Chapter 6:Nutrition - BIOLOGYforexamSPM

6.1 Type of NutritionNoMarking schemeMarks(a)173027663186 PLANTOrganism P Organism QDescribe the type of nutrition in organism P and organism anism PF1-Autotrophic nutrition P1-Synthesize its own glucose / starch from carbon dioxide and water with the help of light energy through the process of photosynthesisOrganism QF2-Heterotrophic nutrition/ holozoicP2-Obtain its food source/organic substances from the surroundings (eat plant/ producer)111146.2 Balanced DietNoMarking schemeMarks(a)The necessity for a balance diet Trail JohorWhat is balanced diet? F1-A balance diet contains al the seven major nutrients which include carbohydrates, protein lipids, vitamin, minerals water and roughage/(dietary) fibreF2-In the correct amount and ratio// in the correct proportions to meet the daily requirement of the body1121. (a)Calculating the energy valueType of foodQuantity takenEnergy /kJ per 100 gEnergy obtained/kJModerately adult manBoy aged 15 years oldModerately active adultBoy aged 15 years old Rice 30040020008000White bread10015015001500Butter5050300015001500Potato100100500500500Milk100200300300600Banana50100502550Chicken20020080016001600Complete table 5 by calculating the total energy obtained by each individual 2Moderate active adult manRice : 6000Total energy obtained :11425Boy aged 15 years old White bread :2250Total energy obtained:14500112(b)The enrgy requrment for a girl aged 15 is 9000kJ dailyTypes of food Quantity taken (g)Energy content (kJ/100g)Rice 3501500Chips1501000Roasted chicken300800Grilled mutton 2001200Boiled potato150500Chocolate1002500yogurt200200Egg100600Calculate the daily total value taken by the girl2Total eneygy value is 5250+1500+2400+2400+750+2500+400+600=15800kJWorking -1mAnswer with units -1m112(c)Is he daily menu a balanced diet?Explain the consequence to her health2P1-no/the menu is not balnced diet E1-The menu does no contain the 7 calsses of food in the approproate ratio//The menu is highly rich in carbohydarte and fats//no vegetables and lack vitamins//higher eneygy intake compared to energy requirment for a girl aged 151122.(a)Diagram 3 shows an experiment to determine the energy values of a peanut and a Dried prawn.In this experiment, 20 cm3 of distilled water is used and 2.0 g of peanut and 1.8 g ofdried prawn is burnt. The initial and final temperature of water is shown in Table 1below.Food sampleMass Initial temperature of water(oC)Final temperature of water(oC)Rise in temperature of the water (oC)Peanut2.02945Dried prawn1.83034State a hypothesis for this experimentThe peanut contains more energy (value) compared to dried prawns11(b)Record the rise in temperature of the water in the spaces provided in Table 1Rise in temperature of the water ( 0C ) :Peanut : 16Dried prawn : 4( Both must be correct)112(c)The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg-1 oC -1. Use the following formula to calculate the energy values of the peanut and the dried prawn. 4Energy value = ( mass of water X 4.2 X rise in temperature of water ) Jg-1 mass of foodEnergy value of the peanut = 20 X 4.2 X 16 Jg-1 2.0 = 672.0 Jg-1Energy value of the dried prawn = 20 X 4.2 X 4 Jg-1 1.8 = 186.7 Jg-111114(d)(i)Which food sample has a higher energy value? The peanut11 (ii)Give a reason for your answer in (d)(i).Peanuts contain more lipids /Lipids have higher energyvalue than proteins11(e)The energy values of the peanut and the dried prawn are much lower than the theoretical values. State two reasons for your answer.1. Not all the energy released during the burning of the food is absorbed by the water; some is lost in the form of heat to the surroundings.2. Some of the energy is absorbed by the boiling tube.3. The food may not be completely burnt, especially the centre. ( Any two )1113(f)Suggest two ways of obtaining a more accurate result in this experiment. 1. Water in the boiling tube must be stirred to ensure that the heat is distributed evenly.2. (The food must be oxidized completely by) making sure the flame does not extinguished too quickly.3. The distance between the food and the boiling tube must not be too far.4. Make sure the thermometer does not touch the bottom of the test tube.( Any two )11114Factor affecting daily energy requirement Trail JohorNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain the difference on the daily energy requirement between a very active man and moderately active man 2F -Very active man need 15100kJ energy , but moderate active man only need 12600 kJ energy E -because very active man need more energy to carry out all the heavy / tough activity112(b)Pregnant women need more calcium in their diet .Explain whyP1 Calcium need for formation of bone and teeth of the motherP2 calcium also needed by the fetus to form the bone and teethP3 the mother to be need calcium to prepare the mammary gland to produce milk P4 milk is the food for the baby Any 211113(c)Individual groupDaily energy requirement/kJCarbohydrate/gProtein /gFats/gManSedentary work100803909053Moderate work1176045510562Heavy work1638063514687WomenSedentary work798031070 42Moderate work94202608549Heavy work1260049011567Pregnancy105004109556ChildrenUp to 2 years504019545273 to 6 years630024556337 to 9 years7560295704010 to 12 years88203408047adolescent13 to 15 years boy10500410955613 to 15 years girls9420360824916 to 18 years boy126004901156716 to 18 years94203608249Based on the table, Explain why different groups of people have different daily energy requirement 8F1- Males require more energy input than a femaleE1-Bigger body size//higher metabolic rate//thinner layer of insulating fatF2-A person who a does heavy works need more energy than a person who is moderately work/sedentary workE2-Type of occupation determine the rate at which energy from food is utilizedF3-Growing children needs more energy per body weightE3-The metabolic rate is higher because they require more energy for growthF4-Adolescent require more energy for growth and physical activitiesE4-They have reached maturity/puberty and are very activeF5-Pregant mother needs more energy than non-pregnant womenE5-To cater for the developing foetuses in their wombs/perform respiration , digestion and excretion for the developing foetus111111111118(d)BreakfastA plate of fried rice A cup of fresh milkLunch A bowl of chicken rice A piece of roasted chicken A bowl of chicken soup A glass of carbonated drinkDinner A plate of fried noodle A banana A cup of coffeeDoes the menu provide a balanced diet for the pregnant women ,Discuss your opinion F1-NoP1-Contains too much fatP2-infired rice/fried noodleP3-Increase cholesterol; levelE1-cause excess body weight/hypertension/cardiovascular problemsP4 -carbonated drink contain excess sugarE2-cause diabetesP5-containing colouring,preservatives/chemicals/acidsE3-cause cancer/gastritisP6-cofee contain caffeine/drugs/chemicalsE4-Acting on nervesP7-Less/no vegetablesE5-cause constipationP8-Less vitamin/minerals/ferum//other exampleE6-For good health/make blood//other example ORF-YesP1-Rice provides carbohydratesE1-For energyP2-Fresh milk provide proteinsE2-For growth of foetusE3-Calcium for bone formationP3-Roasted chicken provides proteinsE4--Less fats so less risk of cardiovascular problemsP4-chicken soup provide minerals//examplesE5-for good health//other exampleP5-Banana provides fibreE6-Avoid constipation11111111111111111111111111111110(e)Beside the basic nutrient shown in table 8.1, what other nutrient are also essential to be inculded in our daily diet 4F1Vitamin e.g. calcium/iron/sodium/potassium/chlorine/magnesium/iodine/sulphur/phosporus/ Flourine/chlorineF3-(dietary) fibre/roughage,eg cellulose from fruits/vegetables/plantsF4- water1113Nutrient content in foodNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Energy content in food Trail JohorDifferent fruits have different content of vitamin C and energy value.By using your biiological knowledge explain briefly how to determine the vitamin C content and the energy value of an apple Vitamin C contentThe ascorbic acid solution is added to DCPIP solution untill the DCPIP decolourisedThe volume of ascorbic acid used is recordedThe procedure is repeated using freshly sqeezed apple to determine the volume of juices requiredThe percentage and concentration of vitamin C can be calculated using formula.Energy ValueA sliced of apple is weighedIt is ignitd and placed under a boiling tube filled with waterThe final tempearature of water in thr boiling tube is recordedThe energy value is calculated using formula111111116(b)Potato P Egg Q Oil RBased on the diagram suggest a food test to determine the nutrient content in the food P,Qand R(i) Starch in food P Iodine test fro starchP1-Two drop of iodine solution id added to a test tube contaning porato cubesP2-The iodine soluiton turns dark blue,showing that starch is persent(ii) Protein in food QMillon’s test fro protienP3- 1ml of million ‘s reagentis added to the egg albumen solution in a test tube.The mixture is then heatP4-A white precipitate is forn id for and then changes to a brick red precipitate when boiled, showing that protien is present (iii) Lipid in food RGrease stain test fro lipidP5-A drop of corn oil fripped onto a piece of filter paper.the paper is then dried gentelyP6-A translucent stain is observed on the filter paper showing that lipid is persent1111116MineralsNoMarking schemeMarks(a)State the function and symptom of deficiency of these minerals. State one source for each mineralCalcium1 - Needed for the formation of bones and teeth.2 - deficiency in calcium will cause rickets in children 3 - and osteoporosis most often in women who have gone through menopause4 - The source of calcium is milk / cheese.Ferum5 - Required in the production of haemoglobin. - Insufficient ferum leads to anemia 7 - Ferum can be found in meatIodine 8 - Important component of the hormone (thyroxine) produced by the thyroid gland.9 - symptom of deficiency is goiter 10 - the source of iodine is sea food/seaweed/ iodine salt111111111111110NoMarking schemeMarks(b)Roughage or dietary fibre Trail JohorState the function of food in R (Roughage/dietary fibre)/ State one importance of roughage in digestionAids/stimulates peristalsis//prevent constipation //absorbing and eliminating toxic substances11Selection of an appropriate balanced dietNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Trial johor 2011Name the class of food labeled R and SR: Roughage/dietary fibreS:CarbohydrateQ: protein1113Name the classes of food that build the muscle tissue and give two example F-ProteinP-Fish and meat12Explain why ice cream, butter cake are placed at level 4 in the food pyramid6P1: Food at level 4 should only be taken in smallest amount / ratio.P2: Ice cream contains a lot of sugar.P2: Sugar has high energy value.P3: Excessive sugar in the body will lead to obesity / diabetes.P4: Butter cake contains a lot of lipid.P5: Lipid has high energy value.P6: Excessive lipid will form adipose tissue in the body// increase cholesterol level in body.P7: (Excessive lipid will) lead to heart attack / cardiovascular disease/ stroke.11111111111(b)Explain the importance of consuming food from level 2 in our daily diet.4P1: Food at level 2 contains a lot of water, vitamins, minerals and roughage / fibre.P2: Water is important in all cell activities / physiological /biochemical processes in our body.P3 : Body need enough vitamins to preserve / maintain health// Any suitable example of vitamin and the related functionP4: Body need enough minerals to preserve / maintain health and growth // Any suitable example of mineral and the related function.P5: Roughage is necessary in the diet to stimulate peristalsis / to prevent constipation.Any 4 P11111(c)Explain how to achieved a balanced diet byconsuming food from diverse source.Sample AnswerP1: Ulam type of salad include fresh leaves/fruits/other plant parts which are eaten rawP2: rich in mineral ions, vitamins and fibreP3: other sources of protein rabbit meat/quail meat/ostrich meat/freshwater fish / prawnP4: rabbit meat is rich in protein but low in fat and cholesterol / the meat has soft texture // ostrich meat is nutritious // fresh water fish low in cholesterol, the protein is easily digestibleP5: mushrooms have high nutrient contentAny fourChoosing an appropriate diet for different target groupsNoMarking schemeMarks(a)The photographs in Figure 6.1 show three individuals with different needs for energy. -46355-1837690A lady athlete/ (11 000kJ) A pregnant lady/ (10 000kJ) An old lady/ (6500kJ)Based on your biological knowledge about balanced diet, explain the factors that determine the energy requirement for the three individuals in figure 6.1A lady athlete:F1: An athlete is a very active person and has high rate of metabolism to produce energy.E1: The diet should include more carbohydrates to supply enough energy to carry out the vigorous activity in sports.// She needs to contract and relax her muscles frequently for her vigorous activities. //Energy is needed to contract the muscles.E2: The diet should include more protein to build new tissues to replace tissues that are dead or damaged.E3: She also needs calcium, sodium and potassium to strengthen the bones and to prevent muscular cramp.A pregnant lady: F2: A pregnant lady has a high rate of metabolism to provide energy for herself and the baby. E4: The pregnant lady also needs more iron and calcium to build red blood cells to avoid anemia.E5: She needs a high quantity of calcium and phosphate to form strong teeth and bones for the baby.An old lady: F3: An old lady has low rate of metabolism as she does not need energy to grow. (age)E6: An old lady needs less carbohydrates and fats because she is less active and thus do not need much energy.E7: she needs more proteins, vitamins and minerals to replace dead tissues and maintain her daily activitiesE8:She needs calcium and phosphorus to prevent osteoporosisE9: She should avoid food that contains a lot of fats, sugar and salt because excess fat can lead to heart diseases, excess sugar can cause diabetes mellitus and excess salt can cause high blood pressure. F1, F2 and F3 and any five E:6.3 Malnutrition NoMarking schemeMarks(a)What is malnutrition? Essay & StructureF1-Malnutrition result from taking an unbalanced dietF2-Certain nutrient are excess, lacking or in the wrong proportions112(b)Protein deficiency Identify the deficiency disease shown in diagram 5.2Rickets11(c)State the cause of the disease and possible effect on children 2Cause: Lack of vitamin/calciuferolPossible effect in children : bent leg112(d)Malnutrition caused by the unbalanced diet. Malnutrition of B (protein) for long term will affects certain health problemExplain this statement P1-Malnutrition due to the lacking, the excessive or the wrong proportion of nutrient intake for a long termP2-Example of protein :bean/meat/fishP3-Lack of protein intake cause kwashiorkorP4-Health problem/symptom: scaly skin/thin muscle /thin hairsORP3-Excessive protein intake cause gout/kidney stone/kidney damageP4-Health problem/symptom: inflammation of joint/urination trouble1111114(f)State two effect of malnutrition by giving suitable example 4F1-KwashiorkorE1-Protien deficiencyF2-Marasmus E2-Protien deficiency combined with a lack of energy-providing nutrientF3-ScurvyE3- Deficiency vitamin CF4-Osteoporosis/oateomalaciaE4-Deficiency in calcium /phosphorus/vitamin DF5-ObesityE5-Excess carbohydrate and lipidsF6-diabetes MellitusE6-Excess sugarF7-Cardiovascular disease/high blood pressureE7-Excess saturated fat/cholesterol Note: MAX 4111111111111114(g)32175451333502068195133350913765133350 A B CName and explain the disease in Diagram A, Diagram B and Diagram C related to malnutrition.Diagram A1-Kwashiorkor2-A child does not receive sufficient protein in his diet.3 -has the characteristic sign of scaly skin, thin muscles , thin hair and a swell of the bodyDiagram B4- Rickets5 - Vitamin D deficiencies 6 - poor teeth and bone formation in children 7 - leads to softening and weakening of the bones..Diagram C 8 - Obesity9 - excessive intake of food rich in fat10 - body weight exceed by 20% of ideal/ normal weight t 11111111110Effect of excessive intake of nutrient NoMarking schemeMarks(a)Junk food is good that is high in sugar , salt and fat ,.Explain the health problems faced by individual who continuously taken this food P1-Overconsumption of salt (sodium) cause high blood pressure leading to heart disease/strokeP2-Overconsumption of sugar cause overweight/obesity//diabetes //dental cariesP3-Overcomsumption of lipid cause obesity//cardiovascular disease1113(b)Content of fast foodExcess of mineral saltExcess fatsExcess proteinInsufficient fibrePresence of food preservative,flavouring and food colouring500 ml of soft drink excess sugar in the soft rinkA teenager frequently consumes the fats food for a long period of timeExplain the effect of consuming the above meal for a long period of time compared to consuming a balanced diet for the same period of time 10F1-Excess mineral salts can cause higher osmotic pressure in the blood P1-Excess fats will be converted into cholesterol F2-Cholesterol accumulates at the artery wall and cause arteriosclerosis P2-High blood cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. P3-Excess protein cause excess amino acids which lead to gout. and cause kidney failure. F4-Low in roughage can cause constipation. P5-Deficiency in roughage also leads to difficulties in peristalsis process along digestive tract F5-Food preservatives, food colouring and food flavoring consists of carcinogenic substances. P6-It may cause cancer11111111110(c)Explain whether the menu is suitable for the boyExplain the consequences to his health if the boy continues taking the daily menu for a long time 5Criteria JustifyExplanaitonConsequencesP1-the menu I not a balanced diet ( not suitable for the boy)P2-It contains too little food rich in carbohdrte ( it only has banan and carbonated drink ) which does not dive enough energy value required by the boy to undrgoes his daily activityP3-It contians too little food rich in carbohdrtes ( it only has banana and carbonated drink) which does bot give enough vale required by the boy to undergoes his daily activityP4-It cintains too little water which is required for biocemicel process //anysuitable processes//any suitable function of waterP5-It does not contain sufficient vitamin for healthly growthP6-Ir contains food highly rich in fats eaxmple butter and oil which will supply too much enet\rgy for th boy, if stored will cause obesity /arterioclerosis/heart aatack /high blood perssure ( only abpout one third of body’s energy requirments comes form food rich in fatsButP7-It has sufficiebt vegetables and frut ( banan ) which are rich in fibre /roughage to prevent contipationP8-The banana, vegetable provide miberals needed for the development of bones and maintianing health(but the different typrs of mieral requirment are not sufficinet Any 2 form P2 and P3If the boy keep taking the above menu his total eneygy value is not enough //eneygy needed is less than energy taken (i)Bad effect to the boys(ii)Rickets,lack of vitamin D(iii)Beri beri, lacking of vitamin B(iv)Scuvry, lack of vitamin C(v)Kwashoir, lack of protien (vi)Cretinism, lack of iodine//any suitable healthy problem (vii)Diabetes Any one bed effect 111111111111111110(d)A girl takes food from group P continuously for a long period of time. Explain the consequences to the health of her heart. F1 : Food fro group P contains high level of cholesterol E1 : Cholesterol // fatty deposits tend to accumulate on the inner wall of arteries E2 : Causes the narrowing of the blood vessels /Coronary arteries are blocked by the build-up Of fatty tissues. E3 : Reduces the flow of blood E4 : The heart muscles become starved of oxygen and dies E5: The girl might get heart attack. Any three 11111136. 4 Food digestion Digestion of carbohydrate, proteins, and lipidsSites of digestion Question & Marking schemeMouthName the secretion and the enzyme found in mouthSecretion : SalivaEnzyme: Salivary amylaseWrite a word equation to show the process of food digestion in liver (1) Salivary amylase (1)Starch + water MaltoseExplain how starch is digested in mouthTIPS:F1-(Digestive glands) secreted (digestive juice) which contain ( enzyme ) into ( site of digestion)E1-Which hydrolysed ……………into ………………Stomach Name the secretion found in RGastric juiceName a enzyme found in RPepsin /ReninBased on your answer in write a word equation to show the process of food digestion in (1) Pepsine (1)Protien+ Water Polypeptide /peptone (1) Renin (1)Caseinogen + Water casein Any one [2marks]Explain how he Protien is digested in stomachTIPS:F1-(Digestive glands) secreted (digestive juice) which contain ( enzyme ) into ( site of digestion)E1-Which hydrolysed ……………into ………………Describe how the hydrochloric acids produce by the gastric gland help in digestion of foodP1-Provide acidic medium P2-Dor optimal reaction of enzyme pepsinDuodenum(liver)Name the secretion which passes down tube W and state its function. Secretion : Bile Function : Lipids / fats emulsifier / breaking lipids into tiny dropletsState the functions of X. Functions of Y/liverP1 - Maintenance of blood glucose level under the influence of insulin and glucagons. P2 - Synthesis plasma protein such as fibrinogen / prothrombin from amino acids.P3 - Synthesis bile.P4 - Storage of nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins (A & D)/ B12/ ferum/ copper/ potassium. P5- Detoxification of poisonous substances such as alcohols/drugs/ toxins/pesticides/carcinogens /poisons.P6 - Deamination of amino acids.P7 - Produce heat.Syarifah eats too many mangoes with vinegar. Explain the effect of eating too much of this kind of mangoes on the digestion of food in Y.(Duodenum)1 - Mangoes with vinegar contain much acid, so its reduces the pH value/ increases acidity in the duodenum2 - Acid medium is less suitable for the action of enzyme lipase, amylase and trypsin3 - less/ no lipid is digested/hydrolysed to fatty acid and glycerol by lipase4 - less/ no starch is digested/hydrolysed to maltose by amylase5 - less/ no polypeptide is digested/hydrolysed to peptides by trypsinDuodenum(Pancreas)Which organ involves in digestive system and endocrine systemOrgan SState the function of the organ labeled (pancreas)In digestive system : secretes enzyme lipase, amylase and trypsinIn endocrine system : Secreted insulin and glucagonName the secretion found in XPancreatic juiceName a enzymePancreatic amylase/trypsin/lipaseWrite a word equation to show the process of food digestion in liver (1) Pancreatic amylase (1)Starch+ Water Maltose (1) Trypsin (1)Polypeptides + Water Peptides (1) Lipase (1)Lipid droplets + Water Fatty acids + Glycerol Any oneExplain how starch is digested in duodenumF1-The pancrease secreates an amylase into the duodenum E1-which hydrolysed starch into maltoseTIPS: for tyrpsin/ lipaseF1-(Organ involved) secreted (digestive juice) which contain ( enzyme ) into ( site of digestion)E1-Which hydrolysed ……………into ………………After having a meal containing rice fish vegetable, the glucose level in the body increase3F-Q/Pancreases secretes insulinP1-Insulin stimulate the conversion of glucose into glycogen/the rate of respiration is increasedP2-reduced the blood glucose level to normal(d) As a doctor you have confirmed that a patient is suffering from a disease. Organ S of the patient has to be removed. (i) What explanation would you give to the patient? In your explanation, state the effects of the removal of organ S on enzymes and hormones, and how these affect the digestion and the level of glucose in the blood. F1-no / less secretion lipaseE1- no / incomplete lipid digestion F2- no / less secretion amylase E2- no / less starch digestion F3 -no / less secretion trypsin E3- no / less protein digestion F4- No insulin released E4 -the blood glucose level high F4 /F5 F5 : No glucagon released E5- the blood glucose level lowWhat advice can you give to the patient to help him handle his health problem that may arise from the removal of organ SP1-Avoid / Reduce the intake of oily foodP2-Avoid / Reduce the intake of carbohydrates /sugar P3-Reduce the intake of protein P4-injections of insulin P5-pancreas implantation A man is suffering from cancer, his organ Z need to be removed. What should he do to handle health problems that may arise from the removal of organ Z? P1 - Reduce the intake of high carbohydrate food / protein /fatty food.P2 - Get insulin injection when needed / if glucose level too high.P3 - Get glucagon’s injection when needed / if glucose level too low.P4 - Pancreas transplant.P5 - Eat more vegetables / fruits.Ileum Name the secretion and enzyme found in YSecretion : Intestinal juiceEnzyme: Maltase/lastase/sucrase/erepsinState the final product of protien digestion in TAmino acidsState one importance of the final product you state in P1-bulid new cells/growthP2-Repair/renew damaged cellP3-Producing enzyme /antibodies / hormonesState the final product of carbohydrate digestion in TGlucoseName an enzyme involved in the digestion of carbohydrate in TAmylase pancreatic amylaseWrite a word equation to show the process of food digestion in Ileum [2marks] (1) Maltase (1)Maltose + Water glucose (1) lactase (1)Lactose +Water glucose + galactose (1) sucrase (1)Sucrose + water glucose +fructose (1) Erepsin (1)Peptides + Water amino acidsExplain how the Maltose is digest in IleumTIPS:F1-(Organ involved) secreted (digestive juice) which contain ( enzyme ) into ( site of digestion)E1-Which hydrolysed ……………into (Product)Explain the digestion of foodNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Starch is a complex molecule. Digestion of starch is carried out by several enzyme along the alimentary canal. Describe how glucose is produced form the digestion of starch along the alimentary canalP1-Saliva is secreted by the salivary glands in the mouthP2-Salivary gland secretes amylase /saliva contain amylaseP3-Amlase will hydrolyse starch into maltoseP4-Remaining starch and ,maltose enters the stomachP5-(stomach do not cantina carbohydrase), so no digestion of carbohydrate P6-Will take place in stomachP7-Duodenum received pancreatic amylase from pancreasP8-Pancreatic amylase will hydrolyse the remaining starch into maltoseP9-the wall of ileum secretes ,maltaseP10-Maltase will hydrolyse maltose into glucose Any 6111111111110(b)Explain how fried food P is digested in the digestive system CriteriaIdentify the classes of food in fried food P /bananaPeristalsis occurring in the any parts of alimentary canalDigestion of carbohydrate in month//ileum with correct enzymeDigestion of fats in duodenum//ileum with correct enzymeAny correct product of carbohydarateP1-Fried banana /food P is rich in carbohydrate/starch and fats(physical digestion takes place in the mount where fried banana are chewed into smaller pieces of carbohydrate)P3-In the month Salivary amylase hydrolysed the pieces of carbohydrates/starchP5 in to maltoseP2-The food is push down the oesophagus through peristalsis(In stomach ,Food P is not hydrolysed)P4-Fats is hydrolysed /break downP5-To fatty acids and glycerol by lipase // LipaseFats + Water Fatty acids+ glycerol ( in an alkaline medium)In ileumP4&P5( fats is hydrolysed /break down into fatty acids and glycerolP3&P5-Maltose is hydrolysed into glucose//sucrose is hydrolysed ny sucrose to glucose and fructose//lactose is hydrolysed by lactase to glucose and galactose (in alkaline medium)111111111110(c)The main food for baby is milk ,describe th digestion of milk in the stomach 4 P1-(gastric glands in the wall of ) stomach secrete gastric juicP2-Gastric juice ( cintian mucus.HCl),Pepsin nd reninP3-Renin coagulates milk by converting soluble milk protien caseinogen to ythe insoluble casienP4-Casein ios then hydrolysed( digested) by pepsin to peptonesP5-HCl optimises pH in the stomach for action of enzyme111114Digestion of cellulose in ruminants and rodentsNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain One similarity and four differences between alimentary canal R and S Similarity:F1-The alimentary canals of both R and S have bacteria/protozoa to hydrolyse celluloseE1-both and S do not produce cellulose in their foodDifferences:F2-R has 4 stomach chambers but S has One stomach chamberE2-The stomach of S is not involved in cellulose digestionF3-The size of caecum for R is small but S has a large caecumE3-Caecum for S is involved cellulose digestionF4-the bacteria and protozoa in r are found in the rumen and reticulum While in S they are found in the caecumE4-To produce enzyme celluloseF5-Food passes only once in R but twice in S //regurgitation take Place in R, but does not take place in SE5-R-to increase efficiency of cellulose action S-To complete food absorption1111111111110(b)Compare the process of cellulose digestion in organism R and SSimilarities1 - Both have alimentary canal which are made up of the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.2 - Both are unable to produce cellulase to digest anism QOrganism R1The type of diet is omnivoresThe type of diet is herbivores2Stomach has one chamberStomach has four chambers3Microorganisms in the digestive tract do not play an important role in digestion of cellulose/ do not have enzyme cellulase to digest cellulose.Bacteria and protozoa in rumen and reticulum secrete the enzyme cellulase to digest cellulose4The food from the mouth is swallowed to the stomach without regurgitation.The food from the mouth is swallowed to the rumen and reticulum, then it is regurgitated into the mouth to be chewed again before being swallowed into the omasum. 1111116(c)The digestive system of rodent and herbivoresBy giving one example of organism S , explain how the structure involved in the digestion process Example of organism S: Rabbit/other examples of rodents E1-Stucture T/caecum are enlarge to store the cellulose producing bacteriaE2-Plants eaten contain celluloseE3-Bacteria in structure T caecum produce cellulose to digest cellulose to digest cellulose1113Problem associated with food digestionNoMarking schemeMarks(a)RSExplain the effect of malfunction of organ S and organ R to the digestion of food PMalfunction of liver P1-Too little /no bile is secreted by the liver P2-Resulting fats is not / hardly emulsified //medium is not alkalineMalfunction of pancreasP3-Too little / no pancreatic juice us secreted P4- lipid is not / hardly hydrolysed by amylase to maltoseP5-Starch is not /hardly hydrolysed by amylase to maltose Any 4111114(b)XA paitien has organ X removed Explian the effect of removal of organ X on enzyme and hormones and these affect the digestion and level of glucose in the blood F1-no insulin secretion E1-Excess blood glucose cannot be converted to glycogen E2-Blood sugar level increasesF2-No glucagons secretionsE3-Stored glycoen cannot be converted to glucose E4-Low blood glucose level cannot be increase to normal levelF3-No trypsin secretionE5-Protiendigestion not completedF4-No amylase secrerion E6-stach digestion not cimpletedF5-No lipase secretionE7- Lipie not digested.No lipid digestion in bodyE8-Body donot have enough amino avids and glucoseE9-No fatty acids and glycerol All 5F+any E1111111111111110(c)Predict wht will happen to a perosn if fails to function (liver)?P1-Digestion of lipid /starch/protien is distribedP2-risk have diabetes mellitusP3-(because)excess glucose cannot be converted in to glycogen1113(d)Mr X is an obese person. He undergoes an operation to shorten his small intestineExplain how that treatment can help Mr.X to reduce his body massP1-small intestine is the site/where digestion /absorption of ( digested) food occurP2-lower rate of hydrolyzing of food ( to simplest food)P3-Iluem /small intestine ( has intestinal gland to ( produce ( intestinal juice containing digeative enzymeP4-Shorter ileum has lesser villi/lower surface areaP5-As the rate of diffusion of digested food is slowerP6-Less digested food is absorbed into blood capillary from the villusP7-the body tissue receives less glucose ( to undergoes cellular respiration )P8-Lack of glucose will cause the adiposed tissues/stored fat to be oxidized/used to produce energyP9-Reducing the amount of fats stored// increasing the amount of fats usedP10-Thus reducing the body mass1111111116(e)A gall bladder of a patient is removed due to a gall stone. Explain the effects on the health.P1-Bile cannot be secreted by gall bladder to emulsify excess of lipids into the tiny droplets?P2-Lipase cannot react on lipids effectively / less lipids is digested to fatty acid and glycerol.P3-Bile cannot neutralize the acidic foods from the stomachP4-Alkaline medium that is an optimum meduim for the digestion of lipids, carbohydrate and protein cannot be created.P5The digestion of lipids, carbohydrate and protein are affected.P6-More acid in the duodenum, it leads to duodenum gastric.1111114NoMarking schemeMarks(f)Gallstone preventing the flow of bileA man has his bile duct blocked with gallstones. He is advised to cut down on his fat intake. Explain why such an advice is given to him? F1 : ( When the bile duct is blocked) , bile cannot be channeled out to the duodenum F2 : Fats / lipids cannot be emulsified F3 : Digestion of fats /lipids will be very slow / digestion of fats /lipids will be incomplete 11136.5 Absortion and assimilation of digested foodAdaptive characteristic of the digestive system NoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain One adaptation/characteristic of the villus for the process in F1-Thin wall/one cell ThickE1-Increase rate of diffusion of digested food/nutrientsF2-Large surface area/has microvilliE2-Increase rate of absorption of digested food /nutrientF3-Has a network of capillaries/blood vesselsE3-To transport the absorbed nutrients P4-The villus is moist covered with a thin layer of water11111112(b)By referring to diagram 8(a) and *(b), explain the characteristic/adaptation of structure X and Y a a major site of nutrient absorption in human digestive system6Strcuture X F1-Being almost 6 meter longE1-For maximum absorption of nutrientF2-Highly foldedE2- Provides a large surface area for efficient absorption of digested food./To increase the rate of nutrient absorption F3-Having finger like projections called villi over its surfaceE3-To increase total surface area for efficient absorptionStructure YF4-Have microvilliE4-To increase the surface area for absorption F5-Have thin walls : one cell thickE5-so that digested food can be aborb rapidlyF6-Have rich supply of blood capillaryE6-To transport glucose, amino acids and water soluble vitaminF7-Have lactealsE7-To absorb fatty acids and glycerol/water soluble vitamin efficiently F+E=1mark1111111111111110(c)Based on the figure ,Explain three structural adaptation of the small intstine in effective absorption of digested foodF1-length of intestine is long (6m)E1-Increase time for food absorption increase SA for absorption F2-Inner surface is (highly) floadedE2-To increase the SA for absorption F3-Numerous villi ( on the inner surface if iluem)E3-to increase the SA for absorption F5-Numerous blood ncapillaries and lactealE5-to transport absorbed nutrient ( away)//to maintian concentration gradient ( form diffusiuon of nutrient) Any 3F+3E111111116Absorption of digested food NoMarking schemeMarks(a)The structure T in Diagram 2 has numerous projections. Draw and label a longitudinal section of one of these projections in the space below. D – Able to draw the following parts ? Blood capillary, epithelium, lacteal, finger-like projection L – Able to label any two parts ? Blood capillary ? Epithelium ? lacteal 112(b)Amino acidsLipidVessel QGlucoseAmino acidsGlucoseName process X t the villusAbsorption /simple diffusion/facilitated diffusion112 (c)Vessels P and Q transport digested food form the villi to the liver and body cells RespectivelyName vessel and QP:Hepatic portal veinQ:Lymphatic/lymph vessel/duct112(d)Figure 6.2 shows human’s digestive system. X is part of the cross section of structure Y.YFigure 6.2What are the processes that occur in structure Y? Describe the processes by giving examplesF1: Digestion // P1-Intestinal glands of the wall of ileum secrete a few enzymes to complete the digestion process.P2-Digestion process is completed in ileum to produce simple sugars (glucose, fructose and galactose), amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol.P3-Example: (any correct enzymes/ intestinal juices and substrate reaction)Enzyme erepsin(peptidase) --- peptide to amino acids.Enzyme sucrose -----sucrose to glucose and fructose F2: Absorption // P4-The wall of ileum has many projections called villus to absorb the products of digestion.P5-Blood capillaries in the villus absorb simple sugars, amino acids, minerals, vitamins B and C…P6-Lacteal of the villus absorb fatty acids, glycerol, fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)Must have F1 and F2 and other 311111111110(e)Explain how glucose is transferred form the small intestine to the body cells P1-Glucose in the lumen of small intestine enter the epithelial cells by active transportP2-Glucose from epithelial cells enter blood capillary by facilitated diffusion P3-Blood carry the glucose into the hepatic Portal veinP4-Hapatic portal vein channel the blood containing glucose into the liverLiver cells will use/assimilate some of the glucoseP5-Blood then send the glucose to the heart via hepatic vein then vena cavaP6-Heart pump the blood to all body cellsP7-Glucose diffused from the blood capillary into the body cells by facilitated diffusion any 611111116Assimilation of digested foodNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain what happen to the excessive amino acids in the liver? 2P1-Deamination //The amino group is removed (from amino acid)/converted to ammoniaP2-(Ammonia) is converted to ureaP3-urea will be excreted through the kidneys any2P1112(b)Digested food are used by the body cells for growth , to complex compound or structural componentsState how lipids , amino acids and glucose are used in the cellLipids; L1-A major energy reserve in the body//L2-(phospholipids)are components of the plasma membrane //L3-Lipids is used as a respiratory substrate/L4-Excess fats are stored in adipose tissues(under the skin, around internal organs) Any 1 LAmino acids:A1-Amino acids are used in protein synthesis//A2-For repair and production of new protoplasm/growth and repair//A3-Used in the formation of enzyme /some hormones /protein part of hemoglobin /antibodies Any 1AGlucose: G1-Glucose is used as the main respiratory substrate//It is oxidized to realeased energyG2-Excessive glucose is converted to glycogen //blood glucose level rise/increaseAny 1 G11111111110(c)Explain what will happen to a person if his liver receives insufficient insulin from the pancreas2P1-Diabetes mellitus blood sugar level increase level increase // hyperglycemiaP2-Exces glucose cannot be converted to glycogen112NoMarking schemeMarks(d)Digested nutrient will be absorbed by ileum and some of ity will be transported to liver .In the liver , the nutrient arte used form complex Process that take place in the liver F-Able to state the nutrient that transported to liver P-Able to describe the process that take place in liverF1-GlucoseAmino acidsP1-Assimilation P2-Glucose used as the main respiratory substrate/release energyP3-Excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liverP4-Further excess is converted in to lipidsP5-when the blood glucose level decrease below the normal level , glycogen is converted back into glucoseP6-Amino acids are used in protein synthesis for the production of new protoplasm , growth and repairP7-Amino acids are involved in the formation of enzymes and some hormonesP8-Amino acids are also involved in the formation of the protein part of hemoglobin in the red blood P9-Excess amino acids are deaminated to form urea which is excreted in the urine any 7PSynthesizing Skill :Able to state one of F,P1-and any 3P correctly111111111110NoMarking schemeMarks(e)UreaAmino AcidsKidneyIleumCarbohydrateProteinFatty acids& GlycogenLipidLipidAmino AcidsGlucoseGlucoseGlycogenGlucoseBased on Diagram 7, Explain the assimilation of the followingGlucoseP1-Excess glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and stored in the liverP2-when glucose level in the blood is low , glycogen is covert to glucose in the liverP3-Excess glucose is converted to lipids by the liverP4-In the body cells , glucose is oxidized to released energy in cellular respirationamino acidsP5-Amino acids is used to synthesise protein in the liverP6-Excess amino acids undergo deamination to produce urea in the liverP7-Urea is then eliminated by the kidneyP8-Amino acid is used to synthesise enzymes/antibodies/hormones/new protoplasm/repair damaged tissues in the body cellsLipidsP9-Excess lipids is stored in adipose tissuesP10-Phospholipids and cholesterol make up the plasma membrane11111111110(f)Helmie takes fried chicken at lunch. Explain the absorption and assimilation process of lipid content in the fried chicken Absorption P1-Digestion od lipid prouce fatty acid and glucerolP2-Absorbtion of lipid occur at ileumP3-At ileum there are villi which have lactealP4-Fatty acid and glycerol are absorbed into lactealP5-In lacteal condensation of fatty acid and glycerol form lipidP6-the lpipids then transported via the subclaviian vein into the blood streamAssimilation P7-In the cells lipid is use as a ian compomemt of plasmam membrane P8-Lipids also is use as a main component of some hormone and vitamins P9-Excess lipid will be stored underneath the skin as adiposed tissue 1111111118NoMarking schemeMarks(g)Based on the diagram on diagram ,explain how the ileum and liver in the absorption and assimilation of the following digestedfood substancesGlucoseAmino acidsFatty acidsF1-iluem has (adaptive features such as having ) many villi/villus /very thin cell wall /villus are surrouded by dense network of blood capilarry/lactealE1-To increase the rate of diffusion of dieated foodE2-glucose diffused from villi into the blood capilary to the liver via the hepatic portal vein E3-excess glucose is converted to glycogen ( to be kept in the liver)E4-Glycogen acts as stored foodE5-in body tissueglucose is oxidized during the cellular respiration to produce energyE6-amino acids from villi diffused into blood capilary to the liver via the hepaic portal vienE7-Excess amino acid is deaminated/conveted into urea( to be excreated through the kidney)E8-amino acid will be used to synthesis new protoplasm/repair of damaged tissue//used to synthesis protien of plasma membrane//produce enzymes antibodoes/hormonesE9-fatty acids dissuse from villi into lactealE10-Then reansport to the throracic duct/right lymphatic vessel//lymphatic vesselE11-To the subclavin veins back to the blood circulatory systemE12-Fatty acids is synthesized to form the plasmamembraneE13-Stored in the adiposed tissues(beneath the skin as a source of energy) Any 1011111111111110(h)Explain the assimilation of digeated food of glucose and amino acids b organ R / liverGlucoseP1Gucose is used ( by cells ) to produced energy/ carry ( cellular ) respiration P2Excess of glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and //Stored as glycogen as glycogen P3-When glucose level in the blood is low the glycogen is converted into glucoseP4-Excesss of glycogen is converted into lipidsAmino acids P1-Synthesis of plasms protien /enzymes /any suitable protien molecule form amino acidsP2-Excess amino acids are converted/ deaminated into area ( to be excreated) Any 41111114 Assimilation in the liver (summary)Marking schemeAmino AcidsP1- Amino acids from villi diffused into blood capilary to the liver via the hepaic portal vienP2-Amino acids is used to synthesise plasma protein in the liverP3-Excess amino acids undergo deamination to produce urea in the liverP4-Urea is then eliminated by the kidneyP5-Amino acid is used to synthesise enzymes/antibodies/hormones/new protoplasm/repair damaged tissues in the body cellsGlucoseP1-iluem has (adaptive features such as having ) many villi/villus /very thin cell wall /villus are surrouded by dense network of blood capilarry/lactealP2-To increase the rate of diffusion of dieated foodP3-glucose diffused from villi into the blood capilary to the liver vua the hepatic portal vein P4-Gucose is used ( by cells ) to produced energy/ carry ( cellular ) respiration P5-Excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liverP6-when the blood glucose level decrease below the normal level , glycogen is converted back into glucoseP7-Excesss of glycogen is converted into lipidsP8-In the body cells , glucose is oxidized to released energy in cellular respirationLipidsP1-fatty acids dissuse from villi into lactealP2-Then reansport to the throracic duct/right lymphatic vessel//lymphatic vesselP3-To the subclavin veins back to the blood circulatory systemP4-Fatty acids is synthesized to form the plasmamembraneP5- Excess lipid will be stored underneath the skin as adiposed tissu e (beneath the skin as a source of energy)Assimilation in the cells (Summary)Question & marking schemeAmino acidsP1-Amino acids are used in protein synthesis//P2-For repair and production of new protoplasm/growth and repair//P3-Used in the formation of enzyme /some hormones /protein part of hemoglobin /antibodies Any 1AGlucoseP1-Glucose is oxidized during the cellular respiration to produce energyLipidsP1-A major energy reserve in the body//P2-(phospholipids)are components of the plasma membrane //P3-Lipids is used as a respiratory substrate/P4-Lipids also is use as a main component of some hormone andP5- Excess lipid will be stored underneath the skin as adiposed tissu e (beneath the skin as a source of energy)6.7 Evaluating Eating habits Health problem related to eating habitsNoMarking schemeMarks(a)If she continues to take the menu everyday for a long time , explain the consequence to her health F1-ConstipationE1-Her menu lacks fibre/roughage so her faeces moves too slowly through the colonF2-ScuvryE2-Lack of vitamin C //any other vitamin deficiency with explanationF3-ObesityE3-High intake of roasted chicken/gilled mutton /chocolate/chips increase the amount of fat stored in the bodyF4-diabetes mellitusE4-Excess of carbohydrate in rice/chips/potatoes/chocolate increase the amount of glucose in blood when digestedF5-Arteriosclerosis/ArthrosclerosisE5-Roasted chicken /grilled mutton /chips contain F6-Heartattack E6-Roasted chicken /grilled mutton/chips contain cholesterol which are deposited in te coronary artery//cause blockage in the coronary arteryF7-High blood pressureE7-Narrowing of artery cause the heart to pump with higher pressure111111111111116NoMarking schemeMarks(b)Content Mass for 100 g of fried chicken nugget(g)Carbohydrate10.5Protein20.1Lipid25.3Fibre2.5Sodium chloride0.7A teenage boy aged 13 eats 500g this snack food for energy weekIs the snack food suitable as a daily diet for the boy? Describe the effect of taking this snack food over a long periodF-not suitableP1-The snack contains high fat and protein P2-the intake of high fat irregularly may lead to obesityP3-saturated fats in the snack may deposited in the wall of arteryP4-the narrow lumen of artery leads to arteriosclerosis P5-soon the teenager faces high blood pressuresP6-If arteriosclerosis occur at coronary artery the teenager may have heart attackP7-Excessive intake of protein may cause kidney problemP8-th snack contain lack of fibreP9-This may lead to constipation111111111116(c)BreakfastLunchDinnerFull cream mikFried eggFried chicken riceRice with brrf curryFried chickenIce creamCarbonated soft drinkChicken burgerCheese cakeTeh tarikExplain the long term effect of comsuming excess of these foods on harith health F1-Full cream milk,fried egg, fried rice chicken,beef curryE1-A health problem will be obesityE2-Excess saturated fats increases the bood cholesterol levelE3-Cholesterol deposits on the walls of the blood vessel narrowing themE4-This will contribute to cardiovascular disease/arteoriolesis /hypertensiom/heart problemF2-Fried egg crry,fired chicken ,chicken burger also contain a lot of protien beside fatE5-Excess protien will,cause very taxing on the kidneys duirng excretionE6-Might alos lead to goutF3-Ice cream , cheese,the tarik,carboanted soft drink contain a lot of sugarE7-lead to obesity /diabetes mellitusF4-His diet does not cantain fruit and vegetablesE8-That leads to constipation1111111111116(d)MealsTypes of foodBreakfastCoffee, Nasi lemakLunchRice, Beef curry,chicken soup,Fresh orange juiceDinnerRice,Grilled Fish,Spinach soup,TeaBased on the able ,analysed the food content and justify the preperation food methods toward ahmad’s healthF1-Imbalanced dietP1-Excess of lipids P2-Excess of protien P3-Excess of carbohdratesP4-FibresP5-VitaminF2-Good /not good preperation food methodsP6-Frouts anf vegetables should not be cooked because vitamins B ,C soluble in water //vitamins A,D Eand K soluble in oil P7-Grill prbvent from more oil added into the foodP8-Fry the food not good becouse more oil added into the food Any 2PEvaluation Able to atate F1 and F2- coreclyAble to state any one of P1-P4-and any one P5-P7 correctly111111111118(e)Some families often eat fast food because working parent does not have time to prepared home cooked food. These eating lead to many health problemsYou are asked to prepared a talk on good eaing habits for a group of parentsDicuss the good eating hanits that you may want to educate them P1-Good eating habits mean taking food in the correct quatity/propotion at the correct time P2-Improper eating habitscan lead health problemssuch a obesity/diabetes mellitus /anorexia nervosa / and bulimiaP3-Always eat a balanced diet that include all /seven /the different classes of food /prtoein , carbohydrate, fat, vitamins , minerals , water and fibre ( follow food pyramids)P4-Take propermeals a regular times of the days //take in three meals a day ( breakfast,lunch and dinner)P5-Check the food labels for information regarding the nutrint content s /The total caloroies of the food]P6-avoid consuming unhealthly food /junk foods,snack foods,because junck food include food that is high in Slat/sugar/fats but low in nutritional valueP7-Avoidunder eating , it cause food and food rich in sugarP8-Avoid under eaitng , it cause tiredness , amlnutriment P9-Sufficient amount of fibre form friuts and vegetablesP10-Take time to chew the food to avoid indigestion P11-Avoid smoking ,drinking too much alcohol ansd coffeeP12-We should refrain form overeating or eatign too little during a mela P13-Drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of waters a days Any 10111111111111110 6.9The importance of macronutrient and micronutrient in plants Element required by plantNoMarking schemeMarks(a)“The uses of organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers in the field of agriculture is hiped farmers ti increase their agriculture yield and as a result helps to increase the country’s productivity” Extract from Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi’s speechBased on the above extract as well as your biological knowledge, describe how do the element found in the inorganic and organic fertilizers, aid in plant growthF1-The element found in the fertilizers consists of macronutrient and micronutrient elementsF2-Macronutrient are element needed by the plant in large quantitiesElementFunction NitrogenFor the formation of protein /nucleic acid chlorophyll/photosynthetic enzyme/respiratory enzymePhosphorusFor the formation of nucleic acids/ ATP/ Phospholipids/ coenzymes/ /important for the synthesis of protein/plasma membranePotassium For the protein/carbohydrate metabolismCalcium For the formation of lamella //Formation of spindle fibresSulphurFor the formation of protein//coenzyme in respirationF3-Micronutrient are elements required by the plant in minute quantitiesElementFunction Boron For carbohydrate transportMolybdenumFor nitrogen fixationZincFor the synthesis of hormone//growth of shoot/rootManganeseTo active respiratory enzymesCopper For the formation of enzyme //Important for photosynthesisIron For synthesis of chlorophyll 111111111111111106.10Photosynthesis NoMarking schemeMarks(a)State the meaning of photosynthesis based on the schematic diagram in diagram F1-(Photosynthesis is the )process where by a green plant synthesizes glucose form carbon dioxide and water F2-In the presences of chlorophyll and sunlight 112(b)The process of photosynthesis contributes to the balance of natureState one importance of photosynthesis to the balance natureE1-Provide food to human beings/animals//E2-Provides /replaces oxygen in the atmosphere//E3-Help maintaining percentage of CO2/O2 in the atmosphere Any 11111(c)Explain how the problem of air pollution can affect the rate of photosynthesisF1-Particles accumulate on the leaf surfaceE1-covers the stomata//reduces O2 and CO2 gas exchangeE2-Cuts/reduces light intensity (that reached the leaves)E4-Less CO2 is absorbed from atmosphere and less O2 is released Any 211113Leaf structure and functionNoMarking schemeMarks(a)TUName the structures labeled P, Q, R and S.P : Palisade mesophyll(tissue)Q : Sponge mesophyllR : XylemS : PhloemT :stomataU :upper epidermis1111116(b)Name the structure where photosynthesis take placechloroplast11(c)State the role of oraganelle P in photosynthesisCholoroplast/organelle P (contains chlorophyll) to trap/absorb/capture light energy11(d)Describe the sructure of chloroplst P1 Bounded by double layer of membraneP2 Fill with stroma (the jelly like matrix)P3 Contain grana (ie stacks of membranous structure)P4 Grana contain chlorophyll MAX 211112How are cells within the tissue of a leaf adapted for photosynthesis? Essay /StructureTIPS: If question asked (State) just answers F: for 1 marks e.g.: Explain the adaption of the leaf to optimal/ increase efficiency photosynthesisStructureAdaptation (Marking scheme)CuticleF1 : Outer surface of a leaf / cuticle which is waxy/ waterproofP1 : prevent water lossUpper epidermisF1-Epidermis with water proof layer of cuticle / coated with a waxP1-Prevent excess transpiration /loss of waterORF2-//Epidermis are transparentP2-Allow light easily penetrate the leaf (and reach the chloroplast)Palisade mesophyllF1-Palisade mesophyll cells are packed tightlyF2-contain high density of chloroplastsP1-to receive maximum amount of sunlightSpongy mesophyllF1 : Spongy mesophyll loosely arranged/ contain air spacesP2 : maximize /Easy diffusion of water and carbon dioxideF1: Irregular shapes of mesophyllP2 : To increase the internal surface area for gaseous exchange.Lower epidermisF1: Lower surface contain abundant of stomataP2 : To prevent water loss to surrounding //to allow exchange of gases between the leaf and its surroundingStomataF1-Stoma is flanked by two guard cells P1-Which regulate the size of stomaP2-Stoma allow the exchange of gases/ carbon dioxide from atmosphere diffuses into the leaf/water vapour/oxygen diffuses out of the airExplain how the light intensity affect the opening of structure R (Stoma)3F1-High light intensity simulate photosynthesis in guard cells/Cell QE1-Guard cells producing glucose //Potassium ions (K+) Diffuse/moves into guard cells by active transportE2-The guard cell become hypetonic compare to neighbouring cellE3-Water moves into/diffuses by osmosisE4-Guard cells/Cell Q become turgid (stoma open)Xylem F1- consists of xylem vessels joined together end to an endP1- Cell P does not have any cytoplasmP2- The cell walls are thickened with ligninPhloem F1-consists of sieve tubes arranged end to endF2-Sieve tubes have sieve plates to allow continuous flow of organic compound.Vascular bundleF1-Vascular bundle/veins contains xylem and poemF2-Xylem transport water minerals salt // give mechanical supportF3-Ploem transport organic products of photosynthesis/ glucose(away from the leaf) Any Physical structureLaminaF2 : Thin laminaP3 : allow diffusion of gases to occur efficiently (for photosynthesis)F3 : Flattened shape of laminaP2 : Large surface area for maximum absorption of sunlight // allow light to penetrate and reach the cellF1-Arrangement of leaf mosaic pattern P1 : to receive maximum amount of light6.11 The mechanism of photosynthesisLight reaction NoMarking schemeMarks(a)4H2O 4H++4(OH-)Name the process that has taken place based on the equation abovePhotolysis of wtaer11(b)Where does the reaction take place?Granum of chloroplast11(c)Describe the photosynthesis /Photosynthetic reaction which occur in Structure P and Q 4Structure PP1-In P (granum), light energy is absorbed/captured by chlorophyll to produce chemical eneygy/ATPP2-Water molecules are split in to ions H+ and OH-/Photolysis occurs112(d)Name an organ in a plant whwre Y is found abundantlyName of the organ: leafReason :the leaf has aplenty of palisade mesophyll cells (containing plenty of chroloplast)//the site for photosynthesis112NoMarking schemeMarks(e)During photosynthesis ,P (grana) is the site where light reaction occurs whereas R (stroma) is the site where dark reaction occursExplain how light reaction occurs at PF-P (granum ) contains plenty of chrophyll absorb//capture light energyP1-To produce chemical energy//ATPP2-to split/break donthe water molecule//photolysis os waterP3-To realeased oxygen and hydrogen atom11113(f)Explain the mchanism of light reaction P1-Chrolophyll absorbed light reactionP2-Energy is used to split water molecule in to hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ion loses electron to form hyfroxylP3-Electron is erecieved by hydrogen ion to form a hydrogen atomP4-Hydroxyl ion loseelectron to form hydroxylP5-Produce waterand oxygen111113(g)Explain the importance of this reaction F-Split water molecule into hydroxl ions (OH_) and hydrogen ion(H+)P1-Each hydrogen ion receive an electron from the chlorophyllP2-nuetralised to form a hydrogen atom that is used in the dark reaction P3-to reduce carbon dioxide Any 211113(h)Explain how gas N(oxygen) is produced in reaction A(light reaction) F1-Photolysis/light energy is used to split/breakdown water moleculeE1-into hydrogen ion/H+ and hydroxyl ion/OH- Light//24H2O 24H++OH- ChlorphyllE2-Hydroxyl ions loses an electron to form hydroxyl group//24OH- 24OH+2eE3-Hydroxyl groups combine to form oxygen and water//24OH 12 H2O +24 e111112(i)Write down the full equation /overall eqautionfor photosynthesis LightWater + carbon dioxide Glucose+oxygen Chlorophyll Light//6H2O +6CO2 C6H12O6 + 6O2 Chlorophyll111Dark Reaction NoMarking schemeMarks(a)Describe the photosynthesis /Photosynthetic reaction which occur in Structure P and Q StructureQP1-In Q (stroma),dark reaction occursP2-Hydrogen atoms combine carbon dioxide to form glucose11(b)Explian the effect to the process of dark reaction in Q if light reaction at P does not occur F-Photolysis/spliting if water molecule does not occurP1-No hydrogen atom ( is released to combine with carbon dioxide( during reduciton process)P2-No glucose is produced1113Explain the light reaction and dark reactionNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Photosynthesis is a pocess whereby a green plnt produces organic food substances rom carbon dioxide and water in the presunce of chlorophyll and sunlight// Describe the process that occur in the leaves as shown in diagram // Explain the machanism that makes place on organelle m that involvced in the formation of starch in the green plant10Based onyour understanding of th above statement ,describe how a molecule of carbon dioxide in the air and water absorbd form the roots becomes part od a carbohydrate molecule stored in a leaf of a plantP1-Light raction occur in graneP2- chrolophyll absorbs light energy to produce ATP/electronsP3- Light energy split the water molecules into hydroxyl ion and hydrogen ion // photolysis of waterP4-The hydrogen ions (H+) imbine with electron to form hydrogen atomsP5-The hydrogen atoms ATP will b used in dark reactionP6-The datk raction takes place in absence oflightP7-It occur in stromaP8-Carbon dioxide combines with hydrogen to form glucose and waterP9-Glucose undergoes condensation and is converted to starch for storage in the leafP8-It occur in a series of chemical reaction which require ATPP10Gucose may also be transformed into sucrose to be transport to other part of the plant Any 8P11111111111The different between light reaction and dark reaction NoMarking schemeMarks(b)Photosynthesis occurs in two stages are the light reaction and dark reaction.Describe the differences between the light reaction and dark reaction 4 Prefer in structure QLight reactionDark reactionD1-Occurs in granumOccurs in stromaD2-Requires lightDoes not require lightD3-Involved photolysis of waterInvolved reduction/fixation of carbon dioxideD4-Materail required is water /ChlorophyllMaterials required is carbon dioxide/hydrogen atoms/ATPD5-Produces oxygen and waterProduces glucoseNeed chlorophyllDo not need chrophyllLight requiredLight is not requiredProduced ATP and hydrogenUse ATP and hydrogenOxygen producedNo oxygen producedNo reduction of carbon dioxideReduction of carbon dioxideNo glucose producedGlucose producedANY 4 Must answer in complete sentences1111111111146.12Factors affecting photosynthesisThe factor a effecting the rate of photosynthesisNoMarking schemeMarksState four factors which affect the rate of photosynthesisLight intensityCarbon dioxide concentrationWater/humidityTemperature11114Light intensityNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain how an increase in light intensity effects the production of Y in stage 1 P1-an increase in light intensity can increase the production of YP2-At a higher light intensity, more molecules are split into hydrogen ions hydroxyl ions ( photolysis of water)112(b) High light intensity Moderate light intensity Low light intensityIn the diagram Draw two curve to show the rate of photosynthesis at(i) a low light intensity(ii)a high light intensity112TemperatureDiagram show a graph of the effect on the rate of photosynthesisRate of photosynthesis 10 20 30 40 Temperature /oCNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Explain the graph shown above F-Temperature affect the enzyme activityP1-The rate of photosynthesis/activity of enzyme increase with the increase in temperatureP2-Too high temperature/more than 45 oC enzyme are denature/photosynthesis decrease stopsP3-Low temperatures decrease the reactivity of enzyme/photosynthesis in the leaf /rate of photosynthesis Any 311113(b)Concentration of carbon dioxide Explain how an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide affects the production of Z in stage 2P1-When the amount of carbon dioxide is increased, more Z (glucose) is producedP2-A higher amount of carbon dioxide I reduced by the hydrogen atoms produced in stage I ,and results in more (glucose)112(c)Based on the diagram , Explain the changes of the concentration of carbon dioxide occurs at the places where the density of plants is high such as at the tropical rainforest F1-At night ,percentage of CO2 is high/increaseP1-Low/decrease of light intensity leads to photosynthesis does not occurP2- CO2 does not absorb from environmentP3- CO2 releases to environment as the product of plants respiration (F1and any 1P)F2-At morning ,percentage CO2 is reducingP4-Photosynthesis happen at low rate early morning because of extremity low lightP5-Some CO2 produced form the respiration process which was being used in the photosynthesis process/carbon dioxide was less released to the environmentP6-when the extremity light increase, the photosynthesis rate increased until the photosynthesize was more that the respiration rate P7- CO2 will be absorbed form environment caused the reducing of percentage(F2and any 3P)F3-At noon , percentage CO2 is very lowP8-The extremity of light raise higher and photosynthesis arte at maximum levelP9-The absorption of CO2 from environment is very high which caused very low percent (3Fand any 1P)11111111111110The difference in the rate of photosynthesis in plant throughout the day Trail JohorNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Graph shows the changes in the rate nof photosynthesis throughout the day in a tropical countryBased on the graph, explain the changes in the rate of photosynthesis in the plant throughout the day 10F1-From 0000 to 0600 , the rate of photosynthesis is very lowP1-The light intensity/temperature is (very) lowP2-(at low temperature), photosynthetic enzyme are inactive F2-From 0600 to 1200 , the rate of photosynthesis increase (rapidly)P3-Light intensity/temperature also increaseP4-Enzyme for photosynthesis become more activeP5-Stomata open wider to allow absorption of more carbon dioxide F3-From 1200 to 1800 , the rate of photosynthesis decreaseP8-Light intensity /temperature decreaseP9-Photosynthetic enzyme are less active P10Stomata opening/pores become smallerP11-less carbon dioxide id absorbedF5-From 1800 to 2300, the rate of photosynthesis become very low //stopped/ceasedP12-Light intensity very low/temperature is very low / no lightP14-Stomata closedP15-Very little / no carbon dioxide is absorbed ANY 10111111111111111110Increasing productivity of crops based on the factor affecting the rate of photosynthesis NoMarking schemeMarks(a)In countries with four seasons, plant are grown in green housesBased on the statement , explain why this method is carried out to ensure the production of crops throughout the year 6F-In temperature countries light intensity/temperature changes throughout the yearP1-In winter, temperature is very lowP2-In autumn, the plants shed their leaves //light intensity/temperature is lowP3-Rate of photosynthesis is very lowP4-In spring and summer, the light intensity/temperature are optimum for photosynthesisP5-So the rate of photosynthesis is maximum/highestP6-In the green house , light intensity/concentration of carbon dioxide/ temperature are maintained at optimum level (for photosynthesis) throughout the yearP7-So the rate of photosynthesis is maintain at maximum level throughout the year(regardless of changes in light intensity or temperature)P8-The plants are able to increase yields /increase the crops production throughout the years1111111118(b)Explain why the rate of photosynthesis of plant in green is higher than plant outsideP1-Factors affecting can be be controlled at high level all the time P2-Artificial lighting can be used when light intensity is low P3-concentration of cerbon dioxide nof carbon dioxide can be increased by burning paraffin P4-Temperature can be controlled by using temperature controller11116.14 Technology used in food productionHydroponics Kedah 2012NoMarking schemeMarks(a)Diagram shows amethod of plant cultivation without use of soilDescribe the method used P1-Hydroponic (name the technique)P2-grow plants in culture solution P3-The root of the plants are immersed in solution P4-Which contains all the macronutrient //and micronutrient in the correct proportion P5-The culture solution is aeratedP6-To provide sufficient oxygen for respiration1111114Genetic engineering Kedah 2012NoMarking schemeMarks(bn)Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)are organism which carry the genetic information or beneficial genes from other organismNowadays , the crops such as heat, soya bean, paddy and tomatoes are widely to be cultivated commercially as genetically modified plantBased on the information above, discuss the advantages and disadvantage of producing genetically modified organisms in food production 6Advantages:P1-Used to produce disease resistance /pest resistant plantsP2-Less pesticides are usedP3-Les pollution to the environment //better health for consumers P4-increase yields of cops/ profitabilityP5-help to solve problem of insufficientP6-Increase resistance in plant to herbicide eg. Soya bean plantationP7-Higher vitamin A / Beta carotene content in rice /tomato/accept suitable example of cropsP8-Help to solve problem of malnutrition P9-Produce crop with longer shelf lifesP10-Prevent food wastage Any 4PDisadvantage:P11-Pest resistant genes may be transferred to weeds cause difficult to control growth of weedsP12-Some genetic modified crops may have animal genesP13-genetic modified crops may have affect the survival of other organism in the ecosystemP14-Cause the imbalance o nature Any 2P111111111111116.15Tecnological development in food processingThe necessity fro food processingNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Food preservation involves methods of preparing food to extend the lifespan and to avoid wastage of food.Based on the above statement, explain the necessity for food processing.P1 – prevent food spoilage P2 – (food spoilage) causes by the action of microorganism P3 – decomposing bacteria/fungi on carbohydrate/proteinP4 – produced carbon dioxide, water, ammonia hydrogen P5 – make food become toxicP6 – Oxidation of food when cut/expose to airP7 – oxygen react with enzymes/chemicals released by cellP8 – Increase it commercial valueP9 – food additives is added in preserving the freshness of foodP10 – Improve the taste/appearance/textureP11 – Intention of diversifying the uses of foodP12 – increased the variety of products111111111110(b)Diagram 9.2 show a few examples of fresh food and processed food.Discuss the good effects and bad effects of processed food in our daily life Good Effect : By producing processed foodG1:Food can be preserved / kept longer.G2 : to prevent wasting of food./food spoilage/can be stored for (further use)G3:Crops can be planted / livestock / poultry can be reared in big scale.G4 :to prevent food shortage.G5:(food are packaged) to increase the commercial value / to diversify the uses of food substancesG6: more types / varieties of food can be produced.Bad Effect : By regular consuming of processed foodB1 : Loss a lot of nutrition value (under high temperature during theprocess).B2: (Contain) preservative / colouring / dye / flavor which is carcinogenic.B3: lead to mutation / cancer / health problem / suitable example.B4: Contain excessive salt / sugar.B5: lead to high blood pressure / diabetes / obesity. Any 10111111111110Relating the food processing methods with factors causing food spoilageNoMarking schemeMarks(a)Fermentation and UHT treatment are food processing methods Explain how the methods above extend the lifespan of the foods MethodExplanation/Biological concept1M1-FermentationFood substances are added with yeastM2-Fermentation yields ethanol, which at high concentration, will stop the activity of bacteria, that cause food spoilage2UHT treatmentFresh milk is heated to 132oC for 1-5 seconds(under high pressure )The high temperature kills microorganism/ bacteria/fungus and microorganisms/bacteria/fungus spore224(b)Type of foodFood preservation methodMilkPasteurisationFruitsCanninMeat and fishRefrigerationPasteurisation1 - milk is treated to 63oC for 30 minutes//72oC for 15 seconds2 - followed by rapid cooling to below 10oC3 - destroy bacteria but not the spores4 - retains the natural flavour of milk//nutrients//vitamin B5 - must refrigerated to avoid the growth of sperms Canning6 - use heat sterilization7 - kill microorganisms and spores8 - steamed at high temperature and pressure to drive out air9 - sealed while the food is being cooled10 - vacuum in the can prevent growth of microorganismRefrigeration11 - stored at temperature below 0oC12 - prevent the growth of microorganisms/the germination of spores1111111111111NoMarking schemeMarks(c)Explain the food processing methods which is related to the factors that cause food spoilage.Concept : Food can be preserved by destroying the microorganism present in the food //by stopping the activities of the microorganismF1: Cooking-.high temperature kill the microorganismsP1: denature the enzyme that cause the breadown of foodF2: Treating food with sugar/saltP2: causes the microorganism to lose water due to osmosisF3: Adding vinegar will reduced the pHP3 that prevent microorganism from growingF4: Fermentation of fruit juices and other food by adding eastP4: high concentration of alcohol prevent the microorganism from growingF5: Dry under hot sun (meat/fish/fruits)P5: removes water from food – dehydratedF6: Ultravoilets raysP6: kills microorganismF7: Pasteurisation – destroy bacteria which cause tuberculosis and typhoidP7: (technique) -Food is heated to 630C for 30 minutes /720C for 15 seconds followed by rapid cooling to -10 0CP7.1: (Pasteurisation) retains the natural flavour and nutrientsF8: Canning – uses heat sterilization to kill microorganisms and their sporesP8 (technique) -.Food is packed in cans, steamed at high temperature and pressure to drive out airP8.1: the vaccum created within the cans prevent growth of microorganismF9: RefrigerationP9: food stored at temperature below 00C prevent growth/germination of microorganismP9.1: food remain fresh for a long period of time Any ten : F + P correctly11111111111111111111110 ................

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