AHME - Association for Hospital Medical Education



Feb 4th, 2020


I. Call to Order:

• Dominick Zampino, DO & Mahendra Solanki, DME/DIO

II. Review & Approval of Minutes:

• Dec 3rd, 2019

III. Medical Executive Committee Report/Update: I.A.5.b)

IV. Correspondence/Communication: Distributed and discussed.

• DIO & ACGME Communication:

✓ (01/17/2020) ACGME Notice – Annual Institutional Accreditation I.B.4.a).(1) (Attachment 1)

✓ (01/29/2020) ACGME Notice – Annual IM Program Accreditation I.B.4.a).(1) (Attachment 2)

✓ (01/23/2020) Report Posted – IM - ACGME Milestone Evaluations I.B.5. C (Attachment 3)

✓ (12/16/2019) Posted - CLER Pathways to Excellence 2.0 & its focus (Attachments 4 & 4.1)

✓ (12/19/2019) 2020 ARMC Faculty Development Sessions (Attachments 5)

o Attendance – One Minute Preceptor Session 1 (Attachment 5.1)

o Presentation – One minute Preceptor (PDF) 0 Dr. Sarah Holder (Attachment 5.2)

o Wellness & Ten Facts about Physician suicide (Attachment 5.3)

✓ (12/15/2019) Article of Interest – Increasing GME Diversity & Inclusion - JGME (Attachment 6)

✓ FYI – CMS applications submitted – Residency Slot Redistribution (Attachment 6.1)

✓ GMEC Review/Approval – Vacation & Leave Policy - Draft Updated (Attachment 6.2)

V. Program Update: Volume (# of Patients/Cases), Resident Experience/feedback, Resident performance (Milestones & scholarly activity), Faculty Development, Responses to citations, Safety/Quality integration, Educational innovation I.B.4.a).(2) & I.B.4.a).(3)

• Internal Medicine – Dr. Hocbo /Dr. B. Kelly / Dr. Timms / Dr. Santora

✓ Osteopathic Recognition – FAQ updated (Attachments 7 & 7.1)

✓ Resident Scholarly Activity: Case Report Publication (Attachment 8)

• Surgery – Dr. Talucci

• Psychiatry – Dr. Isaacson / Dr Momodu

• Family Medicine – Dr. Sarah Holder

• Pharmacy – Dr. Reilly

VI. GME Update:

• Clinical Experience and Education Hour Internal Survey III.B.5.

✓ Report - Survey: Nov 3rd – 30th, 2019 / QTR 2 / FY’20 (Attachment 9)

✓ Next survey: Feb 2rd – 29th, 2020

• Preparation for Institutional Accreditation Self Study Site Visit (Attachment 10)

• Resident Contracts & Salary (Attachment 11)

• 2020 NRMP calendar (Attachment 12)

VII. Residents:

• GMEC Representatives II.C.1.

• Resident Council Representatives II.C.2.

VIII. GMEC Responsibility/Oversight – As per the Institutional Requirements: (Schedule / Year 2019-2020)

• Establishing & Implementing GME Policies regarding quality of education:

✓ Behavioral Health: The Sponsoring Institution must provide residents/fellows with access to confidential counseling and behavioral health services. IV.H.1.

✓ Physician Impairment: The SI must have a policy to addresses physician impairment. IV.H.2.

✓ Harassment: The SI must have a policy covering sexual and other forms of harassment that allows residents/fellows access to processes to raise and resolve complaints in a safe and non-punitive environment consistent with applicable laws and regulations. IV.H.3.

✓ Grievances: The Sponsoring Institution must have a policy that outlines the procedures for submitting and processing resident/fellow grievances at the program and institutional level and that minimizes conflicts of interest. IV.D.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

IX. New Business:

X. Adjournment & Next Meeting (April 7th, 2020)

ACGME Requirements in the order as listed in the Agenda

|Requirement Addressed |Requirement Description |

|I.A.5.b) |Governing Body (MEC) |

|I.B.4.a).(1) |Oversight/Review of program accreditation: Review of all ACGME Institutional and program accreditation letters of |

| |notification and monitoring of action plans for correction of citations and areas of non-compliance |

|I.B.4.a).(2) |Quality of the GME learning and working environment within the Sponsoring Institution |

|I.B.4.a).(3) |Quality of educational experiences in each ACGME accredited program |

|I.B.5. C |GMEC Oversight |

|II.C.1 |Any resident/fellow from one of the Sponsoring Institution’s ACGME accredited programs must have the opportunity to raise|

| |a concern to the forum. |

|III.B.5. |Clinical Experience and Education Hour |

|II. C.1 |Resident Forum |

|IV.H.1. |Behavioral Health: Access to confidential counseling and behavioral health services. |

|IV.H.2. |Physician Impairment: The Sponsoring Institution must have a policy. |

|IV.H.3. |Harassment: The Sponsoring Institution must have a policy, not necessarily GME-specific |

|IV.D. |Grievances: Policy for submitting and processing resident/fellow grievances at the program and institutional level. |

|II.C.2. |Residents/fellows must have the option, at least in part, to conduct their forum without the DIO, faculty members, or |

| |other administrators present. |


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