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Department: Interdisciplinary Health Studies

Course Number: SIMS – 161 and 161L

Course Title: Patient Care Technician

Semester Credit: 6.0

Length: 8 weeks with 2 Patient Simulation Weeks

Pre-requisite: Must hold a valid, active CNA certification / Copy required.

Co-requisite: SIMS – 161: Patient Care Technician Clinical

Time/Location: Tuesday and Friday 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Building 20 Tuesday Room 95 09:30 -11:00 then Room 222 11:00-12:00

Friday Room 318

Instructor: Adjunct Faculty Cristina Goncalves RN, MSN

Date: Spring 2014

Office Hours: By appointment

Possible Texts/ References: Text: Mosby’s Essentials for Nursing Assistants 5th edition

ISBN# 978-0-323-11317-5

Journals (STCC Library)

Handouts (Prepared by students and/or faculty)

Supplemental readings as suggested by participants

Equipment/Supplies: 1 inch 3 ring binder, Uniform, name badge, stethoscope

Catalog Description:

The goal of this course is to prepare a Certified Nurse Aide to work as a Patient Care Technician in the Acute Care or other approved settings in a hospital environment. It is a fast paced course with intense hands-on education in SIMS Medical Center, the Virtual Teaching Hospital @STCC. Students must attend lecture, lab, and all patient simulations in addition to clinical rotations in an area hospital.

Course Organization/Teaching Method:

A variety of instructional methods, including discussion, lecture, student demonstrations, hands-on practice, audiovisual materials, faculty demonstrations, and application assignments will be used.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course the successful student, for each objective and to the criterion set by the faculty, will be able to:

1. Explain and apply appropriate tools to enhance performance and patient safety

2. Explain and demonstrate care for patients of different populations

3. Describe and demonstrate proper airway and tracheostomy care of a patient in the hospital setting

4. Explain and demonstrate strategies for pain management in the Acute Care setting

5. Explain care for a patient with a chest tube.

6. Explain proper care of a patient with a gastric or nasogastric (NG) tube.

7. Explain and demonstrate proper management of patient elimination.

8. Explain the role of the PCT in regards to oxygen therapy and delivery.

9. Explain and demonstrate infection control policies and procedures in the acute care or other approved setting.

10. Explain the post mortem process.

11. Explain the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes and demonstrate point of care blood glucose testing.

12. Identify the various post operative complications and explain the role of the PCT to prevent post operative complications.

13. Explain the purpose use and types of restraints and alternatives and demonstrate proper use of restraints.

14. Explain and demonstrate the proper use of sterile techniques and proper selection, insertion and removal of urinary catheters.

Course Requirements:

Class Participation: It is expected that students will contribute to class discussions and complete all assignments on time.

Attendance: Attendance is required for all classes (lecture, lab and clinical). A student missing more than two (2) classes (lecture, lab or clinical or any combination) will be withdrawn from the course and the co-requisite course.

Assignment Due Dates and Make up exams: A written exam not taken at the scheduled time, must be taken within two classes of the exam date. No exams will be returned to the class until all students have completed the exam. The form of the “make up” exam is entirely at the discretion of the faculty. In the last week of the course any exams or assignments not completed as assigned will be counted as “zero” (0) points toward the final grade. Labs and Clinical time cannot be “made up.”

Evaluation / Grading: All conditions of the course must be met to the satisfaction of the faculty before a passing grade is assigned. The student must pass each competency to complete the course. Should a student not demonstrate sufficient ability on any given competency, a second and if necessary, a third and final opportunity will be given. Should the third attempt not meet the satisfaction of the faculty, then the student will be withdrawn from the course.

Quizzes- 25%


Midterm Simulation- 20%

Final Simulation- 30%

Disruptive Student Policy:

Anyone who, in the judgement of the faculty is disrupting the educational environment will be asked to leave the area. Refusal to leave voluntarily will result in removal from the area and withdrawal from the course. Further action is possible as detailed in the current STCC Student Handbook.

Academic Honesty: All students will follow the published Codes of Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy as outlined in the current STCC Student Handbook

Course Outline and TENTATIVE Time Line

|WEEK |Course Objectives |Competencies |Assignments |

| | | |Review Abbreviations on |

|1 |Review of CNA skills |Demonstrate Core CNA skills |back cover of text |

|March,18 |Review Common Medical Abbreviations |Blood Pressures and Pulses | |

|2014 |Orientation to SIMS Medical Center | |Read |

| | | |Chapter 21&5 |

| | | | |

|1 |Strategies & tools to enhance performance & |1. Describe the common (core) duties of a PCT. |Quiz |

|March,21 |patient safety. |2. Define team & communication principles and discuss |Demonstration |

|2014 | |standards of effective communication. |Return Demonstration |

| |Care for patients of different populations. |3. Demonstrate positive confrontation skills & techniques. | |

| | |4. Use critical thinking and prioritization strategies |Read Chapter 6 & about |

| | |5. Define time management & Prioritization. |Respiratory System Page |

| | |6. List time management strategies. |81 |

| | |7. Identify specific needs of a patient based on age, | |

| | |gender, culture, and religious beliefs. | |

| | |8. Describe ways to obtain information about specific ages, | |

| | |genders, cultures, and religious groups. | |

| | | | |

|2 |Proper airway and tracheostomy care of a |1. Describe the basic anatomy of the adult respiratory |Quiz |

|March 25 |patient in the hospital setting. |system and the factors that influence airway function. |Demonstration |

|2014 | |2. Describe indications for oral suctioning. |Return Demonstration |

| | |3. Identify the two most common types of artificial airways | |

| | |and their uses. |Read Chapters 13 & 25 |

| | |4. Describe the proper technique for suctioning using the | |

| | |Yankauer catheter. | |

| | |5. Explain proper care of patients with a | |

| | |tracheostomy. | |

| |Wound Care |6. Review PCT role with wound care | |

| | |1.Define pain |Quiz |

|2 |Assessment of Pain in the Acute Care Setting |2. Identify assessment criteria |Demonstration |

|March,28 | |3. Describe strategies to assist in pain management |Return Demonstration |

|2014 |Care for a patient with a chest tube. |4. List reasons for a patient having a chest tube. | |

| | |5. Describe proper care for a patient with a chest tube. |Read Chapter 15 & About |

| | | |digestive system pages |

| | | |81& 82 |

| | | | |

|3 |Care for a patient with a gastric or |1. Describe the proper care of a patient with a gastric |Quiz |

|April, 1 |nasogastric (NG) tube. |tube. |Demonstration |

|2014 | |2. Describe the proper care of a patient with a nasogastric |Return Demonstration |

| |Oxygen therapy modes and safety. |tube. | |

| | |3. Describe the role of the PCT in regard to oxygen therapy.| |

| | |4. Identify equipment necessary for oxygen therapy. | |

| | |5. Describe the modes of oxygen therapy and oxygen tank | |

| | |safety measures | |

| | | | |

| | |1. Describe principles for assisting a patient with | |

| |Patient elimination |elimination needs. | |

| | |2. Identify the supplies used to assist patient with |Read Chapter 17 & 18 |

| | |elimination. | |

| | |3. Identify supplies needed to monitor output. | |

| | |4. Describe the process for administering large volume | |

| | |enemas, Fleet enemas and a Harris drip. | |

| | |5. Identify guidelines for all urine and stool specimen | |

| | |collection. | |

| | |6. Describe proper procedures for collecting specimens of | |

| | |urine and stool and the preparation of the specimens for | |

| | |transport to the lab. | |

| | |7. Describe special elimination problems of the elderly | |

| | |patient. | |

| | | | |

|3 |Infection control policies and procedures in |1. Describe the isolation practices applied in the Acute |Quiz |

|April,4 |the acute care setting. |Care setting. |Demonstration |

|2014 | |2. Identify resources for infection control or infectious |Return Demonstration |

| | |disease support systems | |

| | | |Read Chapter12 |

|4 | | | |

|April |Patient Simulation Half Day |Half Day Rotation in Patient Simulation Center | |

|10 & 11 |Mid-Term Assessment | | |

|5 |Review Midterm SIM Videos |Describe areas of strength and areas that need improvement | |

|April 15 |Group 1 From April 10th | |Read Chapter 7 |

|2014 |Group 2 Study Day | | |

| | | | |

| |Review Midterm SIM Videos | | |

| |Group 2 From April 11th | | |

| |Group 1 Study Day | | |

| | | | |

|5 | | | |

|April 18 | |Describe areas of strength and areas that need improvement |Read Chapter 7 |

|2014 | | | |

|April 22 |No Class |Break | |

|April 25 | | | |

|2014 | | | |

| | | | |

|6 |Restraint usage, application, and alternative|1. List alternatives to restraint application. |Quiz |

|April 29 |measures |2. Describe proper application of restraints. |Demonstration |

|2014 | |3. Describe current regulations related to patient restrain |Return Demonstration |

| |Post Mortem Care |methods. | |

| | |4. Name and describe the difference between categories of |Read Chapter |

| | |restraints |10 & 11 |

| | |5. Describe the process for performing post mortem care |Also pages |

| | | |500-502 |

|6 |Review caring for patients with catheters, |1.Describe and demonstrate the proper |Demonstration |

|May 2 |including insertion and removal. |application and use of sterile gloves. |Return Demonstration |

|2014 | |2.Explain the purpose of the straight | |

| | |versus foley catheter. |Read Pages |

| | |3.Describe proper care of a patient with a |283-286 |

| | |catheter. | |

| | |4.Describe proper technique of insertion | |

| | |and removal of a catheter | |

|7 |Review caring for patients with catheters, |1.Describe and demonstrate the proper |Quiz |

|May 6 |including insertion and removal |application and use of sterile gloves. |Demonstration |

|2014 | |2.Explain the purpose of the straight |Return Demonstration |

| | |versus foley catheter. | |

| | |3.Describe proper care of a patient with a | |

| | |catheter. | |

| | |4.Describe proper technique of insertion | |

| | |and removal of a catheter | |

|7 | |Students decide what needs to be reviewed and practiced in | |

|May 9 |Review Day |preparation for Final Simulation | |

|2014 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|May |Patient Simulation Half Day |Final Practical Assessment ½ Day rotation in Patient | |

|12 & 13 |Final Practical |Simulation Center | |

|2014 | | | |

Student Journal Assignments

The following assignments must be completed as indicated and typed. Please be sure to include your name, date, and the Assignment number and title at the top of each journal and hand in or email to your instructor.

Journal Assignment 1: Your CNA Training/Experience: Due 3/25/2014

Please describe your experience in the CNA program (if recently completed) or CNA work experience. What did you like or dislike? Why take the acute course to become a PCT? Based on your experience, what role does the CNA play in that setting (long-term care)? What do you hope your role will be in acute care? Provide as much detail as you can. (1-2 pages total)

Journal Assignment 2: Your Story: Due 4/1/2014

As I had mentioned to you when you were accepted into this program, your success not only opens doors for you, but opens doors for many others to access opportunities like this. Your stories and how this program has impacted you will help us to communicate the importance of funding initiative like this.

Please take your time, and provide a personal journal reflection on YOU. Tell us your story, where you came from before entering this program (go as far back as you would like); what you have struggled with, what challenges and barriers you have faced. Then, tell us what it was like to be accepted into this program, how it impacted you. What has this program done for you and your future? (2-3 pages total)

Journal Assignment 3: First Observation at Local Hospital: Due TBD (1 week following your observation)

Please provide details on your experience in your first 8 hour observation at a Local Hospital. Be sure to include the unit that you were placed. Examples of things to include: What was the unit like? Describe the population they treat. What were you expecting going in? What was the reality? Provide any detail about what this experience was like for you. (2 Pages)

Journal Assignment 4: First Patient Simulation: Due 4/15/2014 or 4/18/2014

Please provide details on your experience in the first Patient Simulation at STCC. How does this compare to what you saw in your observation experience? Other examples of things to include: What was the simulation like for you? What challenged you and surprised you? Was there anything that you experienced that you didn’t expect going in? What did you gain from this first simulation? (2 Pages)

Journal Assignment 5: Your Second,Third & Fourth Clinical Shifts Local Hospital: Due 5/12/2014 or 5/13/2014

(Day of your final simulation)

Please provide details on your experience during your three final clinical days at a local hospital. Be sure to include the name of the unit you were placed. Provide 2-3 paragraphs on your overall experience in the clinical shifts and then respond specifically to the following: How does this experience compare with your patient simulation? (2-3pages)

1. How did your skills and confidence improve with each clinical shift?

2. Were there any skills you found challenging?

3. Were there any skills you felt significantly confident in?

4. Was there anything you were presented with that you did not yet learn in the training?

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