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Week One AssignmentGuillermo BonillaSouthwestern College Professional StudiesDescribe the differences between mass, spree, and serial murder. In order to describe the differences between mass, spree and serial murder we must first look at what each of their meaning are. The FBI describes mass murder “as a number of murders (four or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders” CITATION Beh08 \l 1033 (Behavioral Analysis Unit, 2008). As far as the FBI’s definition of serial murder it states that it is a “series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors” CITATION Beh08 \l 1033 (Behavioral Analysis Unit, 2008). Spree murder as described by the FBI is “two or more murders committed by an offender or offenders, without a cooling-off period” CITATION Beh08 \l 1033 (Behavioral Analysis Unit, 2008).Holmes and Holmes present several typologies of mass murderers. Select and discuss the most appropriate one to explain the Columbine School Massacre of 1999. Based on typologies by Holmes and Holmes the most appropriate typology for the Columbine School Massacre of 1999 is the disgruntle Employee. The book definition for this typology is “a person who seeks revenge for real or imagined wrongs at the hands of coworkers or employers” CITATION Eri10 \l 1033 (Hickey, 2010). The books profile on the incident paints a picture of humiliation and bullying against the culprits of this horrendous incident. The boys sought out revenge due to constant harassment and humiliationSummarize the case of Gary Leon Ridgway and explain how he was able to continue his killing career for over 20 years. Gary Leon Ridgway had a long career as a serial murder. He had a total of 48 victims mostly women. His career began in the 1980s and he was finally caught in 2001. The murders occurred within the area that he resided and consisted of mostly prostitutes. His career lasted He had long career due to his preference of victims. He chose prostitutes, drug addicts and runaways. In the book he states “I picked prostitutes as my victims because I hate most prostitutes and I did not want to pay them for sex. I also picked prostitutes as victims because they were easy to pick up without being noticed. I knew they would not be reported missing right away and might never be reported missing. I picked prostitutes because I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught” (Hickey, 2010). A bit of luck, hiding in plain sight and the type of victim allowed him the opportunity to survive for an extended period. Discuss paraphilia by focusing upon the case of Armin Meiwes, the German Cannibal. What forms of paraphilia was he engaging in and how did that lead to killing? According to the book the case of Armin Meiwes, the German Cannibal can be classified in the spectrum of paraphilia. Specifically the second one which states “Repetitive sexual activity with humans that involves real or simulated suffering or humiliation” CITATION Eri10 \l 1033 (Hickey, 2010). Specifically Arming Meiwes practiced the form know as Anthropophagy, the book describes this as “eating the victim’s flesh or slicing off parts of flesh from the body” (Hickey, 2010). Meiwes frequently posted advertisement asking for volunteers to his fantasy. Once he had a willing victim he continue to practice this act and asked for more volunteers. He would eat his victims flesh over long periods of time. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Behavioral Analysis Unit. (2008). Serial Murder Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators. U.S. Department of Justice.Hickey, E. W. (2010). Serial Murderers and Their Victims. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ................

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