AGENDA - West Virginia Department of Education



Capitol Building 6, Room 353

1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Charleston, West Virginia

June 12, 2019

I. Call to Order

Following the welcome and Pledge of Allegiance (led by cadets from JROTC Unit WV-953, Nitro High School (Kanawha County), President David G. Perry called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 10:02 a.m. on June 12, 2019, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia.

The following members were present: President Perry, Vice President Miller L. Hall, Thomas W. Campbell (via telephone), Robert W. Dunlevy, F. Scott Rotruck, Daniel D. Snavely, Debra K. Sullivan, Nancy J. White, and James S. Wilson, and ex officio Steven L. Paine, State Superintendent of Schools. Member absent was ex officio Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, and Interim Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

II. Approval of Agenda

President Perry called for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Hall moved, and Mr. Rotruck seconded, that the agenda be approved. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.

III. Remarks from Education Stakeholder Associations and Organizations

Mr. David Gladkosky, Executive Director, West Virginia Professional Educators Association (WVPE), addressed the Board regarding concerns of WVPE members regarding the West Virginia Legislature’s special session; Ms. Mary Jo Thomas, member of the Marion County Board of Education and Chairperson of the West Virginia School Boards Association’s (WVSBA) Executive Legislative Committee, addressed the Board regarding WVSBA plans for building community support for education; Mr. Dale Lee, President, West Virginia Education Association, addressed the Board regarding proposed legislative action regarding public education; and, Dr. Mickey Blackwell, Executive Director, West Virginia Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals, addressed the Board regarding Let’s Read WV Day, announced Principal of the Year award winners John Jordan, Ritchie Elementary (Ohio County) and Debra Starr, Kermit K-8 (Mingo County), and issued appreciation to the WVBE and WVDE for their support of public education. President Perry announced that Ms. Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers/AFL-CIO, would appear as a delegation later in the meeting.

IV. Recognitions

Superintendent Paine, assisted by Dr. Carla Warren (distributed information), Special Assistant to the State Superintendent, recognized WVDE staff who were honored for their years of service by Governor Justice at a recent Public Service Recognition ceremony. Superintendent Paine, assisted by Dr. Kathy D’Antoni, Associate Superintendent, Division of Technical Education and Governor’s Economic Initiatives, recognized the following recipients of the 2019 Air Force JROTC National Distinguished Unit Award: Nitro High School (present for the award were cadets Ashley Alford, Robert Fisher, Chance Epling, Anna Taylor, Jaelynn Perry, Jacob Hill, Emma Welker, and Lauren Rhodes, and instructor Major William D. Park, USAF (Ret.) Air Force Junior ROTC, South Charleston High School (Unit WV-951), Martinsburg High School (Unit WV-071), Jefferson High School (Unit WV-20021), and Parkersburg South High School (Unit WV-781). Superintendent Paine spoke briefly regarding a recent employment signing event with career technical education students. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment J.)

V. History Bowl Recognition and Demonstration

Commissioner Randall Reid-Smith (distributed information), West Virginia Division of Culture and History, provided an overview of the West Virginia History Bowl followed by a demonstration of the competition by the winner of the 2019 History Bowl, South Middle School (Monongalia County). (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment K.)

VI. Break

President Perry called for a break for at 11:15 a.m.

VII. Call to Order

President Perry called the meeting back to order at 11:26 a.m.

VIII. Consent Agenda

President Perry called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Rotruck moved, and Mr. Campbell seconded, that the Consent Agenda be approved. Upon the call for the question the Consent Agenda was unanimously approved. Mrs. Sullivan questioned opportunities for students in counties not offering summer school; Dr. Jan Barth, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Teaching and Learning, responded that her office is in contact with counties not offering summer school and that options (including virtual school) are available to students whose county does not offer summer school. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments A through G.)

• Approved May 8, 2019, minutes (Attachment A)

• Received West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) personnel matters (Attachment B)

• Approved waiver requests for: 1) Fayette (#1421) County Schools requests a waiver of Policy 2422.2, Driver Education Regulations, to allow a qualified team of Driver Education teachers to determine the adequate time for classroom instruction for the 2019 summer term; 2) Jackson (#1414), 3) Wood (#1417), 4) Boone (#1423), and 5) Taylor (#1426) County Schools request a waiver of Policy 2445.40, Adoption, Use, and Groupings of Instructional Resources for Grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, to allow Pre-K teachers to continue to use the current instructional materials for the 2019-20 school year and delay the adoption of instructional materials for Pre-K for one year; 6) Webster (#1416) County Schools requests a waiver of Policy 2445.40 to allow grade 11 teachers to continue to use the current instructional materials for the 2019-20 school year and delay the adoption of instructional materials for Social Studies for one year; and 7) Mercer County Schools requests a waiver (#1422) of Policy 2510, Assuring the Quality of Education; Regulations for Education Programs, to waive required professional development for one AP® instructor at Princeton High School (Mercer County) for one year; failure of the AP® instructor to attend the 2020 Summer Institute will result in removal of the AP® course title and weighted credit for 2020-2021 (Attachment C)

• Received notice of receipt of an Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage affidavit from Preston County Schools

• Approved the Lewis County Board of Education’s request to amend their 2010-2020 Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan to add "Man Traps" at Peterson-Central Elementary School and Roanoke Elementary School (Attachment D)

• Approved a dual credit policy for Hampshire County Schools (Attachment E)

• Approved 2019 summer school programs (Attachment F)

• Accepted the 2018-2019 Annual Report of the West Virginia Advisory Council for the Education of Exceptional Children (Attachment G).

IX. WVBE Personnel Matters \

President Perry reordered the agenda and called for a motion to approve the Board’s personnel attachment. Mrs. Sullivan moved, and Mr. Dunlevy seconded, that the Board’s personnel attachment be approved. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment I.)

X. Policy 2420, Adult Education Programs

Dr. D’Antoni presented Policy 2420 for the Board’s consideration. No comments regarding Policy 2420 were received during the comment period.

Following discussion, Ms. White moved, and Mr. Hall seconded, that Policy 2420 be approved. Upon the call for the question the motion was unanimously carried. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment H.)

XI. National Association of State Boards of Education Membership

President Perry called for discussion regarding the continuation of membership with the National Association of State Boards of Education.

Following discussion, Ms. White moved, and Mr. Campbell seconded, that membership with the National Association of State Boards of Education be discontinued. Upon the call for the question the motion was unanimously carried.

XII. WVBE Personnel Matters (Continued)

President Perry called for the question on the motion to approve WVBE personnel matters; the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment I.)

XIII. Superintendent Report

Superintendent Paine provided information regarding: special legislative session on education (assisted by Ms. Sarah Stewart, Government Affairs Counsel, State Superintendent’s Office). President Perry called on Mr. Fred Albert, President, American Federation of Teachers-West Virginia, to speak regarding the special legislative session on education. The Superintendent report continued with an update on career technical education events and initiatives (assisted by Dr. D’Antoni/distributed information and Mr. Adam Canter, Assistant Director, WVDE Office of Governor’s Economic Initiatives); and an initiative with Mountain State Educational Cooperative Services that connects county boards of education with local chambers of commerce to become informed about opportunities that exist for local business to become involved in education. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachment L.)

XIV. Break

President Perry called for a break for lunch at 12:42 p.m.

XV. Call to Order

President Perry called the meeting back to order at 1:15 p.m.

XVI. WVBE Member and Ex Officio Updates

Mrs. Sullivan reported that the Communities In Schools initiative continues to grow with the addition of eleven counties and 59 schools participating in the coming school year. Mr. Rotruck stated that he will represent the Board at Mountaineer Challenge Academy’s graduation ceremony. President Perry and Mr. Hall attended and participated in Park Middle School’s (Raleigh County) Awesome As recognition ceremony. Mr. Hall attended a Raleigh County church event to speak about the Communities In Schools initiative.

XVII. Items for Future Meetings

President Perry requested an update regarding Nicholas County take place at the July meeting. Dr. Wilson requested an open forum discussion regarding curriculum for the August meeting. The update from the Fusion Center, requested by Mr. Hall at a previous meeting, will be presented at the August meeting.

XVIII. Annual Performance Evaluation of State Superintendent of Schools

and WVBE Secretary

President Perry questioned the Board’s secretary as to whether she wished her performance evaluation to be conducted in open or closed session. At the request of the Board’s secretary the performance evaluation be conducted in executive session, Mr. Hall moved that the Board enter into Executive Session as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] and/or §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney-client privilege per Peters v. County Commission, 205 W. Va. 481 (1999)]. Mr. Dunlevy seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The Board moved into executive session at 1:30 p.m.

XIX. Return from Executive Session

President Perry announced that the Board had returned from executive session at 2:06 p.m.

XX. Remarks from Education Stakeholder Associations and Organizations (Continued)

Ms. Randi Weingarten, National President, American Federation of Teachers/AFL-CIO, addressed the Board regarding public education and assuring equality for every child.

XXI. Annual Performance Evaluation of State Superintendent of Schools

and WVBE Secretary (Continued)

President Perry questioned Superintendent Paine as to whether he wished his performance evaluation to be conducted in open or closed session. Superintendent Paine deferred to the Board; the evaluation was conducted in open session. At the conclusion of the evaluation, Mrs. Sullivan released the following statement, “W. Va. State Code §18-3-1 requires that ‘The state board shall annually evaluate the performance of the state superintendent and publicly announce the result of the evaluation,’ The State Board has conducted this annual evaluation of the State Superintendent encompassing the period from June 11, 2018, through June 11, 2019. On behalf of the members of the Board, I am pleased to announce that State Superintendent Dr. Steven Paine has received an exemplary evaluation. Dr. Paine is uniquely suited to fulfill the requirements of the position. He has been a teacher, a principal, a county superintendent, a staff member of the West Virginia Department of Education, including a prior stint as State Superintendent, and has worked in educational research and related pursuits at the national level. He leads with purpose, vision, conviction, and determination. He is methodical, research-based, politically astute, and pragmatic while at the same time being optimistic about the potential of our schools to change students’ lives and the trajectory of our State. We are fortunate to have Dr. Paine at the helm of our West Virginia educational system. On behalf of the State Board, thank you, Dr. Paine, for all you do to inspire and lead.”

President Perry requested Superintendent Paine provide an overview of his goals for 2019-2020. Superintendent Paine spoke regarding his goals for school year 2019-2020: to continue implementation of aggressive five-year plan to improve mathematics achievement; to strengthen collaborative work with institutions of higher education to ensure teacher preparation programs produce candidates fully prepared to become effective teachers; to strengthen policy and develop strong procedures to monitor the merger of innovation with accountability to advance the State’s education system to create new systems of support allowing systems to act on what they value; and, to continue to foster leadership capacity within the WVDE and in the ranks of principals and superintendents to strengthen the system. Following discussion, Superintendent Paine’s goals were accepted by the Board.

XXII. Future Meetings

The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held July 10, 2019, in Charleston, West Virginia. The meeting will continue on July 11, 2019, if the agenda is not completed on July 10, 2019.

XXIII. Adjourn

Mr. Hall moved, and Dr. Snavely seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 2:59 p.m.

Minutes approved by the Board on July 10, 2019.


David G. Perry, President


Miller L. Hall, Vice President

Minutes were recorded by

Virginia M. Harris

Secretary to the Board



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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