Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team

Inter-Agency Contingency Plan


Final Version


December 2007


Acronyms and Abbreviations 3

1. Executive summary 4

2. Introduction 5

3. Context Analysis and Risk Assessment 6

4. Contingencies (floods, cyclones, earthquakes and drought) 7

5. Lessons learned from the 2007 Zambezi floods and Cyclone Favio 9

6. Scenarios for the Inter-agency Contingency Plan 11

5.1 Disaster Profile 2007/2008 12

7. Strategies and objectives 16

8. Overall management and coordination framework 16

8.1 HCT roles, responsibilities and emergency coordination mechanisms 16

8.2 Mozambican coordination mechanisms, responsibilities and activities 18

8.3 Emergency coordination mechanisms between HCT and GoM 20

9. Cluster-based Sectoral Response Plans 24

9.1 Nutrition 25

9.2 WASH 28

9.3 Food Security 32

9.4 Protection 35

9.5 Education 39

9.6 Logistics 42

9.7 Health 46

9.8 Shelter 50

9.9 Emergency Telecommunications 52


➢ Contact list of UN Heads of Agencies, UN and NGO Emergency focal points, and key government authorities

➢ Detailed partner profiles

Acronyms and Abbreviations

CCGC Conselho Coordenador de Gestão das Calamidades

CERF Central Emergency Response Fund

CTGC Conselho Técnico de Gestão das Calamidades

CVM Mozambican Red Cross

DMT Disaster Management Team

DNA National Directorate of Water

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

HCT Humanitarian Country Team

IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee

IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

IACP Inter-agency Contingency Plan

INAM Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia

INGC Instituto Nacional de Gestão de Calamidades - National Disaster Management Institute

IOM International Organisation for Migration

ITU International Telecommunications Union

MEC Ministry of Education and Culture

MISAU Ministry of Health

MOPH Ministry of Public Works and Housing

MMAS Ministry of Social Action and Women

NGO Non Governmental Organisation

OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

ODA Official Development Assistance

RTE Real Time Evaluation

SARCOF Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum

SP Samaritan’s Purse

SRSA Swedish Rescue Services Agency

TWG Technical Working Group

UN United Nations

UNCT United Nations Country Team

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme

WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

WFP World Food Programme

WHO World Health Organisation

WVI World Vision International

1. Executive Summary

The Humanitarian Country Team Inter-Agency Contingency Plan was developed as a result of wide-ranging consultations, a stakeholder workshop and Cluster meetings aimed at increasing awareness, preparedness and effective response whenever emergencies strike in Mozambique.

The overall goal of the Inter-agency Contingency Plan (IACP) is to support the Government of Mozambique in mounting a timely, consistent and coordinated response to minimise the humanitarian consequences of disasters on the Mozambican population.

This Plan was elaborated in coordination with the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC) and considers four main contingencies for Mozambique: floods, droughts, cyclones and earthquakes, as per the Government of Mozambique’s Contingency Plan. It focuses on strengthening coordination between humanitarian actors for emergency preparedness and response at national, provincial, district and community levels in the face of these types of natural disasters, while upholding the rights of affected populations. The Plan includes a profile of frequently occurring natural disasters, the districts most vulnerable to each and the priority needs of the population threatened in the event of a flood, drought, cyclone or drought situation.

Importantly, the Inter-agency Contingency Plan is based on lessons learned from previous emergencies, particularly the 2007 Zambezi floods and Cyclone Favio responses and is aligned to the IASC Inter-Agency Contingency Planning Guidelines for Humanitarian Assistance. In order to ensure more effective and coordinated support to the Mozambican government for emergency preparedness and response, the IACP outlines the key structures and mechanisms within the Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team, within the national institutions mandated with disaster management and between the HCT and government structures. The activities described in the IACP will be implemented in support of the INGC and the line ministries[1] that comprise the Technical Council for Disaster Management (CTGC).

Specific Cluster planning and capacities are described in the Sectoral Plans presented in Section 9 and will be carried out by the Cluster members, in coordination with the wider Humanitarian Country Team. The Humanitarian Cluster approach as implemented in the 2007 emergencies was proven to enhance humanitarian response, preventing duplication of activities and facilitating joint resource mobilisation efforts, and ultimately ensuring that the needs of the affected populations were met. The Sectoral Plans thus provide the roadmap through which future collaborative humanitarian action will be carried out.

The Humanitarian Country Team Inter-Agency Contingency Plan, which will be updated twice annually, will be shared with all stakeholders at different levels to ensure that when emergencies occur there will be more coordinated and effective humanitarian assistance provided to the affected populations. This will reinforce comprehensive coordination mechanisms in support of the Government (INGC), ensure timely response and accountability and will be based on consensus built through commonly agreed Cluster objectives amongst the UN agencies and national and international NGO partners that compose the Humanitarian Country Team in Mozambique.

2. Introduction

Mozambique is prone to a wide range of natural disasters, which regularly cause major damage and set back economic growth in the disaster affected areas. The country has a land surface of about 799,380 km² and a total population of 20.1 million inhabitants of which 51.9 per cent are female. The population is dispersed over 10 provinces, 128 districts, 394 administrative posts, 1,072 localities and 10,025 villages. Natural disasters have long-lasting consequences due to the high level of vulnerability of the population further exacerbated by the debilitating HIV/AIDS pandemic, which has a national prevalence rate of 16% (MISAU, 2007).

A look at the record of natural disasters in Mozambique shows that the country is recurrently hit by droughts, floods and cyclones. Meteorological records show that flooding usually occurs during the rainy season between the months of October and April, with some slight variations across the country, affecting principally river valleys and low-lying areas where drainage systems are weak or do not exist. Records of cyclones, dating back to 1946, show that they mostly form between the months of October and April, mainly affecting the coastline of Mozambique but occasionally moving inland. Historical references to drought reveal that the country habitually suffers from extremely dry conditions approximately every ten years, mostly affecting inland areas.

High levels of vulnerability and susceptibility to climate changes has tremendous impact on Mozambique’s people, livestock, property, natural resources and physical infrastructure. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is seen as an emerging disaster with a very slow onset and significant impact that is expected to continue for years and cannot be mitigated against through short-term interventions. In addition, about 36.2 %[2] of the population lives below the poverty line and survives on an estimated average of 1 USD per day. Natural disasters in Mozambique remain a key obstacle to sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs). As a result, the Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has developed this Inter-Agency Contingency Plan which takes into account the country’s propensity for rapid and slow on-set natural disasters, and addresses preparedness and response efforts for 2008 based on (i) the experiences and lessons learned from the 2007 Zambezi River Basin Floods and Cyclone Favio emergencies; (ii) the framework of the Humanitarian Country Team and the Mozambique Clusters and their coordination with the Mozambican government’s disaster management structures.

To enhance the quality of response during emergencies, the wider international humanitarian community in Mozambique under the leadership of the United Nations Resident Coordinator (RC) who acts as Humanitarian Coordinator during emergencies, decided to apply the Cluster Approach in early 2007, as a framework to complement and support the Government’s emergency response efforts. The Government of Mozambique leads the emergency preparedness and response process through coordination by the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC) which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Administration and with the support of line ministries at national, provincial and district levels. Improved coordination between the nine clusters created in the Mozambique context and the Government’s sectoral working groups created in the national and regional Emergency Operations Centres (CENOEs), will contribute to a more coordinated, timely and predictable approach to humanitarian response in 2008 and beyond. The Clusters have also been actively supporting national emergency preparedness efforts in the lead-up to the 2007 rainy season.

3. Context Analysis and Risk Assessment

The National Meteorological Institute of Mozambique (INAM) held its annual briefing on SARCOF weather predictions for the 2007/2008 rainy in September 2007. The outlook for Mozambique forecasts near-normal to above-normal rainfall for Mozambique during the entire season (October 2007 – March 2008).

For the first half of the season (October-December 2007), the country has increased chances of normal to above-normal rainfall. For the second half of the season (January-March 2008), most of the Central region and all of the Northern region has an increased probability of above-normal rainfall, while the Southern part of the country has an increased probability of near-normal to above-normal rainfall tendencies (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - The numbers for each zone indicate the probabilities of rainfall in each of the three categories: below-normal, normal and above-normal. The top number indicates the probability of above-normal rainfall, the middle number is for normal rainfall, and the bottom number is for below-normal rainfall

Forecast for January-March 2008


Although cyclones are difficult to predict, according to the South African Weather Services, the cyclone outlook for 2008 predicts that there is a 95% probability of above normal number of cyclones over the period November 2007 to April 2008 which could impact the Southern Africa region. (On average there are about 10 cyclones per year in the Indian Ocean area).

4. Contingencies (floods, cyclones, earthquakes and drought)


Flooding scenarios in Mozambique have demonstrated a relatively well defined pattern with regard to their timing and geographic locations, occurring every two to three years along the seven major rivers that cross the country namely the Incomati, Limpopo, Save, Búzi, Pungué, Zambezi and Licungo rivers. The extent of flooding depends not only on the amount of rainfall in the country but also on the amount of rainfall in neighbouring countries where these rivers originate. In 2000/2001, Mozambique experienced its worst flooding in 50 years, affecting a total of 570,000 people.

The most likely time for floods to occur is from November to March in the southern region of the country and from January to April in the central and northern regions, due to heavy rains in Mozambique and/or in the countries upstream. There is also a high probability of flooding following cyclones, increasing in this way food insecurity, disease outbreaks and infrastructure damage displacing large numbers of people and exposing them to the risk of homelessness, water-borne disease and malnutrition. The National Directorate of Water (DNA) monitors the water flows and levels in the main river basins in the country and issues warnings in case of imminent flooding.


The long coastal area of Mozambique is frequently hit by tropical depressions or cyclones that enter the country from the southwest Indian Ocean. From November to April the provinces most prone to this disaster are Nampula (Angoche), Zambezia (Nicoadala), Sofala (Dondo and Buzi) and Inhambane (Vilankulos and Massinga). Over the period January to March there is an increased risk that cyclones can occur. On 22 February 2007, Mozambique suffered the brunt of Cyclone Favio which made landfall in Vilanculos, in the coastal province of Inhambane. An estimated 180,000 people were affected, essential infrastructure (health centres, schools, houses, etc) were severely damaged and thousands of hectares of crops were destroyed. Monitoring of cyclone activity is carried out by the National Meteorological Institute (INAM) and Mozambique has a flag-based warning system for local communities in the event of approaching cyclones.


Mozambique is situated on the southern end of the East African Rift Valley (a 50-60 km wide zone of active volcanic fault lines that extend north-south in eastern Africa for more than 3,000 km from Ethiopia in the north to the Zambezi river in the south), although seismic activities are not frequent in this area. INGC has identified the need to consider earthquake preparedness as a priority for contingency planning since February 2006 when an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richer Scale struck central Mozambique on Wednesday, February 23, 2006, 220 km SW of Beira, 235 km South of Chimoio and 530 km North of Maputo, injuring 27 people and damaging infrastructure (health centres, schools and houses) in the Espungabera, Beira and Chimoio areas.

To monitor earthquakes, Mozambique has five seismographic stations in Nampula, Tete, Manica, Lichinga and Changalane. The first three stations have lower coverage estimated at approximately 650 km of ray. However, the Humanitarian Country Team monitors seismic activity in Mozambique through international internet websites, such as ; USGS-NEIC Earthquake Data Reports.


Mozambique is affected by cyclical droughts which occur every two to three years, although southern Mozambique has experienced drought for five of the last seven years. Droughts are likely to occur, are relatively chronic particularly in southern and central regions of the country and are determined not only by the total amount of rainfall but also by its spatial and temporal distribution. Prolonged dry spells can easily lead to a drought situation particularly in remote areas where agriculture is absolutely dependent on rain fed crops. As a result, vulnerable communities may experience reduced access to water, outbreak of communicable diseases, hunger and eventually malnutrition.

Most households, already vulnerable due to other socio-economic factors including the impact of HIV/AIDS are often too weak to cope with the cumulative shocks caused by droughts. For instance, Mozambique is currently suffering from a severe drought which is forecast to continue until March 2008. Some 520,000 people affected are at risk of food insecurity if agricultural conditions do not improve by the next planting season.

Population in situation of food insecurity

Table 1: Population in situation of food insecurity as of October 2007, as a consequence of the climatic setbacks observed over the 2006/07 season

|Province |District |Number of people |Province |District |Number of people |

|Maputo |Magude |17,900 |Sofala |Buzi |3,500 |

| |Moamba |12,800 | |Caia |20,000 |

| |Namaacha |7,000 | |Chemba |28,000 |

| |Boane |8,500 | |Chibabava |7,700 |

| |Manhiça |5,000 | |Machanga |8,000 |

| |Marracuene |5,000 | |Marromeu |7,800 |

| |Matutuine |5,900 | |Maringue |4,000 |

| |Matola |2,900 | |Total |79,000 |

| |Total |65,000 | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Gaza |Xai-xai |4,100 |Manica |Machaze |33,000 |

| |Chokwe |5,200 | |Guro |6,000 |

| |Chibuto |25,500 | |Tambara |14,000 |

| |Bilene |1,900 | |Total |53,000 |

| |Guija |24,700 | | | |

| |Manjacaze |2,400 |Tete |Magoe |8,000 |

| |Massingir |3,000 | |Zumbo |14,500 |

| |Mabalane |6,600 | |Moatize |12,500 |

| |Chicualacuala |7,000 | |Chiuta |7,500 |

| |Massangena |3,000 | |C.Bassa |17,500 |

| |Chigubo |9,600 | |Changara |35,000 |

| |Total |93,000 | |Mutarara |35,800 |

| | | | |Total |130,800 |

|Inhambane |Govuro |3,200 | | | |

| |Inhassoro |2,550 |Zambezia |Chinde |6,000 |

| |Vilankulos |7,450 | |Mopeia |10,700 |

| |Mabote |6,800 | |Morrumbala |37,300 |

| |Funhalouro |7,100 | |Total |54,000 |

| |Homoine |11,100 | | | |

| |Panda |7,000 | | | |

| |Total |45,200 | | | |

Source: SETSAN

5. Lessons learned from the 2007 Zambezi floods and Cyclone Favio

Localised flooding is common in Mozambique during the southern Africa rainy season. However, the country experienced above average rainfall over the 2006/2007 season which led to severe flooding of the Zambezi River and in turn resulted in the need to dramatically increase discharges from the Cahora Bassa Dam. This flooding affected up to 285,000 people and displaced approximately 163,000 across four central provinces. The INGC issued a Red Alert on 4 February 2007, calling for the immediate evacuation of all low-lying communities in ten districts across these provinces.

On 22 February 2007, Tropical Cyclone Favio struck the coast of Mozambique, generating torrential rains and wind speeds of up to 220 kilometres per hour. Many families in these largely rural and agrarian districts lost their entire principal agricultural season crop, just one month prior to harvest. The cyclone affected an estimated 180,000 people, according to the INGC.

In response to the 2007 flood and cyclone emergencies, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Mozambique officially established a wider Humanitarian Country Team comprising UN and NGO partners, and decided to adopt the Cluster Approach as the framework through which to support the Government of Mozambique in the emergency response. Ten Clusters[3] were assembled and supported the INGC and line ministry partners to ensure that the humanitarian needs of the affected populations were met. The Cluster approach facilitated joint resource mobilisation efforts between the UN agencies and NGO partners (including a joint CERF application) and improved coordination between all humanitarian actors and with the INGC both at central level and in the operational bases established in the affected provinces.

In April 2007, an Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation (IA-RTE) was commissioned by a group of IASC agencies to assess the effectiveness of the HCT response and its collaboration with the government during the two emergencies. The Real Time Evaluation concluded that the humanitarian response to the floods and cyclone that struck Mozambique in 2007 was successful overall. This was due to effective coordination and preparedness by the Government of Mozambique, the leadership role played by the HCT and the positive impact of the humanitarian reforms, particularly the Cluster Approach. The RTE also presented a set of findings, conclusions and recommendations for the HCT to address when contingency planning for future natural disasters and in order to improve support to the government at the onset of emergencies.

The Cluster Approach

Overall, the Cluster Approach in Mozambique resulted in improved coordination and information sharing, and provided a more coherent link with government. However, some important lessons were learned which need to be addressed in future emergency responses and in the implementation of this Cluster-based Contingency Plan.

Some of the findings of the RTE are more relevant for global-level cluster issues rather than Mozambique specific ones. For example, the evaluation includes recommendations for the IASC including that Cluster terms of reference should be changed so that field presence is a requirement for all cluster leads and that a set of minimum criteria for agencies to act as cluster leads should be established, including funding, and the willingness to commit resources to the cluster lead role.

Furthermore, many of the findings of the evaluation relate to the fact that the Cluster approach was not well understood by partners, including the government, when adopted by the HCT. This was largely due to the need to respond quickly to the Zambezi flood emergency and despite plans to raise awareness of the Cluster approach; events overtook the process of communicating the objectives and modalities of the reformed framework which had been planned. However, the Cluster framework and individual roles and responsibilities have since been discussed in detail in the HCT and Cluster fora, and in a workshop organised for the Humanitarian Country Team which included representation from the INGC and sectoral line ministry counterparts.

Bearing in mind that Cluster-specific lessons learned have been addressed in the individual Sectoral Plans in Section 9, some general findings of the Real Time Evaluation to be considered by all humanitarian partners include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Cluster leadership is quite demanding on agencies, not only in terms of the demands on funding, but also on resources, and the willingness to priorities short-term humanitarian goals over longer term ones and needs to be accounted for in agency planning;

• Surge capacity should include people who can stay in place for at least six weeks and who have appropriate language (Portuguese) skills;

• More clarity is required at the field level on what should be done when a Cluster Lead does not have a presence in a particular area;

• Monitoring of Cluster partners’ activities at field level is critical to ensure that commitments are fulfilled and that there are no gaps in humanitarian response. Limited partner capacity needs to be taken into account when implementing the Clusters Sectoral Plans;

• Reporting through Clusters should be rationalised right from the beginning - consistency in the information needs of the humanitarian partners should be encouraged and standardisation of assessment and monitoring tools between humanitarian partners and with those of the government is essential.

Another key finding of the RTE was that coordination was seen to be better between Clusters at field level than at central level. It was also concluded that the Resident Coordinator played a key role in the response serving as a liaison with government and helping to resolve disputes within Clusters. The coordination section of this IACP (see Section 8), includes the mechanisms identified by the INGC and HCT for ensuring effective coordination between the Clusters and government partners, at central and field level, and takes many of the recommendations related to improved coordination into account.

Emergency Funding Mechanisms

A key lesson learned from the 2007 flood and cyclone emergencies was that without the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) grants it would not have been possible for the humanitarian partners to respond to the floods as they did. The process of submitting the CERF request was a collaborative one and was found to be generally inclusive between the UN and NGO partners. However, flexible funding on the part of many of the UN agencies facilitated the release of programme funds to NGO partners immediately while waiting for the CERF funds. A less successful Flash Appeal was issued by the Humanitarian Country Team a month after the CERF request was submitted. For future emergencies in Mozambique, the HCT will endeavour to ensure the inclusion of more local NGO and Civil Society partners in any initial requests for humanitarian funding and with clearer guidelines for preparing proposals as it was found that local NGOs were constrained in their response by a lack of funding.

6. Scenarios for the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

Based on the prevailing weather conditions, four scenarios have been developed as possible occurring natural disasters over the 2007/08 season (Table 2). Each disaster is unique and requires different responses. Mozambique’s flood, drought and cyclone prone areas are illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Areas most vulnerable to floods, droughts and cyclones

|Table 2: Disaster Profile 2007/2008 |

|CRITERIA |Localized flooding/storm scenario |Drought scenario |Earthquake scenario |Major flooding and cyclone scenario |

|Type of Hazards |Localized flooding |Drought |Earthquake |Major flooding and cyclone (flooding in following major |

| | | | |valleys: the Búzi, Pungué, Messalo, Zambezi and Licungo |

| | | | |rivers) |

|Probability of occurrence* |Very likely |Very likely |Possible |Likely |

|Impact* |Limited |Critical |Catastrophic |Catastrophic |

|Season |November to March |From August to February food |All year |November to April |

| | |insecurity is greatest | | |

|Average Frequency |Every year |Every two to three years (although |- |Every 5 years |

| | |Southern Mozambique has experienced| | |

| | |droughts in 5 of the last 7 years) | | |

|Triggers |Increased rainfall | Insuficient rainfall |Seismic activity; geological/ seismic |Information from INAM (National meteorological institute) on|

| |High river levels and rainfall in |High levels of evapotranspiration |activity warnings |development of Tropical depressions in the Indian Ocean |

|(The indicators noted under each scenario |neighbouring countries |(affecting agriculture) | | |

|will be used to trigger the appropriate |Critical storage capacities of national dams| | | |

|level of Alert from INAM/INGC) | | | | |

|Location and geographic area |Maputo: Matutuine, Boane, Manhiça, Magude |Maputo Province: all districts |Maputo: City of Maputo |Nampula: Mossuril, Angoche, Memba, Moma, Ilha de Moçambique,|

| |and the city of Maputo; |Inhambane: Govuro, Vilankulos, |Gaza: City of Xai-Xai, Chibuto, Chokwè, |Namapa, Mogincual, Mogovolas, Muecate and Nacala |

| |Inhambane: Inharrime, Vilanculos, Inhassoro,|Mabote, Funhalouro, Homoine and |Chigubo and Massangena; |Inhambane: Inhambane, Vilankulos, Inhassoro, Govuro, Maxixe,|

| |Jangamo and Govuro; |Panda |Inhambane: Mabote |Morrumbene, Jangamo, Inharrime, Zavala and Massinga |

| |Zambézia: Chinde, Mopeia, Maganja da Costa, |Manica: Machaze, Tambara and Guro |Manica: Machaze, Mossurize, Chimoio |Zambézia: Chinde, Mopeia, Pebane, Quelimane, Maganja da |

| |Quelimane and Namarroi; |Sofala: Chibababava and Machanga |Sofala: City of Beira, Dondo |Costa, Namacurra, Morrumbala |

| |Manica: Tambara; |Tete: Mutarara and Changara | |Sofala: Machanga, Chibabava, Buzi, Caia, Beira, Dondo and |

| |Sofala: Buzi, Nhamatanda, Chibabava, Beira, |Gaza (all districts with exception |All costal area of Mozambique; and lake |Marromeu |

| |Dondo, Chemba, Caia and Marromeu; |Bilene and Xai-Xai) |Niassa |Tete: Mutarara |

| |Tete: Mutarara | | |Manica: Machaze. Tambara, Guro and Gondola |

| | | | |Gaza: Xai-xai, Bilene, Chokwe, Chibuto and Manjacaze |

| | | | |Maputo: Magude, Manhiça, Boane, Marracuene and the City of |

| | | | |Maputo |

|Number of Affected people |A total of 46,500 people are at risk of |A total of 660,000 people may be |A total of 300,000 people are at risk in the|1,050,000 people are at risk of major flooding and cyclones |

|(as per Government Contingency Plan |localized flooding in 2007/08 |affected by drought in 2007/08 |major cities mentioned above. |in 2007/08 |

|2007-2008) | | | | |

| |Infrastructure and logistical facilities |Food insecurity |Infrastructure damaged/destroyed |Infrastructure (health, schools, health, water system, |

|Potential Humanitarian Consequences[4] |destroyed |Increased vulnerability of the |Population killed, buried, hurt. |roads, bridges) and crops destroyed |

| |Population displaced, stranded or trapped in|productive segments |Displaced/isolated population |Population displaced, stranded or trapped in villages |

| |villages |Increased vulnerability of |Reduced access to basic social services |Children separated from caregivers |

| |Children separated from caregivers |children, women, elderly, disabled |Food insecurity |Increased vulnerability of children, women, elderly, |

| |Increased vulnerability of children, women, |and chronically ill |Increased vulnerability of children and |disabled and chronically ill |

| |elderly, disabled and chronically ill |Reduced access to water |women |Outbreak of communicable diseases |

| |Outbreak of communicable diseases |Possible migration |Separated children |Disruption of education services |

| |Disruption of education services |Localised hunger |Increased risk of STD/HIV transmission; |Reduced access to basic social services |

| |Reduced access to basic social services |Malnutrition levels increased |reduced availability of and access to HIV |Increased risk of STD/HIV transmission; reduced availability|

| | |Absenteeism and drop-outs from |and AIDS prevention and treatment services |of and access to HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment |

| | |schooling |Increased risk of epidemics, including |services |

| | |Crop and livestock losses |diarrhoeal diseases, malaria, cholera and |Crop, livestock and household assets losses |

| | | |measles | |

| | | |Malnutrition | |

| | | |Disruption of education | |

| | | |Possible physical and psychological trauma | |

|Duration of the emergency phase |1-2 months |3-4 months |5-6 months |5-6 months |

|Government’s prior experience/exposure to |Localised flooding occurs on an annual basis|2004 drought in southern and |In February 2006 an earthquake of magnitude |Floods (Zambezi valley and Búzi – Feb-March 2001 with |

|natural disasters at the national and local| |central regions - 108,000 people |7.2 on the Richter scale hit the central |566,500 people affected)) |

|levels | |extremely food insecure and in need|region of Mozambique with the epicenter in |4 February 2007 (Zambezi River with 285,000 people affected)|

| | |of emergency food assistance |the Machaze district of Manica which caused |Cyclone Elita – February 2004 (Mongicual district, 3 deaths |

| | | |slight damage to infrastructure |total destruction of infrastructure) |

| | |2005 drought in southern, central | |22 February 2007 - Cyclone Favio hit Vilanculos in the |

| | |and northern region - 800,000 | |costal province of Inhambane (180,000 people affected) |

| | |people extremely food insecure and | | |

| | |in need of emergency food | | |

| | |assistance | | |

|Capacities |National |Response capacity existent |Response capacity existent MINAG – |UNAPROC being trained for search and rescue |Response capacity existent |


| |Local |Response capacity existent (INGC/COE) |Response capacity existent |No specific response capacity |Response capacity existent |

| | |Regional CENOEs : Southern Region |INGC/CERUM (Centro de Recursos de | |INGC / CLGRC - Comités locais de gestão de risco de |

| | |(Vilanculos covers Inhambane, Gaza) |Usos Múltiplos -zonas áridas e | |calamidades (local disaster risk management comettees)i.e. |

| | |Central Region (Caia covers Manica, Sofala, |semi-áridas), offices in Gaza | |Govuro in Inhambane province (ciclones) |

| | |Tete and Zambézia Provinces) |(Chigubo and Massangena), Inhambane| |Regional CENOEs (Southern, Central and Northern) |

| | |Northern Region (Nacala covers Nampula, Cabo|(Funhalouro and Mabote) | |INGC Provincial field offices (delegação provincial) |

| | |Delgado and Niassa Provinces) | | | |

| | |INGC Provincial field offices (delegação | | | |

| | |provincial) | | | |

|Other organizations with the capacity to |As per Sectoral Response Plans |As per Sectoral Response Plans |As per Sectoral Response Plans |As per Sectoral Response Plans |

|respond | | | | |

|Probable major constraints to the emergency|High density of population |Few main access roads |Damaged infrastructure |Population living along the river banks |

|response |Damaged infrastructure |Affected population living in |Critical facilities could be damaged or |Farming areas destroyed |

| |No drainage systems |dispersed communities |destroyed (hospitals, health centres, |Infrastructure (i.e. houses) and services located in flood |

| |Lots of swamp areas | |schools, etc.) |prone areas |

| | | | | |

| |In some cases the number of people in | | | |

| |accommodation centres increases beyond those| | | |

| |affected by the floods | | | |

|Priority Needs |Rescue of affected people if needed |Food assistance |Search and rescue |Rescue of affected people if needed |

| |Family tracing unification |Nutrition programme |Immediate shelter |Family tracing unification |

| |Immediate shelter |Identification of most vulnerable |Food assistance |Immediate shelter |

| |Food assistance |people (children, pregnant women, |Provision of NFIs (Non-food items: Mosquito |Access to basic services |

| |Provision of NFIs (Non-food items: Mosquito |chronically ill and elderly people)|nets, drugs, blankets, etc) |Food assistance |

| |nets, drugs, blanquetes, etc) |Assessment of effect of the |Restore access to basic services |Provision of NFIs (Non-food items) |

| |Restore access to basic services |disaster on Crop and livestock | |Restore access to basic services |

| |Resettlement | |HIV/AIDS and Gender mainstreamed in the |Camp management |

| |Rehabilitation of priority infrastructure |Restore Household production |Sectoral Response Plans |Treatment for children, pregnant women, chronically ill and |

| |(roads, bridges, schools, health centres, |capacity through agriculture | |elderly people |

| |houses, water system) |input supply | |Resettlement |

| | | | |Rehabilitation of priority infrastructure (roads, bridges, |

| |HIV/AIDS and Gender mainstreamed in the |Drought mitigation activities | |schools, health centres, houses, water system) |

| |Sectoral Response Plans |through promotion of sustainable | |Assessment of effect of the disaster on Crop and livestock|

| | |agriculture technologies like | | |

| | |Conservation Agriculture and water | |Restore Household production capacity through agriculture |

| | |harvesting and management | |input supply |

| | | | | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Gender mainstreamed in| |Surveillance and control of major Animal Diseases |

| | |the Sectoral Response Plans | |transmittable to humans (Anthrax, , Rift valley, Rabies , |

| | | | |Avian Influenza and New Castle) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |HIV/AIDS and Gender mainstreamed in the Sectoral Response |

| | | | |Plans |

* Scales used to classify the probability of occurrence and the impact of a natural disaster

|Impact Scale |

|Catastrophic |Mass casualties. Complete shutdown of facilities for 30 days or more. |

| |More than 50 percent of property is severely damaged. |

|Critical |Less than 100 deaths and injuries. Complete shutdown of critical |

| |facilities for at least 2 weeks. More than 25 percent of property is |

| |severely damaged. |

|Limited |Multiple deaths and injuries. Complete shutdown of critical facilities |

| |for less than one week. More than 10 percent of property is severely |

| |damaged. |

|Negligible |No deaths, multiple injuries. Minimal quality-of-life impact. Shutdown of|

| |critical facilities and services for 24 hours or less. Less than 10 |

| |percent of property is severely damaged. |

|Probability of Occurrence |

| Very likely |Near 100% probability in the next year |

|Likely |Between 50% and 100% probability in the next year, or at |

| |least one chance in the next five years |

|Possible |Between 1% and 10% probability in the next year, or at |

| |least one chance in the next 100 years |

|Unlikely |Less than 1% probability in the next year, or less than |

| |one chance in the next 100 years |

Reference: Keeping natural hazards from the becoming disasters: mitigation planning guidebook for local government; The North Carolina Disaster Mitigation Unit; March 2004

• 7. Strategies and Objectives

Global Objective

The overall objective of the Humanitarian Country Team Inter-agency Contingency Plan is to support the Government of Mozambique to prepare for and mount a timely, consistent and coordinated response to minimise the humanitarian consequences of disasters on the Mozambican population. Based on agency mandates and international instruments, all of the humanitarian agencies composing the Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team will assist with the provision of aid and assistance in a coordinated manner to save lives of civilians and to provide for the humanitarian needs of the population, while maintaining the rights and dignity of those affected through participatory means.

When the country is not experiencing an active emergency situation, the Mozambique HCT will address vulnerability reduction, disaster preparedness and mitigation issues[5]. A key objective of the HCT will be to update the HCT Inter-agency Contingency Plan every six months.


The strategies for achieving this objective are Cluster-specific and therefore, are addressed in more detail in each of the nine Sectoral Plans (see Section 8). The strategies are based on the planning assumptions identified by each Cluster, and lessons learned from the 2007 flood and cyclone emergencies. It should be noted, however, that Gender, HIV/AIDS and Early Recovery are mainstreamed across all of the Clusters’ Sectoral Plans given their importance as cross-cutting themes.

8. Overall management and coordination framework

This section of the Inter-agency Contingency Plan aims at defining the coordination mechanisms of both the Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team and the relevant Government institutions for emergency preparedness and response. Furthermore, it outlines the mechanisms through which the HCT should link to the Government structures to ensure the most effective and efficient means of coordination and information sharing. These mechanisms have been determined on the basis of consultation with the INGC, the Clusters and the UN DMTWG, and lessons learned from the 2007 floods and cyclone emergencies.

1. HCT roles, responsibilities and emergency coordination mechanisms

In early 2007, and in line with UN and humanitarian reforms, the UN Resident Coordinator (RC) convened the Mozambique members of the IASC to establish a Humanitarian Country Team and to formally adopt the cluster approach.

The purpose of the Mozambique HCT is to strengthen inter-agency preparedness and response capacity, and strengthen support to the Government of Mozambique for disaster management. The HCT has a dual function for strategic preparedness policy and coordinating actual response. The Mozambique HCT will also promote the mainstreaming of relevant policies, guidelines and standards adopted by the IASC in humanitarian preparedness and response efforts, especially in the areas of gender, early recovery and HIV/AIDS.


The Resident Coordinator chairs the Mozambique HCT, which is comprised of all heads of UN agencies present in country and representatives of non-resident UN agencies, who are involved in humanitarian preparedness and response activities, as well as the IASC NGO consortia members in country. To reflect the Global IASC, the IFRC and the Mozambique Red Cross are also invited to participate. The Mozambique HCT is open to bilateral donors interested in participating as observers on a case-by-case basis. Other national organisations are also invited as appropriate.

Management Functions

The Resident Coordinator is responsible for overall coordination of the activities of the Mozambique HCT. He is supported by an HCT secretariat based in the RC’s Office. The Secretariat is responsible for organising meetings, following-up with individual HCT members, and coordinating information sharing between partners and with Government.

It is proposed that the Mozambique Humanitarian Country Team be complemented by efforts at the technical level with a HCT Working Group (HCT-WG). This would replace the current UN Disaster Management Technical Working Group (UNDMTWG) as this consists of UN agencies only and should therefore expand to include the international and national NGO partners who are members of the HCT. The HCT-WG will be chaired by the WFP Representative (who was chair of the UNDMTWG) and will continue to meet every month. It will serve as a forum for inter-agency UN and NGO deliberations on disaster vulnerability reduction and preparedness, mitigation and response issues.

Management of sector specific issues takes place through the Mozambique Clusters which continue to operate actively since the emergency response in early 2007 and on on-going recovery and resettlement processes. When not in active emergency response mode, the Clusters have been focusing on vulnerability reduction, early warning, disaster risk reduction, preparedness and contingency planning with their respective Government counterparts.

Relationships and Working Modalities

The Resident Coordinator is the main liaison between the Mozambique HCT and the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator and oversees the implementation of the Cluster Approach in Mozambique. While Cluster Leads report to the RC through the Mozambique HCT on issues related to the Cluster Approach, they maintain at the same time their normal reporting lines insofar as their own agencies’ activities are concerned.

Working Modalities: In the absence of an emergency situation, the Mozambique HCT will meet monthly during the rainy season that runs from November to April, and quarterly the rest of the year in June and September. In the event of an active emergency response, the Mozambique HCT will meet as often as required.

Clusters prepare periodic updates on emergency preparedness and response developments to the Mozambique HCT, and hold periodic consultations as required in the absence of an emergency situation. During the rainy season from November to April, or in the event of an active emergency response, Cluster Leads will determine the frequency of meetings required based on preparedness needs and developments in the emergency situation.

Objectives of the HCT and the Mozambique Clusters

Preparedness Objectives

The Mozambique HCT will work with the Government of Mozambique, through the CENOE/CTGC Working Groups and interaction with corresponding line-ministries to:

➢ Exchange information on vulnerability reduction, disaster preparedness, mitigation and response leading to improved early warning and risk reduction efforts;

➢ Develop and strengthen national and sector-specific information sharing, emergency preparedness planning, assessment, monitoring and evaluation tools; and

➢ Ensure that the HCT IACP is in line with national and sector specific preparedness and contingency plans.

Response Objectives

The key objective of the HCT in an active emergency response period is to support the emergency coordination and response efforts of the Government of Mozambique, through close collaboration with the INGC. The HCT will help ensure timely, predictable and effective response to emergency situations in Mozambique based on the HCT IACP, national and sector specific preparedness and contingency plans, and the specific demands presented by each emergency situation. This will be achieved through the coordination of the Mozambique Clusters by the Resident Coordinator in consultation with the HCT, and in conjunction with the declaration of an INGC preparedness Red Alert and/or the reactivation of the CENOE.

The Mozambique HCT and its Clusters will also work to reinforce the capacity of Government counterparts for information sharing, assessment, monitoring and evaluation in emergency situations.

2. Mozambican coordination mechanisms, responsibilities and activities[6]

Disaster Management Coordinating Council (CCGC) and Disaster Management Technical Council (CTGC)[7]

The Coordination Council for Disaster Management (CCGC) was established through a Cabinet Decree 38/99 on the 10th of June 1999. The CCGC is an organ of the Mozambican Prime Minister’s Cabinet and is the highest coordination body for disaster risk management in the country. The primary objective of the CCGC is to ensure multi-sectoral coordination for disaster prevention, assistance to victims and rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure.

Importantly, as the CCGC is a political decision-making organ, it is advised by the Technical Council for Disaster Management (CTGC), which is comprised of technical staff from the relevant departments of the different Ministries represented in the CCGC. In general, the CTGC meets weekly at central level.

National Disaster Management Institute (INGC)

The INGC is a public institution endowed with legal and administrative autonomy. Its mandate is to direct and coordinate disaster management at the national level, particularly concerning prevention and mitigation activities, as well as assisting disaster victims during an emergency response. The Institute is under the Ministry of State and Administration, has delegations in each province, and works under the guidance of a director and deputy-director nominated by the Minister of State Administration. It coordinates the CTGC at both central and provincial levels.

The INGC’s general competencies are related to prevention, emergency response and recovery/rehabilitation. More specifically on emergency response, INGC has the responsibility to:

• Ensure the proper functioning of the emergency operation centres both at central and local levels, as well as the active involvement of civil society, concerned governmental sectors and the international humanitarian community;

• Manage and coordinate all humanitarian assistance activities directed to affected communities and concerned local authorities, and coordinate the support of competent organisations (such as NGOs, UN Agencies, etc) for fulfilling this objective.

At the provincial level, a similar disaster management organisational structure is replicated. There are INGC delegations in all Mozambican provinces. Each one is headed by a Delegate nominated by the INGC Director. A provincial technical council for disaster management is also in place, with representatives from all concerned government sectors, other stakeholders from civil society (religious leaders, NGOs, etc) and the media (provincial and community radio, television, etc).

Since the 2000 floods, INGC has coordinated the preparation of Contingency plans with national and local institutions in order to delineate strategies to cope with three types of disaster: floods, droughts and cyclones. Plans are developed based on assessments made at community, district and provincial levels, as well as from contributions gathered during regional seminars. The main objectives of these Contingency Plans are:

• To locate risk areas and prepare operational early warning systems;

• To perform inventories of supplies and pre-position existing means;

• To determine additional resources needed for response and mitigation.

The plans are also meant to provide meteorological information based on the Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF), as well as indications of the hydrological situation at national level. In addition, relevant Ministries provide information concerning their respective sectoral needs and activities.

National Emergency Operation Centre – CENOE

The National Emergency Operations Centre (CENOE) is a multi-institutional and multi-sectoral coordination structure established by the Government of Mozambique to coordinate national and international efforts for a rapid, efficient and effective response to any disaster or threat from natural hazards.

Under the leadership of the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) and its Director, the objectives of the CENOE are:

• To collect from the different national and international bodies all relevant information about possible or current emergency conditions and to centralise them in order to provide support to the President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers for the declaration of emergency conditions;

• To coordinate, upon delegation by the President of the Republic, the efforts of the different country administrations and international bodies;

• To provide all of the stakeholders involved in the prevention, mitigation and hazard response with guiding instruments, procedures, tasks and actions for technical and scientific monitoring, broadcasting warnings, control of operations and the activation and deactivation of the emergency operations.

Functioning of the CENOE, including protocols and procedures for activation/deactivation and warnings are presented in the document entitled “Proposta para estabelecimento e funcionamento do Centro Nacional Operativo de Emergência”.

The operations and support function of the CENOE is implemented through a sectoral approach, with the following four sectors or working groups:

|Sector I – Planning and Information |Sector II – Communication |

|Planning |Maintenance of Equipment |

|Information |INGC Internet Website |

|Resources |Social Communication |

|Sector III - Infrastructure |Sector IV – Social Services |

|Transport |Attention to the population |

|Public Works and Engineering |Medical and Health Services |

|Energy |Food |

| |Volunteers |

The CENOE counts on a permanent system of duty officers, operating 24 hours per day during the year. They collect and process information[8] about potential threats and they monitor natural phenomena. Partial or full activation of the CENOE is based on an “institutional” warning system. Once the CENOE is activated, focal points from various ministries will be called in and will act as “operation” officers, with responsibility to liaise with their respective ministers/institutions.

The Civil Protection National Unit or UNAPROC is the operational armed of CENOE and is deployed for search and rescue operations.

3. Emergency coordination mechanisms between HCT and GOM

The organigram on page 22 summarizes the proposed links and coordination arrangements between the Humanitarian Country Team and the Mozambican Government’s emergency management mechanisms described above. Based on the guiding principles and structures presented and on lessons learned from previous emergencies, it was suggested that the HCT continue to coordinate the efforts of the humanitarian community through the Cluster approach, instead of having many UN agencies, NGO and international partners attending CENOE/CTGC meetings and participating in national working groups.

Therefore, the clusters will endeavour to integrate into the four working groups of the CENOE. The Cluster Lead or Co-Leads and a deputy (preferably one UN agency and one NGO Cluster Partner) will be designated to attend INGC Working Group meetings - representing the other Cluster partners, contributing Cluster inputs to the National preparedness and response process, and feeding back to the Clusters the developments and decisions made with regard to emergency preparedness and response within the CENOE Working Groups and the wider INGC.

In the absence of an active emergency, Cluster Leads and designated NGO Cluster partners will be an integral part of the CTGC Working Groups; the frequency of Working Group meetings will be determined with the INGC. Cluster participants in the Working Groups are expected to provide written updates to the rest of their Cluster partners and the Mozambique HCT. In an active emergency response period, the Clusters will work in conjunction with the CENOE Working Groups through the representation of Cluster Leads and designated NGO Cluster members; Cluster representatives will attend INGC/CENOE working Group meetings as required, and will keep Cluster partners and the Mozambique HCT apprised of developments.

Emergency Coordination Mechanisms between the Government of Mozambique and the Humanitarian Country Team

Inter-agency Contingency Plan


9. Cluster-based Sectoral Response Plans

1. Nutrition


3. Food Security

4. Protection

5. Education

6. Logistics

7. Health

8. Shelter

9. Telecommunications


Overall Objective

The overall goal is to provide access to essential and quality nutritional services to emergency affected populations, with special attention paid to vulnerable groups.

Specific objectives

• To ensure the nutrition sector has set up mechanisms to adequately respond to emergencies.

• To provide access to nutrition services to 100% of vulnerable groups.

• To ensure adequate monitoring of the nutritional situation in the emergency-affected areas.

Planning Assumptions

• The Government will take the lead using existing structures, in collaboration with all stakeholders.

• It will be possible to mobilise the necessary resources quickly;

• Supplies, either pre-positioned or already present in the area, will be quickly made available;

• Rapid field assessments and existing data will assist in building an up-to-date picture of the situation.


1. Rapid field assessments should provide some initial data. A formal nutrition survey may be required, although its need will be established according to various criteria. The analysis of the compilation of already available and freshly generated information should guide the interventions.

2. In areas without a selective feeding programme already underway, the programme may be set up, as appropriate.

3. A referral system for severely malnourished children to district hospitals should be ensured.

4. Nutrition education activities (IYCF, feeding habits, food preparation and storage, etc.), would need to be strengthened.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Contribution to drafting of EPRP |Whole cluster |Last quarter of 2007 |

|2. |Expansion of Basic Nutrition package, at health facility and |MoH, with support from partners |Last quarter of 2007 and first half|

| |community level | |of 2008 |

|3. |Provision of anthropometric equipment (scales, height boards, |UNICEF |Last quarter of 2007 and first |

| |etc.) | |quarter of 2008 |

|4. |Contribution to VAC exercises |Whole cluster |As per VAC calendar |

|5. |Assess in country existing stocks of nutrition supplies (e.g.:|Whole cluster |Last quarter of 2007 and first |

| |RUTF, therapeutic milk, supplies, etc.) | |quarter of 2008 |

|6. |Establishment of sentinel surveillance mechanisms |MoH, with support from partners |First half of 2008 |

|7. |Technical contribution to development of a food basket (also |Whole cluster |Last quarter of 2007 and first |

| |taking into account special needs of PLWHA) | |quarter of 2008 |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Compilation of available information, to come up with a |MoH, with support from partners |First 72 hrs |

| |provisional response plan | | |

|2. |Dissemination of IEC materials/ implementation of activities, |MoH, with support from partners |First week |

| |related to IYCF, feeding habits, food preparation and storage,| | |

| |support of PLWHA, etc | | |

|3. |Supporting creation of breast-feeding safe havens (if |MoH, with support from partners |First week |

| |necessary) in camps or sites | | |

|4. |Assess needs of supplementary and therapeutic food |MoH, with support from partners |First 72 hours |

|5. |Ensure adequate stocks of micronutrients |MoH, with support from partners |First 96 hours |

|6. |Liaising with other clusters, in particular with Food security|Cluster lead |First 72 hours |

|7. |Setting up selective feeding programme (with special attention|MoH, with support from partners |First 96 hours |

| |paid to PLWHA ad other vulnerable groups) and referral system,| | |

| |if necessary and as appropriate | | |

|8. |Ensure constant monitoring of activities and situation, and |MoH, with support from partners |First 96 hours |

| |supervision of staff | | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Ensure adequate follow-up of activities initiated during the |MoH, with support from partners |First week |

| |period of emergency | | |

|2. |Assessment of nutritional situation |MoH, with support from partners |First 3 months |

|3. |Liaise with communities, CHWs, CBOs, etc. to promote good |MoH, with support from partners |First 3 months |

| |practices | | |

Requirements - Human Resources

Available Staff:

UNICEF: 4 professional staff, 2 support staff (no additional staff required)

Samaritan’s Purse: 14 professional staff.

Requirements - Supplies

Anthropometric equipment (scales, height boards, MUAC tapes, etc.): quantity to be defined

Supplementary food (CSB, BP-5): quantity to be defined

Therapeutic food (F-75, F-100) and RUTF: quantity to be defined

IEC materials (posters, leaflets, flip-charts, pre-recorded radio spots, etc.): quantity to be defined

| |

|Nutrition Cluster Lead: UNICEF - Roberto De Bernardi |

|rdebernardi@ Cell: 258 82 3148100 |

|WHO |

|Alicia Carbonell |

| |

|21491991 |

| |


|Artur Furtado |

| |

|827368050 |

| |


|Veronique Kollhoff |

|veronique_kollhoff@ |

|824720490 |

| |


|Joseph Matongo |

|jmatongo@ |

|823125210 |

| |

|FAO |

|Jose da Graça |

|jose.dagraca@ |

|823010493 |

| |

|SC-UK |

|Kerry Selvester |

|skerry@ |

|823145950 |

| |


|Joanna Lai |

|jflai@ |

|823245340 |

| |


|Kali Erickson |

|kerickson@ |

|823825990 |

| |

|WFP |

|Deolinda Pacho |

|deolinda.pacho@ |

|820453160 |

| |

|MOH/Nutrition |

|Avone Pedro |

| |

|827302556 |

| |


|Lene Leonhardsen |

|leonhardsenl@ |

|842009004 |

| |

|MSF (observer) |

|Marc Biot |

|  |

|823179700 |

| |

Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Overall Objective

To ensure the provision of safe water and proper sanitation taking into account the privacy, dignity and security of women and girls.

Specific objectives

• To reduce the transmission of diseases from faeces to mouth through the promotion of good hygiene practices, the provision of safe drinking water and the reduction of health risks related to poor sanitation.

Planning Assumptions

Safe water supply facilities will be damaged and/or not available due to the emergency situation exposing people more susceptible to illness and death from diseases caused by lack of sanitation, inadequate water supply and hygiene. In response to the situation, there will be a need to:

• Restore water supply ensuring the availability of minimum safe drinking water supplies;

• Trucking of water;

• Providing technical expertise to ensure rapid response taking into account the minimum standards and policy guidelines;

• Providing supplies for water treatment, storage and distribution;

• Making available latrines and sanitation services;

• Preparing and disseminating information on hygiene, safe water and sanitation;

• Monitoring and coordination of the WASH emergency interventions.


1. A rapid assessment of water supply, sanitation and hygiene conditions in disaster-affected areas is required to assess needs and ensure that lives are saved, the availability of drinking water and basic hygiene conditions. Assessments should also include details on accessibility, numbers of population affected, disaggregated by gender and the capacity of local WES authorities and partners to respond to the situation.

2. Based on the results of the assessment, and in coordination with MOPH, develop an initial response plan (48 – 72 hours response) with supplies required and distribution plan, appropriate alternatives for minimum water supply, safe excreta and solid disposal.

3. Determine the capacity of the WASH Cluster partners to support MOPH to respond to the water supply, sanitation and hygiene needs identified and conduct a mapping of WASH Cluster partners according to their human and technical capacities to ensure full geographical coverage of WASH assistance in disaster-affected areas. Ensure that all partners use WASH emergency response guidelines including priority action checklist from the WASH EPRP.

4. Conduct a detailed assessment (for a two week response) including evaluation of WES resources available; develop a response plan that could include the repair of existing water systems/points in the accommodation centres.

5. Ensure continuous monitoring of the WASH situation including disease surveillance in collaboration with Health Cluster partners. Ensure that adequate coordination mechanisms are in place including a system for timely information sharing.

6. After the emergency response, undertake an assessment of the WASH situation for reconstruction requirements or other needs, particularly construction of new water supply facilities and assistance of resettled households for construction of HH latrines.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Support DNA/DPOPHs to implement WASH Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan |DNA/DPOPHs with WASH Cluster |On-going |

| |(EPRP) particularly in regard to inventory, maintenance/repair and |support | |

| |pre-positioning (in strategic locations) of WASH emergency supplies available in | | |

| |country. | | |

|2. |Assist DNA/DPOPHs in development of sectoral contingency plan and its integration|INGC, WASH Cluster partners |WASH included in INGC CP |

| |into national contingency plan (activities, budget). | | |

|3. |Strengthen capacities of provincial and district Government authorities for |WASH Cluster |on-going |

| |timely emergency planning and response | | |

|4. |Support procurement of additional WASH emergency supplies for adequate emergency |DNA, WASH Cluster |2008 |

| |response | | |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Rapid Assessment of WASH situation and needs |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs |Within 48-72 hours |

|2. |Ensure availability of minimum safe drinking water supply and sanitation |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within 48-72 hours |

| |facilities; |District Authorities | |

|3. |Provide WASH emergency supplies for (a) water treatment, storage, distribution and|WASH Cluster, DNA |Within first |

| |collection; (b) safe excreta and solid disposal and (b) hygiene | |2-4 weeks |

|4. |Disseminate key messages on diarrhoea and cholera prevention including user |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within first |

| |instructions and messages on handling drinking water. |District Authorities |2-4 weeks |

|5. |Provide instructions for construction of pit latrines and other sanitation |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within first |

| |facilities |District Authorities |2-4 weeks |

|6. |Reactivate coordination mechanisms and information sharing systems. |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within first |

| | |District Authorities |2-4 weeks |

|7. |Set up a monitoring system of health risk behaviour; assist in development and |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within first |

| |implementation of communication strategy/plan for adoption of safe hygiene |District Authorities in |2-4 weeks |

| |practices |collaboration with Health & | |

| | |Programme Communication | |

| | |Partners | |

|8. |Support rehabilitation of existing water supplies facilities in accommodation |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within first |

| |centres or affected areas to ensure minimum drinking water. |District Authorities |2-4 weeks |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Conduct assessment of WES situation in resettlement areas and identify the needs. |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within 2 months |

| | |District Authorities | |

|2. |Support the rehabilitation and construction of WES facilities ensuring community |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within 2 months |

| |participation and involvement for sustainability of the interventions. |District Authorities | |

|3. |Support the construction of household latrines |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within 2 months |

| | |District Authorities | |

|4. |Continue assistance for the implementation of hygiene promotion activities |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Regularly |

| | |District Authorities | |

|5. |Monitoring of progress implementation and health risk indicator |WASH Cluster, DNA, DPOPHs, |Within 2 months |

| | |District Authorities | |

Emergency Capacity Available for WASH response


UNICEF: Water Bladders and Tanks; Chlorine HTH; Chloroforic Powder Sachets; Water Purification Plants, Latrine Slabs, Plastic Sheeting;

International Relief and Development (IRD): Existing supplies in Zambezia province have been transferred to DPOPH warehouses in Quelimane. In Inhambane province there are 8 5,000 lts tanks in Massinga district that could be mobilised;

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief: Buckets available in warehouse in Guijá district. Capacity to quickly procure items for emergency hygiene kits, including soap, certeza, and jerry cans

Oxfam International: Available stock of assorted Watsan equipment/materials – water pumps, bladders, tap stands, water containers & filters, etc – stocked in Marromeu and Chimoio districts. Funds available to procure additional emergency materials for distribution to local partners in Manica, Inhambane and Maputo provinces.

Mozambican Red Cross (CVM): Water Bladders and Tanks; Chloroforic Powder Sachets; Water Purification Plants, Latrine Slabs, water pumps, tap stands, water containers & filters, diesel pumps and connection tools available in Mopeia warehouse in Zambezia Province ready to be used in case of needs for emergency response.

Human Resources

UNICEF: 10 staff in WASH Section that can be deployed for emergency response. WES sector human resources at national at sub-national levels

International Relief and Development (IRD): 1 water engineer, 2 water technicians and 2 managers with field experience in the implementation of WASH emergency responses are currently on staff. In addition, 40 hygiene promoters are currently active in Chinde district and a logistics manager with experience in water trucking is on staff in Quelimane.

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief: 13 water and sanitation program staff that could be redirected to emergency response. In addition, there is 1 emergency preparedness coordinator who could assist in coordination activities.

Oxfam International: 10 water and sanitation program staff dedicated to emergency response. Oxfam GB also has capacity to deploy additional staff from the development programme when needs arise. They will also shortly recruit a Humanitarian Coordinator to be Maputo based. In addition there are 1 humanitarian and 2 logistics coordinators that could assist in coordination of activities. Subject matter specialists at OGB regional office in Pretoria and in Oxford available for deployment when needs arise.

Mozambican Red Cross (CVM): 5 WASH programme staff and 6 health hygiene promoters staff based in Headquarters, Gaza, Sofala, Tete, Zambezia and Manica provinces.

Resource Mobilization

UNICEF: Ability to reallocate UNICEF regular resources for emergency preparedness and immediate response.

International Relief and Development (IRD): Existing WASH funding comes from Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of USAID.

Samaritan’s Purse International Relief: Ability to access small amount of local resources immediately

Oxfam International: Ability to mobilize resources quickly and internally

Mozambican Red Cross (CVM): Ability to access funds from DFR/IFRC (Disaster funds response in IFRC Geneva), Red Cross donors and to mobilise internal fundraising.

| |

|WASH Cluster Lead: UNICEF - Manuel Freitas |

|mfreitas@ 82 317 9170 |

| International Relief & Development (IRD) |

|Themos Ntasis, Country Director |

|tntasis@ird- |

|82 982 2720 |

| |

| |

|Heloise Durão, Engineer |

| |

|84 355 6520 |

| |

|Samaritan’s Purse International Relief |

|Joseph Lai |

|jlai@ |

|82 324 5340 |

| |

| |

|Albert Siminyu |

|asiminyu@ |

|82 305 2260 |

| |

|Oxfam International |

|Michael Tizora |

|mtizora@ |

|82 410 1626 |

| |

| |

|Bechtel |

|, |

|82 601 5690 |

| |

| |

|Hugo Oosterkamp |

| |

|82 622 8796 |

| |

|Mozambican Red Cross |

|Simao Nhassengo |

| |

|84 399 0161 |

|82 399 0160 |

| |


|Carlos Noa Laisse |

| |

|82 057 1480 |

| |

Other members:

Médecins sans Frontières, Food for the Hungry International, Concern, IFRC, Spanish Red Cross, World Vision, German Agro Action, USAID

Food Security

Overall Objective

Address immediate and short to medium-term needs related to food through the provision of targeted assistance. In doing so saving lives and supporting populations in the recovery of livelihood strategies.

Specific objectives

• Provide food rations to affected households;

• Protect and promote existing and sustainable coping mechanisms;

• Protect and promote feasible livelihood strategies;

• Ensure appropriate community involvement.

Planning Assumptions

• Local governments willing / prepared to accept external support;

• Loss (total or partial) of food reserves;

• Sufficient stocks available for the initial response or ability to mobilise sufficient funds quickly;

• Key access routes are flooded or damaged;

• No proper registration mechanisms / lists of the affected people;

• Distribution to be carried out in accommodation and resettlement centres (when displacements are involved).

Food and Agricultural Inputs Requirements

1. A daily individual ration comprising 500 grams of cereals, 60 grams of pulses and 20 grams of vegetable oil per person per day. If necessary, salt and CSB will be provided. (For drought: 333.33 grams of cereals, 40 grams of pulses and 20 grams of vegetable oil per person per day).

2. Total food requirements per month:

• Localized floods: 810 tons (USD 607,200)

• Floods: 14,300 tons (USD 10.7 million)

• Earthquake (1): 507 tons (USD 380,000)

• Earthquate (2): 9,048 (USD 6.7 million) (see attached chart for details)

3. Assist vulnerable households restore their food production capacity through Agriculture Input Trade Fairs. Each household will receive an ITF voucher of 20 USD. Total USD required: USD 1,700,000.

4. Surveillance and Control of (Zoonosis) Animal Diseases potentially transmittable to Humans and/or with major Impact on household food security, such as Anthrax, Rift Valley Fever, Rabies, Avian Influenza and New Castle. Total USD required: USD 1,000,000

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Prepare a contingency plan |UN, NGO’s |October |

|2. |Preposition food and NFIs |UN, NGO’s |Before the rainy season |

|3. |Participate in the CTGC (Conselho Técnico de Gestão de |All stakeholders |As necessary |

| |Calamidades) | | |

|4. |Follow up on early warning information |All stakeholders | |

|5. |Preposition personnel to areas of response |UN, NGO’s |As necessary |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Create committees for the beneficiary selection ensuring at |WFP, CP, Local authorities |24hrs |

| |least 50% female representation. | | |

|2. |Conduct beneficiary selection integrating cross cutting |WFP, CP, Local authorities |24 hrs |

| |issues, ensuring inclusion of HH headed by single women and | | |

| |OVC. | | |

|3. |Food distribution |WFP, CP, Local authorities |24 hrs |

|4. |Crop and livestock rapid assessment |FAO, WFP, MINAG, NGO´s,Local |72 hrs |

| | |authorities | |

|5. |Reporting on distributions effected |CPs |Weekly |

|6. |Sitreps |Field staff |As required |

|7. |Participate in coordination meetings (Cluster, CTGC) |WFP, CP, Local authorities |As convened |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |ITF implementation |FAO, MINAG |2 months |

|2. |Post activity monitoring |NGO’s, FAO, MINAG |4 months |

|3. |Situation Reports |NGO’s |Weekly |

|4. |Surveillance and control of Major Animal Diseases |FAO, MINAG, local authorities |2 months |

| |transmittable to Humans | | |

4. Staffing:

• Emergency Coordinators, if required (WFP)

• 1 Livelihood Protection and Promotion Officer (WFP)

• Heads of Sub offices (WFP)

• Programme Assistants (WFP)

• UNV District Food Monitors (WFP)

| | | |Applicable Ration Per Person Per Day |

| | | | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

| | | |500 |60 |20 |580 |

|Localized Flooding |  |Month |

| Province | Province |  | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

|Maputo | 2,078.00 |30 | 31.17 | 3.74 | 1.25 | 36.16 |

|Gaza | 1,833.00 |30 | 27.50 | 3.30 | 1.10 | 31.89 |

|Manica | 75.00 |30 | 1.13 | 0.14 | 0.05 | 1.31 |

|Tete | 2,515.00 |30 | 37.73 | 4.53 | 1.51 | 43.76 |

|Sofala | 3,439.00 |30 | 51.59 | 6.19 | 2.06 | 59.84 |

|Zambézia | 5,890.00 |30 | 88.35 | 10.60 | 3.53 | 102.49 |

|Nampula | 14,925.00 |30 | 223.88 | 26.87 | 8.96 | 259.70 |

|Niassa | 15,776.00 |30 | 236.64 | 28.40 | 9.47 | 274.50 |

|Total | 46,531.00 |  | 697.97 | 83.76 | 27.92 | 809.64 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Applicable Ration Per Person Per Day |

| | | | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

| | | |500 |60 |20 |580 |

|Floods |  |Month |

| Province | Province |  | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

|Zambezi valley | 163,045.00 |30 | 2,445.68 | 293.48 | 97.83 | 2,836.98 |

|Buzi | 19,780.00 |30 | 296.70 | 35.60 | 11.87 | 344.17 |

|Pungue | 225,693.00 |30 | 3,385.40 | 406.25 | 135.42 | 3,927.06 |

|Licungo | 390,109.00 |30 | 5,851.64 | 702.20 | 234.07 | 6,787.90 |

|Montepuez | 6,561.00 |30 | 98.42 | 11.81 | 3.94 | 114.16 |

|Messalo | 13,866.00 |30 | 207.99 | 24.96 | 8.32 | 241.27 |

|Lurio | 1,825.00 |30 | 27.38 | 3.29 | 1.10 | 31.76 |

|Total | 820,879.00 |  | 12,313.19 | 1,477.58 | 492.53 | 14,283.29 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Applicable Ration Per Person Per Day |

| | | | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

| | | |500 |60 |20 |580 |

|Earthquake |  |Month |

| Province | Province |  | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

|Maputo | 14,910.00 |30 | 223.65 | 26.84 | 8.95 | 259.43 |

|Gaza | 14,282.00 |30 | 214.23 | 25.71 | 8.57 | 248.51 |

|Total | 29,192.00 |  | 437.88 | 52.55 | 17.52 | 507.94 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Applicable Ration Per Person Per Day |

| | | | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

| | | |500 |60 |20 |580 |

|Earthquake |  |Month |

| Province | Province |  | Cereals | Pulses | Veg Oil | Total |

|Maputo (City) | 220,000.00 |30 | 3,300.00 | 396.00 | 132.00 | 3,828.00 |

|Gaza | 70,000.00 |30 | 1,050.00 | 126.00 | 42.00 | 1,218.00 |

|Manica | 55,000.00 |30 | 825.00 | 99.00 | 33.00 | 957.00 |

|Sofala | 175,000.00 |30 | 2,625.00 | 315.00 | 105.00 | 3,045.00 |

|Total | 520,000.00 |  | 7,800.00 | 936.00 | 312.00 | 9,048.00 |


Overall Objective

The overall goal is to provide protection from discrimination, neglect, exploitation, violence and abuse to the most vulnerable groups affected by the humanitarian crisis.

Specific objectives

• Assist in the prevention of the unintended separation of family members from another, and facilitate the identification, registration and medical screening of separated children, particularly those under 5 years of age and adolescent girls.

• Ensure that family-tracing systems are implemented with appropriate care and protection facilities and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation of children and women by: (i) monitoring, reporting and advocating against instances of sexual violence by military forces, state actors, armed groups and others (ii) provide post-rape treatment and psychosocial care and support.

Planning Assumptions

• In an emergency, children may become separated from their families and vulnerable groups may face increased discrimination, neglect, exploitation, violence and abuse;

• No infrastructure will be available;

• The Government will take the lead using existing community structures, in identifying Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and other vulnerable groups requiring specific care and support;

• It will be possible to mobilise the necessary resources quickly;

• Distribution of any non-food items for vulnerable groups will be done in temporary shelters where the people will be re-located.


1. A rapid survey to establish any protection violations and the degree of vulnerability of the already most vulnerable groups in the context of the new crisis. This survey will then inform the precise nature of ensuing interventions. This should be in collaboration with MMAS and MINT.

2. In the event of sudden internal displacement, a system that will trace missing people, especially children and that will ensure immediate reunification with family/community members or an intermediate solution providing the necessary care and support. This should be in collaboration with MMAS and MINT.

3. Ensure that affected populations are aware of the increased risks of sexual exploitation and abuse in the context of an emergency and put in place additional mechanisms (eg mobile police brigades, community referral systems) to prevent such cases and respond to them when they do occur. This should be in collaboration with MMAS and MINT.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Training of Humanitarian workers and Teachers at provincial level |Save the Children, UNICEF, UNFPA, |December 2007-May 2008 |

| |(approximately 400-600) in child protection and prevention of |Samaritan’s Purse, IRD | |

| |gender-based violence | | |

|2. |Long term contracts established with suppliers to provide emergency |UNICEF |September 2007 |

| |household kits to the most vulnerable families | | |

|3. |On-going support to 138 Gabinetes de Atendimento nationwide for women |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Ongoing |

| |and children victims of abuse, exploitation, violence, neglect and | | |

| |discrimination | | |

|4. |Minimum standards for psycho-social support (not emergency focused) |MMAS, CDC, CVM UNICEF, GTCOV, |February 2008 |

|5. |Child tracing forms developed for use in Portuguese by government |UNICEF, Save the Children, MMAS, CVM |March 2007 |

|6. |Establish protection and Gender-based violence focal points in clusters|UNFPA, Save the Children, UNICEF, CVM |November 2007 |

|7. |Train volunteers in information and services for HIV infected & |UNAIDS; CVM |March-June 2008 |

| |affected populations in an emergency | | |

|8. |Community Focal Points for Child Protection in Resettlement Camps |Save the Children |Ongoing |

|9. |HIV and GBV training for Uniformed services |UNAIDS |August-Dec 2008 |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Provision of 5000 household emergency kits to most vulnerable families |UNICEF, Africare Samaritan’s Purse, IRD |Within one month of the onset |

| |(25,000 people) | | |

|2. |Provide financial support to MINT to deploy trained police specialized |UNICEF, Save the Children, UNFPA |Within seven days |

| |in prevention of and response to sexual exploitation & abuse | | |

|3. |Recreational activities for displaced children |Save, UNICEF, Africare, CVM, SP, IRD |Within seven days |

|4. |Education and awareness campaigns about child rights, HIV, violence and|Save the Children, CVM, Samaritan’s |Within two weeks |

| |sexual abuse of children |Purse, IRD | |

|5. |Identification of separated children and reunification with families or|Save the Children, Africare, Samaritan’s|Within seven days |

| |communities (as interim solution) in collaboration with MMAS |Purse, UNICEF, CVM | |

|6. |Provision of Rape Kits to affected populations |UNFPA |Within one month |

|7. |Ensure that gender and protection are mainstreamed in other clusters, |UNFPA, UNICEF, Save the Children, CVM, |Within seven days |

| |using the focal point system established |Samaritan’s Purse | |

|8. |Undertake rapid survey for mine-risk and respond accordingly with |UNICEF, Handicap International |Within 2 weeks |

| |Mine-risk education campaigns as necessary | | |

|9. |Ensure that HIV and AIDS are mainstreamed to the extent possible in |UNAIDS |Within seven days |

| |other clusters | | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Ensure that identified Orphaned and Vulnerable Children are given |UNICEF, Save the Children, Africare, FDC,|Within two months |

| |access to basic services (health, education, psycho-social care and |Samaritan’s Purse, IRD | |

| |support, financial support, legal support and nutritional support) |Action Aid, International HIV/AIDS | |

| | |Alliance, Handicap International, DSF, | |

| | |Aga Khan, CVM, | |

|2. |Work with Communities to establish or strengthen committees |UNICEF, Save the Children, Africare, FDC,|Within two months |

| |representing the interests of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and to |Samaritan’s Purse, IRD | |

| |prevent sexual exploitation and abuse or refer cases as necessary |Action Aid, International HIV/AIDS | |

| | |Alliance, Handicap International, DSF, | |

| | |Aga Khan, CVM, | |


Staff Available:

UNICEF: 6 professional staff, 2 support staff (no additional staff required)

Africare: 4 professional staff (additional staff may be required)

Save the Children: 14 professional staff (additional staff available)

UNFPA: 1 professional staff (additional staff may be required)

Samaritan’s Purse: 9 professional staff (additional staff may be required)

IRD: 4 professional staff (additional staff may be required)

UNAIDS: 1 professional staff (additional staff can be obtained)

Terre des Hommes: No staff available (additional staff may be required)


UNICEF: 5000 household kits for vulnerable families

Save the Children: Recreational Kits, Household kits

Africare: Household Kits or items for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

UNFPA: Rape Kits covering 1000 people – depending on size of affected population.


UNICEF: 500,000

UNFPA: 50,000

Samaritan’s Purse: Immediate funding for small interventions; HQ funds

Terre des Hommes: Small quantities for small interventions available through HQ funds.

|Protection Cluster Co-Leads: UNICEF/Save the Children |

|E-mail: rjenkins@ |

|Tel: Save the Children - 82 305 8650/UNICEF – 21 481104, 823054110/824102069 |

|Focal Point: Save the Children - Chris McIvor, UNICEF - Robert Jenkins, Jeremy Hopkins (technical) |


|Ida Thyregod |

| |

|21490686, 848648322 |

| |

|Africare |

| |

|Charlene McKoin |

| |

|82 3071640 |

| |

|Samaritan’s Purse |

|Joanna Lai |

|jflai@ |

|82 3227930 |

| |

|Cruz Vermelha de Moçambique |

|Neidi de Carvalho |

| |

|82 8053230 |

| |

|International Relief and Development |

|Themos Ntasis |

|tntasis@ird- |

|82 9822720 |

| |


|Lene Leonhardsen |

|leonhardsenL@ |

|82 6516219 |

| |

|Terre des Hommes |

|Denise Cuamba |

| |

|82 7513980 |

| |

|WFP |

|Birgitte Yigen |

|birgitte.yigen@ |

|82 4102186 |

| |

The following organisations have identified themselves formally or informally as Protection and Gender-based Violence Focal Points who will participate in other Mozambique Clusters

|Cluster |Organisations |Name |Email |Telephone Number |

|Education |Concern |Silvia Collazuol |silvia.collazuol@ |82 2428840 |

|Health |WHO |Mitra Motlagh | |82 5298266 |

|Nutrition |Samaritan’s Purse |Joanna Lai |jflai@ |82 3227930 |

|WASH |Oxfam |Unaiti Jaime | | |

|Food Security |IRD/FAO |Themos Ntasis/ Abu Jone |tntasis@ abu.jone@ |82 9822720 |

|Shelter |CVM |Neidi Carvalho | |82 8053230 |


Overall Objective

To ensure minimal disruption to education services for all learners and teachers in disaster affected areas.

Specific objectives

• To provide sufficient education facilities, learning and play materials for all children of school-going age and ensuring sufficient teachers in the disaster affected areas in order to ensure schooling resumes in a timely manner.

Planning Assumptions

• Schools and materials will be damaged or inaccessible due to disaster;

• Education provision will be interrupted due to disruption to community life;

• Temporary learning facilities will need to be established for displaced communities/as annexes to existing schools absorbing increased numbers of learners or to replace damaged structures;

• There could be a shortage of (trained) teachers in affected areas;

• Logistics will be required to transport and distribute school tents, education and recreation materials;

• MEC will carry out assessments of schools affected;

• Teachers will need to be deployed to temporary learning facilities;

• The location and number of learners and teachers may change after an emergency (through displacement and resettlement, for example)


1. A rapid assessment of schools in disaster-affected areas is required to assess the level of destruction of classrooms and equipment, and loss or damage to textbooks and other education materials. Establish whether schools are being used to house displaced communities. Assessment should also include details on accessibility, numbers of teachers and learners affected and capacity of local education authorities to respond.

2. Based on the results of the assessment develop an initial response plan with distribution plan of materials and supplies required (school tents, learning and play materials, textbooks), human resources and other needs, in coordination with MEC.

3. Determine the capacity of the Education Cluster partners to support MEC to respond to the education needs identified and assign member organisations based on capacity and geographical coverage. Ensure that all partners use education emergency response checklist from Education EPRP.

4. Ensure continuous monitoring of affected schools and attendance of learners and teachers. Share information from assessments with MEC and Education Cluster partners.

5. Undertake an assessment of the education situation, after the emergency response, of reconstruction requirements or other needs, particularly construction of new classrooms and deployment of teachers to resettlement areas.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Support MEC to implement the Education Sector Emergency Preparedness and |MEC with Education Cluster support|On-going |

| |Response Plan (EPRP) at all levels which will in turn facilitate the | | |

| |inclusion of emergency preparedness activities into national education | | |

| |strategies, plans and budgets | | |

|2. |In cooperation with other ministries, and government institutions, promote |INGC, UNICEF |Education included in INGC CP|

| |incorporation of emergency education activities into their national disaster | | |

| |strategies, plans and budgets. | | |

|3. |Assign clearly defined roles and responsibilities under the coordination of |Education Cluster |IACP (on-going) |

| |MEC | | |

|4. |Support DPECs and SDEJTs to develop provincial and district level contingency|MEC, UNICEF |2008 |

| |plans | | |

|5. |Pre-position education and recreation materials and school tents in regional |UNICEF |Complete |

| |MEC warehouses | | |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Provide tents as temporary schools in areas in which school is damaged or |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |inaccessible due to emergency or as “annexes” to schools which are near | | |

| |affected populations whose student population increased as a result of | | |

| |displaced children attending; | | |

|3. |Provide school kits and teachers’ kits of didactic materials to teachers |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |whose materials have been lost as a result of the emergency in coordination |Concern, Samaritan’s Purse, WVI | |

| |with School Directors and School Councils; | | |

|4. |Provide sufficient numbers of textbooks to all learners whose books have been|MEC |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |lost or damaged; | | |

|5. |Provide life-saving messages to learners, including messages related to |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |hygiene, sanitation, HIV/AIDS, prevention of gender-based violence and sexual|Concern, Samaritan’s Purse, WVI | |

| |abuse, basic health and hygiene; | | |

|6. |Monitoring teacher attendance and support MEC to mobilize and relocate |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |teachers as required. |Concern, Samaritan’s Purse, CVM | |

|7. |Provide a forum for children to address their psycho-social needs and trauma |UNICEF, Save the Children, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

| |as a result of the emergency; |Concern, Samaritan’s Purse, WVI | |

|8. |Support light rehabilitation of damaged classrooms. |UNICEF, |Within first 2-4 weeks |

|9. |Monitor attendance, particularly of most vulnerable children |MEC, UNICEF, Save the Children, |On-going |

| | |Concern, Samaritan’s Purse | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Conduct assessment of numbers and distribution of learners and teachers after |MEC, UNICEF, Save the Children |Within 2 months |

| |the emergency, and resulting new education requirements | | |

|2. |Undertake rehabilitation and repair of school structures damaged by the |MEC, UNICEF, |Within 2 months |

| |disaster when conditions permit | | |

|3. |Re-establish and/or sustain primary education through provision of teaching and|MEC, UNICEF, Save the Children |Within 2 months |

| |learning materials as needed | | |

|4. |Undertake regular monitoring of the situation and ensure that children attend |MEC, UNICEF, Save the Children,|Regularly |

| |classes and that learning takes place |Concern, WVI, SP | |

|5. |Promote resumption of quality education activities in literacy and life skills |MEC, Save the Children, UNICEF,|Within 2 months |

| |such as HIV/AIDS, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and hygiene |Samaritan’s Purse | |


Education materials/supplies

UNICEF: 50,000 learners’ kits, 1,000 teachers’ kits and 200 School kits pre-positioned in MEC warehouses in Quelimane, Beira and Xai-Xai. 20 school tents (74m²) in Maputo.

Samaritan’s Purse: 1,000 learner kits

Human resources:

UNICEF: 7 professional education staff

Save the Children Alliance: 2 professional education staff

Samaritan’s Purse: 9 staff trained in OVC/education related issues in 2 provinces

Concern: 12 Education staff members in three provinces


UNICEF: $100,000

Save the Children: Immediate funding for small interventions; access to additional funds

Samaritan’s Purse: Immediate funding for small interventions; access to additional funds

Concern: Immediate funding for small interventions; access to additional HQ funds

Terre des Hommes: Immediate funding for small interventions; HQ funds

|Education Cluster Co-Leads: UNICEF and Save the Children Alliance |

|Email: rjenkins@ldoherty@ or (SCUK) |

|Tel: 823054110 (Rob) or 82 3183230 (Chris) or 82 1266960 (Lisa) |

|Focal Point: Save the Children - Chris McIvor, UNICEF - Robert Jenkins, Lisa Doherty (technical level) |

|Samaritan’s Purse |

|Joanna Lai |

|jflai@ |

|823227930 |

| |

|Concern |

|Silvia Collazuol |

|silvia.collazuol@ |

|82 2428840 |

| |

|World Vision |

|Denis Brown |

|denis_brown@ |

| |

| |

|Terre des Hommes |

|Denise Cuamba |

| |

|82 7513980 |

| |

|WFP |

|Carla Honwana |

|Carla.honwana@ |

|82 8906050 |

| |


|Noel Chicuecue |

|nchicuecue@ |

|84 3220690 |

| |

|Africare |

|Bruno Costa |

| |

|82 7181330 |

| |

|MEC |

|Salvador Lai |

| |

|82 7761720 |

| |

|Intermón Oxfam |

|José Barahona |

|jbarahona@ |

|82 8660480 |

| |


Overall Objective

The overall goal is to ensure that the correct information and appropriate supplies reach the right people in a timely manner.

Specific objectives

• Provide transport means for rescue activities

• Move food and non-food items plus other supplies to the affected areas

• Ensure proper storage facilities and management of supplies

• Provide logistics facilitation/coordination mechanisms for all emergency response players.

Planning Assumptions

• Rescue means will not be enough (helicopters, boats, etc);

• Affected areas will not be accessible (bad road conditions, etc);

• The Government will make a substantial contribution in personnel and boats for rescue activities;

• The Government will facilitate customs clearance of emergency equipment and supplies and notify all partners as to when the special clearance facilities will be in operation and when (with at least 6 weeks advance notice) as to when the special emergency clearance procedures will cease. The GoM agrees, in advance, to clear all supplies ordered for the emergency through the special fast tracking procedure.

• The Government will identify affected areas and will facilitate access to storage and office facilities;

• The Government through the INGC will ensure the timely availability of supply reporting formats to ensure standardisation of reporting, allowing for the rapid development of a supply data base (oversight provided by WFP) which will provide the nucleus for supply reporting requirements.


1. In the first week of floods the Logistics Cluster will ensure appropriate transport resources are mobilised to react to the emergency in all affected areas.

2. Establish an integrated inventory of equipment and supplies for the emergency that captures inputs form all players.

3. Ensure availability of contracted transport resources can access all areas accessible by road.

4. Ensure adequate, storage facilities for emergency materials that there are sufficient

5. Logistics related personnel for response deployed in a timely manner for implementation.

Total requirements for emergency response and the deployment of Logistics teams in the affected locations

1) Contracted trucks as and when required

3) Helicopters x 2 (light five-seat Bell and 9 ton capacity MI 26)

4) Light vehicle fleet to support UNI CEF staff movements

5) Quad Bikes x 6

6) Light Aircraft or passenger movements (10-seat caravan type)

5) Storage Tents and portable/ tented office space the Emergency locations.

7) Camping kits for all deployed personnel

8) Communication equipment to provide linkages to all emergency locations and various country Offices/HQs.

10) Generators

11) Fuel and lubricants

12) Pallets for warehousing (plastic type, thru WFP X 1000 initially)

13) 10 x 50 meter rolls plastic sheeting for emergency supply coverage for items stacked outside.

14) Hand tools, pick axes, shovels spades, screw drivers, hammers, sledge and claw, bow saws, and ropes etc for general purpose us.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Inventory of equipment and supplies |All clusters members |2 months |

|2. |Logistics capacity assessment |All clusters members |2 months |

|3. |Operational plan |All clusters members |2 months |

|4. |Pre-positioning |All emergency players |4 month in advance |

| |Meeting with customs to clarify clearance procedures and time frame for|WFP as the cluster lead |Preliminary talks now. |

| |“special clearance window | | |

|5. |Initiate weekly Cluster meetings |WFP as the cluster lead |Emergency confirmed |

|6. |Re-confirm emergency stock levels that are pre positioned in country |All cluster participants reporting to WFP |January 2008 |

| | |focal point for consolidation | |

|7. |Pre-check – contacts of emergency roster people to confirm the |All cluster participants to report to WFP |Now |

| |potential for availability |once contact ascertained | |

|8. |Pre-check commitment of organisations/ government bodies who might be |WFP to GoM for International Governmental |When Emergency declaration|

| |called on to assist (SA Air force, Communications San Frontiers, etc) |Support. Relevant agency for other contacts|likely. |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Contact transporters and confirm full availability of resources. |Logistics teams deployed |From onset |

|2. |Move “all start” up supplies and assessment teams. |Supply /Logistics Section and Concerned |Within 10 days of |

| | |Programmes |emergency declaration |

|3. |Stock management |Logistics teams deployed |Daily |

|4. |Daily stand up meetings within the Cluster to discuss stock levels and |Coordinated by WFP |Daily |

| |pipeline issues | | |

|5. |Distribution planning at hub level in accordance with available |Coordinated by WFP |Daily |

| |transport resources | | |

|6. |Daily distributions, monitoring and follow up |Logistics teams deployed. Programme Staff. |Daily |

|7. |Monitoring and feed back re daily distributions in all areas- ensuring |Coordinated by WFP |Daily |

| |information sharing and avoidance of duplication of efforts. | | |

|8. |Up-dating data base with sound info based on the above (as per formats |Coordinated by WFP’s database Manager, |Daily |

| |and content agreed by INGC) | | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Inventory of all surplus stock balances in all locations |All clusters members |When emergency over |

|2. |Agreement on what to do with surplus stocks balances (including this |All cluster members |As agreed with the GoM |

| |for re use such as good quality tents, bladders, pumps, purification | | |

| |plants etc) | | |

|3. |Approach customs to ensure that any Emergency supplies still in |All cluster members submitting to WFP; |As agreed with the GoM, |

| |pipeline en route to Mozambique will be cleared under special |WFP presenting consolidated letter to | |

| |arrangements. |Customs | |

|4. |Re-asses pre-positioning strategy / required supply quantities for new |Coordinated by WFP |1 month after emergency is |

| |emergencies in light of surplus materials carry over from current | |declared over. |

| |emergency. | | |

|5. |Convene a lessons learned retreat for all Logistics Cluster Members |Coordinated by WFP |2 weeks after emergency is |

| |concerned INGC and GoM participants. | |declared over |

|6. |Ensure all transporters bills/ warehouse rents etc are paid by |All cluster members |A soon as emergency is |

| |concerned agencies/ organisations to avoid carry over problems in any | |declared over |

| |future emergencies | | |


The Logistics Cluster will establish Logistics hubs as and where required and work to ensure the timely delivery of supplies to the effected areas. The Logistics Cluster will deploy staff who will be responsible for ensuring that supplies reach intended beneficiaries with the correct documentation and reporting requirements. The Logistics Cluster will ensure the timely replenishment of supplies to ensure response continuity as per the required duration.

Human Resources

WFP: Project Co-ordinator (1), DATA MAMAGER (L4 Level) Hired by WFP, Data clerk (3), International Logistics officer (2) Red R HIRED THROUGH WFP-UNNICEF, National Logistics offciers (2), STORE MANAGER (2)

UNICEF: Programme Officer (3), Programme assistant (4) UNICEF, Supply Monitor (2) (For UNICEF - mostly from Emergency Roster and Standby Arrangements. Other working group members may provide their requirements)


Please see individual Sectoral Cluster submissions (Partner Profiles in Annex 2) for availability of pre-positioned supplies and current locations of all.


UNICEF: $800, 000 for overall, initial emergency response with some of this apportioned to the Logistics needs as appropriate.

WFP: Immediate response emergency operation facility; for $500,000.

|Logistics Cluster Lead: WFP – Barbara Logchem |

|Barbara.vanlogchem@ – 823093520 |

|WFP |

|Samson Mabasso |

|samsom.mabasso@ |

|823149170 |

| |

| |

|Ana Claudia Santos |

|claudia.santos@ |

|21 482200 |

| |


|Carl Howorth, |

|Lino Matshine |

|choworth@ |

|lmatsinhe@ |

|21 493 153 |

|21 493 153 |

| |


| |

| |

| |

|21 492918 |

| |


| |

| |

|21 415984 |

| |

|CARE Moç. |

| |

| |

|21 492064/6 |

| |


| |

|vanhandime@ |

|21 428882 |

| |


| |

| |

|82 9001730 |

| |

|CVM |

| |

| |

|21 497721 |

| |

|FHI |

| |

|achilaule@ |

|23 320596 |

| |

|GAA |

| |

| |

|21 492602 |

| |

|Helpage International |

| |

| |

|82 7682350 |

| |


| |

| |

| |

| |

|21 416007/8 |

| |

|IRD |

| |

|tntasis@ird- |

|84 2322410 |

| |

|Jacana |

| |

|mbader@ |

|rborren@ |

|84 2737003 |

| |

|JAM |

| |

| |

|82 6125990 |

| |

|Kulima |

| |

| |

|84 3983580 |

| |

|LWF / ACT |

| |

| |

| |

|21 491611 |

| |

|MSF Belgium |

| |

|msfb-maputo-log@brussels. |

|82 40 75 320 |

| |

| |

|MSF Swiss |

| |

|msfch-maputo@geneva. |

|82 3163800 |

| |

|Oxfam |

| |

| |

|00 27 824104183 |

| |

|Oxfam intermon |

| |

|mtizora@ |

|21 488741 |

| |

|PSI |

| |

| |

|82 5650047 |

| |

|Samaritans purse |

| |

|jflai@ |

|21 486939 |

| |

|Save the Children UK |

| |

| |

|21498762/3 |

| |

|Save the Children US |

| |

|dwright@mz. |

|smaibasse@ |

|21 493140 |

| |


| |

|cwthagelman@ |

|21 352052 |

| |

|World Vision |

| |

|denis_brown@ |

|claudio_janal@ |

|sergio_macuacua@ |

|82 3018870 |

| |

|World Relief |

| |

|jmatongo@ |

|sgrottis@ |

|21 488813/5 |

| |


Overall Objective

The overall goal is to reduce the vulnerability of the population affected by disasters by strengthening the response capacities of the Ministry of Health and its partners.

Specific objectives

• To strength the disease surveillance system, early warning and outbreak and other health risks responses;

• To develop access to essential health services including immunisation, HIV/AIDS control programmes, communicable and non-communicable diseases and mental health;

• To monitor and report the health sector’s actions and needs,

• To strengthen the capacity of national partners (MoH and National NGOs) and other partners.

Planning Assumptions

• Temporary health facilities will be located close to where the accommodation camps are set up;

• Temporary health facilities will need to be established for displaced communities;

• The Government will pre-position medicine in natural disaster risk zones.

• It will be possible to access emergency funds quickly;

• There will be allocated space for the transport of medication in UN transport means;

• Health facilities and equipment will be damaged or inaccessible due to the disaster;

• The supply of drugs and other services will be interrupted due to disruption to community life.


1. A rapid assessment of health facilities in disaster-affected areas is required to assess the level of destruction of health facilities and equipment, and loss or damage.

2. Based on the results of the assessment develop an initial response plan with distribution plan of supplies required (health facilities) and human resources.

3. A rapid response team will be deployed including trained health staff for detection, reporting and notification.

4. A supply of drugs will be provided for prone epidemic diseases such as cholera and for common diseases

5. Undertake an assessment of the Health situation, after the emergency response, of reconstruction requirements or other needs, particularly construction of health facilities and deployment of health workers to resettlement areas.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1 |Mapping existent services and partners in districts prone to natural |WHO, UNICEF |Ongoing |

| |disasters | | |

|2 |Conduct vulnerability assessment |WHO/UNICEF |December/January [9] |

|3 |Training staff for detection of epidemic prone diseases |WHO |January |

|4 |Support the DPS with collaboration of EPI epidemiologists to |WHO/UNICEF |January |

| |train/refresh curse of community health activists | | |

|5 |Reproduction of IEC materials about upcoming emergencies (community |UNICEF |December/January |

| |radios and other means). | | |

|6 |Training of volunteers on basic curative, preventive and promotional |WHO/UNICEF |January |

| |health care | | |

|7 |Reinforcing appropriate referral system to manage the obstetric |WHO |January |

| |emergencies | | |

|8 |Assess stockpiles of drugs in emergency prone areas |UNICEF/WHO |December |

|9 |Support refresher training for health staff on management of diarrhoeal|WHO/UNICEF |January |

| |diseases and dehydration, especially cholera | | |

|10 |Training at community level to strengthen knowledge and skills to deal |UNICEF |January |

| |with diarrhoeal diseases and the use of ORT | | |

|11 |Training at national and provincial levels for the dissemination of |UNFPA,UNAIDS, UNICEF |Within 6 -12 months |

| |tools on Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP), HIV/AIDS guidelines, | | |

| |gender guidelines; | | |

|12 |Support the establishment of gender and HIV focal points in the health |UNFPA, UNAIDS |Ongoing |

| |cluster | | |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1 |Conduction of Heath rapid assessment |UN Agencies |Within 1 week |

|2 |T.A to support MoH for detection, reporting and notification and case |WHO/UNICEF |Within 1 week |

| |management of epidemic prone diseases in affected areas | | |

|3 |Support MoH to stockpile vaccines and medicines in affected areas |WHO/UNICEF |Within 1 week |

| |particularly for Measles, Meningitis and Cholera. | | |

|4 |Distribute IEC materials on HIV&AIDS, Malaria, STI’s and TB. Provision |UNFPA, UNICEF, UNAIDS, WHO | Within 1 month |

| |of bed nets and condoms. | | |

|5 |Reinforcing appropriate referral system to manage obstetric emergencies|WHO | Within 1 month |

|6 |Supply delivery of kits to pregnant women and midwives |UNFPA |Within1 month |

|7 |Provide medicines for chronic diseases such as TB, ART, leprosy and |WHO |Within 2 weeks |

| |malaria | | |

|8 |Provide services for survivors of gender based violence including PEP |UNFPA |Within 2 weeks |

| |kits | | |

|9 |Provision of dignity kits for women in accommodation centres |UNFPA |Within 1 month |

|10 |Monitoring, evaluation and reporting of activities |WHO/UNICEF/ | Throughout |

| | |UNFPA | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Re-establish health facilities and supply of drugs and treatment of |WHO/UNICEF | Within 1 month |

| |diseases. | | |

|2 |Restore Home based care for the most vulnerable population and |WHO |Within 1 month |

| |care-givers. | | |

|3 |Delivery of essential primary health care, including psychosocial |WHO | Within 2 weeks |

| |services | | |

|4 |Implementation of immunization and ITN campaigns in the affected areas,|UNICEF/WHO |Within 2 weeks |

|5 |Adequate referral to secondary and tertiary health care services |WHO |Within 1 month |

|6 |Epidemiological surveillance and early warning systems for the early |WHO |Within 1 month |

| |detection and control of communicable diseases | | |

|9. |Ensure that women have access to high quality reproductive health |WHO/UNFPA |Within 1 week |

| |services. | | |


WHO: Existing - Public health specialist (P4); NPO Emergency officer to be recruited. Emergency: External roster of experts such as: Epidemiologist, Public Health Emergency Officer, Nutritionist, Logistician and Communication specialists.

UNICEF: Existing: Chief Health and Nutrition, Nutrition and Health Manager; Health and Nutrition Specialist (Field Support), EPI Specialist; Malaria Specialist. Additional suggested capacity in case of a major Emergency: EPI logistician to assist in planning and transport logistics; Health logistician to assist in planning and transport logistics

UNFPA: Existing Emergency Focal Point; additional capacity in case of major emergency; Possibility for contracting RH Coordinator.

UNAIDS: Existing: Humanitarian Officer; Additional Capacity: Possibility for deploying Regional Humanitarian Advisor.


WHO: New Emergency Health kits; tools for epidemics investigation; drugs for epidemics; EOC kits; Medicines for chronic diseases (TB, ART, leprosy and malaria); Radio communication equipment.

UNICEF: In case of large emergency: Basic Emergency Health Kits; New Emergency Health Kits (Supplementary 1 Drugs and Supplementary 2 Equipment); cold chain, vaccines, consumables and vaccination cards; Reproduction and distribution of IEC materials; can procure and provide pyrethroid insecticide for indoor residual spraying and outdoor spraying; can support MoH to procure adequate supplies of anti-malarial drugs, ORS, drugs and other items; can provide supplies for the establishment and running of CTCs .

UNFPA: Dignity kits; Delivery kits for pregnant women and midwifes; Condoms; PEP kits.


WHO: Strengthening of health services, epidemiological system and mental health – USD 60,000; Procurement of medical supplies - USD 100,000; Procurement of communication and & IT equipment USD 120,000; Application for CERF grant as appropriate for Health Cluster interventions

UNICEF: Basic Health Services: $400,000 for tents, emergency health kits, renewable supplies, extra staff for temporary/mobile health services, transport, fuel, supervision and health/hygiene education by health workers

Immunization: $200,000 for fuel, transport, cash, food, tents for vaccinator teams.

Malaria: $100,000 for human resources: spray teams; activists; nurses, transport: fuel, vehicle hire, etc.

Prevention and Treatment of Diarrhoeal Diseases: $200,000 for cholera beds, renewable supplies, case mx. training, extra staff for CTCs, supervision and health/hygiene education by health workers. UNICEF will also apply for a CERF grant as appropriate for Health Cluster related interventions

UNFPA: Training in MISP, GBV: US$ 135,000; Condoms: US$ 30,000 (depending on size of emergency); Dignity kits: US$ 60,000 (depending on size of emergency); PEP kits: US$ 10,000 (depending on size of emergency); UNFPA will apply for CERF grant as appropriate for Health Cluster interventions

|Health Cluster Lead: WHO - Dr EL HADI Benzerroug, Representative, |

| Tel: 258 21492732 |

|Focal point WHO: Nkunku Sebastião e-mail: TEL 827277834 |


| |

|Roberto de Bernardi |

|rdebernardi@ |

|21481109 |

| |


| |

|Ida Thyregod |

|thyregod@ |

|2149 0686 |

| |


| |

|Lene Leonhardsen |

|leonhardsenl@ |

|21484521 |

| |

Other members include: Medicus Mundi, World Vision, NAFEZA, TRIMODER, Cruz vermelha de Moçambique, Save the children UK, MSF-Swiss, MSF Belgium (observer)


Overall Objective

The overall goal is to provide adequate Shelter conditions to the population affected by natural disasters.

Specific objective

To reduce vulnerability to natural disasters by providing assistance and capacity to the Government and Civil Society at local level for addressing emergency shelter, adequate planning, basic and social services and infrastructure.

Planning Assumptions

• No infrastructure and funds will be available;

• Temporary shelter facilities will need to be provided to minimise exposure of the affected population to other threats;

• The Government will make a substantial contribution in identifying and registering the beneficiaries for plots and shelter;

• It will be possible to organise a shelter response quickly, including adequate planning at a very early stage of the recovery phase.


1. Perform field assessments in terms of shelter and resettlement preparation activities.

2. Provide means and technical support for developing adequate and environmentally sustainable settlement planning through participatory approach addressing land tenure issues and ensuring adequate livelihood conditions in resettlement areas at a very early stage of the recovery phase.

3. Support the development of technical tools for human settlement risk vulnerability, environmental and social impact assessments and mapping of the affected areas at a very early stage of the recovery phase.

4. Strengthen and decentralise institutional disaster management on shelter issues.

5. Strengthen the participation of municipal/local governments on disaster management.

6. Promote and strengthen national and regional cooperation for the provision of water, sanitation, shelter and the access to homes and services to the affected population.

7. Support the development of procurement plans in consultation with UN agencies and all counterparts.

8. Monitor all resettlement activities.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Identification of shelters in safe areas and infrastructure in collaboration |UN-HABITAT, INGC, MOPH, MICOA |On-going |

| |with Ministries, provincial and district governments and Municipalities | | |

| |concerned. | | |

|2. |Selection of municipalities with similar problems for which production of |UN-HABITAT, OIM, INGC, MICOA |On-going |

| |capacity building tools will be cost effective. | | |

|3. |Setting up a process of co-ordination and consultation among local initiatives |UN-HABITAT, MICOA |On-going |

| |specialised in shelter. Lay the basis for follow up with technical co-operation | | |

| |initiatives. | | |

|4. |Support capacity building at the community level of teachers and CSOs in |NGOs, INGC |2008 |

| |“awareness” and “advocacy” in disaster prevention and shelter through the | | |

| |deployment of NGOs and delivery of radios. | | |

|5. |Promotion and strengthening of existing national co-ordination and response |UN-HABITAT, INGC, MOPH, MICOA |On-going |

| |mechanisms at national, local, community level. | | |

|6. |Prepare a standby logistics agreement with construction material companies and |IOM, NGOs |2008 |

| |counterparts to ensure availability for rapid delivery all over Mozambique. | | |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Determine location of accommodation and resettlement camps and set up a quick |INGC, Local authorities, MICOA, MOPH, |1 week |

| |registry system |IOM | |

|2. |Provide temporary shelter, basic NFI and tents |INGC, IOM, CARE, CVM, NGOs, other NGOs|Within first 2 - 4 |

| | | |weeks |

|3. |Provide temporary sanitation and water supply facilities |UNICEF, MOPH, NGOs |Within first 2 - 4 |

| | | |weeks |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Perform a rapid damage assessment and immediate planning measures for shelter, |MICOA, MOPH, UN-HABITAT |Within 1 month of end of|

| |provision of basic and social services and infrastructure in a participatory | |emergency period |

| |manner | | |

|2. |Provide information on available supplies/material for reconstruction activities|MOPH, INGC |Within 1 - 2 months |

|3. |Mobilising both technical support and material for self-help reconstruction |MOPH, INGC, MCT, UN-HABITAT, IOM |3 - 6 months |

| |activities, including capacity building for low-cost housing construction | | |

| |techniques | | |

|4. |Developing and re-activating productive economic activities, especially through |INGC, MOPH, MINAG, MMAS, UN-HABITAT |6 – 12 months |

| |the construction of multi-purpose warehouses | | |



UNICEF: 5,000 tarpaulin rolls 4x5 metres, 850 taurpalin roll 4x50 meters, 600 plastic sheeting, 2500 OVC kits can be ordered within the first 24 hours of an emergency.

Human resources:

UN-HABITAT: 1 Chief Technical Adviser, 2 National Project Officers, 5 qualified field staff


UN-HABITAT: $400,000 to be requested through CERF

UNICEF: Immediate funding for small interventions; access to additional HQ funds

|Shelter Cluster Lead: UNICEF – UN HABITAT Jaime Comiche, Programme Manager, iche@, Tel: 21 481481 |


|Mathias Spaliviero |

| |

|21 481493 |

| |

|OIM |

|Nely Simbine Chimedza |

| |

|21 310779 |

| |

|German Agro Action |

|Petra Aschaff |

| |

|828366440 |

| |


|Lisa Doherty |

|ldoherty@ |

|21 481100 |

| |


|Domenico Liuzzi |

| |

|823127160 |

| |

|CARE International |

|Michelle Carter |

| |

|21 49 20 77 |

| |

|Cruz Vermelha de Moçambique |

|Ataide Sacramento |

| |

| |

|826306020 |

| |

|Habitat for Humanity |

|Dan Simpson |

|dan@ |

|825689114 |

| |

Emergency Telecommunications

Overall Objective

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) will provide clearly defined services to ensure timely, predictable, and effective inter-agency telecommunications to support humanitarian operations (Clusters and other humanitarian partners) and to ensure personal security from the onset of the emergency.

Specific objectives

• Providing inter-agency telecommunications infrastructure and services, covering both data and security communications, which are essential for the efficient and effective operations of the humanitarian community, as per section A;

• Providing basic data services in emergency affected areas, as per section B;

• Providing standard, interoperable ICT platforms and procedures to avoid duplication and ensure cost effective services;

• Ensuring a smooth transition to the post-emergency reconstruction phase.

A. Security Communications (WFP)

These services aim to provide a reliable common telecommunications backbone for UN agencies and Cluster partners, to facilitate common security support measures, and they include but are not limited to:

• Provision of HF/VHF network coverage in every common operational area, as per established requirements, for the humanitarian community;

• Deployment of a MOSS compliant radio backbone/infrastructure and 24/7 capable radio-rooms in all operational areas operating as per MOSS standards, including recruitment, training and management of the necessary radio operators;

• Frequency, call-sign and sel-calls coordination and management services;

• Liaison with government authorities on behalf of the ICT humanitarian community for security telecommunications purposes (licensing, equipment importation);

• Coordination of the local ET cluster activities and services;

• If and when applicable, the definition and submission for approval of a project document to address identified gaps in the system with a clear budget, fund-raising, regular (at least monthly) project reporting, donor reporting; definition of an exit strategy and hand-over/closure of the services at the end project and final closure reporting;

• Training of radio-operators and users, through a dedicated radio trainer. The training is open for all UN agencies, NGOs and humanitarian partners

• Provision of technical advice to all UN agencies, INGC, NGOs and other humanitarian partners.

B. Data Communications Services (UNICEF)

These services aim to provide common inter-agency data-communications services for the Clusters, INGC, other humanitarian agencies and NGOs in the primary operations site. The services will be provided based on two distinct implementation phases described below:

• Phase One – within the first week of the emergency activation of basic voice, fax and web-based email access by installing portable data satellite terminals.

• Phase Two – within three weeks of the emergency activation of wireless data-connectivity from Internet “hot spots” using portable high-speed data satellite terminals (VSATs) or through local broadband links if available.

• Training of users (UN, NGOs, other humanitarian partners) on IT systems deployed to the operational area through national IT assistants.

Planning Assumptions

• No infrastructure will be available due to the damage, non-existence or overloaded communications channels;

• It will be possible to mobilise the necessary resources quickly;

• Importation of the equipment into the country might be delayed;

• INGC will ask for additional assistance to support its communication system;

• Roads in affected areas might be destroyed which will make it more difficult for bulky equipment (generators, masts) to be deployed.

Activities to be undertaken before an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Mapping existing services in districts prone to natural disasters |WFP |During Operational Plan preparation|

| | |UNICEF | |

|2. |Emergency equipment stock management |WFP |Currently underway |

| | |UNICEF | |

|3. |ICT capacity assessment, including NGOs in possible operational areas |UNICEF |During Operational Plan preparation|

| | |WFP | |

|4. |Operational plan development |UNICEF |1-2 months before rainy season |

| | |WFP | |

|5. |Pre-position telecom and IT equipment, if needed, in Beira (for central|WFP |Upon receiving information on |

| |provinces) or Tete /Nampula (for northern provinces) |UNICEF |possible response |

|6. |Coordination meetings with INGC |WFP, UNICEF |On weekly basis if response likely |

| | |INGC | |

Activities to be undertaken during an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Assessment of security telecommunication needs for the UN, and the |UNICEF |First 48 hours of the emergency |

| |preparation of recommendations and/or project proposal(s) |WFP | |

| | |Other cluster partners | |

|2. |ICT staff deployment to the emergency affected areas |WFP |First 24 hours of the emergency |

| | |UNICEF | |

|3. |Radio-rooms deployment as per established requirements / |WFP |First 72 hours of the emergency |

| |recommendations | | |

|4. |VHF repeaters installation to cover the common operational areas  |WFP |First 72 hours of the emergency |

|5. |Design and deployment of HF network, including call-signs and |WFP |First week of the emergency |

| |cell-calls management | | |

|6. |Deployment of basic voice, fax and web-based email access through |UNICEF first responder team |First 48 hours of the emergency |

| |portable data satellite terminals | | |

|7. |Deployment of VSAT stations in all UN operational areas to provide |UNICEF |Second and third weeks of emergency|

| |advanced data and VoIP services in all UN operational areas | | |

|8. |Training of radio-operators and users (both UN and NGOs) on |WFP |Upon arrival of the personnel to |

| |radio-operations through a dedicated radio trainer. | |the affected area |

|9. |Training of users (both UN and NGOs) on IT systems deployed to the |UNICEF |Upon arrival of the personnel to |

| |operational area through national IT assistants |WFP |the affected area |

|10. |ETC management activities, such as reporting, staffing issues, |WFP |Throughout the emergency |

| |recruitment, equipment management (inventory) | | |

Activities to be undertaken after an emergency

|# |Activities |By whom |When |

|1. |Closure / hand-over of activities. |WFP |By the end of the emergency |

|2. |Equipment management issues: inventory, stock replenishment, |UNICEF |Immediately after the project |

| |refurbishing of used equipment |WFP |closure |

|3. |Managerial issues – financial closure, staff evaluation, etc. |UNICEF |2 months after the end of the |

| | |WFP |project |

|4. |ETC activities final report preparation and distribution |WFP |2 months after the end of the |

| | | |project |


Human Resources:

Staff available: 2 international ICT Officers, 5 national telecom / IT officer/assistants, 2 radio-operators

- ICT specialists are available upon request from Regional and HQ offices

- TSF, a stand-by partner of UNICEF and OCHA and cluster partner, can provide basic voice/data connectivity for the initial stage of an emergency.

- WFP Dubai / FITTEST can provide upon request staff including telecom / IT specialists, emergency ICT coordinators, international radio-operators and trainers.

- SRSA, a stand-by partner of WFP and cluster partner, can provide on a very short notice telecom / IT specialists, international radio-operators and trainers.

Equipment/supplies – Emergency Equipment stock:

• Stock of ICT equipment enough to deploy one full-size 24/7 radio-room;

• VSAT and power generator for medium-size office (up to 15 users);

• Satellite phones, laptop computers, hand-held radios and wireless network / links equipment to cover an office of up to 15 users.

• Stock located at WFP compound in Maputo.


WFP – Immediate start-up funds can be obtained through the ICT Special account in WFP’s HQ, pending the preparation and funding of a Flash Appeal. The funds will be recovered from funds received through the Flash Appeal.

UNICEF – Start-up emergency funds availed by office management from UNICEF regular resources, which is reimbursed upon receipt of CERF.

WFP is the local cluster lead for Emergency Telecommunications and it will coordinate the response.

Local contacts:

|ECT Cluster Lead: UN World Food Programme - Karen Barsamian |

|Karen.Barsamian@, Cell: 823005331 |


|Hezborne Onyango |

|honyango@ |

|82 3054300 |

| |

Annex 1 – Contact list of UN Heads of Agencies, Emergency and Cluster focal points, and Government and NGO contact persons

|Agency/Org. |Name |Title |Phone |Cell |Fax |Email |

|UN RCO |Ndolamb Ngokwey |UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator |21485158 |82 3023488 |21485161 |Ndolamb.ngokwey@ |

| |Peter Reeh |Special Assistant |21485167 |82 3295720 |21485161 |Peter.reeh@ |

| |Luis Zaqueu |Communications Officer |21485 165 |823082470 |21485161 |Luis.zaqueu@ |

| |Jean-Marc Cordaro |Early Recovery Coordinator |21481465 |827194397 |21485161 |Jean.marc-cordaro@ |

| |Angelina Tivane |UN Emergency Coordination Support Officer |21481465 |823020860 |21485161 |Angelina.tivane@ |

|UNDP |Anna Soumare Coulibaly |UNDP CD |21481412 |82 3261730 |21481472 |anna.s.coulibaly@ |

| |Naomi Kitahara |UNDP Deputy Resident Representative (Programme) |214814 12 | |214916 91 |naomi.kitahara@ |

| |Catherine Masaka |UNDP Deputy Resident Representative (Operations) |21 481421 |82 318 7200 |21 491691 |catherine.masaka@ |

| |Michel Matera |Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Advisor |21481 480 |82729 547 | |michel.matera@ |

| |Fatima Amade |Assistant Resident Representative & Head of Governance |21481 430 |82 323 4130 | |fatima.amade@ |

| | |Unit | | | | |

|UNICEF |Leila Pakkala |UNICEF Representative |21481103 |82 305 1900 |21499703 |lpakkala@ |

| |Robert Jenkins |UNICEF Deputy Rep |21 481104 |82 305 4110 |21 499703 |rjenkins@ |

| | |Education & Protection Clusters Co-Lead | | | | |

| |Lisa Doherty |Emergency Focal Point, |21481150 |82 1266960 |21491679 |ldoherty@ |

| | |Education Cluster FP | | | | |

| |Roberto De Bernardi |Chief of Health and Nutrition |21481149 |82 3148100 |21491679 |rdebernardi@ |

| | |Nutrition Cluster Lead | | | | |

| |Manuel Freitas |Chief of WASH |21481110 |82 3179170 |21491679 |mfreitas@ |

| | |WASH Cluster Lead | | | | |

|WFP |Ken Davies |WFP Representative |21482228 |82 3014280 |21494302 |ken.davies@ |

| |Karin Manente |WFP Deputy Country Director | |823251300 | |Karin.Manente@ |

| |Nadia Vaz |Technical Focal Point, Head of Assessment Monitoring & |21482246 |823202050 | |nadia.Vaz@ |

| | |Evaluation Unit | | | | |

| |Jeronimo Tovela |Operational focal point, |21482285 |823185960 | |jeronimo.Tovela@ |

| | |Livelihoods Protection and Promotions Officer | | | | |

| |Samson Mabasso |Logistics focal point |2148 2278 |823149170 | | |

|WHO |El Hadi Benzerroug |WHO Representative |21492732 |82 301 3966 |21491990 | |

| |Nkunku Sebastião |Diseases Prevention and Control Officer |21492732 |827277834 |21491990 | |

|UNAIDS |Mauricio Cysne |UNAIDS CC |21484510 | |21492345 |CysneM@ |

| |Lene Leonhardsen |Programme Officer |21484 510 |842 009 004 |21492 345 |leonhardsenl@ |

|UNFPA |Petra Lantz |UNFPA Representative |21491644 |823004560 |21493577 | |

| |Ida Thyregod |Programme Officer Gender specialist |21490686 |848648322 | | |

|UN-Habitat |Jaime Comiche |Programme Manager |21481481 |823010410 |21492 325 |iche@ |

| |Mathias Spaliviero |Associate Coordination Officer |21 469208 |82 7042490 |21 469208 | |

|UNESCO |Benoit Sossou |UNESCO Representative |21481700 |82 3000499 |21493431 |b.sossou@ |

| |Noel Chicuecue |Programme Officer |21481724 |84 3220690 | |n.chicuecue@ |

| | | | | | | |

|FAO |Maria José Zimmermann |FAO Representative |21490557 |82 3236400 |21491906 |Maria.Zimmermann@ |

| |José Manuel António da Graça |Emergency & Rehabilitation Unit Coordinator |21491136/ 21490948 |823010493 |21491431  |Jose.DaGraca@ |

| |Tatenda Mutenga |National Information & M&E Officer |21 491136 /21 90948 |82 3233330 |21 491431 |tatenda.Mutenga@ |

|UNHCR |Victoria Akyeampong |UNHCR Representative |21487385 |82 3002463 |21490635 |akyeampo@ |

|World bank |Michael Baxter |World Bank CD |21496200 |823067470 |21492893 |mbaxter@ |

|FSCO |Fernando Leal |FSCO |21494419 |823027530 |21490740 |unfsomoz@ |

|Cruz Vermelha de |Paulo Matusse | | |823137040 | | |

|Moçambique | | | | | | |

|INAM |Salvador Domingos |Eng°. Meteorologista | |828733380 | |doyrafa@ |

|INGC |Paulo ZUCULA |National Director |21477277 |823009727 |21477279 | |

| |João Ribeiro |Deputy National Director |21477278 |825011830 |21477279 | |

| |Rocha Nuvunga |Delegada | |82 5300296 | | |

|INGC Regional: | | |

|Vilanculo |Eng°.Namashulua |Delegado |29384128 |828708880 |29384128 | |

|Caia |Dr. Jenssen |Delegado |23710002 |823013251 |23710002 | |

|Nacala |Hélder Sueia | | |827021270 | | |

|INGC Provincial: |

|INGC Gaza |Adelina Matsinhe |Delegada |28226361 |823163130 |28226361 | |

|INGC Inhambane |Davide Dumangane |Delegada |29320555 |824449650 |29320536 | |

|INGC Sofala |Luis Pacheco |Delegado |23327654 |827516198 |23327654 | |

|INGC Manica |Meirinho Cuamba |Delegado |25123538 |825752790 | | |

|INGC |Joao Zamissa |Delegado |24213107 |825467830 |224213253 | |

|Zambézia | | | | | | |

|INGC |Teresa Teque |Delegada |25220124 |825994310 | | |

|Tete | | | | | | |

|INGC |Cesar Tembe |Delegado |26212557 |823278640 | | |

|Nampula | | | | | | |

|INGC |Amancio Lucio |Delegado |27221904 |828564500 | | |

|Cabo Delgado | | | | | | |

|INGC |Bearine Trepasse |Delegado |27120956 |827000220 | | |

|Niassa | | | | | | |

|FewsNet |Olanda Bata |Representative |21461872 |823287580 |21460588 |obata@ |

| |Antonio Mavie |Deputy Representative |21461872 |824107250 |21460588 |amavie@ |

|FDC |Graça Machel |President |21355300 | |21355355 | |

|HelpAge Intl. |Janet Dussield |Programme Director |21415816 |823176430 |21416435 | |

|Save the Children |Chris McIvor |Programme Director | | | | |

| | |Education and Protection Clusters Co-Lead | | | | |

|MSF Belgium |Alain Kassa |Head of Mission | |82 40 75 320 | |msfb-maputo-hom@brussels. |

|Samaritan’s Purse |Joseph Lai |Country Director |21486939 |823245340 |21486938 |jlai@ |

|IRD |Nicholas Ahlers |Programme Developer | |825380026 | |nahlers@ird- |

|Intermon Oxfam |Michael Tizora |Humanitarian Coordinator | |824101626 | |mtizora@ |

|MSF-Switzerland |Bruno LAB |Head of Mission |21307976 |828818060 |21325417 |msfch-maputo-hom@geneva. |


[1] The line ministries that will implement activities described on this Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan are but not restricted to the following: Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MOPH), Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health (MISAU) and (Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (MMAS), Ministry of Health (MISAU)

[2] (UNDP, 2007) “Human Development Report 2007/2008 Fighting Climatic Change: Human solidarity in a divided world”, New York by Paul Grave Macmillan

[3] The ten Clusters formed were for the following sectoral areas: Nutrition, WASH, Logistics, Education, Protection, Health, Food Security, Shelter, Emergency Telecommunications and Early Recovery. The Early Recovery Cluster has since been disbanded as it was seen to be a cross-cutting issue to be addressed by all of the other clusters.

[4] Source: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) 2007-2008, UNICEF Mozambique.

[5] In 2008-2009, the Mozambique HCT will also serve as a coordination platform for the implementation of the UN Joint Programme for Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness.

[6] Sources: National Baseline Report for Mozambique - Legal, Policy and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Land Use Planning, Land Use Management and Disaster Management. UN-HABITAT/UNEP. July 2007. pp 24.

Proposta para estabelecimento e funcionamento do Centro Nacional Operativo de Emergência. República de Moçambique, Ministério da Administração Estatal, Instituto Nacional de Gestão de Calamidades. Outubro 2006.

[7] CCGC for Conselho Coordenador de Gestão de Calamidades and CTGC for Conselho Técnico de Gestão de Calamidades

[8] Sources of information are mainly the National Meteorological Institute (INAM), the Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN), Southern African Regional Climate Forecasting Office (SARCOF), Southern Africa Development Community (SADC/EW), National Water Authority (DNA), as well as provinces and districts disaster management committees.

[9] Assuming the emergency is a flood













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