
Gasper de Portola Middle School18720 Linnet St, Tarzana, CA 91356818-342-6173Dear Parents or Guardians:Welcome to Mr. Terrien’s Math and Science Classes! There are several things that your child will need to know in order to succeed in this class. I have listed below this year’s class rules, procedures, grading scale, and academic objectives. I have also attached a recommended supply list. I encourage you and your child to review this letter and attachments together, sign, and return the signature sheet to me by, Friday, August 24, 2016.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Rules: Be Prompt, Be Prepared, Be Polite, and Be ProductiveStudent will be in his/her seat, with supplies out and ready to begin class, when the bell rings. Student will raise his/her hand to speak and/or move from seat. Student will keep hands, objects and comments to himself/herself.Student will follow the teacher's directions and be productive in class at all times.Student will follow school rules and procedures at all times.If these rules are not followed then the student may receive consequences for such behavior. Student disruptions during productive class time will not be tolerated.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Procedures1. The school will send home a progress report every five weeks. This is not a final grade. The student will be given multiple opportunities to improve. 2. Parents may request a parent conference with all teachers by calling 818-654-3300 to schedule an appointment, or by emailing me directly at jmr3396@.3. The Portola Middle School Agenda Book, given to each student, will be used to write down all homework and assignments and parents are asked to monitor it every night.4. Classwork and homework can be accessed on where all teachers are listed under Teachers and Staff. 5. All homework and classwork will be accepted in blue or black ink, pencil or done on the computer.6. Students need to keep science textbook covered to protect from damage and kept at home. Mr. Terrien has textbooks that students will use in the classroom.7. It is the student’s responsibility to find out missing work when they are absent. If the student is absent several days you may request homework through the counseling office.8. Students should turn in missing work from the absence the following day. No late work is accepted without points taken off. 9. Work habits grades are based on homework, attendance and percentages. Cooperation grades are based behavior in class.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grading Scale: Quizzes/ Tests 35%A = 90-100 % Classwork35% B = 80- 89 % Homework 10%C = 70- 79 % Participation 20%D = 60- 69 % F = 59 % and below Total 100%Note: All assignments will be graded on this scale and averaged together.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work Habits:E = ExcellentS = SatisfactoryU = UnsatisfactoryHomeworkStudent turned in all homeworkStudent has turned in most homeworkStudent has turned in very little homeworkClassworkStudent turned in all classworkStudent has turned in most classworkStudent has turned in very little classworkSuppliesStudent comes everyday with all necessary suppliesStudent comes most of the time with the necessary suppliesStudent hardly ever comes with the necessary suppliesCooperation:E = ExcellentS = SatisfactoryU = UnsatisfactoryAbsencesStudent has all absences excusedStudent has only 1 or 2 absences not excusedStudent has more than 2 absences not excused TardiesStudent has been tardy 0-1 timeStudent has been tardy 2 times Student has been tardy 3 timesBehaviorStudent shows Excellent behavior (i.e. raises hand to speak, starts assignments readily, eager to learn)Student shows Satisfactory behavior (i.e. sometimes talks, sometimes ready to learn)Student shows Unsatisfactory behavior (i.e. talks too much, gets out of seat without permission, disruptive)Important websites:Portola Middle School: teacher has an individual website attached to the school’s homepage. Just click on teachers/staff and scroll down to the teacher name, access homework listings here.Jupiter Grades: You can access your child’s grades for math and science at this website.Please bookmark the above websites and monitor them often.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use of email communication:If you do not regularly use an email account, it is highly recommended that you get one now and monitor it on a regular basis. It is a great way for you to communicate with your child’s teachers. It is difficult to return a phone message during school hours but an email can be responded to much quicker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I look forward to helping your child succeed this year. Please contact me if you have any academic concerns at the email listed below.Sincerely,Mr. John Terrienjmr3396@I have read and understand Mr. Terrien’s 2016-17 course letter. **Please note that listing your email address is important so that I may send you emails, notifying you of class field trips, to give you access to the grading system, and to give notices of progress reports and opportunities for extra credit, and etc. PLEASE WRITE NEATLY! Student Name (printed) ______________________________________________________________________?Student signature____________________Math period__ Science Period__?Student E-mail address__________________________ PLEASE PRINT NEATLY?Parent/ Guardian #1: Print name___________________________________ ?Home #( )____________________ Work or cell#(______)_________________SIGNATURE__________________________________________________________E-mail________________________Relationship to student:_________________PLEASE PRINT NEATLY?Parent/ Guardian #2: Print name___________________________________ Home #(____)_______________________ Work or cell#(_____)_______________ SIGNATURE___________________________________________________________?E-mail address_____________________ Relationship to student:____________PLEASE PRINT NEATLY ................

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