Springfield, Vermont

TOWN OF SPRINGFIELDSELECTMEN’S HALL – 96 MAIN STREET – THIRD FLOORREGULAR SELECTBOARD MEETINGMONDAY, MARCH 9, 2020 @ 7:00 PMMINUTESA.CALL MEETING TO ORDER, ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:Selectboard Chair, Walter Martone called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call was taken and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.Selectboard Member: Chair, Walter Martone, Vice-Chair, Michael Martin, Kristi Morris, Peter MacGillivray and George McNaughton.Administration: Interim Town Manager/Finance Director, Cathy Sohngen, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Barbara Courchesne, Police Chief, Mark Fountain and Public Works Director, Jeffery Strong.School Board Liaison: NoneB.MINUTES:1. Regular Selectboard Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2020.MOTION:Vice-Chair, Michael Martin, moved to approve the Regular Selectboard Meeting Minutes ofFebruary 24, 2020.Seconded by: Kristi Morris.Vote: 5 Yes, passed unanimouslyC.ANY REQUESTED ADDITIONS TO THIS AGENDA:Interim Town Manager, Cathy Sohngen, requested to add an item to the agenda. There were no objections from the Selectboard Members, therefore, ITEM #5: Trout River’s Revolving Loan Fund was added to the agenda.D.PRESENTATION: Player versus Environment (PvE), Mr. Trevor Barlow, Director of the Black River Innovation Campus (BRIC). Mr. Barlow provided a brief description covering a Digital Festival planned for the weekend of August 21 – 23, 2020, entitled PvE Fest featuring a Super Smash Tournament with a minimum prize purse of $25,000. He also noted there would be more information following as the date approached. The event has been scheduled nationally and the BRIC Program is expecting at least 500 participants. Mr. Barlow shared that recently the BRIC Program staff enjoyed a Day of Code working with the River Valley Technical Center (RVTC) students and Riverside Middle School (RMS) students. Also noted was the first significant tenant to the Park Street School. Voi, Incorporated, a behavioral health care technology company with AI-driven technology. Voi, Inc. will provide health care solutions to help those at risk of suicide and other mental health challenges. Recently, Voi has signed a contract with the Airforce. In addition, Mr. Barlow shared the BRIC Program would like to offer their support for Autonomous Vehicle testing.Mr. Barlow thanked the Selectboard Members for being allowed to make his presentation on behalf of the BRIC Program and the Selectboard thanked Mr. Barlow in return.E. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM(S):ITEM #1: Appointments to the Various Boards, Committees and Commissions.MOTION:George McNaughton moved to approve the following appointments to the various Boards,Committees and Commissions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 1.March 9, 2020Development Review Board (DRB):Jennifer Gehly – (1) 3 Year Term Appointment.Energy Committee (EC):Brian Abild – (1) 2 Year Term Re-Appointment.Char Osterlund – (1) 2 Year Term Re-AppointmentSteven Osterlund – (1) 3 Year Term Re-AppointmentSurveyor of Wood & Lumber (SW&L):James Tucker – (1) 1 Year Term AppointmentFence Viewer (FV):James Tucker – (1) 1 Year Term AppointmentTree Warden (TW):Mark Blanchard – Re-Appointment, 1 Year TermWeigher of Coal (WC):Mark Blanchard – Re-Appointment, 1 Year TermSeconded by: Peter MacGillivray.Vote: 5 Yes, passed unanimously.ITEM #2: Resignation from the Downtown Design Commission.MOTION:Kristi Morris moved to accept the resignation of Tom Burns from the Downtown Design Commission.Seconded by: Vice-Chair, Michael Martin.Vote: 5 Yes, passed unanimously.F.NEW BUSINESS:ITEM #3: (20) Liquor Licenses for Approval. LOCAL LIQUOR CONTROL OPENED AT 7:15 PM.George McNaughton requested any Liquor Licenses and Outside Consumption Permits for Black Rock Steakhouse be voted on separately because he would have to recuse himself.MOTION:Kristi Morris moved to approve a First-Class Renewal License, a New Third Class License andan Outside Consumption Renewal Permit for the Black Rock Steakhouse, Inc. d/b/a Black Rock Steakhouse, Inc. Seconded by: Peter MacGillivray.Vote: 4 Yes & 1 Recuse (George McNaughton)Chair, Walter Martone, read the remainder of requests out loud.MOTION:George McNaughton moved to approve the following three (3) Renewal First Class Licenses,nine (9) Renewal of Second-Class Licenses, three (3) New Third-Class Licenses and two (2)Renewals of Outside Consumption Permits.(3) Renewal First Class Licenses:Cactus Patch, LLCd/b/aCactus Patch, TheSpringfield Elks Club Inc.d/b/aElks, Springfield Club #1560, Inc.Sunshine, LLCd/b/aSheri’s Place________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 2.March 9, 2020(9) Renewal of Second-Class Licenses:ABCS Properties, LLCd/b/aBlack River Kwik StopAminah & Rayhan, LLCd/b/aMina MartBrockton Corporationd/b/aShaw’s Beer & WineCircle K Vermont, Inc.d/b/aCircle K Vermont, Inc. #4707404DG Retail, LLCd/b/aDollar General Store #11221M. J., Inc.d/b/aJoe’s Discount BeverageMaxi Green, Inc.d/b/aRite Aid Store #10313Midway Oil Corporationd/b/aNorth Springfield MobilPenguin Market, LLCd/b/aPenguin Market, LLC(3) New Third-Class Licenses:Cactus Patch, LLCd/b/aCactus Patch, TheSpringfield Elks Club Inc.d/b/aElks, Springfield Club #1560, Inc.Sunshine, LLCd/b/aSheri’s Place(2) Renewal of Outside Consumption Permits:Elks, Springfield Club #1560, Inc.d/b/aElks, Springfield Club #1560, Inc.Sunshine, LLCd/b/aSheri’s PlaceSeconded by: Peter MacGillivray.Vice-Chair Martin also shared the comments from the Town Clerk’s cover memo attached to the pile of Liquor License Requests. “All of the attached renewal licensees are current through the second quarter on real estate and personal property taxes as well as water/sewer. Chief Fountain has also provided his approval.”Vote: 5 Yes, passed unanimously.LOCAL LIQUOR CONTROL CLOSED AT 7:25 PM.ITEM #4: Cutler Road Bridge Closure. – Chair Martone explained the procedure that would be followed for discussing the Cutler Road Bridge Closure. Public Works Director, Jeff Strong, would provide background information that has led up to the closure of the Cutler Road Bridge. the Selectboard Members would speak or ask PW Director Strong questions and the residents would have two (2) minutes each to make statements or inquiries. The comments, concerns and questions generated from the residents would be recorded and answers provided. Chair Martone turned the floor over to the PW Director Strong. PW Director Strong noted the Cutler Road Bridge has been identified as unsafe by the VTrans Annual Bridge Report. Therefore, the Town secured a VTrans grant to hire David Hindinger, owner of Heritage Engineering to inspect and prepare a preliminary design and project plan for the Cutler Bridge. The report concluded that the bridge should be closed, repaired or replaced. The repair is a short-term solution with an estimated cost of $110,000 to $150,000. Two different type of replacements range from $200,000 to $325,000.Kristi Morris noted at the end of Cutler Road West; it was difficult for large vehicles to make the right-hand turn. The Fire Department and the Interim Town Manager went to Cutler Road West today to actually find out if the Fire Department vehicles could make the turn. The newer Fire Trucks are built such that they have the capabilities of making the turn, but not the older vehicles.Vice-Chair, Michael Martin, noted that he lives at 56 Kirk Meadow Road and he signed the petition due to safety measures. He did not plan on recusing himself from the discussion of the Cutler Road Bridge Closure (Agenda Item #5) unless a member of the Selectboard had a problem with him not doing so. There were not any comments from fellow Selectboard Members.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 3.March 9, 2020Vice-Chair Martin shared with the audience there is not any design plans or funds for the Cutler Road Bridge.- Vice-Chair Martin inquired of Interim Town Manager, Cathy Sohngen, of the current balance in the Bridge Fund Account. ITM Sohngen replied there was a balance of $110,000. Out of those funds $60,000 was set aside for the repairs of the bridge near the Riverside Middle School and $70,000 was needed for the Massey Road Culvert Project.- Vice-Chair Martin commented when he read the Town Manager’s Report regarding the Cutler Road Bridge Closure, he assumed someone from the Town Office had contacted the residents of the Cutler Road Bridge area. He apologizes that was never done.- Vice-Chair Martin inquired how bridges were prioritized for repair/replacement.- George McNaughton noted his concern for the bridges in this region and thought they should be prioritized.Kristi Morris explained within the State of Vermont repairs/replacement of Class 2 Highways and Bridges are discussed by Public Works Directors, Town Managers and Selectboard Members. That information is shared with the Regional Transportation Advisory Committee. This procedure is beneficiary to the Towns because it can lead to grant funding. The Cutler Road Bridge is not a Class 2 Highway and has not been discussed with the Regional Transportation Advisory Committee.The following comments were made by the residents of the Cutler Road Bridge area.Reginald Munson, 72 Kirk Meadow Road – Mr. Munson submitted to Interim Town Manager Sohngen a petition with 58 signatures, names and addresses. Mr. Munson had the following concerns:- Residents of the area were not notified the bridge was being closed; it just happened.- Large vehicles cannot take the right-hand turn onto Cutler Road West without difficulties.- Safety concerns at the Cutler and Kirk Meadow Road intersection.Raymond Ford, 592 Lacross Road – Mr. Ford had the following question:- Does the age of the bridge play into the prioritization of how bridges get repaired?Susan Shumski, 145 Cutler Road – Ms. Shumski urges for the immediate replacement of the Cutler Road Bridge. She has monitored the traffic over the past few days and the majority of the traffic is either coming or going toward Springfield.- Extremely concerned about the Route 11 and Cutler Road West intersection.Heather Olson, 273 Kirk Meadow Road – Is fearful of being rear ended when turning from Route 11 because sShe has PTSD from a previous rear end collision.. Her family enjoys boating and camping.- Very difficult making the turn onto Cutler Road West when towing a boat or camper.- Has safety concerns.- She also pays taxes and wants the bridge repaired.Sara Moulton, 29 Lindgren Road – Concerned with the following:- The 180 degree turn at the intersection of Cutler Road West and Route 11; single axle vehicles are having difficulties.Joyce Ordinetz, Lacross Road – Shared comments.- Noted there are many hair pins turns in the roads.- Poor visibility when snow is allowed to pile up near the Cutler and Kirk Meadow Road intersection.Tina Ruston, 18 Kaartine Road – Inquired why the repairs were not made to the Cutler Road Bridge,as noted in the 2015 December RSMS Report.Pamela Donnelly, 5 Cutler Road – Has the following concerns:- When the next snow storm arrives, how will the snow be plowed at the Cutler Road East end? At the east end of Cutler Road there is no place to pile snow or enough area for plowing to be done. Ms. Donnelly stated there would be no snow piling or driving on her property.Zoe Lirakis, 358 Logan Drive – Ms. Lirakis noted she works on the Kirk Meadow Road.- Requested more signage due to the detour.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 4.March 9, 2020Zoe Lirakis, 358 Logan Drive – Ms. Lirakis noted she works on the Kirk Meadow Road.- Requested more direction signage to the detour. Clients cannot call for directions because of no cell coverage.PW Director Strong shared the State of Vermont was contacted because the signage would be on their property. The additional signage has been ordered.Eugene Hitchcock, 461 Lacross Road – Had an inquiry and comment.- Wondered when the Town’s firetruck was making turns onto Cutler Road West if it was using one or two lanes of the road.- Commented that it was sad the Town can’t fix their own infrastructure.Tim Hooker, 513 Kirk Meadow Road – Mr. Hooker made a statement.- The Cutler Road is too dangerous and vehicles are driving too fast.Joel Fedehenko, 46 Kirk Meadow Road – Comments- He is one of the few residents that who turnss right and drives to Chester.- Noted motorcycles would be on the road soon; he is not excited to be turning left across Route 11 onto the Cutler Road West with all the additional traffic.- He urged the Town to use some common sense when considering the Cutler Road Bridge closure.Penney LaFlamme, 596 Kirk Chester Meadow Road – Ms. LaFlamme needs to use Route 11 now in order to pick up her mail from the mailbox, which is on the end of Cutler Road East.Robin Fedehenko, 46 Kirk Meadow Road – Inquiry- Is it possible for the neighbors to get together and build a wooden bridge?Steve Gintof, 212 Lacross Road – Mr. Gintof is a local farmer that who drives a 32’ trailer out through the area to feed his cows. Now he uses the Cutler Road West turn. This is a very difficult turn to make and very dangerous.Chair Martone thanked the residents for attending the Selectboard Meeting. Their concerns, comments and questions have been recorded. The goal will be to provide answer to the residents at the next Selectboard Meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020.ITEM #5: Trout River Revolving Loan Fund.Interim Town Manager Sohngen noted Vermont Beer Shapers d/b/a Trout River Brewing Company was being sold and the closing was Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Vermont Beer Shapers has a Revolving Loan with the Town of Springfield for $45,000 at 3% interest for five (5) years. Currently, there is a total, including interest, of $46,887.00 owed on their loan. The new buyer has offered to pay .50 cents on the dollar of to retire Vermont Beer Shapers’ Revolving Loan with the Town of Springfield providing if the Town will put this in writing for the closing tomorrow.MOTION:George McNaughton moved to allow the repayment at 50% of the unpaid balance and the business must belongremain active as a brewery in Springfield for five (5) years.NO SECOND – MOTION FAILEDPeter MacGillivray inquired if the letter indicated 50% would be paid back and the business would stay in Springfield?Interim Town Manager Sohngen noted she had not received a letter; she had received an email today; in the afternoon informing her of the request and stating the closing was tomorrow.Kristi Morris explained the Town of Springfield was better off receiving 50% of the unpaid Revolving Loan balance than receiving nothing. He also noted the Town was probably third in line to be paid off due to the liens against the equipment.__________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 5.March 9, 2020Peter MacGillivray noted at one time he was an investor for Vermont Beer Shapers. He is not an investor any more. He inquired if the Selectboard Members would like him to recuse himself. The Selectboard Members did not request him to do so.__________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not Approved Page 5.March 9, 2020MOTION:George McNaughtonKristi MorrisKristi Morris moved to honor the asking of the email recommendation for to receive 50% off the outstandingloan amount and that they remain in Springfield.Seconded by: Peter MacGillivray.#1 AMENDEDMOTION:George McNaughton amended the motion for to insert at the end – That the 50% will be paid at closing and the Townwe will receive a counter signature on our letter for the brewery tothat they will stay in Springfield.Seconded by: Peter MacGillivray.#2 AMENDEDMOTION:George McNaughtonMichael Martin amended the amended motion for the figure of $23,443.50 to replace the 50% with $23,443.50paid atclosing.Seconded by: Peter MacGillivrayGeorge McNaughton.Chair Martone called for a vote of #2 AMENDED MOTION.Vote: 4 Yes (Chair does not have to vote)Chair Martone called for a vote of #1 AMENDED MOTION.Vote: 4 Yes (Chair does not have to vote)Chair Martone called for a vote of original motion and amendments.MOTION:George McNaughton moved The amended motion is to honor the asking of the email, the Town to receive recommendation for 50% off theoutstanding loan amount and that they remain in Springfield. That the Town will receive the sum of $23,443.50 will be paid at closing and we will and receive a counter signature on our letter for the brewery tothat they will stay in Springfield.Seconded by: Peter MacGillivray.Vote: 4 Yes (Chair does not have to vote)Kristi Morris inquired who would be writing the letter. Chair Martone indicated that he and ITM Sohngen would write the letter together.G. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM PROPOSALS:George McNaughton requested each Selectboard Member be prepared with Bullet Points or an Outline for a Strategic Plan to have on the agenda for the next meeting on March 23, 2020. Chair Martone stated that he was concerned will with telling the other Selectboard Members what to do. Chair Martone suggested that this item could instead be to begin discussions on the process for creating a new community action plan.Peter MacGillivray requested the Selectboard invite Larry Kraft in for a presentation of the events scheduled for the 100th Anniversary of the Hartness State Airport. The event is scheduled for June 27, 2020.Vice-Chair, Michael Martin, suggested at some point in the near future the Selectboard should discuss the COMTU Falls Park.Kristi Morris noted the new Town Manager might like to participate in the Strategic Plan.H.OTHER MINUTES & CORRESPONDENCE:1. Charter Review Committee Meeting Minutes – February 19, 2020.2. Energy Committee Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2020.3. Springfield Senior Center Newsletter – March 2020.4. Springfield Housing Authority Meeting Minutes – February 11, 2020.Chair Martone read out loud the OTHER MINUTES & CORRESPONDENCE. Copies of this information may be found on the Town’s Website or picked up at the Town Manager’s Office.__________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not ApprovedPage 6.March 9, 2020I.CITIZEN’S COMMENTS:Willis (Chip) Stearns, resident, provided a list of Intra-Fund Transfers that he compiled from an audit of the Springfield Water & Sewer Fund. Mr. Stearns is concerned that taxpayer’s money is being used for the Water & Sewer Fund, not just the water & sewer user’s money. __________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are Not ApprovedPage 6.March 9, 2020J.ADJOURN:MOTION:George McNaughton moved to adjourn the Selectboard Meeting of Monday, March 6, 2020.Seconded by: Peter MacGillivray.Vote: 4 Yes, (Chair did not have to vote)Meeting adjourned at 9:13 PM.Submitted by:Donna M. Hall,Recording Secretary________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Regular Selectboard MeetingMinutes Are ApprovedPage 7.March 9, 2020 ................

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