

Today, more than ever, people are seeking better solutions to their health and wellness.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this information and learn about a company uniquely positioned in the exploding health and wellness industry.

My name is_________, and I have a special gift that I would like to share with you.

It’s an opportunity for an enriched quality of life.

Don’t you think most people want to look great, have abundant energy and maintain a healthy lifestyle? [wait for a response]

I know I do… [tell a little about yourself]

In the next 20 minutes or so we’ll talk a little about the importance of health and nutrition. We’ll also discuss the three main areas people today are interested in: better health, weight and fitness, and skin care.


Which of these three areas are most important to you? [wait for answer] Great, we’ll take a look at some products that might help you meet that need in just a minute.


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When it comes to health, would you agree that the desired quality of life in today’s society seems to be slipping further out of reach?

We know that people want to have more energy, to have greater focus, to be able to sleep better, and to manage the stresses of daily life. Simply put, people want to feel great!

It’s a well-known fact that getting proper nutrition is important to achieving optimal health… Wouldn’t you agree?

So why is it that even though most people try to eat right, only an estimated 11% of Americans are meeting USDA guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake?*

And why is it that even people who try to “eat right” may not be getting the nutrients they need?

*Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2007: Volume 32(4): 257-263


Could our food be missing critical nutrients?


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Modern science has shown us that foods can provide a full range of nutrients that are vital to the health of every cell in the body … and healthy cells can equal healthy bodies.

Unfortunately, reports indicate that the levels of vitamins and minerals have dramatically declined in some of our most popular fresh fruits and vegetables, including potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples, broccoli … and the story is similar for 24 other fruits and vegetables analyzed.*

For example, in 1951, two peaches supplied the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin A for adult women. Today, a woman would have to eat almost 53 peaches to meet that RDA.* Can you imagine eating 53 peaches in one day?

Even when we make good food choices, disturbing new data shows that the nutritional value of some of our healthiest foods may be compromised due to some commercialized and chemical farming techniques.

In addition to the declining nutritional value in fruits and vegetables, many of today’s diets are loaded with unhealthy fats and empty calories that can lead to health and weight problems. Think about it … how often do you or does someone you know eat at a fast-food restaurant and maybe even “super-size” your meal? It seems we’re “super-sizing” our diet and weight problems instead of focusing on ways to obtain the nutrition our bodies require.

*Source: Jeffrey Christian. “CHARTS: Nutrients Change in Vegetables and Fruits, 1951 to 1999.” July 5, 2002. CTV. ca


Addressing the growing demand for solutions to these core issues has given birth to an exploding new industry called “wellness.”


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Nutritional supplementation has become one of the fastest-growing segments in the wellness industry due largely to three explosive trends. What are they?

First, millions of people are becoming better educated and are proactively demanding the best nutritional support for their families.

Second, they’re demanding a more integrated approach to health and wellness. For example, a 2007 survey showed that 79% of doctors and 82% of nurses now recommend nutritional supplements to their patients.*

And finally, aging baby boomers are demanding the best technology for maintaining vitality and a more youthful appearance. And a simple Internet search reveals numerous studies and reports supporting the well-known fact that a "boom" follows wherever baby boomers go—whether it’s a boom in sales for a particular product category or an entire industry.

Simply put, people want more …

What about you? What are some of the ways you currently approach health and wellness for yourself (and your family) [if applicable]?

[allow time for questions/discussion to gather information to use in the conclusion or to overcome objections]

*Source: “Life Supplemented” Healthcare Professionals (HCP) Impact Study, 2007


Mannatech takes an Intelligent Supplementation™ approach to wellness.


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Within the wellness industry, new technologies that help provide vital nutrients and maintain health are at a premium. At Mannatech, we believe that the best answers are through an Intelligent Supplementation™ approach to health.

I’m sure you’re wondering, “What exactly is an Intelligent Supplementation™ philosophy?”

Intelligent Supplementation™ is based on the fact that the body is designed to maintain and restore health—all we need to do is give it the essential nutrients it requires.

However, while adding vital nutrients to our diets may sound simple, studies indicate that many strategies of supplementation may be flawed.

You see, dietary supplements should be designed to provide just the right amount of nutrition—not too little and not too much—in a form the body can easily absorb. Now, you may be asking yourself, “How can you have ‘too much’ nutrition?” The fact is, some supplements provide amounts substantially beyond what our bodies can efficiently utilize.

What kind of vitamins do you currently take to supplement the food you eat and improve your quality of life? [allow time for dialogue]

Did you know that research shows many supplements are not recognized by the body and, as a result, not utilized as well as food?

What do you think the difference is between simply adding supplements to your diet and taking an Intelligent Supplementation™ approach to your health? [allow time for dialogue]


Intelligent Supplementation™ is an approach to wellness that focuses on providing nutrients in a manner that complements the natural way the body operates.


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Mannatech is recognized as one of the wellness industry’s most innovative companies with a significant focus on research and development in nutritional science. We are also the leading proponent of an Intelligent Supplementation™ philosophy.

Mannatech has invested 20 million dollars on research in the past five years and has its own state-of-the-art research laboratory.

We also maintain a focus on value and quality, which is why we were one of the first wellness companies to implement manufacturing standards and adhere to dietary supplement GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) even before governmental regulations went into effect.

We’re leaders in the industry. How does this set Mannatech apart? ... Results!

Mannatech distinguished itself in the emerging nutrition market through the development of the world’s first glyconutritional complex, a mixed blend of plant polysaccharides, originally formulated to support cellular communication.*

We believe that cellular health is a key to wellness, and that wellness is achieved in great measure by providing the body with vital nutrients that are designed to support cellular communication, nourishment, protection and regulation.*

At Mannatech we believe “Healthy cells means healthy bodies.”


The “core four” products in our Optimal Health System are designed to support these critical areas.


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In keeping with our Intelligent Supplementation™ philosophy, Mannatech strategically developed the Optimal Health System to provide the right balance of nutrients to help you maintain optimal health at the cellular level.

The products in this system address critical areas of cellular health: communication, protection, nourishment and regulation. Nutritionally facilitating these four processes helps optimize cellular function and improve your overall quality of life.*

We refer to our Ambrotose®, PLUS™, PhytoMatrix® and Ambrotose AO® supplements as the core four products within our Optimal Health Solutions.


Our Intelligent Supplementation™ philosophy is supported by in-depth science and research.


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Based on the relatively new research surrounding plant polysaccharides, these facts have become clear:

1. They're beneficial to the process of cellular communication

2. Cellular communication is critical to the proper structure and function of all your cells

3. Polysaccharides can impact human health

Scientists have found that a key component of aloe vera is a polysaccharide, and aloe vera is one of several beneficial plants in one of our core products.

Studies show that polysaccharides found in breast milk but not found in formula may positively impact the immune system, GI system, respiratory system and academic performance.

Although breast milk isn't a component of the Ambrotose® formulation, it is a great example of the benefits of polysaccharides.

We've distinguished ourselves in the emerging nutrition market by incorporating the benefits of plant polysaccharides into many of our products, including our flagship product, Ambrotose® complex.


Mannatech scientists were among the first to recognize that people might benefit from a mixed-plant polysaccharide supplement formulated to support the immune system and cellular communication.


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This breakthrough became the basis of Mannatech’s flagship product, Ambrotose® complex. To date, patents have been issued in more than 30 countries for the technology related to the Ambrotose® formulation.

Ambrotose® complex includes a patented blend of plant-sourced polysaccharides, originally formulated to support cellular communication.*

Studies indicate Ambrotose® complex provides support to the immune system, the digestive tract and cognitive function*†.

Optimal cellular communication is the foundation for supporting every function of the body. Why do you think a healthy immune system is important?

[allow an opportunity for dialogue]

Ambrotose® complex also provides Mannatech an incredible competitive edge in the explosive wellness industry and has attracted the attention of numerous healthcare professionals and hundreds of thousands of consumers worldwide.

†Best T, Kemps E, Bryan J. The impact of saccharide supplementation on cognition and mood in middle-aged adults. Presented at the 36th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, February 6-9, 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

†Requires 4 g/day. Current serving is 0.88 g/day.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Another of our core four products within the Optimal Health category is our PhytoMatrix® supplement.


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In alignment with our Intelligent Supplementation™ philosophy and knowing that plant- or food-based nutrients are better for you, Mannatech utilized decades of research to formulate our proprietary vitamin/mineral/phytochemical supplement to nourish your cells.

Mannatech's patent-pending PhytoMatrix® supplement combines standardized levels of plant-derived minerals, natural vitamin complexes and a blend of other fully standardized phytonutrients.

Although some vitamin and mineral supplements are formulated with synthetic chemicals, science suggests that vitamins and minerals in natural, plant-based forms may be absorbed and utilized more efficiently by your body.

The PhytoMatrix® caplets are formulated using a patented hydroponic technology, in which mustard sprouts are grown in a solution of highly concentrated minerals instead of soil. This allows for standardized levels of minerals to be taken up into the sprouts and bonded into a food matrix—a "food" the body and cells may recognize and more effectively utilize.


What else is necessary for an Intelligent Supplementation™ approach to health?


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A healthy endocrine system provides the body with a full array of hormones, which can help maintain optimal cell and organ health.

Although the PLUS™ supplement is not a hormone, it includes a unique blend of standardized nutrients formulated to keep your endocrine system healthy.*

In addition to supporting your endocrine system, Mannatech’s PLUS™ supplement also supports bone, prostate, breast and colon health.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Our next product helps protect our cells from the various forms of stress that have become part of our 21st century fast-paced lifestyle.


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To offer the world the best antioxidant formula possible, Mannatech’s scientists first studied groups of people around the world in areas where the lifespan typically exceeded 100 years. They looked at the typical diets in those areas and used this data to help formulate our cellular protection product, Ambrotose AO® supplement.

Our Ambrotose AO® supplement is Mannatech’s patent-pending antioxidant formula that combines the Ambrotose¨ complex with a synergistic blend of carefully selected antioxidants. This helps protect your cells from damage due to environmental factors and the stresses of modern life.*

Many companies promote the antioxidant values of their products by using the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) numbers of a particular supplement (which may or may not have an effect in humans) rather than using the more meaningful measurement of serum ORAC of a person using that supplement.

The Ambrotose AO® supplement is our antioxidant support product that has been clinically tested in humans using serum ORAC and shown to provide beneficial antioxidant protection.**

In fact, in a clinical study, the Ambrotose AO® supplement increased antioxidant protection by almost 200% more than the protection provided by consuming an additional five servings of fruits and vegetables a day!*†

The Ambrotose AO® supplement helps provide you and your family with antioxidant protection against cellular damage and premature aging caused by oxidative stress, or free radicals.*

** Using serum ORAC

†In two preliminary human clinical trials, studies showed 2–4 capsules of Ambrotose AO® per day increased serum ORAC more than the increase measured in a third study where five fruits and vegetables were added to the diet.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Now let’s review why every body needs the “Core Four” products for Optimal Health.


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Do you agree that communication, protection, nourishment and regulation are important for supporting cellular health?

The Ambrotose® complex is a blend of plant-sourced saccharides originally formulated to support cellular communication.*

Formulated with naturally sourced vitamins and other synergistic phytonutrients, the PhytoMatrix® supplement stands alone in the market of vitamin and mineral supplementation.

The ingredients in our PLUS™ supplement support bone, prostate, breast and colon health. The PLUS™ supplement also provides a proprietary blend of standardized nutrients to support a healthy endocrine system.*

The Ambrotose AO® supplement is Mannatech’s patent-pending antioxidant formula that combines a synergistic blend of carefully selected antioxidants with the Ambrotose® complex to help protect your cells from damage due to the stresses of modern life.*

Want everything made easy? Two Optimal Support Packets a day provide you with the basics: the PhytoMatrix® supplement, the PLUS™ supplement and the Ambrotose AO® supplement. Add a serving of the Advanced Ambrotose™ complex along with each packet for optimal health.

Are you looking for more energy and to maintain vitality? It’s easy … simple … Optimal!*

This gives you an overview of four of the products in the Optimal Health category.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Weight and Fitness is another category that impacts your quality of life and ability to feel great!


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Because millions of people desire a healthy weight, safe and effective weight management has become a top priority for them.

Mannatech’s Optimal Weight and Fitness products, along with a proper diet and exercise routine, help to build lean muscle and take off unwanted fat.*

These products are designed to provide you with long-lasting energy to help keep you healthy and active … and they are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.*

Mannatech’s Optimal Weight and Fitness products offer solutions for the “real world.”

Whether you’re in training or you're someone who enjoys more leisurely exercise activities, Mannatech’s Optimal Fitness Solutions are formulated to enhance your performance and extend your endurance.*

Simply stated, if we are able to work out harder and longer, any level of athletic or exercise program will be enhanced.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Do you have any questions about our Optimal Health or Weight and Fitness categories before I continue?


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Optimal health means not only feeling great, but looking great too.

Every day your skin is exposed to a wide variety of pollutants, chemicals, toxins and UV rays from the sun.

Educated consumers like you demand quality skin care products that utilize the best hydrating ingredients and eliminate many of the unwanted chemicals used in some skin care systems.

Mannatech recently developed a wellness-based skin care system that was formulated in Japan, the most competitive skin care market in the world.

This proprietary, enhanced water-based* system is designed to nourish, hydrate and promote more youthful-looking skin.

In fact, a clinical study showed an amazing 80% improvement in skin hydration after just one use, and 100% improvement after 8 weeks of use.

Our skin care line is one complete system, formulated without paraben preservatives* and designed to benefit both women and men of all ages and skin types.

Now you can feel great AND look great!

** Optimal Cleansing Oil is not water-based

*No added parabens


So what sets Mannatech apart? RESULTS!


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Many of our supplements are based on real food, which enhances the body's ability to absorb and utilize the nutrients.

Our water-based* skin care system, formulated without paraben preservatives**, improves hydration 100% within eight weeks!

We often hear customers use words like “amazing” and “unbelievable” to describe their experiences with our products.

To date, at least 26 Mannatech product studies have been presented at scientific meetings or published in peer-reviewed journals.

We have invested more than $20 million in research and development in the past five years.

We have a strong focus on high industry standards, including Good Manufacturing Practices, or GMPs, and world-class quality assurance.

We are so confident that you will see an improvement in your quality of life that we back each product with a six- month, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

We have more than half a million active Associates in more than 10 countries across the globe.

Mannatech knows that everyone can benefit from what we have to offer.

* Optimal Cleansing Oil is not water-based

**No added parabens


The choice is yours … you too can be rewarded for offering others an enriched quality of life, just like I did with you.


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Mannatech has adopted a Go-Giver philosophy based on the following laws of success: The Laws of Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity and Receptivity.

We understand that it is important to give more in value than we receive in payment. We believe so much in the true value of our products that Mannatech offers a full 6-month satisfaction guarantee.*

Our income is determined by how many people we serve and how well we serve them, and we understand that our influence is in placing others' interests first.

We also recognize that the most valuable gift we have to offer is ourselves, and the more we give of ourselves, the more we'll receive in return.

A Harris Poll (1997) stated that 96% of people who lie awake at night are worrying about either health or finances.

Why do you think that is? [wait for response]

All laws combined make up who we are and why we do what we do. First and foremost, we're in the business of enriching and adding value to the quality of lives by introducing people to our products, educating them and then letting them choose for themselves.

*Mannatech guarantees your full satisfaction. If not completely satisfied, contact Customer Service and return the product within 180 days for a full refund.


By sharing the gifts of wellness and opportunity, you're making an investment into the futures of everyone you touch as well as your own.


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Are you ready to take responsibility for your health? Are you ready for an enriched quality of life?

You can take advantage of the wellness opportunity Mannatech provides by adopting an Intelligent Supplementation™ approach to your own nutrition and wellness. You can also take advantage of the financial opportunity to be a part of the next “boom” spurred by baby boomers and others who not only want high-quality wellness products, but also want to benefit from the explosive trends impacting this industry.

Most importantly, you have the opportunity to share the gift of wellness with others.

Our Associates recognize that our true worth is not in what we receive in compensation for our products, but rather in the value of our products. That’s the gift of wellness. That’s the gift of a better quality of life. That’s the gift we give.

Receive the gift of wellness for yourself and your family. Let’s get you started today!

Based on their response, create dialogue around the three choices:

“I want the gift of wellness for myself” (Consumer)

“I want the gift of wellness and to share the gift with others” (Consumer/Referrals)

“I want the gifts of both wellness and financial opportunity and to share those gifts with others” (Business Builder)


You can have it all. It’s your choice! Choose Mannatech today and enrich your quality of life.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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