

| |I can listen to compare and contrast the differences between two |92 | |Summarizing |

| |generations. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |93 | |Comparing and contrasting |

|Writing |I can summarize a discussion on family trends. |89 |B2 | |

| |I can describe my relationship with a family member. | | | |

| | |96 | |Planning; linking; correcting |

|Unit 9 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Speculate about the out-of-the-ordinary | | | |

| |2 Present a theory about a past event | | | |

| |3 Discuss how believable a story is | | | |

| |4 Evaluate the trustworthiness of news sources | | | |

|Grammar |Indirect speech with modals |100 |B2 | |

| |Perfect modals in the passive voice for speculating about the past |102 | | |

|Reading |I can read and answer a quiz. |98 |B2 |Obvious answer not always the correct |

| |I can follow a conversation about a well-known mystery. |99 | |answer |

| |I can read two articles about historical mysteries and activate | | | |

| |prior knowledge. |102 | | |

| |I can read theories about historical mysteries. | | | |

| |I can understand stories of well-known hoaxes, confirming facts and|103 | | |

| |drawing conclusions. | | | |

| | |106 | | |

|Speaking |I can discuss how I selected my answers. |98 |B2 |Using idioms |

| |I can express degrees of certainty. |99 | | |

| |I can role-play a conversation speculating about a situation. |101 | | |

| |I can discuss the credibility of a story. | | | |

| | |105 | | |

|Listening |I can follow a talk about Anastasia, listening for gist and |104 |B2 |Gist; summary |

| |summarizing. | | | |

| |I can understand speakers speculating about events and causes. |109 | | |

|Writing |I can write a news article. |108 |B2 | |

| |I can write an article correctly avoiding sentence fragments. |108 | |Error avoidance and correction |

|Unit 10 |Can-Do Statements |Page |CEF |Learning and Exam skills |

|Lesson Goals |1 Explain the benefits of leisure activities | | | |

| |2 Describe hobbies and other interests | | | |

| |3 Compare your use of leisure time | | | |

| |4 Discuss the risk-taking personality | | | |

|Grammar |Order of modifiers |114 |B2 | |

|Reading |I can read a comparison of the promise and reality of technology. |110 |B2 | |

| |I can follow a conversation about work stress. | | | |

| |I can read message-board posts about unusual hobbies. |111 | | |

| |I can read an article about technology and free time and identify | | | |

| |supporting details. |114 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |116 | |Finding main point; finding detailed |

| | | | |evidence |

|Speaking |I can discuss technology and free time. |110 |B2 | |

| |I can discuss my use of free time. |111 | |Pair and group discussion |

| |I can read personal statements and offer advice. |113 | | |

| |I can ask classmates about their hobbies. | | | |

| |I can discuss my use of leisure time. |115 | | |

| |I can describe extreme sports. |117 | | |

| |I can describe and discuss attitudes towards risk-taking. |118 | |Describing pictures |

| | |119 | | |

|Listening |I can understand an interview about risk-taking and relate it to |118 |B2 |Making notes; personalizing |

| |personal experience. | | | |

| |I can follow a conversation about free time and leisure activities.| | | |

| | |121 | | |

|Writing |I can comment on another’s point of view. |120 |B2 |Supporting opinions |


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