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Natzi Sakalihasan1,2, Jean-Olivier Defraigne1,2, Athanasios Katsargyris3, Helena Kuivaniemi4, Jean-Baptiste Michel5, Alain Nchimi 2,6, Janet Powell7, Koichi Yoshimura8,9, Rebecka Hultgren10, 11

1Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, CHU Liège, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium;

2Surgical Research Center, GIGA-Cardiovascular Science Unit, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium;

3Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University, Nuremberg, Germany;

4Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, South Africa;

5UMR 1148, Inserm Paris 7, Denis Diderot University, Xavier Bichat Hospital, Paris, France;

6Department of Medical Imaging Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg , Luxembourg;

7Vascular Surgery Research Group, Imperial College London, UK;

8Graduate School of Health and Welfare, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Yamaguchi, Japan;

9Department of Surgery and Clinical Science, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Japan;

10 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

11. Department of Vascular Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

Correspondence to:

N. S.



We thank Audrey Courtois for her help during the preparation of this manuscript and Pierre Bonet for figures on surgical management of AAA.

Author contributions

Introduction (N.S. and J.T.P.); Epidemiology (R.H.); Mechanisms/pathophysiology (J.-O.D., H.K. and J.-B.M.); Diagnosis, screening and prevention (N.S., A.N. and R.H.); Management (N.S., A.K., K.Y. and R.H.); Quality of life (A.K. and J.T.P.); Outlook (N.S., H.K. and J.T.P.); Overview of Primer (N.S. R.H).

Competing interests

All authors declare no competing interests.


An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) is a localized dilatation of the infrarenal aorta. It is a common vascular disease, with a higher prevalence in aging men than in women

It is probable that a true global difference in prevalence of AAA between different ethnic groups exists, but an underestimation of prevalence can depend on mean life-expectancy and limited access to radiology in some regions. Three phases are distinguished in disease progression; development, growth and rupture. The most important risk factors are smoking, male sex and family history, whereas interestingly, diabetes mellitus is a negative risk factor for AAA. AAA is a multifactorial disease, and genetic factors play an important part in the development of AAA. Aneurysmal growth is related to increased metabolic activity in both the aneurysmal wall and the intraluminal thrombus. Rupture occurs when the mechanical stress acting on the wall exceeds the wall strength, with rupture of the aneurysm causing intraabdominal hemorrhage. The mortality for patients with ruptured AAA is 65−85% and about half die before being admitted to hospital. Although rupture can occur in small AAA, the risk of rupture increases with the diameter of the aneurysm. Modern functional imaging techniques may help to assess rupture risk. Although results for elective repair have improved over the last decades, there remains a non-negligible morbidity and mortality associated with aortic surgery. There is a growing body of evidence from randomized clinical trials concerning improved detection and management of AAA, including population screening for men, but the underlying prevalence in local population and local population longevity must be considered before this is implemented.


An aneurysm is defined as a permanent and irreversible localized dilatation of a vessel. This abnormal dilatation involves all three layers of the vascular wall: the intima, the media and the adventitia (Fig 1). This definition differentiates an aneurysm sensu stricto from a false aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm, which is a dilatation secondary to a vessel rupture. The outer wall of the pseudoaneurysm, is a fibrous material devoid of any vascular structures, not a vessel wall or adventitia. Similarly, the infiltration of blood within the vascular wall, with an enlargement of the external dimensions of the artery, such as one seen in dissecting aneurysm, is not an aneurysm in the strict meaning of the term.

Morphologically1 aneurysms can be described as “fusiform” if the whole circumference of the artery is part of the aneurysmal dilatation, whereas an aneurysm is called “saccular” if it involves only a part of the circumference, the majority of AAA are fusiform. ( FIGURE 1)

Aneurysms are functionally defined by progressive changes in the arterial wall in response to changes in arterial pressure, leading to thinning of the wall, with the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) and loss of vascular smooth muscle cells (v-SMCs), which increases the susceptibility to rupture.77

The most common site for aneurysm development is in the infrarenal aorta, called abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). There is no unanimity on the definition of AAA. In 1991, the Society for Vascular Surgery and the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Ad Hoc Committee on Standards in Reporting proposed that when the infrarenal diameter is 1.5 times the expected normal diameter it should be called an AAA.3 However, in clinical practice, the infrarenal abdominal aorta is considered aneurysmal if the aortic diameter is ≥30 mm as proposed by McGregor and colleagues.4 When reporting a dilatation of the diameter of the infrarenal aorta in a patient, the diameter of the normal adjacent aorta should be taken into consideration, but in clinical practice this is not always feasible. 2 The dilatation of the aorta should be measured in both anterior-posterior and transverse directions. The ≥30 mm definition might not be appropriate for women, who have smaller diameter arteries than men.5 Based on the diameter of the aorta, AAA can be classified as small (55 mm).

AAA enlarge gradually and as the size increases, so does the risk of rupture. When an AAA ruptures, patients suffers from massive intraabdominal hemorrhage. This condition, if left untreated, results in 100 % mortality. Since most patients with AAA are asymptomatic this is commonly an undiagnosed condition. Only by incidental or systematic screening of risk groups one can prevent aneurysm-related death. For this reason, most patients diagnosed with large AAAs are offered a repair, where the enlarged aorta is replaced or relined with a tube of synthetic material.

This review will give a contemporary overview of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of patients with AAA, but will only briefly touch upon aneurysms in other arteries, such as thoracic aneurysms.

[H1] Epidemiology

[H2] Disease burden

In developed countries, and globally the prevalence and incidence of AAA has decreased during the last two decades, but in some areas such as Latin America and high income Asia Pacific the prevalence is possibly increasing.6 The prevalence also varies worldwide between ethnic groups and between sexes. The decline in prevalence for men in the western world is best observed in population-based screening programmes.7–9 The more recent ultrasonography based screening studies diagnoses AAA in 1-2 % of all 65−year-old men and in 0.5% of 70−year-old women. Some persons in the population are diagnosed outside the programs, treated before 65 years, or non-participants which would slightly increase the true prevalence in the population.7,9 In Denmark, however, the AAA prevalence is not as low, 2.6% in 65−year old men and 0.9% in 71−year old women.10 AAA-related death has been the 12−15th leading cause of death in the USA, UK and several European countries. There has been decline in the number of male smokers, which could contribute to the decline in the AAA prevalence.11

The mortality in patients with AAA is high, both in treated and untreated patient groups, when compared to the general population, mainly due to the high occurrence of other atherosclerotic diseases and comorbidities.8,12,49,50 The true incidence of ruptured AAA deaths outside health care institutions is difficult to determine given the decline in autopsy rates, but 50% of patients with ruptured AAA have been reported to die at home.59

Even though women are under-represented in most AAA studies, their outcomes are often reported to be worse than those in men, including higher rupture risk of small aneurysms and more complicated aneurysm morphology, which makes them more difficult to treat with standard surgical care.22,23,55–58

Women with AAA seem to have a worse prognosis compared to men. A recent meta-analysis comparing outcomes of AAA repair (EVAR and open repair) between men and women showed that 30-day mortality was higher in women compared to men both for EVAR (2.3% vs. 1.4%, OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.38–2.04) and open repair (5.4% vs. 2.8%; OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.35–2.30).56 Women were also less likely to be morphologically eligible to EVAR and were less frequently offered prophylactic repair compared to men. The authors suggested that a smaller threshold for intervention for women might potentially improve outcomes, given that women have smaller aortas compared to men.

Ethnic differences in outcomes following AAA repair have also been demonstrated, with specific ethnic groups having a worse short-term and mid-term prognosis compared to others. Khashram et al.176 showed that the Maori group in New Zealand had inferior mid-term survival after EVAR and open AAA repair compared to all other ethnic groups. Deery et al. analyzed data from the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) and demonstrated that black patients in the USA have a higher risk of developing postoperative renal failure and return to the operating room compared to white and Asian patients. Asian patients were more likely to suffer postoperative myocardial infarction.177Other studies have shown that Hispanics in the USA have higher perioperative mortality and morbidity rates following AAA repair compared to other ethnic groups.178,179 Different factors have been suggested to explain these differences in outcomes between ethnicities. These include different access to high-quality centers (e.g. black patients being treated more often in lower volume centers), differences in anatomical extent of the AAA (e.g. black and Asian patients seem to have more often concomitant iliac artery aneurysms requiring more complex procedures) and differences in preoperative comorbidities.

[H2] Risk factors

The more common fusiform AAA, which is the focus of this article, is a complex, multifactorial late-age-at-onset disease with both genetic and environmental risk factors.

The infrarenal abdominal aorta is a common site for both atherosclerotic non-aneurysmatic aneurysmal occlusive disease and aneurysmal disease. Historically AAA was considered one manifestation of atherosclerosis. AAAs and occlusive atherothrombotic disease share several risk factors, including smoking, older age, a positive family history and male sex (FIG. 2).

Several risk groups can be found that have a high prevalence of AAA, such as patients with coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).11–16 Current evidence based on molecular studies has demonstrated that atherosclerosis and AAA are distinct disease entities.17 Diabetic patients have a lower risk of developing AAA than the general population, a distinguishing factor compared to occlusive atherothrombotic disease.18 Diabetic patients also have a slower AAA growth rate. The possibility that metformin, a commonly used pharmaceutical oral drug used to manage type 2 diabetes, inhibits growth, has been addressed in several recent reports.19,20 The lower prevalence, and later development of disease in women is possibly partly explained by a sex-hormone related protection, equivalent to that in other manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. It is highly probable that smoking is a more detrimental risk factor in women than in men, perhaps modulated by effect of smoking on the reproductive function in women, such as premature menopause, and negative effects on lipid levels. .11,21–23

[H3] Genetic risk factors for AAA

Aortic aneurysms can be found in patients with rare genetic diseases, such as the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (also known as the vascular type), the Marfan syndrome, and fibromuscular dystrophy.24 The common “garden-variety” AAA has no association to these rare genetic diseases, but is a complex, multifactorial late-age-at-onset disease with both genetic and environmental risk factors. About 10−20% of AAA patients have at least one relative with AAA 15,25 About 10−20% of AAA patients have at least one relative with this condition 15,25 [Au: please specify which one of the three] and formal segregation analyses indicate that genetic models explain this familial aggregation.26,27 Based on two large twin studies from Sweden 28 and Denmark,29 the phenotypic variance determined by genetics is estimated to be 70−80% and non-shared environmental effects (such as smoking, infections, or occupational exposure) 20−30%.

Having a first-degree relative with an AAA is a significant risk factor (OR: 1.96; 95%CI: 1.68−2.28) for the person to develop an AAA.14 Positive family history for AAA has been suggested to have clinical implications, since familial AAA cases are reported to have increased growth rate 30 or higher rupture risk,15 than the sporadic ones, and possible also worse outcomes after endovascular aneurysm repair.31,32

Family-based genetic studies 33 are difficult to carry out for AAA, because it is a late-age-at-onset and deadly disease limiting the number of patients available for such studies. Genetic association studies using cases and controls have become the preferred method to identify genetic risk factors for AAA.34 The largest genome-wide association study (GWAS) for AAA included 4,972 AAA cases and 99,858 controls in the discovery phase, followed by genotyping in independent validation cohorts with 5,232 AAA cases and 7,908 controls.35 The combined analyses with the discovery and validation sets identified 9 AAA risk loci [Au: table 1 lists SNPs, so replace “loci” with “SNPs” here?] (TABLE 1), 5 of which were previously known and 4 were new loci.

Despite the highly significant associations with these 9 genetic loci [Au: SNPs?] (TABLE 1), they explain only a small proportion of the heritability of AAA. Furthermore, the biology underlying these genetic associations still needs to be defined. One study used vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) isolated from AAA patients and controls to assess DNA methylation in the genes found within the 9 associated loci.36 Altered DNA methylation levels were found in 4 genes(ERG, IL6R, SERPINB9 and SMYD2) [Au: can you comment on what function(s) these genes are involved?] suggesting that epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation are implicated in AAA development. The proteins ERG and SMYG2 are transcriptional regulators controlling the expression of other genes, IL6R is an inflammatory molecule, and SERPINB9 is a protease inhibitor. Additional functional studies will help in dissecting the pathobiology leading to AAA development, growth and rupture. Future studies need to take into account these different stages of the AAA disease, since it is likely that the molecular mechanisms and genetic factors differ in the initiation, growth and rupture of AAA .37

Another important genetic finding on AAA includes a study that demonstrated that longer telomere length was associated with reduced risk (OR: 0.63; 95%CI: 0.49−0.81) for AAA, but increased risk for cancer.38

Finally, AAAs appear to differ genetically from thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections [Au: abbreviation deleted for readability, as it is only used a handful of times] and do not usually co-occur in the same family.39 The overlap between the genetic loci currently known for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections and AAA is limited,40,41 [Au: how many SNPs out of 9?] suggesting that pathobiology in the 2 aneurysmal diseases is distinct. For example, none of the 9 AAA loci have been associated with thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections, but interestingly, one of them (rs10757274) has been associated with intracranial aneurysms.

Growth and Rupture risk of AAA

Since AAA is commonly asymptomatic, in the absence of screening programmes, most patients with AAA remain undiagnosed. The mean growth rate is 2.5 mm/year in medium sized AAAs (39-49 mm), and is faster in current smokers, and slower in patients with diabetes mellitus.19,44,45 Other factors that have been inconsistently reported to be associated with increased growth are hypertension, female sex and COPD.19,47,48 No pharmaceutical agent that could slow AAA growth has been found, despite many attempts. Individuals with an undiagnosed AAA are at risk for AAA rupture, which can lead to sudden death from massive intra-abdominal bleeding.

Factors that influence the risk for rupture have been difficult to identify. One of the larger meta-analyses in the field confirmed the higher rupture risk in women, the increased risk in current smokers, and those with untreated hypertension.19,22,48 The risk of AAA rupture is associated with aneurysm diameter a prediction that has some weaknesses, since in a few patients the AAA will rupture at less than 55 mm diameter even when surveilled at a vascular clinic. Precision medicine options to identify more patient-specific rupture risk predictions are therefore under investigation, using factors such as aneurysm volume, aortic size index (the association between aortic width and body surface area), family history of AAA, presence of diabetes and biomarkers.16,23,56,60–64

Some recent registry-based reports suggest that the use of fluoroquinolones causes collagen breakdown in the aortic wall, which could increase the risk for hospital care or death from aortic disease (thoracic aortic aneurysms, dissection or AAA).65

The reported rupture risk varies as a function of diameter, and derives from studies of patients left untreated due to comorbidities.66,67 Recent North American guidelines indicate that the rupture risk, based on diameter alone, may be lower than previously reported. Previously, annual rupture risks for patients with 70mm: 33 % have been reported. (lederle and JVS Chaikof guidelines) A contemporary pooled analysis indicates that the annual rupture risk would be 5.3% (55-70 mm) and 6.3% for AAA >70 mm. Women with small AAA appear to have a higher rupture risk than men.47,48

[H1] Mechanisms/pathophysiology

AAA is a complex disease with both genetic and environmental risk factors. Its pathobiology is now more understood, but based on histological and molecular evaluation of tissue samples of the abdominal aorta removed during open repair, mostly of large AAAs or aortas with occlusive disease. AAA is characterized by elastin fragmentation, v-SMC death, increased oxidative stress in the aortic wall and immune cell infiltration of the adventitia. Molecular studies using high-throughput microarray-based genome-wide analyses have identified biological pathways 17,68–74 and demonstrated differences in the aortic wall between AAA and occlusive atherothrombotic aortic disease.17

As compared to intimal atheroma, aneurysms are characterized by medial injury, mainly caused by proteolysis and oxidative processes. 81 The ECM (elastin and collagen) supports the hemodynamic load of the aortic wall. The action of proteases that progressively degrade the ECM is considered the most influential mechanism for the development of AAAs (Fig 4

[H2] Atherothrombosis and hemodynamics

Atherothrombotic diseases are specific to arteries with atheroma localising preferentially to specific sites, including those proximal to bifurcations. Atheroma begins with an outward convection of plasma lipoproteins through the wall. A part of them (LDL) could be retained in the arterial intima, forming fatty streaks. These fatty streaks evolve towards plaque formation and intraplaque clotting by luminal intraparietal bleedings or intraplaque haemorrhages in the abdominal aorta, forming the pathological substrate for both occlusive disease and AAA.46 The abdominal aorta’s propensity for atherothrombotic dilation is due to specific hemodynamic conditions associated with the iliac bifurcation and the ensuing: (i) outward radial transportation of plasma molecules and microparticles 75 through the wall and (ii) collisions of circulating cells between one another and the aortic wall (Fig 3). Vollmar, thirty years ago showed that AAA was more frequent in men with above-knee amputation, and greater curvature of the aorta developed on the opposite side of the non-amputed leg,76 suggesting that reflexion waves on bifurcations can play an important role in the development and lateralization of AAAs. Hemodynamics also contribute to the understanding of the difference between the role of the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) at low vs high pressure systems. In the left atrium with a low pressure, the ILT mainly pertains to embolic risk, whereas in the aorta with high pressure, radial convection impacts the ILT in the wall contributing to a progressive dilation and risk of rupture.

Since the gradient of pressure between the circulating blood (120-80 mmHg) in large arteries is much higher than the interstitial pressure in the adventitia of the aorta (15 mmHg), proteases released by neutrophils, or directly plasma-borne zymogens, are outwardly conveyed through the wall, provoking ECM degradation and progressive dilation.

In AAA, at constant pressure, the tensile load progressively increases in relation to the increase in the radius and the decrease in wall thickness (Laplace law). Moreover, the cyclic stretching of the aortic ECM provokes a systolic peak of tensile stress on the wall, repeated 3.109 times during a human life of 80 years, creating biomechanical fatigue of the ECM, in synergy with the proteolytic injury (FIG. 3).

[H3] The role of the ILT during the development of AAA

The structure of AAAs is spatially organized, from inside to outside, with a multilayered ILT, a thin degraded media with few VSMCs and elastic components, and an inflammatory and/or fibrotic adventitia. Due to the presence of the ILT, there is neither endothelium nor intima in AAAs.

The role of ILT is linked to its biological activities, continuously renewed at the luminal interface with blood. In AAA, ILT is a spatio-temporal dynamic neo-tissue, able to degrade the underlying aortic wall, due to consumption of fibrinogen, circulating cellular elements such as polymorphic neutrophils (PMNs), platelets90 and red blood cells (RBCs),91 as well as macromolecules such as high-density lipoproteins (HDL)92 and ILT development is also enhanced by trapped bacteria.

Rarely, patients with AAA have been identified as sufffering from consumptive coagulopathy. These patients have decreased platelet counts and plasma fibrinogen levels, provoking systemic bleeding, with associated increases in plasma D-dimers.93 D-dimers are the hallmark of fibrinolysis and plasmin activation playing a major role in proteolytic injury of the wall. The consumption of RBCs, platelets and fibrinogen suggests that the dynamic occurring within the pathological ILT is the main determinant of the absence of stromal cell colonization, including local VSMC and circulating mesenchymal cell progenitors, limiting the healing capacities.94 These biological activities are not dependent on the ILT volume, but on its age: the fresher the ILT, the more active it is.

A recent review summarized numerous publications on the experimental animal models of AAA.96 One of the common features of these models is that the progression of the dilation stops with the cessation of the initial stimulus (elastase, Angiotensin II, calcium chloride) initiating a process of healing by mesenchymal cells (mainly vSMC). To the best of our knowledge, only repeated injections of bacteria (with their preferential localisation in the ILT), would continuously cause wall injury, thereby enhancing the dilation and possible subsequent rupture.95

[H2] Extracellular matrix

As compared to intimal atheroma, aneurysms are characterized by medial injury, mainly caused by proteolysis and oxidative processes. 81 The ECM (elastin and collagen) supports the hemodynamic load of the aortic wall. The action of proteases that progressively degrade the ECM is considered the most influential mechanism for the development of AAAs (Fig 4

The blood-containing function of the arterial wall mainly depends on the ECM, synthesized and matured in close vicinity of VSMCs. Lysyl oxidase, synthesized and secreted by the VSMCs, is the main enzyme involved in maturation of fibrillar structures, rendering them insoluble. The degradation of the ECM is largely due to proteases. The first studies describing a potential role for proteases were the seminal studies of Busutil and colleagues.83 Elastin damage was preferentially associated with progressive dilatation, whereas collagen damage led to rupture.84 Two protease families are predominantly linked to AAA progression: Serine proteases which directly degrade ECM or indirectly via adhesive proteins, and activated matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 63 which can directly degrade ECM.

The leukocyte elastase (serine protease) is able to degrade the fibrillar ECM. Plasmin (serine protease) is able to both degrade the intermediate adhesive proteins, provoking VSMC detachment and apoptosis,85 and to activate the pro-MMPs. Plasminogen is activated into plasmin on ILT fibrin, by tissue or urokinase plasminogen activator (t-PA or u-PA, serine proteases). U-PA and leukocyte elastase are released by neutrophils.

MMP9 (metalloproteinase) is released in association with gelatinase–associated lipocalin (NGAL), by neutrophil activation and death86, and is acts directly on elastin. MMPs are synthetized as inactive precursors and must be locally activated by partial plasmin proteolysis, and /or by reactive oxygen species.

The partial disappearance of VSMC is mainly due to the proteolytic and oxidative environment in the aortic wall. Plasmin and elastase are able to provoke v-SMC detachment and death.78,79 In parallel, intense oxidative stress is able to provoke v-SMC death. For instance, ceroids, a hallmark of oxidation are highly toxic for v-SMC. 79,80

All these proteases are regenerated in the most luminal layer of the ILT, are outwardly convected and percolate through the wall, provoking ECM degradation and vSMC loss .87 The proteolytic injuries are partly limited by antiproteases, including tissue serpins and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs). Therefore, such plasma proteases/antiprotease complexes could hypothetically serve as circulating markers of AAA progression but the evidence for their use in clinical practice remains to be substantiated. The most sensitive biomarkers would potentially be plasma MMP-9,88 leucocyte elastase/antitrypsin complex, D-dimers,89 and degradation products of ECM.

[H3] Calcification

Calcifications appear very early in the evolution of aortic atherothrombosis and AAAs.

Precipitation of ionized calcium in soft tissue depends on the presence of inorganic phosphates. Sources of inorganic phosphates in arterial tissue are intracellular energy metabolism (ATP recycling), extracellular (lipoproteins) or cell membrane phospholipids, free extracellular DNA and from the action of alkaline phosphatase. Free DNA provides sites for calcium precipitation on the backbone phosphates. This has been observed in the AAA wall, potentially associated with v-SMC death and release of free DNA.100 There is conflicting evidence about the role of the aneurysmal aortic wall calcification on disease progression.101,102

[H2] Innate and adaptive immunity

Under physiological conditions, the media of the aorta is an avascular tissue, and an immune-privileged site devoid of capillaries. Therefore, the diapedesis (the passage of blood cells through the intact walls of the capillaries) of circulating leukocytes in the media depends on neo-angiogenesis.82 In contrast, the external adventitia of the aorta is fully vascularised, allowing leukocyte diapedesis, innate and adaptive immunity and inward sprouting of new vessels in response to growth factors.

Bacteria circulating in vessels have a high affinity for thrombi. In AAAs, ILT fosters compartmentalization of pathogens and promotes local innate immunity.95 This introduces “Neutrophil Extracellular Traps”, able to retain proteases and oxidant molecules, and eventually will enhance aneurysmal growth and risk of rupture. Therefore bacterial trapping is a potential biological process fostering the AAA growth and rupture.94 Bacterial infection can also cause a subtype of AAA, called mycotic AAA (Box 1). AAA progression involves both innate and adaptive immunity. [Innate immune activities involve the diapedesis of PMN in the ILT, mainly by interaction with activated platelets, exposing P-selectin, the ligand of PSGL-1 expressed on neutrophils and the phagocytic (macrophage) activities in the adventitia. PMN activation and death results in a release of granule contents, including proteases, oxidant peptides, myeloperoxidase and pro-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-8.

The outward radial convection of degradation products and mediators, results in endocytosis whilst phagocytosis mainly takes place in the inner adventitia. The principal phagocytic activity detected is the storage of ferric iron from RBC within CD68 positive cells (CD68 is a specific marker of phagocytic functions, but not of a cell lineage). All cells with phagocytic activities acquire the CD 68 hallmark of phagolysosome fusion, including macrophages and VSMC. Ferric iron deposits can also be observed in peri-aortic lymph nodes.

The inner layer of the adventitia is the preferred, and commonly the only, site for the development of intense neo-angiogenesis. In the AAA context, relative hypoxia and phospholipid metabolism producing eicosanoids, could trigger neo-angiogenesis by induction of VEGF overexpression in macrophages and vSMC This neo-angiogenesis includes dense arterioles, capillaries, venules and lymphatic vessels.

Adaptive immune responses to the proteolytic and/or oxidative injuries of the wall also take place in the adventitia.82 This immune response is characterized by the development of Tertiary Lymphoid Organs (ATLO), an organized lymphocytic neo-granuloma with a germinal centre constituted of B-cells, able to mature the adaptive immune response toward antibody production. These germinal centres are surrounded by endothelial venules, follicular dentritic cells, and T follicular helper cells, which stimulate immunoglobulin switching through a specific and complex cytokine network.97 This adaptive immune response depends on two main conditions: a specific inter-T cell and interleukin network able to organize the lymphoid organ structure, and outwardly convected neo-antigens able to drive antibody maturation. Neo-antigens are self-molecules, transformed by oxidation or by proteolysis, revealing new modified epitopes that could stimulate the immune system. The cumulative response is that ATLO produce polyspecific antibodies, directed against neo-antigens which have proteolytic or oxidative modifications (FIG. 5). There is no direct retro-diffusion of antibodies to the media or the ILT, they are recycled into the general circulation and reach their molecular targets from the plasma.

There are important data which provide evidence that complement pathways are activated in AAA.98 In man, molecular elements of the complement cascade predominate in the ILT. Nevertheless, the exact pathophysiology of complement activation in human AAA remains to be more clearly defined. Current data would support the hypothesis that adventitial immune adaptive response in AAA might be more than a bystander, but rather an active participant in AAA growth and rupture risk.

The adventitia of AAA is also enriched by mast cells containing tryptase and chymase, in relation to adventitial neo-angiogenesis.99 Mast cells are activated by IgE binding and clustering, which triggers degranulation, such as different vaso-active factors (serotonin, histamine, heparin, TNF, prostaglandins).

[H3] Inflammatory AAA

An inflammatory AAA is a clinical diagnosis based on thickened anterior and lateral aortic wall, confirmed in radiological examinations and seen during AAA repair operation.106 The inflammatory reaction creates a close adhesion between the aortic wall and the neighboring organs: duodenum, small intestine, sigmoid, ureters and even rectum. The pathology of these aneurysms shows the dense fibrosis, densely infiltrated by lymphocytes.107

[H2] Oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is present in a tissue when the free radical production exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant defense. This imbalance leads to cell death, especially in endothelial cells, as a consequence of production of oxidized proteins, peroxides, and DNA damage.46 It also activates pro MMP2 and pro MMP9 that degrade the collagen fibres in the wall. Interestingly, smoking potentially acts by increasing oxidative stress. The two main sources of oxidative stress in human AAA are from PMN [nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH) and myeloperoxidase] and redox active iron released by trapped RBCs in the luminal layer of ILT.

Circulating HDL are dysfunctional in AAA patients, 103 and AAA growth has been associated with a decrease in circulating Apo-A1 and HDL.92 The decrease in HDLs is directly linked to their convection through the highly oxidative wall, the oxidation of apo-A1 and the dissociation of apo-A1 and the release of its lipid cargo. 104 Myeloperoxidase can be detected in patient’s plasma as an oxidative stress marker produced by neutrophils. Free radical production has also been correlated to clinical features, and the overall mortality risk.105 By modifying protein antigenicity, oxidative stress is the main determinant of immune adaptive response in AAA.

[H1] Diagnosis, screening and prevention

[H2] Clinical diagnosis of AAA

In countries with no population-based screening programmes, most patients with intact, asymptomatic AAA referred to vascular departments are diagnosed incidentally when a radiological examination was performed for another medical condition. This situation changes, where population-based screening in men has been introduced, leading to a decline in the incidence of ruptured AAA in men.8,42,43,115 A very small fraction of patients with intact asymptomatic AAA are diagnosed with a pulsatile mass at a clinical examination or because the large AAA compresses other intraabdominal organs.

Patients with ruptured AAA who survive the first episode of bleeding are usually admitted as an emergency with abdominal pain. The classic “triad” of clinical signs (abdominal or back pain, hypotension or shock, and abdominal pulsatile mass)116,117 does not always lead to an accurate diagnosis of AAA, since only 25−50% of patients with ruptured AAA demonstrate all triad signs.116,117 Today most patients admitted to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain are subjected to ultrasonography (Fig 5 confirming the existence of an AAA followed by a computed tomography (CT) angiogram. The introduction and increasingly widespread use of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in the treatment of ruptured AAA has necessitated the use of CT angiograms. CT increases the specificity of the diagnosis of rupture, evaluates morphological suitability for EVAR and also improves the quality of open repair.

[H2] Conventional imaging

Many patients are diagnosed primarily with ultrasonography of the abdomen, which is a cheap, highly specific, noninvasive and harmless examination, generally considered as the gold standard in asymptomatic patients. Patients with a larger (>55 mm), symptomatic or ruptured AAA are usually subjected to CT imaging. CT angiograms should preferably be performed with a maximum of 0.5−1 mm slice-thickness, and with contrast in the arterial phase. The CT scan will support the diagnosis, detect possible concurrent aneurysmal disease in other vessels, and give the possibility to plan the surgical intervention (open or EVAR). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cannot be performed in emergency situations, but is important as an adjunct imaging method, specifically in patients with contraindications to iodinated CT contrast agents, such as mild to moderate renal insufficiency and allergy.

[H2] Functional imaging

Functional imaging refers to the assessment of pathophysiological pathways involved in AAA. It includes metabolic and molecular imaging, of which Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is the flagship in clinical practice. PET produces three-dimensional (3D) images from an internal source after injection of a radionuclide, also known as a tracer that often specifically tracks physiological processes or tissues. Fluorodeoxy-glucose-F18 (18F−FDG) is one of the most widely used tracers. It enters cells as a glucose analogue and is phosphorylated to 18F−FDG-6-phosphate. As 18F-FDG-6-phosphate can neither enter the glycolytic cycle nor exit the cell, its accumulation identifies sites of increased glycolysis, such as inflammatory foci and cancer.118 On recent scanners, PET and CT are combined within the same gantry, enabling the co-registration of PET and CT data and accurate anatomical localization of the tracer uptake (FIG. 6).

Imaging AAA using PET poses challenges regarding the technique and the disease process. 18F-FDG uptake in AAA is nonspecific.119 In addition a marked decrease in cell density in AAAs120 and substantial background noise on PET images decrease the chance of having 18F-FDG uptake.121,122 Despite these challenges, several studies have shown that 18F-FDG uptake in AAA is associated with inflammatory and phagocytic cell infiltrates,123–127 proteolytic activity by MMPs,124,128 and cellular and molecular signaling preceding rupture.129

The ability of iron oxide to alter the MRI signal provides another option for functional imaging, as iron oxides are specifically phagocytized by the reticulo-endothelial system (mainly by macrophages).130,131 MRI offers other opportunities for functional assessment of AAA, one of which evaluates the movement of water molecules in tissues: the Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI). As 18F-FDG PET, DWI is sensitive to cellular density. Comparison between DWI and 18F-FDG PET has so far been reported only once in a patient with an aortic arch aneurysm.132 MRI can also be used to evaluate periaortic neoangiogenesis as a marker of instability.133,134

The relationship between functional imaging findings and patient outcomes is supported by animal models of AAA.135,136 Nevertheless, a meta-analysis 137 found conflicting results when predicting AAA growth rate or rupture using functional imaging. Interestingly, 18F-FDG uptake seemed to be an indicator of AAA growth only in subgroups of patients where growth was rapid 142. Furthermore, in studies reporting rupture as the endpoint, the site of rupture almost always spatially co-localized with increased uptake.123,143

[H2] Computational analyses

Three-dimensional anatomy provided by imaging techniques (CT, MRI and ultrasonography in decreasing order of relevance) may offer an alternative assessment of the risk of rupture via Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (FIG. 7). This approach assumes that in the AAA, the forces towards rupture oppose to the structural stability (resistance). The force is a multidirectional vector that applies on a surface both directly (Law of Laplace) and by shearing. FEA estimates the pressure [Newton per square meter (N/m²) or Pascal (Pa)] acting on the aortic wall and promoting dilatation and rupture risk based on computational models obtained from 3D images.

A meta-analysis compiled 9 studies (348 patients) that retrospectively evaluated whether FEA differentiated between intact (or asymptomatic) and ruptured (or symptomatic) aneurysms.144 The maximal wall stress was significantly higher in ruptured or symptomatic aneurysms in 7 of the 9 studies.145,146 In addition, wall stress estimates better discriminated patient groups than the maximal aortic diameter. There have also been preliminary studies on the association between wall stress and AAA growth rate.147 148 Once obtained, wall stress can be correlated to the wall resistance obtained from in vitro biomechanical testing of aortic tissues, to provide a biomechanical relative rupture risk index, which discriminates better than wall stress, symptomatic versus asymptomatic aneurysms, but there is no prospective validation of the relative rupture risk index.149

Despite their ongoing refinements, the widespread use of computational analyses in AAAs is limited by availability of technical resources and concerns such as case-specific non-valid assumptions (e.g., standardized inflow conditions, aortic wall rigidity and homogeneity of the biomechanical properties of the AAA wall components).150 Therefore, the role of computational analyses in predicting the rupture site in AAA is debatable.151 Several investigations have reported a spatial colocalization of the maximal wall stress and the rupture site,143,149 and areas under high wall stress exhibited histopathological features of aneurysmal wall weakening, compared to areas at low wall stress on the same aneurysm.152,153 However, the relationship between elevated wall stress estimates and other hemodynamic parameters with rupture is not established. Indeed, areas of high wall stress spatially co-localize poorly with aortic wall blebs154 or inflammation as determined by either uptake of 18F-FDG on PET imaging or iron oxide on MRI.155,156 Thus, inflammation and wall stress may represent different but complementary features of AAA progression.

[H2] Screening

Knowledge of the natural history of AAA has vastly improved from the large AAA screening and surveillance trials.8,42,43 The maximum aortic diameter at the latest control will influence the surveillance interval. Surveillance protocols are commonly used at most vascular departments for patients with asymptomatic AAA and also indicate when patients should be evaluated for aortic repair.46 (Figure 8) Population-based screening has been shown to reduce AAA-related mortality in men. Such screening programmes have been implemented nationally in the UK and Sweden, inviting all 65-year old men to a one-time ultrasonography scan.8,42,50,115 The gold standard diagnostic method is ultrasonography. The participation rate in the UK and Sweden was 75-85% and the prevalence of AAA in the target population was 1-2%. However, large regional variations are often found both in prevalence and participation rates.8,10,42,50,115 The variation could depend on risk factor distribution, such as smoking habits, but obvious differences in development of AAA exists for different ethnic groups, some groups are more prone, such as cauciansCaucasians. (ref Samson, global) There is no evidence that supports implementation of population based screening in women, mainly due to the lower prevalence and later onset of disease.7,21 Targeted screening of specific risk groups [patients with subaneurysmal aorta (2.5-2.9 cm in diameter), smoking or family history] could prove to be efficient, and would also include women at risk, but the practical implementation and cost-effectiveness remain uncertain.

The cost-benefit balance of AAA screening in men, considering the predicted continued decline in prevalence, has been reevaluated in several cost-effectiveness models. If the AAA prevalence falls below 0.35-0.5%, and the incidental detection rates increase further, the programmes should be reevaluated.115,157,158 A summary of the first 10 years of screening programmes in Sweden confirmed the benefit with screening of men, similar to that reported from the large randomized clinical trials of AAA screening.42,115 The introduction of screening was associated with a reduction in AAA-specific mortality in men (mean: 4.0%/year of screening; P=0.020). After a mean of 4 years, 29% of patients with AAA had been operated on, with a 30-day mortality rate of 0.9%, which is comparable to 26% operated on in the MASS (Multicentre Aneurysm Screening Study) trial at 4 years.42,115 Screening also decreases all-cause mortality in screened men compared to an unscreened population.159

[H1] Management

The annual number of treated patients, as well as the distribution between intervention for rupture and intact AAA varies between regions and countries, and the screening activity in the population will influence the proportion of elective repair. The intervention rate is much higher in the USA as compared to the UK or Sweden (64/100000 vs 32-42/100000) probably reflecting the fee-for-service health care system in the USA, rather than general governmental reimbursement systems commonly used in Europe.51,52 The mean aortic diameter in treated patients is also a marker that reflects the diversity in treatment regimes. There is a trend towards an increasing proportion of patients being treated at smaller diameters in many countries, especially within fee-for-service systems.51–53 In most modern vascular services, 75-85% of AAA repairs are performed electively for intact aneurysms.52,54

Patients with an asymptomatic fusiform AAA of >5.4cm in diameter should be considered for elective repair, while surveillance is recommended for smaller AAA. Elective repair is also recommended for patients who present with a saccular aneurysm generally at smaller diameter, although specific guidelines for saccular AAA are lacking due to their infrequent presentation. For patients with rapid expansion of a small fusiform AAA an earlier repair might be considered. Moreover, young and healthy patients, and particularly women, with an AAA 5.0 - 5.4 cm may benefit from early repair. However patients with an AAA >5.4 cm, but with advanced age or significant comorbidities and risk factors repair may be delayed. (J Vasc Surg. 2018 Jan;67(1):2-77.e2. Surgery practice guidelines

In contrast to intact asymptomatic AAA, a ruptured AAA is a surgical emergency and immediate treatment is required. Patients that present with a symptomatic, but not-ruptured AAA also require prompt treatment. Contemporary management of patients with ruptured AAA can also be either by EVAR or open repair. Recent trial results suggest that short and long-term results are better with EVAR. (ref IMPROVE THREE YEAR RESULTS).

A delayed intervention for several hours might be considered in selected occasions to optimise conditions for successful repair (e.g. optimal anesthetic support, available blood products, appropriate device etc.). If a delayed treatment is chosen, close monitoring in an Intensive care unit is recommended

Open Surgery

Open surgery is usually performed via a transperitoneal approach with midline laparotomy. Alternatively, a left retroperitoneal approach can be used. Aortic cross clamping should be performed below the renal arteries if possible. If the AAA extends above the renal arteries a supraceliac clamping may be preferred, increasing rates of renal dysfunction and perioperative morbidity.

Open AAA repair continues to be used for patients that are not anatomically suitable for EVAR, (e,g, short sealing zones, multiple accessory renal arteries, not suitable access vessels etc.) and in countries with limited resources for healthcare.

Open repair may also be offered to young and healthy individuals despite suitability for EVAR, given the probably better long-term durability and the reduced need for long-term surveillance and reinterventions compared to EVAR. Open surgery may also be required for treatment of complications after EVAR (e.g. persistent endoleak, aneurysm sac growth) or for treatment of a mycotic AAA or graft infection. ((J Vasc Surg. 2018 Jan;67(1):2-77.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2017.10.044. The Society for Vascular Surgery practice guidelines on the care of patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Chaikof EL1, Dalman RL2, Eskandari MK3, Jackson BM4, Lee WA5, Mansour MA6, Mastracci TM7, Mell M2, Murad MH8, Nguyen LL9, Oderich GS10, Patel MS11, Schermerhorn ML12, Starnes BW13. )

[H2] Endovascular treatment

Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) refers to implantation of a bifurcated stent-graft via the femoral and iliac arteries with the aim to exclude the AAA from the systemic circulation. In order to introduce the stent-graft access vessels should be of adequate quality. Furthermore to achieve complete sealing, healthy (non-aneurysmal) proximal and distal zones are required for landing of the stent-graft. In cases of inadequate proximal landing zone below the renal arteries, the suprarenal part of the aorta can be used for sealing using advanced endovascular techniques such as fenestrated grafts (stent-grafts with fenestrations-holes to accommodate the renal arteries and the superior mesenteric artery and celiac trunk if needed.) Alternatively, the chimney technique can be used referring to placement of stent-grafts (chimneys) parallel to the main aortic stent-graft aiming to maintain perfusion of the renal arteries. (Figure 9)

During its early phase, EVAR was considered only for frail patients unfit for open surgery. Gradually, the indications expanded to include also low-risk patients. Nowadays EVAR is considered a safe alternative for anatomically suitable AAAs and is actually the preferred approach in most centres (FIG. 10).166

Several randomized and observational studies have compared EVAR with open AAA repair.167–173 The DREAM (Dutch Randomized Endovascular Aneurysm Management) trial showed a benefit of EVAR vs. open repair with regard to 30-day mortality (1.2% vs. 4.6%; P = 0.10), complication rates (11.7% vs. 26.4%; P ................

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