“Words” by Dian C

“Words” by Dian C. Regan

Answer the questions in complete sentences. Repeat the Question in the Answer

1. How does the author establish a Conflict on the story’s opening page?

The author establishes a Conflict by . . .

2. What is the figure of speech about Andy’s “sharp response”? What does it mean? (page 65)

The figure of speech is . . . This figure of speech means that . . .

3. What does Mr. Meeker not like about his own father? How does he promise to be different? (p. 66)

Mr. Meeker does not like the fact that . . . He promises to be different in that he will . . .

4. How does Ms. Regan create a Mood of Premonition and Fear with the Detail on page 70 that the garret is “empty”?

The Detail of the garret being empty creates fear and premonition because . . .

5. How does Ms. Regan create a Mood of Premonition and Fear on page 70 with the sentence “There was nothing between him and the concrete drive below”?

Ms. Regan creates a Mood of Premonition with this sentence because . . .

6. How does Andy compare himself to his father? Is he complimenting himself or criticizing himself? (p. 73)

Andy compares himself to his father by saying that . . .

7. In taking the stage, how are both Andy and Melissa afraid? What are they each afraid of? (p. 76)

In taking the stage, Andy is . . . . In taking the stage with her brother, Melissa is afraid . . .

8. Why does a “collective gasp” whoosh out of the crowd? (p. 77)

A collective gasp whooshes from the crowd because . . .

9. Explain the role of “words” in Andy’s life? How did they create trouble for him? How did they help address his problem?

Words play two very different roles in Andy’s life because . . .

Premonition Mood Evidence and Commentary Matching

Match the piece of Evidence with its Commentary

1. Page 74: “He slashed at his cheek . . . betray him.”

2. Page 68: “The mansion was dark”

3. Page 65: “dark hair mussed, face red and splotchy.”

4. Page 70: “her fear of heights . . . her mother falling”

5. Page 68: “Melissa’s heart pounded as she snatched his crumpled tie from the floor”

6. Page 68: “Her heart skittered when she realized the garret was empty.”

1. This image of a dark house creates fear and premonition because a reader wonders if something bad has happened or is going to happen. If Andy had the lights on, then Melissa would be relieved that everything was normal.

2. With this realization, Melissa fears that Andy too will jump or fall to his death just like their mother had in the hiking accident.

3. This is an image of Andy’s hand slapping or clawing at his face. The word “slash” creates a mood of fear/premonition because a reader thinks of someone who wants to harm himself.

4. When a reader learns that Andy’s face is red and splotchy, this causes him or her to think that something is wrong with him. His skin is also patchy and flushed, which means that he might have been crying or very stressed and worried.

My Top 25 Big Five Mood-Creators in “Words” by Dian Regan

With your coworker use your t-charts and copy of story to select Five Examples Each of Imagery, Diction, Details, POV, and Syntax.

This is due on Tuesday January 31st.


Location “Evidence” (first three words) Commentary (WHAT and HOW)







Location “Evidence” (first three words) Commentary (WHAT and How)







Location “Evidence” (first three words) Commentary (WHAT and How)







Location “Evidence” (first three words) Commentary (What and How)







Location “Evidence” (first three words) Commentary (What and How)






Mood in “Words”—Evidence and Commentary

One literary element that Ms. Regan uses to create a mood of fear and premonition in her short story “Words” is Imagery. On page 70, Ms. Regan writes that Melissa became furious when finding her brother Andy in the garret library. Ms. Regan writes, “Anger heated her neck.” For the reader this creates an image of

Literary Analysis Essay: Mood in “Words” by Dian Regan

Prompt: How does Dian Regan use Imagery, Details, Diction, POV, and Syntax to create a Mood of Fear and Premonition in her short story “Words”?

I. Intro

II. Big Five—ONE____________



III. Big Five—TWO____________



IV. Big Five—THREE___________



V. Big Five—FOUR____________



VI. Conclusion


Literary Analysis Essay: Mood in “Words” by Dian Regan

Prompt: How does Dian Regan use Imagery, Details, Diction, POV, and Syntax to create a Mood of Fear and Premonition in her short story “Words”?

I. Intro

_______ general intro sentence/s

_______ author _______ “title” of literary work

_______ three Big Five to be analyzed _______Thesis Statement

II. Big Five—ONE

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

III. Big Five—TWO

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

IV. Big Five—THREE

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

V. Big Five—FOUR

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

VI. Conclusion

Restatement of Thesis with author_______ “title”_______

Big Five___________

Conclusions drawn about the MEANING of the story as it relates to the

Mood of Fear_________

Applications/Lessons for us or for the enterprise of storytelling_______

General Comments—strengths and challenges

Literary Analysis Essay: Mood in “Words” by Dian Regan

Prompt: How does Dian Regan use Imagery, Details, Diction, POV, and Syntax to create a Mood of Fear and Premonition in her short story “Words”?

VI. Intro

_______ general intro sentence/s

_______ author _______ “title” of literary work

_______ FOUR of the Big Five to be analyzed _______Thesis Statement

VII. Big Five—ONE

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

VIII. Big Five—TWO

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

IX. Big Five—THREE

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

X. Big Five—FOUR

Set-Up Sentence__________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

Example: Embedded Quotation__________ location________

Commentary-WHAT__________ Commentary-HOW_________

VI. Conclusion

Restatement of Thesis with author_______ “title”_______

Big Five___________

Conclusions drawn about the MEANING of the story as it relates to the

Mood of Fear_________

Applications/Lessons for us or for the enterprise of storytelling_______


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