Manhattan South Patrol Borough (PBMS)

Zone Precincts Frequency CTCSS

Zone 1 1-5-7 476.5625 100.0

Zone 2 6-9 476.4375 110.9

Zone 3 10-13 476.3375 123.0

Zone 4 MTS-17-MTN 476.5875 136.5

Manhattan North Patrol Borough (PBMN)

Zone 5 19-23 476.3875 151.4

Zone 6 20-CP-24 476.3125 167.9

Zone 7 25-28-32 476.6375 186.2

Zone 8 26-30 476.3625 100.0

Zone 9 33-34 476.8875 110.9

Bronx Patrol Borough (PBBX)

Zone 10 40-41 476.5375 123.0

Zone 11 42-44 476.8375 136.5

Zone 12 43-45 476.9125 151.4

Zone 13 46-48 476.4875 167.9

Zone 14 47-49 476.9625 186.2

Zone 15 50-52 476.6625 100.0

Brooklyn South Patrol Borough (PBBS)

Zone 16 60-61 476.4625 110.9

Zone 17 62-68 476.5125 123.0

Zone 18 63-69 476.9375 136.5

Zone 19 66-70 476.8625 151.4

Zone 20 67-71 477.0125 167.9

Zone 21 72-76-78 476.4125 186.2

Brooklyn North Patrol Borough (PBBN)

Zone 22 73-75 476.9875 100.0

Zone 23 77-79 476.7375 110.9

Zone 24 81-83 476.7875 123.0

Zone 25 84-88 476.7625 136.5

Zone 26 90-94 476.6875 151.4

Queens South Patrol Borough (PBQS)

Zone 27 100-101 477.1375 167.9

Zone 28 102-106 477.0875 186.2

Zone 29 103-107 477.0375 100.0

Zone 30 105-113 477.1125 110.9

Queens North Patrol Borough (PBQN)

Zone 31 104-112 476.7125 123.0

Zone 32 108-114 476.6125 136.5

Zone 33W 109 477.0625 151.4

Zone 33E 111 482.6125 151.4

Zone 34 110-115 476.8125 167.9

Staten Island Patrol Borough (PBSI)

Zone 35N 120 482.8875 186.2

Zone 35S 122-123 482.5875 186.2

Patrol Borough Systems / *Future Transit System

PBMAN Patrol Boro Manhattan 471.0625 110.9

PBBX Patrol Boro Bronx 471.0375 123.0

PBBKN Patrol Boro Brooklyn 470.9875 136.5

PBQNS Patrol Boro Queens 470.9375 167.9

PBSI Patrol Boro Staten Island 482.8625 100.0

*TRAN-MAN Future Manhattan Transit 471.0875 100.0

*TRAN-BX Future Bronx Transit 482.5625 100.0

*TRAN-BKN Future Brooklyn Transit 470.9625 151.4

*TRAN-QNS Future Queens Transit 470.9125 186.2

Inter-Operability Systems (PD/FD/EMS)

CW I-O City-Wide Inter-Op 482.6875 110.9\SIMUL.

SICW I-O SICW Inter-Op 482.3875 110.9/SIMUL.

MANH I-O Manhattan Inter-Op 482.7125 123.0

BRONX I-O Bronx Inter-Op 482.7375 136.5

BKLYN I-O Brooklyn Inter-Op 482.7875 151.4

QUEENS I-O Queens Inter-Op 482.8125 167.9

SI N I-O Staten Is North Inter-Op 482.8375 186.2\SIMUL.

SI S I-O Staten Is. South Inter-Op 482.5375 186.2/SIMUL.

Patrol City-Wide Systems

CW-1 Patrol Comb. Ops. 470.6875 100.0\SIMUL.

SI-CW-1 SI Pat. Comb. Ops. 482.6625 100.0/SIMUL.

CW-2 Patrol Comb. Ops. 470.7125 110.9\SIMUL.

SI-CW-2 SI Pat. Comb. Ops. 482.6375 110.9/SIMUL.

Dispatch City-Wide Systems

Traffic Traffic Division 470.8125 123.0\SIMUL.

SI-Traffic SI Traffic Units 482.4625 123.0/SIMUL.

SOD Special Operations Div. 470.8375 136.5\SIMUL.

SI-SOD SI SOD Units 482.4875 136.5/SIMUL.

City-Wide Systems

CW-3 Combined Ops. 470.8625 151.4\SIMUL.

SI-CW-3 SI Combined Ops. 482.4375 151.4/SIMUL.

SPIN Spec. Invest. 470.6625 167.9

DET-1 CW Det. Units 470.7375 186.2

DET-2 CW OCCB Units 470.7875 100.0

CDCW Comm. Div./Admin. 471.1125 110.9

CW-4 Combined Ops. 470.8875 123.0

SI-CW-4 SI Combined Ops. 482.4125 123.0

Intl/DET2 Intel Div./Boro Det. 470.6375 136.5

OCCB-1 Internal Affairs 470.7625 151.4

OCCB-2 Boro OCCB Units 471.0125 167.9

CMD/IAD Command 471.1375 186.2

Tactical Simplex Frequencies

TAC A Zones 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31 485.6125 203.5

TAC B Zones 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32 485.5875 210.7

TAC C Zones 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33 485.5625 218.1

TAC D Zones 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29,34 485.4875 225.7

TAC E Zones 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 485.4625 233.6

TAC F Task Force (PB) 485.4375 203.5

TAC G SOD & TCD 473.6875 210.7

TAC H SOD & TCD 473.7125 218.1

TAC I SP CMD & HQ SEC 485.4125 225.7

TAC J 465.1125 203.5 TAC K 465.1875 210.7

TAC L 465.2375 218.1 TAC M 465.3125 225.7

TAC N 465.4625 233.6 TAC O 465.4875 241.8

TAC P 460.1125 203.5 TAC Q 460.1875 210.7

TAC R 460.2375 218.1 TAC S 460.3125 225.7

TAC T 460.4625 233.6 TAC U 460.4875 241.8

TAC V 460.5375 233.6 (CD)

NYPD Aviation “Company Channel” 123.100 CS


FDNY Vehicle Radio Plan (PL 186.2)

Ch Use Dispatch Mixer

1 Citywide 154.43 153.89

2 Queens 154.40 153.77

3 Brooklyn 154.37 153.95

4 Manhattan 154.25 154.01

5 Bronx/SI 154.19 154.07

Marine Co’s (All Simplex) (Ch16)156.80 (Ch17)156.85 (Ch13)156.65 (Harb. Traf.)

NEW FDNY Portable Radios

Channel Use Frequency PL

HT1 TAC 1 486.1125 CS

HT2 Command 1 485.1875 CS

HT3 TAC 2 486.2625 CS

HT4 487.2625 CS

HT5 487.1375 CS

HT6 485.2625 CS

HT7 486.1375 CS

HT8 485.0625 CS

HT9 – Digital 486.01875 -

EMS TAC 2 487.4875 85.4

Hi-rise In-Building Rpt 483.0125 173.8

Hi-rise In-Building Rpt Dig 483.00625 -

NYPD TAC U I/O 460.4875 241.8

Sub Rpt F1 / Qu HT Rpt 460.575 110.9 / 141.3

Sub Rpt F2 / Bk HT Rpt 460.625 103.5 / 141.3

EMREGENCY Ch. 486.7375 CS

OLD FDNY Portable Radio Plan (SIMPLEX)

Ch Use Frequency

1 Primary Tactical 153.83

2 Secondary Command 154.43

3 Primary Cmd 153.77

4 Primary Cmd/Sec.Tactical 154.01

5 Primary Cmd/Sec.Tactical 153.95

6 Primary Cmd/Sec.Tactical 154.07

7 Mini Repeater 153.89

FDNY Mobile Data Terminals (STARFIRE II)

856.2125 *

856.7375 *

857.7375 *

858.7375 *

859.7375 (19.2K speed) **

* MDC-4800 Data format.

To monitor MDT on these 4 channels, perform a discriminator tap modification to receiver and input to line-in of any computer sound card. Use free software such as MDTMon 1.6.1 to monitor these unencrypted comms. **19.2 not yet monitorable.

FDNY Fall back levels

STEP 1 = No contact / no response to ERS boxes.

In effect every day from 0800 to 2300.

STEP 2 = Step 1 and 1 engine response to pull boxes.

STEP 3 = Step 2 and 1 engine, 1 ladder and a BC to

all structural alarms.

Exceptions: Highway, bridge or BC request.


CITYWIDE 1 NEW YORK 461.225 167.9 WWW.

Citywide Radio New York 453.000 167.9

Metro Fire Radio (New Jersey) 451.850 114.8 WWW.


Common Codes:

10-1 Call Your Command

10-2 Report To Your Command

10-3 Call Dispatcher By Telephone

10-4 Acknowledgment

10-5 Repeat Message

10-6 Standby

10-7 Verify Address

10-10 Possible Crime (prowler, suspicious person/vehicle, shots fired, etc.)

10-11 Alarm (specify type)

10-12 Police Officer/Security Holding Suspect

10-13 Assist Police Officer

10-14 License Plate Check - Occupied & Suspicious - Verify If Stolen

10-15 License Plate Check - Verify If Is Stolen - Occupied or Not

10-16 Vehicle is Reported Stolen

10-17 Vehicle is Not Reported Stolen

10-18 Warrant Check Shows An Active Warrant

10-19 Warrant Check Negative

Past / In Progress Crime

10-20 / 10-30 Robbery

10-21 / 10-31 Burglary

10-22 / 10-32 Larceny (specify: auto, from person, other)

10-33 Explosive Device or Threat

10-24 / 10-34 Assault (specify)

10-25 / 10-35 Child Abuse

10-29 / 10-39 Other Crime (specify)

10-44  Suspicious Substance (Bio/Chem/etc.)  [L-Letter, P-Package, S-Substance]

Rapid Mobilization Codes (see also 10-70, 10-71, 10-77)

10-45 4 sergeants, 20 officers

10-46 1 lieutenant, 8 sergeants, 40 officers

10-47 Additional lieutenant, 8 sergeants, 40 officers

10-48 Unscheduled response as directed by officer in charge


Level One: Responding Borough Task Force

Level Two: Task Force - City Wide

Level Three: Local Borough Precinct Personnel

Level Four: Precinct Personnel - City Wide

Non Crime Incidents:

10-50 Disorderly Person/Group or Noise

10-51 Roving band (specify direction of travel & number in group)

10-52 Dispute (specify)

10-53 Vehicle Accident (specify)

10-54 Ambulance Case (specify type)

10-55 Ambulance Case No RMP required

10-56 Verify if Ambulance Needed

10-56 -O Outstretched Person (used in transit condition needing verification)

10-57 2nd Call for Ambulance - verify

10-58 Assist Ambulance (specify type of assist)

10-59 Alarm of Fire (specify type)

10-60 H Research (disabled vehicle)

I Broadcast (chase/pursuit)

Administrative Codes:

10-61 Precinct Assignment (not available) (give condition and location)

10-62 Out of Service - Mechanical (give condition and location)

10-63 Out of Service - Meal

64. Quality of Life Incident 

[A-Animal, B-Blocking Driveway, C-Construction D-Drinking,

E-Bikes/Skates, F-Fireworks G-Garbage, H-Homeless,

I-Hazardous Location K-Lewd Acts, M-Posting Advertisements,

N-Panhandling P-Peddling, Q-Foul Odor, R-Trespass, S-Squeegee

T-Traffic, U-Urinating, V-Vandalism, Z-Other]

Other Conditions:

10-65 Utility Trouble (specify nature and if ESU responding or not)

10-66 Unusual Incident (train derailment/collision, plane crash, building collapse)

10-67 Traffic/Parking Condition (specify)

10-68 See Complainant re: (specify)

10-69 Other Non-Crime Incident (specify)

10-69 N Narcotics - refer to PDU

10-69 S For your eyes only - refer to out of city agency (specify)

10-75 P Park, Walk, Talk

V Vertical Patrol

D Directed Patrol

Mobilization Codes:

10-70 Borough emergency

10-71 Citywide emergency

10-77 Implement local mobilization plan

Assignment Status (interim):

10-80 Cancel (specify unneeded service)

10-81 Transporting to Stationhouse

10-82 Verification/Arrest (give number detained)

10-83 Report/Notification at Station House

10-84 Arrived at Scene

10-85 Need Additional Unit (specify type & reason)

10-86 Female In/Female Out of Vehicle (indicate time)

10-87 Unit to Hospital (specify hospital)

10-88 Vehicle Pursuit as a result of another assignment

10-89 Other Interim Status (specify)

Final Dispositions:

10-90 F1 Domestic Incident Report (no offense of domestic violence is alleged)

F2 Domestic Incident Report (unfounded report of domestic violence)

J1 Domestic Incident Report (no offense of child abuse is alleged)

J2 Domestic Incident Report (offense of reported child abuse is unfounded)

N Unfounded or Unnecessary Alarm

U Unable to gain entrance

X Unfounded

Y Unnecessary

Z Gone on arrival

10-91 Non-crime corrected

10-92 Arrest

C Crime Arrest (felony/misdemeanor, include number arrested)

F Family Offense Arrest Made

J Child Abuse Arrest Affected

Q Other Arrest (specify type)

10-93 C Complaint Report prepared

F Complaint Report/Domestic Incident (for Family Offense)

J Complaint Report/Domestic Incident (for Child Abuse)

Q Other report prepared (no arrest)

10-94 Handled by previous tour

10-95 Non-crime referred by another agency

10-96 Summons served

10-97 H Patient removed to hospital

R Patient refused medical aide

E1 EDP admitted to hospital

E2 EDP released from hospital

10-98 Resuming patrol/available (not acceptable from final unit on scene)

10-99 Other final disposition (must include remarks)

T4 Vehicle Accident - no tow truck required

T5 Vehicle Accident - DARP tow required

T6 Vehicle Accident - other tow serviced

T7 Vehicle Accident - DARP and other tow serviced

T8 Vehicle Accident - DARP requested, waited 30 minutes, made 2nd request, resumed patrol


10-01 Call your quarters by telephone

10-02 Return to quarters

10-03 Call the dispatcher by telephone

10-04 Acknowledgement

10-05 Repeat

10-06 Stand by

10-07 Verify address

10-08 Available on the air

CODE 1: Used by battalion chiefs when leaving a firehouse to which their fire tickets were redirected.

CODE 2: Used by any unit when they are in service by radio, but not in their first alarm response area.

10-09 Off the air

10-10 Current location

10-11 Give a radio test count

10-12 First arriving unit give preliminary


10-14 Roster staffed engine

10-18 Return all units except 1 engine AND 1 ladder

10-19 Return all units except 1 engine OR 1 ladder

10-20 Proceed to box location at reduced speed

10-21 Brush fire

10-22 Outside rubbish

10-23 Abandoned derelict vehicle fire

10-24 Auto fire

10-25 Manhole or transformer vault fire

CODE 1 - Fire extended into building

CODE 2 - Cover blown

CODE 3 - Smoke issuing under pressure

CODE 4 – Transformer fire (pole-mounted or vault)

10-26 Food on stove

10-27 Compactor fire

10-28 Railroad fires

CODE 1 - NYC Transit System

CODE 2 - Non NYC Transit system

10-31 Clogged incinerator

10-32 Defective oil burner

10-33 Odor of smoke

CODE 1 - Caused by nearby working fire, BBQ's, Etc.

CODE 2 - Any other type odor

10-34 Sprinkler system emergency

CODE 1 - Defective equipment

CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm

CODE 3 - Non fire activated

10-35 Alarm system emergency

CODE 1 - Defective alarm

CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm

CODE 3 - Recorded alarm

10-36 Automobile accident or emergency

CODE 1 - Washdown

CODE 2 - Accident - no injuries or washdown

CODE 3 - Accident with injuries

CODE 4 - Accident requiring extrication

NO CODE - All others

10-37 Assist Civilian - first aid or other calls for assistance

CODE 1 - Victim deceased (non-fire related)

CODE 2 - Victim not breathing - requires resuscitation

CODE 3 - Victim is breathing with illness or injury

NO CODE - All others

10-38 Carbon Monoxide response

CODE 1 - Detector activation

(defective, low-battery, unwarranted)

CODE 2 - CO incident - Readings 1-9 PPM

CODE 3 - CO emergency - Readings 9 PPM

CODE 4 - No detector activation during incident (detector not present or did not activate)

10-40 Utility emergency

CODE 1 - Gas

CODE 2 - Electric

CODE 3 - Water condition

CODE 4 - Steam leak

10-41 Suspicious fire

CODE 1 - Occupied building or vehicle

CODE 2 - Unoccupied building

CODE 3 - Unoccupied vehicle

CODE 4 - Vacant building

10-44 Request for public ambulance

10-45 Serious fire related injury

CODE 1 - Victim deceased

CODE 2 - Life threatening serious injury

CODE 3 - Non-life threatening serious injury

10-47 Request police

10-48 Request police forthwith for harassment

10-51 Cancellation of outside activities




10-70 Water relay required - A notification that the first arriving engine has no positive water source and a water relay is required.

10-75 WORKING FIRE Request 4 engines, 2 ladders,

2 BC's, Rescue, Squad, and FAST truck


Response: 5 engines, 5 ladders, 5 BCs, 1 DC,

1 Rescue, Mask Service Unit, Hi-Rise Unit, Field

Comm, 1 Squad, Tactical Support Unit, RAC unit,

Special Operations BC, Safety Operations BC,

Safety Coordinator, and command post engine.


Response: 5 engines, 5 ladders, 1 Rescue,

1 Squad, 3 BCs, 1 DC, Special Operations BC,

Safety Coordinator, and Safety Operating BC

10-80 Haz-Mat incident

CODE 1 - Small scale hazard (Level 1 Haz-Mat)

CODE 2 - Large scale hazard (Level 2 or 3 Haz-Mat)

10-84 Announce arrival at box

10-86 Flouroprotein Foam operations

Transmitted for operations requiring foam concentrate in addition to that carried by units on scene. The assignment includes: two foam carriers*; one satellite unit*; foam tender* and two foam coordinators (battalion chiefs). [*the assigned engine company or its designated backup responds with the unit.]

10-87 High-Expansion Foam operations

The assignment includes: two foam carriers*; one satellite unit*; high-expansion foam unit* and two foam coordinators (battalion chiefs). [*the assigned engine company or it's designated backup responds with the unit. The foam tender does not respond on this signal.]

10-91 Emergency with no action taken. Any legitimate request for assistance where the responding FD units are not required to take any action.

10-92 Malicious false alarm

10-99 Units will operate over 30 minutes


FDNY EMS Emergency Medical Service

Citywide/Command 478.0125 85.4

Citywide 2 483.9875 94.8

Bronx North 478.2125 85.4

Bronx South 477.8375 85.4

Manhattan North 483.2375 85.4

Manhattan Central 483.4875 85.4

Manhattan South 483.3625 85.4

Queens West 477.9125 85.4

Queens East 483.6125 85.4

Brooklyn North 478.2625 85.4

Brooklyn Central 477.8625 85.4

Brooklyn South 484.2375 85.4

Staten Island 484.4875 85.4

Tactical 1 (Simplex) 477.8625 85.4

Tactical 2 (Simplex) 487.4875 85.4

KDT/MDT* 854.9625

*(See FDNY MDT info. Same protocol applies)

Unit Numbering Scheme

First and Second Digit: Battalion number

Alpha designations:


• H=BLS HazTac



• Z=ALS HazTac

C for Conditions Supervisor

All C”XX “Units indicate a Supervisor from the xx Battalion on y tour.  This Supervisor, when available, may be utilized for administrative responses including, but not limited to: MVA's, Mechanical assistance, MCI's, ER Visits etc.

Cushman Units are 6 + Div. # + M through Q (ie: 61M, 61O, etc)


61 (Manhattan)

62 (Bronx)

63 (Brooklyn)

64 (Queens)

65 (Richmond & Brooklyn S)

66 (Manhattan N)

6M is the Office of Medical Affairs - MD

791 is the Citywide EMS Captain

Haz Tac Units (Two trained Personnel on Board)

04H - Zone M1 Manhattan South

12Z - Zone M7 Manhattan Central & North

17H - Zone B2 Bronx South

15Z - Zone B4 Bronx North

35Z - Zone K7 Brooklyn North

38H - Zone K3 Brooklyn Central

31H - Zone K6 Brooklyn North

49H - Zone Q6 Queens West

46Z - Zone Q6 Queens West

23H - Zone S3 Staten Island


10-01 Call your station/command by landline

10-02 Return to your station/command

10-03 Call dispatcher by landline

10-04 Acknowledge

10-05 Repeat your last message

10-06 Stand by with your message

10-07 Verify address

10-08 Available by Radio (only Supervision)

10-09 (give location) off the air, landline if needed

10-10 Available by beeper

10-11 On _______ Frequency (Boro or CW)

10-12 Condition/progress report (specify particulars)

10-13 MOS Requires Emergency Assistance

10-14 Verification of unit status (specify)

10-15 Request for current unit location

10-20 Confirmed response at reduced speed

10-62 Out of service (specify location/condition)

10-71 Backlog of Priority One calls (specify area)

10-72 Backlog of Priority Two calls (specify area)

10-85 Need additional unit(s) (specify forthwith/no emerg.)

10-87 Cancel

10-100 Personal/Meal (specify location)


Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI) Signals

10-21 One-alarm fire - Fire 10-75/76/77

10-22 Two-alarm fire

10-23 Three-alarm fire

10-24 Four-alarm fire

10-25 Five-alarm fire

10-26 2nd Alarm high-rise building fire 10-76/77- 2-2

10-27 Medical facility incident

10-28 Correctional Facility Incident

10-29 Report of explosive (specify scare, suspected or device)

10-30 Explosion

10-31 Rapid transit/Rail incident

10-32 Ground transport, surface incident

10-33 Structural collapse (building, scaffold, etc.)

10-34 Construction/demolition incident

10-36 Toxic fumes incident

10-37 Tunnel incident (non-rail)

10-38 Marine/harbor incident

10-40 Aircraft incident/crash

10-41 Bridge/elevated roadway collapse

10-42 Civil disturbance

10-43 Hostage situation/barricaded person(s)

10-44 Power failure/blackout

10-45 Chemical pipeline incident

10-46 Bulk oil storage/liquefied natural gas facility incident

10-47 Nuclear substance spill/incident

10-49 Environmental incident (earthquake, hurricane, etc.)

10-50 Mutual aid response (specify)

10-58 Planned MCI/standby response

10-59 All other incidents-Other

10-60 Major Emergency Response (4 BLS, 2 ALS, 3 Cond’s,1 Haz-Tac Cond’s, 2 Div Capt’s, 1 Deputy Chief, 1 Div Chief, 1 OMA MD, 1 MERV, 1 MRTU, 1 LSU)

10-80 C1 Haz-Mat No Decon

C2 Haz-Mat Decon 14 patients

C3 Haz-Mat Decon 5+ patients

C4 Haz-Mat Mass Decon

10-86 Request for MCI response

Usual MCI:

1 BLS, 1 ALS, 1 Conditions Boss, 1 Deputy Chief, MERV (MV) on standby at this point

Upon Arrival:

• Incident Boss (Known as EMS OPS BOX )

• Command Post

• Staging

• Access Route In

• How many patients or potential?

• Additional Resources?

• Is MERV Needed?

MV1 Bellevue

MV2 Jacobi

MV3 Battalion 58

MV4 Queens General



10-63 Unit responding on assignment

10-81 Unit at hospital (AH)

10-82 Unit leaving scene with patient(s)

[A-ALS Transport, B-BLS Transport, M-Morgue Transport]

10-88 Unit arrived at scene of incident

10-89 Unit available at CSL (Cross Street Location).

10-97 Unit available by radio & within Center of Rove (COR)

10-98 Unit available by radio outside COR area

10-99 Unit available by landline at location (specify)


10-83 Patient pronounced dead (specify removed/not)

10-90 Incident unfounded

10-93 Refused medical aid-release signed (specify by whom)

10-94 Patient referred to other unit (specify)"

10-95 Triaged out at scene, patient not transported

10-95A Patient triaged on scene by FDNY OMA Medical Director

10-96 Patient gone prior to arrival


Adam None

Boy 1 to 5

Charlie 6 to 10

David 11 to 25

Edward 26 to 50

Frank 51 to 75

George 76 to 100

X-ray 101 to 250

Yankee 251 to 500

Zebra 501 or more

EMS Zones as related to

EMS Units/FDNY Battalions



|South (483.3625 Mhz) |South (484.2375 Mhz) |

|M1 - 01 |K1 - 33, 42, 43 |

|M2 - 02, 04, 07 |K2 - 40, 41 |

|Central (483.4875 Mhz) |Central (477.8625 Mhz) |

|M3 - 08, 09 |K3 - 38 |

|M4 - 11 (split) |K4 - 39, 44, 58 |

|M5 - 10, 10R (Pt Auth) |North (478.2625 Mhz) |

|North (483.2375 Mhz) |K5 - 37 (split), 48 (split) |

|M6 - 11 (split) |K6 - 31, 32, 48 (split) |

|M7 - 12 |K7 - 28, 35, 37 (split) |

|M8 - 11 (split), 13 (split) |  |

|M9 - 13 (split), 16 |  |

|  |  |


|South (477.8375 Mhz) |East (483.6125 Mhz) |

|B1 - 14, 26 |Q1 - 47 |

|B2 - 17, 18, 19 |Q2 - 50 (split), 54 |

|North (478.2125 Mhz) |Q5 - 50 (split) |

|B3 - 03, 20 |Q7 - 52, 53 |

|B4 - 15 |West (477.9125 Mhz) |

|B5 – 27 |Q3 - 51 |

| |Q4 - 45 |

| |Q6 - 46, 49 |

| |  |


| |(484.4875 Mhz) |

| |S1 - 21, 22 |

| |S2 - 23 (split) |

| |S3 - 23 (split) |

EMS Zones as related to NYPD Precincts




| |South |

|South |K1 - 60, 61, 62 |

|M1 - 1, 5, 7 |K2 - 66, 68, 70, 72 |

|M2 - 6, 9, 10, 13 | |

| |Central |

|Central |K3 - 67, 71 |

|M3 - MTS, 17, MTN |K4 - 63, 69, 73, 75 |

|M4 - 19, 20, 22 | |

|M5 - 23, 24 |North |

| |K5 - 77, 79 |

|North |K6 - 76, 78, 84, 88 |

|M6 - 25, 26, 28 |K7 - 81, 83, 90, 94 |

|M7 - 32 |  |

|M8 - 30 |  |

|M9 - 33, 34 |QUEENS  |

|  | |

|BRONX |East |

| |Q1 - 100, 101 |

|South |Q2 - 103, 105, 113 |

|B1 - 40, 41, 42 |Q5 - 107 |

|B2 - 44, 46, 48 |Q7 - 109, 111 |

| | |

|North |West |

|B3 - 43,45 |Q3 - 102, 106 |

|B4 - 47, 49 |Q4 - 104, 112 |

|B5 - 50, 52 |Q6 - 108,110,114,115 |

| |  |


| |S1 - 120 |

| |S2 - 122 |

| |S3 - 123 |


|01 NY Downtown  |31 NYH of Queens (T)  |41 Brookdale (T)  |

|02 Bellevue (T,R,S)  |32 Elmhurst (T)  |42 Coney Island  |

|03 Beth Israel  |33 Flushing  |44 SUNY Downstate  |

|04 Beth Israel North  |34 Jamaica (T)  |45 Woodhull  |

|05 Manhattan Eye & Ear  |35 Long Island Jewish  |46 Brooklyn Jewish  |

|07 Harlem (T,B)  |36 Mary Immaculate (T)  |47 Kingsbrook Jewish  |

|08 Memorial Sloan Kettering |37 Peninsula  |48 Kings County (T)  |

|09 North General Hospital |38 Queens General  |49 Long Island College  |

|10 Manhattan VA |39 St. John's Queens  |51 Lutheran  |

|11 Lenox Hill  (S) |40 St. John's Epis. Rkwy.  |53 Maimonides  |

|12 Metropolitan  |66 St. Francis - Mineola |54 Methodist  |

|13 Mount Sinai  |67 Winthrop - Roslyn (T) |55 St. John's Episcopal |

|14 NY Presb. Cornell (T,B)  |71 Mount Sinai of Queens  |58 Wycoff  |

|15 New York Univ.  |74 Franklin General  |90 Brooklyn V.A.  |

|16 Allen Pavilion  |77 North Shore Forest Hills |91 Caledonian  |

|17 Col. Presbyterian  |78 North Shore Manhassett (T) |92 NY Community |

|18 Roosevelt  |79 Parkway  |93 Beth Israel - Kings Highway  |

|19 St. Clare's  |82 Nassau County |94 Victory Memorial  |

|20 St. Luke's (T)  |86 Jackson Heights |95 Brooklyn Hospital |

|21 St. Vincent's (T)  |  | |

|61 New York Eye & Ear |75 All Others Not Listed |STATEN ISLAND  |

|63 Cabrini  |  |59 Staten Island UH-S  |

| |  |60 St. Vincent's (T)  |

|BRONX  |  |62 Staten Island UH-N (T)  |

|22 Einstein Medical College |  |64 Doctor's Hospital |

|23 Bx. Lebanon (Conc.)  |  | |

|24 Bx. Lebanon (Fulton)  |  |  |

|25 Jacobi (T,P)  |  |  |

|27 Lincoln (T)  |  |  |

|28 Our Lady of Mercy  |  |  |

|29 Montefiore (R)  |  |  |

|30 Westchester County |  |  |

|70 North Central Bx.  |  |  |

|83 St. Barnabas  |  |  |

|88 Westchester Sq.  |  |(B)- Burn |

|89 Mt. Vernon  |  |(P)- Snake Bite Poison |

|96 St. Joseph's - Yonkers |  |(R)- Replant |

|97 St. John's - Yonkers |  |(T)- Trauma |

|98 Yonkers General | |(S)-Stroke |

|99 Lawrence Hosp. – Bronxville | | |

hospitals & station numbers


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