Learning objective: Students will be able to write an ...

Learning objective: Students will be able to write a narrative essay using sensory language to describe their creative journey.

Map Your Creative Journey

While at ChiArts, you will be required to evaluate and reevaluate your creative process and product. This writing assignment asks you to pick one prompt and share where you're at in your creative journey.

Goal: Write a narrative essay about your creative journey that incorporates sensory language to illustrate your creative experience and engage the reader.

Role: An awesome freshman Scholar-Artist new to ChiArts.

Audience: Your English teacher who wants to get to know you as a Scholar-Artist.

Situation: Stated above.

Product: An essay or poem that uses at least 5 specific sense details (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) to excite the reader's senses.

Standard: MLA Format: Heading (Name, Date, Class Name, Teacher), Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced

*First Draft Due: Friday, September 12th Bring hard copy (paper) to class.

*Final Draft due Sunday, September 21st Submit by 11:59 PM & upload to .

|Criteria |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Essay Word Count/ |500/ | |350/ | |200/ |

|Poem Line Count |24 | |20 | |16 |

|Sensory Language |The text uses at least 5 | |The text uses at least 3 | |The text merely summarizes |

|Details |specific examples of showing | |examples of showing details | |and does not use details to |

| |details and rich sensory | |and sensory language to convey | |give the reader a sensory |

| |language to convey a realistic | |a vivid picture of the | |experience. |

| |picture of the experiences, | |experiences, events, setting, | | |

| |events, setting, and/or | |and/or characters. | | |

| |characters. | | | | |

|Paper Formatting |No Errors | |2 Errors | |4 Errors |

|(Conventions) | | | | | |


□ Can you format a paper correctly?

□ Can you write with paragraphs?

□ Can you structure a narrative essay?

□ Can you identify where a paragraph should be placed?

□ Can you identify the features of a narrative essay versus an expository essay?

□ Can you write a description using the five senses?

□ Can you describe a specific moment?

□ Can you explain the difference between scene and summary?

□ Can you write a scene?

□ Can you write a summary?

□ Can you explain the step-by-step process of creating your art?

□ Can you show us what a person is like without directly telling us what they’re like?

□ Can you develop questions to help you elaborate on your writing?

□ Can you reflect on your own creativity?

□ Can you teach your art?


➢ Describe a moment when you had a "creative breakdown" and wanted to give up, or a time you experienced a "creative breakthrough" and experienced success as an artist. How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?

➢ Describe a moment when someone encouraged you to continue working on your creative art even though it was difficult. How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?

➢ Describe a moment when you faced a challenge in school or your personal life that required creativity. How has that affected the way you look at yourself and your creativity?


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