High School Quizbowl Packet Archive

2018 Montgomery Blair Academic Tournament - Round 12Tossups1) The mid-mesozoic types of these organisms lived in a mutualistic relationship with Kallgrammatid Lacewings. A type of these organisms is used to produce an illegal dietary supplement, ephedrine. There are four non-extinct phyla of these organism, which include (*) Gnetophyta and Cycadophyta. Another of these phyla only contains only one living species: when the seeds of that species decay, they smell like rancid butter. That species is the biloba. These organisms were the first seed plants. The name of this clade comes from the Greek for “naked seed.” For ten points, name these plants which produce needle-like leaves and cones and are contrasted with angiosperms.ANSWER: gymnosperms2) The Asen Dynasty founded this modern day nation’s second empire while Khan Krum was a prominent leader of its first. Stefan Stambolov led an uprising in this country, whose “horrors” were denounced in William Gladstone’s Midlothian Campaign. One government from this country assassinated Georgi Markov with an (*) umbrella gun, and although this country fought with the Axis in World War Two, its King Boris III protected this country’s Jews. In 1014, Byzantine emperor Basil II gained his epithet as a “slayer” of these people. For 10 points, name this Balkan nation on the Black Sea with capital at Sofia.ANSWER: Bulgaria3) One poem by this author asks the title object, “Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart?” Another poem by this author is about the inevitability of death, shown in a play performed by “mimes, in the form of god on high.” That poem is called “The Conqueror Worm” and the short story is called “Ligeia.” Another short story by this author includes a tarn that glows. That story begins with a (*) crack in the title residence, which eventually breaks open and kills the two residents of the house. For ten points, name this poet and author of “Fall of the House of Usher” and “The Raven.”ANSWER: Edgar Allan Poe 4) Operation Anubis targeted one electoral event in this territory. It’s not South Africa, but the ANC is a major political force in this region. The Mossos d'Esquadra are the influential police force of this region, which until recently was led by Prime Minister (*) Carles Puigdemont. In October 2017, the government of Mariano Rajoy asserted direct control over this previously autonomous region and indicted many of its leaders on charges of rebellion. For ten points, name this region of northeast Spain with capital at Barcelona which declared independence on October 27, 2017.ANSWER: Catalonia5) One character in this novel writes an unsuccessful book, so he joins the pan-Slav movement. Another character breaks his horse Frou-Frou’s back in a race against Gladiator. A major character in this story consults a French clairvoyant named Landau, who told him not to file fir divorce. Princess (*) Kitty Scherbatsky eventually marries Constantin Levin in this novel that depicts Stiva Oblonsky’s cheating on his wife Dolly. This novel begins “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” For ten points, name this Leo Tolstoy novel about the title woman who kills herself by jumping in front of a train.ANSWER: Anna Karenina 6) An expedition led by Alfred Gaselee helped to end this conflict, during which one country invaded over the Amur River. In this conflict, 40 missionaries were killed in the Taiyuan Massacre. The German minister Clemens von Ketteler’s execution of a young boy during this conflict led to the burning of the (*) Legation Quarter. During this revolt, a Muslim force known as the Kansu Braves allied with Dowager Empress Cixi and was defeated by the Eight Nation Alliance. The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists waged, for 10 points, what 1899-1901 anti-Western revolt in China?ANSWER: Boxer Rebellion7) One orchestral set by this composer uses bugle melodies from “Reveille” to depict a wartime regiment. Another of this man’s works depicts blaring fire engines and police cars which this composer described as a “ragtime war” between pianos. A woodwind quartet in one of this man’s works grows more agitated each time they play as a trumpet asks the unanswered (*) “Perennial Question of Existence”. One of this man’s suites includes movements named for authors like Hawthorne, Emerson, and Thoreau. For 10 points, name this American composer of the Concord Sonata and Three Places in New England.ANSWER: Charles Ives8) In one work by this author, a homeless couple meets another person named Outa and one of the characters counts her bruises. In another work by this author, two men shovel sand endlessly at each other. In that work, the two main characters practice Antigone as a play within a play. This author of Boseman and Lena and The Island also wrote about a woman named (*) Ethel Lange who comes to visit a pen pal in Port Elizabeth. That play follows the brothers Zachariah and Morris and their struggles with being black and looking white. For ten points, name this author of Blood Knot who also wrote Master Harold and the Boys.ANSWER: Athol Fugard 9) This letter represents a constant whose namesake problem arises from a 122 order of magnitude difference between QFT calculations of the vacuum and astrophysical observations. This letter titles a prominent contemporary astrophysical model which treats both dark energy and dark matter; in that model, it is concatenated with (*) “CDM”. This letter appears as the proportionality constant in an equation in which the velocity v of a wave is related to its frequency f. For ten points, name this letter whose uppercase is used to denote the cosmological constant and whose lower case is used to denote the wavelength of a wave.ANSWER: lambda 10) One type of this substance is used for Mycoplasma detection and is named for McIlvaine. Histidine residues act as these substances when present in hemoglobin. The compound tris is used in the TAE and TBE types of these, which also contain EDTA. Monopotassium phosphate is used as an (*) “agent” of these solutions because it reduces nitrogen loss in soil. The effectiveness of these substances can be determined from the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation, which relates pKa to a similar quantity. In blood, carbonic acid and bicarbonate ions form a system that acts as one of these. For 10 points, name these solutions that resist changes in pH.ANSWER: buffer solutions (accept buffering agents) HALFTIME11) This man was preceded in faith by his relatives Andronicus and Junia. This man was imprisoned with Silas until an earthquake burst his cell open, though he chose not to escape. This man likely died after the Great Fire of Rome, and this native of Tarsus criticized (*) Peter for his gentile living style. This former pharisee wrote that “love is patient, love is kind” and became a Christian after hearing the words “Why do you persecute me.” For ten points, name this early Christian apostle and epistle writer who changed his name from Saul after a revelation along the road to Damascus?ANSWER: Saint Paul the Apostle (accept Saul until mentioned)12) The Shapiro-Stiglitz model associates wage efficiency with this quantity which is also depicted on the Beveridge curve. Okun’s law states that for every 1% increase in this quantity, the GDP of a country will drop by 2%. The Phillips curve shows an inverse relationship between (*) inflation and this phenomenon. This construct comes in frictional, structural, and seasonal varieties, while many worry that automation will lead to rapid increases in this value in the United States. For ten points, name this economic phenomenon that describes how many people are out of work. ANSWER: unemployment13) “Major ordering” can be used to efficiently store these objects, and implementations for queues and heaps frequently utilize this data structure. Dynamic versions of this structure are built-in features of Python. Both storing and accessing in these data structures are constant time operations, and many languages use (*) zero-based numbering for these data structures. In C, characters stored in this data structure are used to represent strings, and its two dimensional variant is similar to a matrix. For 10 points, name this data structure denoted using square brackets used to store multiple elements consecutively.ANSWER: array 14) One of these paintings subtitled “Time Flies” shows an airplane and an alarm clock behind the subject. Another one of these paintings depicts a deer with a human head wounded with arrows. A panther and monkey appear behind the subject who is wearing a necklace made of (*) thorns in one of these works, another of which shows the artist filled with nails while recuperating from a traffic accident. That piece, The Broken Column, is one of many of these paintings to show off its Mexican artist’s distinctive unibrow. For 10 points, name these paintings that Diego Rivera’s wife made of herself.ANSWER: Frida Kahlo's Self Portraits (prompt on “works by Frida Khalo” and equivalents)15) The main character of this opera gains his indenture after his nursemaid Ruth mishears instructions to train the boy to be a pilot. That character, Frederic, falls in love with Mabel, but soon finds out that his indenture is not over at his 21st birthday because he was (*) born on a leap day. In this musical’s most famous song, one character professes his knowledge in all “matters vegetable, animal, and mineral.” “I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General” is sung in- for ten points- this Gilbert and Sullivan operetta about a crew of soft-hearted buccaneers. ANSWER: The Pirates of Penzance16) The name of this policy was coined by psychologist Charles Moskos. This policy was challenged in McVeigh v. Cohen, and was eventually struck down in Log Cabin Republicans v. US. A 2012 Palm Center study found that voiding this policy had no impact on moral or (*) military readiness. In a State of the Union address, Barack Obama called reversing this policy “the right thing to do,” and this policy originally emerged as a compromise between the Clinton Administration and southern conservative senators. For ten points, name this former U.S. military policy prohibiting gay individuals from military service.ANSWER: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (accept DADT)17) In a work by this writer, one character dodges being arrested because of his colonial war connections. That character is eventually caught because of Jeremiah Peachum’s influence as the boss of London beggars. In another work by this writer, a character dies after beating a drum to save a village. In that work, the title character states that (*) Eilif will die for his bravery, Swiss Cheese for his honesty, and Kattrin for her kindness. For ten points, name this German playwright of a work about the exploits of Macheath, The Threepenny Opera, and a work set during the 30 Years’ War about a washerwoman, Mother Courage and her Children.ANSWER: Bertolt Brecht18) Dyrnwyn is an example of one of these in Welsh mythology whose fire burns anyone pursuing evil. Another one of these objects in Arthurian legend is called Clarent and is owned by Mordred. Kusanagi is one of these objects obtained from the body of Orochi, an eight-headed dragon, that is also called the (*) “grass-cutting” one of these objects. Hrunting and Naegling are two of these objects owned by Beowulf, and King Arthur pulls one of these objects called Caliburn out of a stone. For 10 points, name this weapon exemplified by Excalibur.ANSWER: swords 19) The Amethyst Incident led one British warship to be trapped in this body of water for three months. Flooding from this river can be moderated by Dongting Lake; nonetheless, this river’s 1931 floods may have been the deadliest natural disaster in history. This river is inhabited by a namesake species of crocodiles, while a type of (*) dolphin named for this river is functionally extinct. The Three Gorges Dam generates electricity from this river, which flows south of the Yellow River and reaches the Pacific Ocean near Shanghai. For ten points, this Chinese river, the longest in Asia. ANSWER: Yangtze River (accept Da Jiang or Chang Jiang until mentioned; prompt on “Long River”)20) During his childhood, this man’s guardians included Gilbert of Brionne and Osbern. This man consolidated power by marrying Matilda of Flanders and enforcing a Truce of God. This man received a blessing from Pope Alexander II to perform his most famous action, which he claimed was sanctioned by (*) Edward the Confessor. After the success of that invasion, this man defeated the Revolt of the Earls and commissioned the Domesday Book and the Tower of London. For 10 points, name this victor at the Battle of Hastings and the first Norman King of England.ANSWER: William the Conqueror (accept William the Bastard or William I; prompt on “William”)Bonuses1) The actual story of this work begins with the Buddha instructing Guanyin to find someone sacred enough to bring Buddhist sutras to the east. For ten points each:[10] Name this Chinese novel about the monk Xuanzang and his band of disciples as he attempts to spread sacred Buddhist texts to lands beyond India.ANSWER: Journey to the West (accept Xi You Ji)[10] Xuanzang’s disciples are all atoning for some past sin because Guanyin helped them each in some way. This disciple of Xuanzang is atoning for flirting with the moon goddess Chang’e.ANSWER: Pigsy (accept Zhu Bajie or Zhu Wuneng)[10] Another disciple of Xuanzang, Sun Wukong, was born from this thing before becoming the magical king of the monkeys.ANSWER: a stone egg2) Answer the following questions about the Jones oxidation. For ten points each:[10] The Jones reaction oxidizes compounds with these functional groups to carboxylic acids and ketones. This functional group is present in alcohols.ANSWER: hydroxyl group (accept –OH)[10] A component of the Jones reagent is this solvent with formula C3H6O. This compound is found in nail polish remover.ANSWER: acetone[10] Another component of the Jones reagent is the trioxide of this element, which is used for electroplating. The trioxide of this element is purple when anhydrous and orange when wet.ANSWER: chromium (accept Cr)3) Procopius wrote a lively, if historically and logically dubious, account of this man’s reign. For ten points each:[10] Name this Byzantine emperor and husband of Theodora who sought to reconquer the Western Roman Empire. He also constructed the Hagia Sophia. ANSWER: Justinian I (accept Justinian the Great)[10] Justinian’s western conquests were led by this brilliant general who waged successful campaigns against the Vandals and Ostrogoths.ANSWER: Belisarius[10] Earlier in his career, Belisarius saved Justinian when fans of this sport ran amok in Constantinople. The “Blues” and the “Greens” supported teams in this sport, which took place in the Hippodrome. ANSWER: Chariot Racing (accept equivalents)4) This character meets Uzzi-Tuzii, professor of dead languages. For ten points each:[10] Name this character who meets Ludmilla in a bookstore after realizing a book has been printed incorrectly. The second person point of view is defined by its use of this subject. ANSWER: you (accept me, or the Reader, accept equivalents, do not accept “the Other Reader”)[10] You and Ludmilla are characters in If on a winter’s night a traveler…, a novel by this Italian author who also wrote about Kublai Khan in Invisible Cities.ANSWER: Italo Calvino[10] Calvino also wrote this short story collection, which, like t zero, is mostly narrated by a being named Qfwfq. It includes a story in which the Earth and Moon used to be closer together.ANSWER: Cosmicomics5) These people carried out the 1809 Boyd Massacre, during which up to 70 Europeans were cannibalized. For ten points each:[10] Name these indigenous people first contacted by Abel Tasman. These people fought the British in the Flagstaff War and are organized into iwi. ANSWER: Māori[10] The Maori live in this island nation whose largest cities are Auckland and Wellington. ANSWER: New Zealand[10] The Maori acceded to British sovereignty over New Zealand in this 1840 treaty, though conflict later erupted over each side’s differing interpretations of the document. ANSWER: Treaty of Waitangi6) This figure’s soul occupied the ram god Banebjedet and his spine is commonly represented by the Djed pillar. For ten points each:[10] Name this Egyptian god of the underworld whose wife Isis failed to put him back together after he was cut up into fourteen pieces by his brother Set.ANSWER: Osiris[10] In an earlier attempt to kill Osiris, Set trapped Osiris in a box that floated down the Nile and ended up in a tree in this Phoenician city.ANSWER: Byblos[10] This wife and sister of Set mourned Osiris’ loss with Isis and gave birth to Anubis, the god of the afterlife.ANSWER: Nephthys7) This effect was discovered by Heinrich Hertz. For ten points each:[10] Name the effect that occurs when light is shone onto a surface and electrons are emitted. Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize for explaining this effect.ANSWER: photoelectric effect[10] The photoelectric effect occurs when an electron’s energy exceeds this value after absorbing a photon. It is the energy needed to eject an electron from a surface.ANSWER: work function[10] A high energy form of a light-matter interaction is this process, the creation of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle from a boson. When a photon undergoes this process, it forms an electron and a positron.ANSWER: pair production 8) Bivalves in this phylum do not possess a radula. For ten points each:[10] Name this phylum that contains snails and clams.ANSWER: Mollusca (accept mollusks)[10] The mating behavior of members of this class in Mollusca involves throwing love darts. This class includes snails and slugs.ANSWER: Gastropoda (accept gastropods)[10] This process in gastropods occurs during larval development. It is a 180? rotation of the visceral mass, mantle, and shell with respect to the organism’s head and foot.ANSWER: torsion 9) Konrad Adenauer and Ludwig Erhard receive credit for this nation’s Wirtschaftswunder, or economic miracle. For ten points each:[10] Name this European country formed by merging three Allied zones of Occupation in 1949. It was also known as the Bonn Republic.ANSWER: West Germany (prompt on “Germany”)[10] West Germany’s relationship with its eastern counterpart improved during the administration of this chancellor, who advocated rapprochement through his Ostpolitik policy.ANSWER: Willy Brandt[10] During much of its existence, West Germany battled this communist terror group led by Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof and funded by East Germany.ANSWER: Red Army Faction10) This speaker of this poem states that the world “Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, / Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain.” For ten points each:[10] Name this poem in which the speaker instructs the reader to “Listen!” to hear the grating roar of pebbles along the namesake English shoreline. ANSWER: “Dover Beach”[10] This English poet penned Dover Beach. He also wrote “The Scholar Gipsy” and “Thyrsis.”ANSWER: Matthew Arnold[10] Matthew Arnold wrote “How changed is here each spot man makes or fills!” in “Thyrsis” to commemorate this friend of his, who was also an English poet.ANSWER: Arthur Hugh Clough11) Answer the following questions about famous choreographers. For ten points each:[10] This American won eight Tony awards for his choreography of shows like The Pajama Game and Damn Yankees before winning an Oscar for his direction of Cabaret. One of this man’s favorite moves was his namesake “Amoeba.” ANSWER: Bob Fosse[10] This other American revolutionized ballet through her emotional, evocative, and often jarring choreography. This woman famously composed a ballet accompaniment for Copland’s Appalachian Spring. ANSWER: Martha Graham[10] This choreographer also collaborated with Copland in his Rodeo, and later created dances for musicals like Oklahoma, Brigadoon, and Carousel. ANSWER: Agnes de Mille12) Answer the following questions about the five pillars of Islam. For ten points each:[10] As part of this pillar of Islam, adherents must recite the creed “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”ANSWER: Shahadah (accept acceptance of Islam or commitment to Islam or equivalents; prompt on “First pillar of Islam”) [10] The fourth pillar of Islam requires Muslims to fast during this holy month. Iftar are common during this month.ANSWER: Ramadan[10] Salah, the second pillar, states that people must do this at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening while facing the holy city of Mecca.ANSWER: prayer (accept equivalents like praying)13) Many Greek philosophers made significant contributions long before Socrates came around. For ten points each:[10] This polymath is often considered the first Greek philosopher. This man rejected mythology in favor of observation and hypotheses and believed that everything was made up of water.ANSWER: Thales of Miletus[10] This ascetic philosopher preached the transmigration of souls and urged his followers not to eat either meat or beans. More famously, this man names a handy theorem for finding the length of a hypotenuse.ANSWER: Pythagoras [10] This “Weeping Philosopher” from Ephesus believed in the panta rhei, the idea that the universe exists in a constant and natural state of change. ANSWER: Heraclitus14) August Spies and three other men were hanged for their supposed involvement in this event. For ten points each:[10] Name this 1886 bombing at a union rally which killed seven police officers. The assembled workers were protesting conditions at the McCormick Machine Company. ANSWER: Haymarket Square Affair (or Riot, or Massacre, or the like)[10] The Haymarket Affair was catastrophic for the reputation of this labor union founded by Uriah Stephens. Though representing 800,000 members before the bombing, its membership fell to just 100,000 afterward.ANSWER: Knights of Labor[10] When the Knights of Labor collapsed, this female labor activist shifted her allegiance to the United Mine Workers, for which she led strikes across the country. A noted liberal magazine is named for the woman.ANSWER: Mother Jones (or Mary Harris Jones) 15) Answer the following about TV shows starring Ted Danson. For ten points each:[10] Danson played bartender Sam Malone in this 1980s sitcom about a namesake bar in Boston. Other notable characters in this series include Cliff Clavin, Norm Peterson, and Diane Chambers.ANSWER: Cheers[10] In this HBO comedy featuring Jason Schwartzman and Zach Galifianakis, Danson starred as playboy magazine mogul George Christopher. ANSWER: Bored to Death[10] Danson currently plays Michael in this NBC show about Eleanor Shellstrop mistakenly arriving in Heaven.ANSWER: The Good Place16) One of this man’s plays details Karen sleeping with Hollywood executive Bobby Gould to get him to produce a movie. For ten points each:[10] Name this playwright of Speed-the-Plow who wrote about Ricky Roma in Glengarry Glen Ross.ANSWER: David Mamet[10] The main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross have this profession, which also features in the title of an Arthur Miller play about Willy Loman.ANSWER: salesman[10] Glengarry Glen Ross is also famous for its characters’ liberal use of this action. The character Dave Moss performs this action 67 times alone.ANSWER: swearing17) Many modern day metropoli had distinctly different names in the ancient world. For ten points each:[10] This modern-day city was known as Byzantium before its 330 AD refounding as Constantinopolis. ANSWER: Istanbul[10] This largest city in Switzerland was founded by the Romans in 15 BC as Turicum. It was a major center of commerce in the province of Raetia. ANSWER: Zurich[10] Aquincum was the ancient name of this Eastern European city which straddles the Danube. Half of this city later served as capital for the ?rpád Dynasty. ANSWER: Budapest18) The inspiration for one of these pieces came to a composer after watching a dog chasing its tail. For ten points each:[10] Name this style of Viennese ballroom dance written in 3/4 time. Chopin wrote a “Minute” one of these.ANSWER: waltz[10] This waltz by Johann Strauss came back into popular culture when it was used in 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is named for a European river.ANSWER: “The Blue Danube” (accept "By the Beautiful Blue Danube")[10] Aaron Copland’s Rodeo ballet contains this waltz, during which the Cowgirl and the Champion Roper pair off.ANSWER: Saturday Night Waltz19) Triptychs are works of art divided into three separate sections. For ten points each:[10] This iconic Hieronymus Bosch triptych features birds devouring humans in Hell while Adam and Eve frolic in Eden.ANSWER: The Garden of Earthly Delights[10] This Peter Paul Rubens triptych shows many men attempting to lift Christ, who cuts diagonally across this painting’s middle section. ANSWER: The Elevation of the Cross[10] Francis Bacon created triptychs like Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion and three studies of this British artist who painted Benefits Supervisor Sleeping. ANSWER: Lucian Freud 20) Etching these objects with nitric acid may reveal Widmanst?tten patterns. For ten points each:[10] Name these objects that are classified as chondrites or pallasites.ANSWER: meteorites[10] Meteorites composed of this element originate from planetary cores. This element alloys with nickel to compose Earth’s liquid outer core.ANSWER: iron (accept Fe)[10] In a Widmanst?tten pattern, the interleaving of kamacite and taenite forms ribbons known by this term; those structures appear to crisscross each other. Concentric layers in osteons that surround a Haversian canal are also known by this term.ANSWER: lamellaeTiebreakerTB) This man showed that there exists a biholomorphic function onto the open unit disk in his mapping theorem. This man’s lecture “On the Hypotheses on which Geometry is Based” outlined his namesake field of geometry. This mathematician names a set of equations with Cauchy that determine the holomorphism of a complex function, and his namesake (*) hypothesis states that all of the nontrivial zeros of his zeta function have real part one-half. This man lends his name to a method of approximating an integral using rectangles. For 10 points, name this German mathematician who studied differential geometry and complex analysis.ANSWER: Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann TB) This man was born to a Thracian king and the muse Calliope.For ten points each:Name this mythical musician and friend to Apollo who accompanied the Argonauts and perfected the lyre. ANSWER: OrpheusOrpheus was married to this woman who died after being bitten by a poisonous snake. Orpheus lost this woman forever when he looked back at her when retrieving her from the Underworld.ANSWER: EurydiceOrpheus died after being torn to shreds by the Maenads, female followers of this Greek god. This god also sanctioned the Maenad murder of his offensive cousin Pentheus.ANSWER: Dionysius (do not accept or prompt on “Bacchus”) ................

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