Tertiary Drug Information Resources

Tertiary Resources Assignment

Due 11 October 2006


Purpose of this assignment

This assignment was created as a tool for you to familiarize yourself with some of the drug information sources most commonly used by pharmacists. This assignment will also enable you to begin the information-gathering process for your drug information paper. As you gather information about your topic, it will help you to decide which drug information question you want to use. You do not have a lot of room in each square to write information. This is because the process of using different resources, rather than the content of what you find, is the purpose of this particular assignment. The content of what you find will be assessed in your written drug information paper.

Write or type your proposed drug information question here. Note that it has to include a drug and a disease state or condition:

Part 1: General Medication Information Sources. For 3 of the 4 listed electronic medication databases, write a piece of information you learned about the medication from the resource. When you finish, you should have written something down in at least 3 of the 4 boxes for each question.

|Micromedex | |

|(Drugdex or AltMedDex) | |

|Natural Medicines Database | |

|eFacts (Facts and Comparisons or | |

|Review of Natural Products) | |

|AHFS or USPDI | |

|(circle or highlight which was | |

|used) | |

Part 2: Disease state/health condition information sources. For each of the 4 listed databases, note one piece of information you learned about the disease state from the resource.

|Textbook in MD Consult | |

|Text name: | |

|UpToDate | |

|Harrison’s online | |

|Merck Manual | |

Part 3: Lay language health and education information.

|Med Facts: Patient Counseling |Please print out a leaflet of information on the drug you are planning to examine for your drug |

|(eFacts) or |information question. Attach it to this assignment |

|CareNotes (Micromedex) | |

|Medline Plus |What percentage of children with asthma missed school because of their symptoms? |

| | |

Part 4: Specific electronic resources

|Identidex (Micromedex) or eFacts |What drug is a white tablet with M 23 stamped on it? |

|Drug/Imprint Index | |

|FDA orange book |Is there a generic form of Levoxyl that is bioequivalent? Who makes it? |

| | |

|Martindale (Micromedex) |What is salbutamol called in the US? |

| | |

|Poisindex (Micromedex) |What, if any, deleterious effects could occur if a child swallows several iron tablets? |

| | |

| | |

|Handbook on Injectable Drugs |Can furosemide be given in the same line in which dobutamine is running? Describe any potential reaction.|

|(Micromedex) | |

| | |

|National Guideline Clearinghouse |What initial medications for treatment of a heart attack do current American Heart Association guidelines|

| |recommend? |

| | |

Part 5: Information available either in book or electronically

|Drug Interaction Facts or or |Can I drink grapefruit juice if I’m taking atorvastatin?” |

|Hansten and Horn’s Drug | |

|Interactions top 100 | |

|medical dictionary |Where is the ‘lateral’ chest located?” |

| | |

|medical abbreviations |What does DNR mean? |

| | |

Part 6: General Pharmacotherapy References. For each pharmacotherapy reference, please write an answer to the indicated question.

|Pharmacotherapy: a Pathophysiologic|What two drug groups are used as initial therapy for uncomplicated hypertension? |

|Approach | |

|Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical |What two drug groups are used as initial therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? |

|Use of Drugs | |

Part 7: Specific resources only available in book form. For each listed reference, please write the best answer to the indicated question you can find in that reference.

|Handbook of Non-Prescription Drugs |What is the only available over-the-counter ingredient for cough suppression? |

|The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial |Does aztreonam cover Pseudomonas aeruginosa? |

|Therapy | |

|Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation |Is it safe for a pregnant woman to use ibuprofen? A breastfeeding woman? |

| | |

|Basic Skills in Interpreting |What might be the cause and consequences of a serum potassium concentration above the normal range? |

|Laboratory Data | |

| | |

| | |

|A geriatric or pediatric dosing |Adults are frequently prescribed a dose of 30 or 60 mg of codeine (usually along with acetaminophen) for |

|guide |pain relief. What would be a reasonable dose in an elderly adult or a child? Note whether the dose is for|

| |an elderly adult or a child |

| | |

| | |

|A Practical Guide to Contemporary |What is the E-value of gentamicin sulfate? |

|Pharmacy Practice or Remington: the| |

|Science and Practice of Pharmacy | |

|Redbook |What is the AWP for a 30-day supply of diltiazem 120mg XL capsules? Who manufactures this product? |

| | |

Part 7: Self-study questions. Indicate the best answer to each question.

1. A woman in your pharmacy tells you that her brother has just been diagnosed with hemochromatosis. She wants to know more about it. Which database will probably give you the best information about this condition?

a) Applied Therapeutics

b) Micromedex

c) Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

d) UpToDate

2. A patient wants to know if her garlic capsules (she buys these at the grocery store) will interact with the warfarin she gets filled at your pharmacy. Which of the following resources would give you the best information for answering this question?

a) Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database

b) Drug Interaction Facts

c) a review article examining the effects of herbal medications on warfarin

d) Micromedex

3. A patient asks you about ichthammol ointment, which her grandmother bought at the pharmacy and used for cuts and scrapes. The best place to find information about it would be:

a) UpToDate

b) Handbook of Non-Prescription Drugs

c) Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database

d) Geriatric Dosage Handbook

4. A patient just started citalopram (Celexa®) and is complaining that her eyes are dilated. What reference would likely tell you whether or not this is a side effect of Celexa?

a) The Merck Manual

b) Drugdex

c) Psychiatric Secrets (textbook in MD Consult)

d) Medline Plus

5. A physician has a patient with a skin infection,. This patient is allergic to penicillin. The doctor is nervous about giving a cephalosporin and wants to know if any other oral agent will likely cure the skin infection. Assuming you don’t know the answer to this off the top of your head, you would most likely check which of the following references?

a) Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs

b) Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data

c) The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy

d) UpToDate


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