Module 5: During Licensure Foster Care Coordinators Module ...

Module 5: During Licensure

Foster Care Coordinators Module 5: During Licensure Transcript

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You have learned how to complete the licensing process, and now you will hear about topics which will arise during licensure.

Foster Care Coordinator Pre-Service Training | WCWPDS Document last updated 7/11/17

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FCC Module 5: During Licensure

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Upon completion of this module, you should have the knowledge and skills to:

? Recognize when modifications must be made to the license and describe the process to modify a license.

? Describe the Uniform Foster Care Rate Setting Process, including the different portions of the rate and the method in which they are calculated.

? Explain the Foster Parent Liability Insurance Program, including documentation required and applicable timelines.

Foster Care Coordinator Pre-Service Training | WCWPDS

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FCC Module 5: During Licensure

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This module is broken into three parts ? Monitoring and Compliance, Uniform Foster Care Rate Setting, and the Foster Parent Liability Insurance Program. We'll continue to follow Leroy & Ernestine during their licensure.

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FCC Module 5: During Licensure

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Monitoring and Compliance Section This slide audio only contains music.

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FCC Module 5: During Licensure

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Introduction After a license has been issued, you will continue to monitor foster parents throughout their period of licensure.

Click on each circle to learn more about monitoring and compliance.

Licensing Modifications Once a license has been issued, conditions in the home may necessitate a change to a condition of the license. These are called modifications.

Modifications occur during the period of licensure when something effects conditions of the license, such as new people move into or out of the home, the age range of children being served changes, a marriage or divorce occurs, the capacity of the home changes, the physical address changes, there is a change in name, or there are additional exceptions or waivers requested and granted.

All license modifications must be requested in writing and documented on the foster parent's license and in eWiSACWIS. Modifications to the license may require additional assessment of the physical environment of the home, additional assessment, or background checks.

Foster Care Coordinator Pre-Service Training | WCWPDS

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