Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) & Student,

The World of Fashion

HNB4M Course Overview Ms. Lebel Room 215


|Unit 1: Design & Fashion Construction |Unit 3: Globalization in the Fashion Industry |

|Chapters 9, 10, Sewing & Serging Handbook |Chapters 11, 12, 13, 25 |

|Elements & principles of design |Identify countries that produce textiles |

|Safe use of the sewing machine |How textiles are produced |

|Basic sewing skills |Globalization + fashion = sweatshops |

|Garment construction |Fashion laws & agreements (NAFTA) |

|PROJECT = Onesies |Reduce impact on the environment |

| |PROJECT = Garment of your choice |

|Unit 2: Historical Influences on Fashion |Unit 4: Canadian & World Fashions |

|Chapters 6, 5, Technology Trends |Chapters 8, 7, 21 |

|Fashion styles |Marketing in the fashion industry |

|How historical events and social issues have influenced fashion |Canadian & International designers |

|Hints of history in today's fashions |Haute couture |

|How technology has advanced fashion |Specialized clothing markets (infants) |

|PROJECT = Quilted square |SUMMATIVE = Fashion Show |


Final Grade = Course Work (70%) + Summative (30%) = 100%

Course Work Evaluation Plan:

|Category |Description |Weight |

|Knowledge/ Understanding |Knowledge and understanding of facts, terms, concepts, theories and the relationship among |30% |

| |these. | |

|Thinking & Inquiry |Use of critical thinking skills (e.g. decision making, problem solving, etc.), inquiry |20% |

| |skills, and research skills. | |

|Communication |Communication of knowledge and thinking using appropriate language, symbols, and visuals |20% |

| |and a variety of forms of communication for different audiences. | |

|Application |Application of ideas and skills in familiar contexts, transfer to new contexts, application|30% |

| |of procedures, equipment, and technology, & making connections with the world. | |

Summative Evaluation Plan

Producing a fashion show plus a final exam comprise your summative evaluation worth 30% of your final grade.

1. Fashion Show! (15%)

2. Formal written examination on the scheduled exam day (15%)

Classroom Expectations


• Come to class prepared to work/learn. This includes bringing all needed supplies and leaving forbidden items in your locker. Use class time effectively to complete your assignments at school.

• Be on time & attend class regularly. A significant portion of your final mark comes from practical activities. You cannot complete your sewing projects if you are not there! You are responsible for notes, activities and assignments that are covered on the days you are absent.

• Meet all deadlines. This includes your daily homework. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, be sure to hand it in on the day you return.

• Respect yourself, others & the environment. Swearing, teasing, name-calling, talking out of turn, yelling, littering, vandalism, and other disrespectful behaviour is inappropriate in the workplace and in the classroom. Don’t do it.

• Obey all safety rules. You will learn many rules for the proper usage of sewing tools and machines. For safety reasons, there is zero tolerance for inappropriate behaviour in the sewing lab.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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