Reading Feature Article Examples in Small Groups

College Writing

Homework Activity: (#1) Spend another 20 minutes developing your most promising position paper draft. Hand in journals tomorrow, 3/10.

Reading Change-of-Perspective Position Paper Examples in Small Groups

Position papers: "I am Not a Camera," "Give Thanks for Meat" and "The Blueberry Story"

Directions: Group Activity

1. Break into the groups listed below.

2. Read "I am Not a Camera" silently or ask one group member to read it out loud.

3. Generate a list of reusable article ideas, form ideas and techniques from the article.

4. Choose a scribe to put your list on the board.

5. Change scribes and quote-highlighters and repeat steps 2 - 4 for "Give Thanks for Meat." Note the differences, generate reusable ideas and share on the board.

6. Repeat with " The Blueberry Story."

7. Choose a group spokesperson and share your lists from the board.

|Group ñ |Group é |Group ü |Group î |

|Lazar |Andrew |Gabriella |Rebecca |

|April |Emma |Caroline |Nate |

|Julia |Emily |Lia |Nick |

| | | |Sarah |

Directions: Individual Activity

1. Make a list of five issues that you used to see one way and you now see another way.

2. Begin a change-of-perspective position paper


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