EXERCISE: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB)


Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB)


A design characteristic. For an automobile, a six-cylinder engine is a feature. The engine's horsepower is a feature.

Features are typically physical, measurable. Other examples: tinted glass windows, rich Corinthian leather seats, 35 miles per gallon, 1.2 cubic meters storage space.


What that feature offers (becomes a reason for wanting or justifying the feature).

Feature: smaller engine (six cylinder) = Advantage: better gas mileage

Feature: larger engine with more horsepower = Advantage: passing or towing power

Advantages help explain why a feature might be important to the buyer.


Why this lights up the customer and opens his or her wallet. Emotion is connected to the brain; a problem solved (relief) a dream fulfilled (delight).

Feature: smaller engine (six cylinder) = Advantage: better gas mileage

Benefit: being "green" or being thrifty or practical

Feature: larger engine with more horsepower = Advantage: passing or towing power

Benefit: ZOOM!

Buyers buy benefits, not features. Buyers sometimes rationalize the buying decision by naming features and advantages. An advertising creative director once said, "All buying decisions are emotional." Benefits tap into the emotion, and motivate, put buying into motion.

On the following pages, do the FAB exercise with each of the 4 assessments.

Exercise: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) | 1

? 2016 Team Coaching International. All rights reserved.

Team DiagnosticTM and Coaching Methodology

(Complete the following table with your thoughts)


Online assessment


80 items

3-5 open-ended questions

Assesses the team as a system

Coaching Report

Color graphic illustrations

Strengths-based model

Team effectiveness model

Uses the everyday language of teams

Available in more than 20 languages

Measures Productivity factors

Measures Positivity factors

Ongoing coaching

Used by thousands of teams worldwide

(What other features can you think of?)



Exercise: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) | 2

? 2016 Team Coaching International. All rights reserved.

Team Leader ViewTM

(Complete the following table with your thoughts)


Online assessment


80 items

3-5 open-ended questions

Coaching Report

Color graphic illustrations

Strengths-based model

Team effectiveness model

Accessible language

Available in many languages

Measures Productivity factors

Measures Positivity factors

Executive coaching tool

(What other features can you think of?)



Exercise: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) | 3

? 2016 Team Coaching International. All rights reserved.

Team 360 ViewTM

(Complete the following table with your thoughts)


Online assessment


80 items

3-5 open-ended questions

Stakeholder feedback

Coaching Report

Data by segment

Team defines needs for feedback

Available in many languages

Measures Productivity factors

Measures Positivity factors

Communication plan for sharing results

Executive coaching tool

(What other features can you think of?)



Exercise: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) | 4

? 2016 Team Coaching International. All rights reserved.

Organization ViewTM

(Complete the following table with your thoughts)


Online assessment


80 items

3-5 open-ended questions

Data segmentation

Ability to compare results in multiple ways

Scalable to organization needs

Strengths-based model

Everyday language of teams

Available in many languages

Measures Productivity factors

Measures Positivity factors

Executive coaching tool

(What other features can you think of?)



Exercise: Features, Advantages, Benefits (FAB) | 5

? 2016 Team Coaching International. All rights reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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