Inst 10 - Alta High School Law Enforcement Class


NAME____________________________________________ DATE __________________

1. The prosecuting attorney decides what law violation is charged.

TRUE ______ FALSE _______

2. A judge must approve all plea bargains. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

3. Juvenile Court has jurisdiction over all traffic cases. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

4. Which of the following violations is not a status offense?

a. curfew c. assault

b. runaway d. truancy

5. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics applies to off-duty conduct.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

6. Bicyclists do not have to stop for red lights. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

7. Vehicles must display a front license plate. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

8. The Uniform Crime Reporting System started in what decade?

a. 1980s c. 1930s

b. 1920s d. 1890s

9. Good field notes lead to good reports and a more complete investigation.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

10. Laws always come before morality. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

11. According to Sigmund Freud, the following are components of the brain or mind except:

a. super-ego c. internal thought

b. id d. ego

12. A robbery conviction can result even though no weapon was involved.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

13. Aggravated Murder is a:

a. Class C misdemeanor c. Infraction

b. Capital felony d. First degree felony

14. Harrison Gough defined some criminals as:

a. pseudomorphs c. psychopaths

b. insane d. hedonists

15. Intentionally running into someone with a vehicle is a traffic violation.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

16. Jury names in Utah are selected from the following:

a. driver license records c. voter registration lists

b. college enrollment d. both a and c

17. An officer must investigate all traffic accidents involving an injury.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

18. When a trial begins, the defense attorney presents his case first. TRUE_____ FALSE____

19. Which branch of government determines guilt or innocence and penalty?

a. legislative c. executive

b. judicial d. corrections

20. Which branch of government enforces the laws and punishment?

a. legislative c. executive

b. corrections d. judicial

21. Which branch of government makes the laws?

a. corrections c. legislative

b. executive d. judicial

22. The Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) receives criminal statistics from Utah law enforcement agencies and sends them to the FBI. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

23. A person is Driving Under the Influence (DUI) if the blood alcohol reading is:

a. .04 c. .08

b. .06 d. 0.8

24. The average response time for an emergency should be less than:

a. 10 minutes c. 5 minutes

b. 3 minutes d. 1 minute

25. Prosecution for an infraction must be started within:

a. 1 year c. 6 years

b. 4 years d. 10 years

26. The release of an individual from prison prior to completion of his term is:

a. probation c. parole

b. escape d. felony

27. The following are components of the criminal justice system except:

a. courts c. corrections

b. legislature d. police

28. Private security guards in Utah are not regulated or licensed. TRUE _____ FALSE _____

29. The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. TRUE ___ FALSE ____

30. By FBI definition, what do you need to clear a crime?

a. identify the offender c. evidence to charge him

b. taken into custody d. all of the above

31. William Sheldon taught that there were three basic body types, known as:

a. small, medium, large c. fragile, average, strong

b. short, medium, tall d. endomorphs, ectomorphs, mesomorphs

32. Most traffic offenses are classified as a(n):

a. Class B misdemeanor c. Class C misdemeanor

b. Class A misdemeanor d. Infraction

33. It was not uncommon for children to be executed for stealing food in the 1700s in England. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

34. There are two types of delinquent acts, criminal and status. TRUE ______ FALSE ______

35. If the defendant admits that the event took place but claims the actions were justified, what type of defense is being used?

a. entrapment c. alibi

b. self-defense d. insanity

36. An incident report should include all of the following except:

a. status of case c. case number

b. dated reported d. officer’s home phone

37. Utah law mandates that an officer receive ______ hours of training in order to be certified.

a. 550 c. 1000

b. 440 d. 750

38. Utah law mandates that an officer receive ______ hours of training per year to remain certified.

a. 40 c. 60

b. 100 d. 75

39. Reckless driving is willful or wanton disregard for persons or property.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

40. What is the average driver reaction time when responding to an emergency?

a. 5 seconds c. 3/4 second

b. 3 seconds d. 10 seconds

41. What is the primary purpose of an incident report?

a. preserve information c. justify any actions taken

b. aid in the investigation d. all of the above

42. A female law enforcement officer can search a male arrestee incident to arrest.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

43. What should be the goal(s) of an officer on patrol?

a. prevention c. apprehension

b. deterrence d. all of the above

44. Not all witnesses realize that they have been witnesses. TRUE _______ FALSE _______

45. All of the following are a part of the Miranda Warning except:

a. right to remain silent c. right to an attorney

b. right to a telephone call d. right to an appointed attorney

46. What advantage(s) does society gain from a plea bargain?

a. reduced penalty c. get a guilty plea

b. save time and money d. both b and c

47. All jurors that are called are placed on the jury. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

48. The legal paper charging someone with violation of a law is a(n):

a. information c. citation

b. summons d. subpoena

49. An expert witness is allowed to offer an opinion. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

50. Prosecution for Aggravated Murder must begin within:

a. four years c. two years

b. ten years d. any time

51. Blowing up a locker with a firecracker would be considered Arson.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

52. A defendant states that at the time that the crime was committed, he did not understand what he was doing. His defense is:

a. alibi c. entrapment

b. insanity d. self defense

53. Most agencies are organized along military lines. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

54. Your turn signal must be on for 10 seconds prior to a turn or lane change.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

55. Which traffic law cannot be enforced on private property?

a. reckless driving c. DUI

b. speeding d. leaving the scene of an accident

56. What is the standard for finding guilt in a criminal trial?

a. beyond a reasonable doubt c. probable cause

b. preponderance of the evidence d. reasonable suspicion

57. A jury that cannot reach a unanimous decision is known as a hung jury.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

58. A juvenile is constitutionally guaranteed a trial by jury. TRUE ______ FALSE _______

59. Evidence in a major crime should be photographed and sketched before it is moved.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

60. An officer cannot use deadly force to prevent the escape of a forcible felon.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

61. Evidence is defined as any object, no matter how small, that will link a suspect to a crime or crime scene. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

62. It is legal for an officer to search a vehicle from which the smell of marijuana is emanating. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

63. What are the three basic fingerprint patterns?

a. rounded, square, oval c. loop, arch, whorl

b. loop, triangle, whorl d. rounded, arch, oval

64. What does the term In Loco Parentis mean?

a. my parents are crazy c. in the place of parents

b. cannot locate parents d. where are the parents

65. What does 10-4 mean?

a. OK, acknowledge c. off duty

b. say again d. go ahead

66. If you are asked by an officer who is making an arrest to assist him, you must do so.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

67. What does the term Parens Patriae mean?

a. parents for the state c. attorney for the parents

b. cannot locate parents d. who are the parents

68. Inmates who perform day to day duties in the jail or prison are called:

a. workers c. trustees

b. officers d. allies

69. When searching for evidence, the area should be searched twice by the same person.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

70. Once an individual has become a suspect, he is entitled to have a(n):

a. judge c. attorney

b. counselor d. commissioner

71. O.R. stands for:

a. own rights c. other rights

b. own recognizance d. oath reservation

72. A citizen can arrest someone for a misdemeanor not committed in his presence.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

73. The Court of Appeals is classified as an appellate court. TRUE _______ FALSE ______

74. Which law enforcement unit investigates allegations of officer misconduct?

a. detectives c. administration

b. internal affairs d. civil

75. Judges are bound by the formal rules of evidence during a sentencing hearing.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

76. A search warrant is good for a period of 30 days. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

77. Utah’s stop and frisk law is based on the U.S. Supreme Court case of Gideon v. Wainwright. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

78. An arrest with a warrant is preferred because it places a neutral person, a bailiff, between the officer and the citizen. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

79. Due process is the right of a law enforcement officer to arrest a citizen when needed.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

80. The Exclusionary Rule deals with:

a. plain view evidence c. Carroll doctrine

b. improperly acquired evidence d. probable cause

81. Exigent circumstances allows an officer to search without a search warrant when there is:

a. fresh pursuit c. emergencies

b. moveable vehicle d. all the above

82. The U.S. Supreme Court case of Furman v. Georgia held that the death penalty, as it was then constituted, was cruel and unusual punishment. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

83. The Bill of Rights is composed of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

84. All judges must be members of the Bar before they can serve as a judge.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

85. The Texas Rangers were the first federal law enforcement agency.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

86. According to an FBI study, approximately what percentage of crime is reported?

a. 75% c. 58%

b. 50% d. 85%

87. There are seventy eight (78) Titles that make up the Utah Code Annotated.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

88. An inchoate offense is a(n):

a. attempt c. conspiracy

b. infraction d. both a and c

89. A field interview card is used to:

a. identify an individual c. see if the individual is wanted

b. establish who was in the area d. all of the above

90. The scientific method is a valuable investigative tool for accident investigators.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

91. An interrogation is the questioning of a witness by the investigating detective.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

92. The Reserve Corps of a department is composed of:

a. military c. administrators

b. civilian volunteers d. none of the above

93. An individual can become a law enforcement officer in Utah when he turns 18 years old.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

94. A summons is a legal document commanding a witness to appear in court at a specified time. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

95. An officer must have an arrest warrant in hand prior to making the arrest of the person.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

96. An officer can search an individual more than once. TRUE ________ FALSE ________

97. What advantage can a defendant gain in accepting a plea bargain?

a. lesser fine c. lesser sentence

b. less charges d. all the above

98. Officers can use notes and reports when testifying in court.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

99. It is legal to display a blue lighted license plate holder.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________

100. A landlord can enter an apartment after telling the tenant he has to leave.

TRUE ________ FALSE ________


*Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department *

*Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department * Unified Police Department *


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