Annex 6: Procurement and Disbursement ... - World Bank

Procurement Plan

I. General

Scheduling of Procurement. Prior to the issuance of any invitation for bidding, the proposed procurement plan for the project will be accordingly prepared (updated) by the MOLSP and approved by the IBRD. Procurement of goods and services for the project will be carried out in accordance with the agreed procurement plan, which will be regularly updated subject to the IBRD‘s review.

1. Agreed Date of the Procurement Plan

Original : September 26, 2005

Revision : March 17, 2010

2. Date of General Procurement Notice: last published on April 20, 2006

II. Goods and Works and Non Consulting services.

1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement :

| |Procurement Method |Prior Review Threshold |Comments |

|1. |Goods and technical services |> $100,000 |All subject to Prior Review |

|2. |ICB  |Any |All subject to Prior Review |

|3. |NCB |Any |First 2 subject to prior review |

|4. |Shopping (Goods/Works) |< $100,000 |First 2 contract subject to prior review |

|5. |Direct Contracting* |Any |All subject to Prior Review |

* all Contracts subject to justification

2. Pre-qualification: Bidders shall be pre-qualified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Guidelines: No Pre-qualification is envisaged under these activities;

3. CDD Procurement Manual: Project components to be carried out by community participation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.17 include: No CDD is envisaged.

4. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements:

Direct contracting may be used for the procurement of proprietary equipment and software after prior consultation and agreement with IBRD.

NCB will not be used national procurement procedures. Instead, it will be conducted using Bank’s competitive bidding procedures and sample SBD developed specifically for the Project, agreed with and cleared by the Bank. In such cases advertising may be limited to local press only.

All low value contracts ( $200,000 |All subject to prior review |

|2. |Competitive Methods  (Firms) LCS |Any |First 2 subject to prior review |

|3. |Competitive Methods  (Firms) FBS |Any |First 2 subject to prior review |

|4. |Competitive Methods  (Firms) CQ |Any |First 2 subject to prior review |

|5. |Individual Consultants (IC) |Any |First 2 and all ToRs reviewed |

|7. |Single-Source (Firms and Individuals)* |Any |All subject to prior review |

* all Contracts subject to justification

1. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $200,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

2. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements:

Training activities and events will be managed and selected following approval of a Annual Training Plan. The estimated budget, list of participants and draft agenda for each training event will be subject to prior review by IBRD as part of the annual plan. Once the annual training plan has been approved all events included in the plan, including SOEs will be post reviewed during supervision missions. Any activities not included in the Annual Training Plan will be required to undergo Prior Review before they may be implemented.

Training events to be undertaken are shown in the plan as two compound items: 4807-67 for project management training and 4807-65 for training on social issues. Individual events are added to the plan as they occur.

Expenses for the study tours and training related to the project will be disbursed based on SOE. Training and seminars will be procured directly from the service provider subject to the bank’s agreement to the course content, list of participants and budget.

Procurement of design permits (technical directions required for preparation of designs for the premises of local offices) will be made directly from relevant competent authorities and disbursed based on SOE.

3. Consulting Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule: See below

|0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|Loan - core |4807-R1 |Renovation and construction works |SH |17.11.08 |363 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R2 |Renovation design and costing |SH |07.05.07 |0 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R3 |Coordinator |IC |17.07.06 |27 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R5 |Powering of electrical installations |SOE |17.11.08 |0 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R7 |Operating costs |OC |06.11.06 |0 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R8 |Permits (for design/renovation) |SOE |07.05.07 |0 | |

|Loan - core |4807-R9 |Techncial supervision |SH |17.11.08 |27 | |

|Loan - subvention |4807-R1 |Renovation and construction works |SH |17.11.08 |267 | |

|Loan - subvention |4807-R5 |Powering of electrical installations |SOE |17.11.08 |0 | |

* Exact number of packages is not planned; it is decided by the regional/local offices depending on circumstance. Usually about 5 local offices are combined per one tender for Renovation design and costing. Procurement of services for powering of electrical installations (increase of power supply) will be made if such need arises in any particular office. Operating costs are made as needed according to loan agreement and other specific items agree with the Bank.

V. Operating costs

1. The term “Operating costs” means expenditures incurred to finance the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the MOLSP, and Regional Social Welfare Offices for the operation, administration and maintenance of the Project, including travel, rent of premises, office supplies, books, communication costs, reasonable bank charges, printing and publications (electronic and paper), translations, notary services, consumables and other expenditure items agreed by the Bank throughout the life of the Project. Items under the category of Operating costs are procured without utilization of competitive procedures applied to goods and services as described in Sections III and IV.

2. Operating costs to be incurred by the MOLSP are planned as one line item for each of PPF, loan and grant.

|Source |Code |Description |Method |Expected |Items |Estimated cost, USD|

| | | | |contract date | |‘000 |

|PPF |- |OC |OC |- |* | |

|Loan - core |- |OC |OC |- |* | |

|Grant |- |OC |OC |- |* | |

3. Operating costs to be incurred by the MOLSP are planned as one line item for the loan and another – for the grant.

VI. Other

1. Ex-Post Review: All other contracts below IBRD’s prior review threshold are subject to IBRD’s selective ex-post review. Periodic ex-post review by IBRD will be undertaken during regular supervision missions. Procurement documents, such as bidding documents, bids, bid evaluation reports and correspondence related to bids and contracts will be kept readily available for IBRD’s ex-post review during supervision missions or at any other points in time.

2. Record Keeping: The MOLSP, local and regional social welfare offices maintain complete procurement files, which are reviewed by IBRD supervision missions. All procurement-related documentation that requires IBRD prior review will be cleared by Procurement Accredited Staff (PAS) and relevant technical staff. One goods package above mandatory review thresholds by RPA and OPRC is anticipated and one consultant services package above mandatory review thresholds by RPA is anticipated. Procurement information will be recorded by the MOLSP and submitted to IBRD as part of the quarterly and semi-annual progress reports. A management information system with a procurement module is operated to assist the MOLSP to monitor all procurement information.




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